Monday, May 28, 2012

Camille Grammer Suing Her Boyfriend's Ex

When Lisa Chynoweth decided to tape, edit and then release her phone conversation with Camille Grammer to the media, she probably had no idea it would turn into Camille suing her. Lisa is the ex-girlfriend of Camille's current boyfriend. The couple have a son together and Lisa is in a custody battle. Although Lisa did edit out good portions of what Camille said, Camille did throw out a few choice things. I especially love when Camille said, "I have lawyers that are beyond what you can imagine and they will pull stuff on you and you will be so mortified about your life and your family and what you have done." I mean that is a pretty good threat there.

Obviously Lisa did not watch the first season of Real Housewives-Beverly Hills or she would know that Camille is not someone who backs down very easily. Of course, you also have to give some credit to Lisa for getting back at the person who was cheating with her boyfriend. Yep, Camille is a homewrecker which is kind of ironic considering she was the one who was getting homewrecked before.


  1. What is that hair? And his nose? Maybe he didn't know he was cheating because he can't see past his nose.

  2. I hope Lisa counter sues, and wins, with lots of negative publicity for Camille in between.

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    That word home wrecker gets thrown around a lot but how many times is it actually true? My boyfriends's ex calls me a home wrecker even though they were broken up 2 months before we got together but the psycho refused to move out of his house until he finally had legal papers drawn. Because she was still living there (against his will and any legal authority) she went around accusing me of breaking up her 'perfect relationship' to his friends and family who weren't completely aware of the situation even though he'd been staying at a hotel for three months just to get away from her psycho ass. Some exes are crazy and manipulative which is why they are exes, and you can't believe a word they say.

  4. Camille is far too aware of her public persona to hook up with an attached man. I call BS on the baby mama.

  5. I just don't understand why Camille is involved. I mean, why is she talking to his ex? It's his mess to clean up, not hers.

  6. @Topper- Exactly. She just wanted to throw Kelseys $$$$ her weight around.

  7. Camille has learned the trick to staying relevant in the Real Housewives universe. That's all this is, folks

  8. I personally know 5 different women who were cheated on, who then knowingly slept with married men. Am I the only one? At first, I thought the first one I heard about was just awful. After about the 4th different woman I learned about, I decided it is a psychological "thing" that people do to try to get over the original cheat.

  9. This guy seems very cool under pressure. I don't know anything about him, but I'd be surprised if he's never had a deposition before.

  10. They desserve eachother, they are both coo coo crazy! He doesn' t seem worth all that drama at all! Camille likes to have the upperhand with the cheating this time around! Karma darling! She didn' t like it done to her!

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  13. Since a kid was involved even though they weren't married, I still consider it homewrecking. Lisa should have known better though. If the guy didn't want to marry her after giving birth to his child, then most likely he just wasn't that into her, in my opinion.

    ...and yes. What happened to Camille...I'm shocked that she'd do this to another woman after it was done to her. Especially where kids are involved. There aren't any other hotter looking men in Hollywood looking for a sugar mama. Oh please. A dime a dozen and most likely single.
