Friday, May 11, 2012

Hilary Duff Says Her Baby Sleeps Through The Night And Giving Birth Was Easy

Just seven weeks ago Hilary Duff gave birth to her son and she says that he already sleeps through the entire night. She says she does not want to brag, but that he sleeps from 11p to at least 6 in the morning every night and has done so since he was four weeks old. For some reason I thought you were supposed to feed babies, especially those that are just seven weeks old, every two or three hours. Is this just an old wives tale? I can't tell you how often my mom reminds me, especially around Mother's Day how she had to get up every two hours forever to feed me and that I didn't sleep through the night for a long time. I have always had a big appetite.

To make you also feel worse, Hilary said that giving birth was really easy.


  1. I'm sure the nanny who gets up with him would disagree.

  2. My kids have done the same thing. Eat a ton during the day and sleep a long time through the night. As long as the baby is gaining weight it's just fine to let them sleep.

  3. My friend's baby did this too, some babies just sleep well early. Of course he became a terror around 3-4 months getting up every 2 hours again so it doesn't always last!

  4. Birth is what you make it. It's your attitude about the experience that makes it easy or hard. Some kids do sleep for the nite, others raise hell right from the jump. It depends on the parent, how you choose to deal with the kid and how regimented you want to be. Or just hire someone & lie, lie, lie. Every kid and parent are totally different.

  5. Its just the preemies that have to be woken during the night to eat.

  6. My youngest was and still is a really good sleeper. As long as they are gaining weight, let them (and yourself) get some sleep!
    I had 2 c-sections so I can't comment on labor, but my MIL said she had very short, "easy" labor with both of her children. She said both times she didn't have time for meds, and it was no big deal for her. Some women are lucky in that respect I guess.

  7. why not? my mum delivered me in 20 minutes and i "did" my night after 6 weeks

    every delivery is different and every baby is different

  8. Babies aren't capible of Getting enough nourishment during the day to sleep more than 4-5 hours straight (with formula feeding) until they are 11-12 weeks old. So if sleeping from 10pm to 3am is sleeping through the night, then good for her.

  9. A baby will wake up when it's hungry. My last one slept through the night early too, but she was in bed by 7:30.

  10. Yes, giving birth was super easy - with the epidural!! Wonderful stuff. I do have friends who say they gave birth without drugs and it was easy. Good for them, but as far as I'm concerned, epidural all the way!! They do say they suffered during the "sowing up" procedure, whereas I didn't feel a thing. Small caveat, epidurals cause huge bloating for a few days afterwards (still so worth it).

  11. Some women are lucky and have easy births, I don't envy them because I would never wish a hard birth on anyone. I hope that Hilary enjoys her first Mother's Day :D

  12. You obviously haven't watched enough youtube birth videos haha. Labor is different for every person and every baby that person has. My first I had a typical induced hospital birth and hated every second of it. I felt no pain and had ppd. I waited 3 1/2 years before feeling the urge to conceive again. My second I had an all natural birth center birth and was in agonizing pain with a quick 5 hour birth. I loved all of it and was on a high for months. I told everyone how easy it was as my husband laughed and told everyone how angry I got. Just depends on if you had the birth you wanted.

  13. @strawberrygirl- LOL, you are on a roll today

  14. My oldest was like this. She was fed on demand and slept from midnight to 6am from the time she was 2 weeks old. All around easy kid. Then I made the STUPID point of bragging about how easy it all was, just like Hilary was on "Ellen". When my oldest was 16 months old, her little sister was born. My payback for bragging about how easy the first one (besides the pregnancy from hell - extreme morning sickness, sciatica, last 2 months on bedrest, etc.) was 4 months of colic with the second one.

    What I'm saying is... Hilary, better watch out. New Mommy Karma is a BITCH! lol

  15. I'm still not sleeping thru the night..I'm totes jealous of this wonder baby.

  16. @rejected - !!ha!!

    Mine woke up every three hours for three months. After that, happy me got six hours of sleep a night. I was in heaven, 'cuz those first three months were HELL.

  17. 42 minutes after I got to the hospital, I delivered my daughter. That was the easy part. 7 weeks of colic after that? Not so easy. She's 17 now and I'm STILL paying for such a quick labor and delivery. lol

  18. Eh, I believe her. My labor was only 2 hours, and my son slept through the night by 5 weeks old. Once teething started, though...ohhhh what another story.

  19. I had my son without meds and labolr was 4 hours so i was pretty lucky but it still hurted!

  20. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I believe her. I had three kids myself, and only one was a hard labor and delivery. The other two were easy. One took a total of two hours.

    As for the sleeping all night, every one of mine was sleeping from 10 to 6 by four weeks. They were all big healthy babies (over 8 lb. at birth) and able to sleep that long without being fed. Anyone who wakes a baby up to feed it in the middle of the night is batshit. The baby will wake up when it's hungry, you don't need to force feed them.

    Having said that, I'm sure someone will have an exception. All births are different, all babies are different. But I totally believe she could be telling the truth. Especially now that they have epidurals.

  21. Both of my deliveries were nightmares, but my youngest slept through the night pretty often pretty early. About 6 weeks? My oldest had colic and didn't sleep through the night for the first two years!

    Bottle fed babies tend to sleep longer, too.

    And NO - you do not wake them up to feed them. Or to change them. If they really need either, they'll let YOU know.

  22. I was very lucky too. My son slept thru the night very quickly ~ @10pounds. I also had a very easy delivery. Only 2.5 hours. He's been an incredible son too. ♥

  23. Well, I could easily say this after my daughter was born. Yes it was painful and horrible, but nature designs it that you love that baby so much you forget about the trauma of childbirth. my son had a record setting head circumference so no, i could not say that after him. my daughter also slept through the night from the start. never, ever wake a sleeping baby. if they are hungry, they'll wake up. it's one of the instincts they are born with.

  24. I wish. My kiddo had heart surgery at 3 months and was always small. We had to feed him every time he woke up. He didn't sleep though the night until he was 2. At 2 1/2 he still only weighs 24 lbs.

  25. My first baby, 5 hours of labor, no big deal. No pain meds. Mu daughter slept through the night by the time she was 9 days old.

    My second child, my son, the doc broke my water and 15 min. later, my son made his way into the world. Again, no big deal. I checked myself out of the hospital 14 hours later (against my doc wishes) so I could go shopping for my husband's birthday, which we were celebrating in a couple days. My son is now 14 years old and he has never slept through the night, in his life. He also never took naps and never, ever slept for more than 45 mins. at a time.

    The lack of sleep for me, (my husband travels the world for business), has caused me to burn out my enteral clock and for three years straight I have been working very hard to regain somewhat of a sleep pattern for myself. It is pure hell. Either I have what is medically called, Sleep Attacks, where I could literally sleep for an entire 24 hours straight or I can't sleep at all. Also, when I do sleep I sleep in continual R.E.M, which is difficult to control and is not a restful sleep for the entire duration of a 6 to 8 hour sleep session. My dreams are so vivid and real due to REM sleep, my dreams are multidimensional dreams, just like the movie, Inception. When I wake after sleeping for 8 hours, I am exhausted.

    You wouldn't believe the various drugs I have been prescribed to try and get my sleeping under control. Mostly something called, Parachuting, which is when I take amphetamines (my RX is $1800 a month, but health insurance cover most of the cost) to wake up and barbiturates to help me fall asleep. And, at times right after taking the amphetamine, I will still fall asleep!

    I actually sympathize with Michael Jackson. My sleeping disorder is the hardest obstacle I have faced.

    My next option for treatment, and I am seriously considering do it is a drug called, Sodium Oxybate, (Xyrem) or better known as Rohypnol or GHB the date rape drug.

    I go back to my sleep doc today and I will see what my next drug experiment/prescription de jour will be.

    I LOVE my kids, though. And I would go through all of the labor and sleeplessness, again. LOL.

    The End!

  26. Anonymous9:29 AM

    My god, Stuck in Montana, I've been having that same thing! Either I don't sleep at all, or I sleep about 15 hours and still need a nap, and my dreams are wild and colorful. It's been making me crazy, and I thought it was because I retired late last year and am no longer slave to an alarm clock and have let my schedule get out of whack. I had no idea it could be a medical condition. Always yawning.

  27. I had a horrible labor was induced at 3 1/2 weeks after my due date. Did 24 hours of hard labor with the damn Pit drip. My baby was 10 1/2 lbs. and I was being sown up for over 1 1/2 hours. Had 2 miscarriages after so never could have another because of all the tearing. She wanted to eat every hour. At 5 1/2 weeks I went to my mothers house and she and my older sister got an infant feeder and gave her oatmeal (rice cereal) she then sleep for 10 hours. After that she sleep thur the night. She grew into a 5' 9" 140 lb. Went to college on a sports scholarship and grad with honors. Got married and 2 years later had a baby at 7 months with 5 hours of labor. She was tiny just 4 lbs. Now she is 2 1/2 and you know how they are at 2 or 3. She slept thur the night from the start, ate like a horse. She now is in the middle of the charts on weight and height. So it is possible.

  28. "Birth is what you make it. It's your attitude about the experience that makes it easy or hard." have you ever had a baby? cause that there is crazy-talk. your womb does not respond to your attitude. i nearly bleed out giving birth to one of my kids. not exactly what i had "in mind".

    i did have one that slept through the night early on. very easy going baby, and that carried on through chilhood and now as a teenager. the others didn't sleep through until closer to 8 months.

  29. @ Syko
    My advise to you is get your sleep schedule in control, fast.

    Perhaps you could go and see your health care provider and let them know you are experiencing changes to your sleeping routine, and go from there.

    Don't let the sleep issue go for too long or it will take awhile to work your sleep issues out.

    I had to wait until my son was old enough not to be watched all night so he didn't leave the house or blow something and/or the house up in the middle of the night. By the time I could see a sleep specialist, it was too late. My doc has told me he really doesn't know if I can ever get a regular sleeping schedule again.

    But we are working on getting one for me again,

    Good Luck!

  30. My baby started sleeping 10pm to 7 am at about 7 weeks and she took two naps a day. she took a nap until age 4 or so once a day and slept 8 to 7 in her younger years. I'm sure I got up to change the cloth diaper so she wouldn't get cold or be unfortable but even after a bit of handling and hugging she would lay back down.

  31. This is going to sound nuts, but I was euphoric during the delivery. I'm not kidding. Like people have phobias of flying or spiders, I had a phobia of childbirth. I definitely went with epidural and didn't feel anything during the labor. It was the contractions leading up to it that got me. They were so painful and I was 8 cm dilated when I got to the ER. But yes, euphoric I tell you, despite the phobia. It was bananas. Also bananas, my daughter has slept through the night ever since we brought her home. She's made it so easy to love babies and convincing to have another but then I hear all these stories of how the first is always easy it's the second that gets you. :)

  32. Had both my kids natural, with No meds....first one was very easy, no hard labor..slept through most of it.
    second one, two hours of labor, but felt like it was days..
    Every delivery is different. She may have had an easy time. I did.
    Also, my first child, seem to take forever to sleep all night, but my second, slept through the night right away.
    Don't be so hard on her, it's her experience.

  33. @ stuck I will never, ever complain about my insomnia again after reading your story. Hope you get it resolved.

  34. What strawberrygirl said!

  35. Had two easy deliveries with no medication and was up after the second one an hour after he was born, and he had a HUGE head! Both were nursed til age 1 (those mothers on the news that nurse to age 3-4 are nutty) and while they both napped well, at age 15 and 12 they are night owls and hate getting up in the morning. They both are an hour behind in their normal cycle. They better work night shifts!

  36. I was in labor with my first baby on and off for 4 days... would love to slap this Hillary person!

  37. Was induced for both babies and had hard hard labor with both. Over 24 hours hard. Had the epidural at around 6 cent. and w/in an hour pushed 3 times and they were out, no tearing. Weird that the same scenario happened with both. 8 years apart and girl then boy too.
    They both slept from 10-5 at about 8 weeks. At 12 weeks 9-7.

  38. When my son was born, everyone told me to get him to 12 pounds, because once they hit 12 pounds they will sleep through the night. And it's exactly what happened for us. He was 7 weeks old. Her baby was big; I can see it reaching 12 lbs faster than mine did.

    Or the baby nurse is getting the overnight feeding and letting Duff sleep through.

  39. @Jennifer- like others have mentioned, as long as the baby is gaining weight, you can let them sleep as long as they want without having to feed. When they are hungry, they WILL let you know. All babies are different and there is no time table as to when babies can/cannot sleep through the night.

  40. I slept through the night starting at 2 weeks. Usually 8:30pm - 6:00am. So it does happen. And giving birth is different for everyone so if it was easy for her then good for her.

  41. My babies both slept very well starting at about 6 weeks. I consider through the night about 6 hours.

  42. Anonymous12:03 PM

    My mom had c-sections for all three of us kids.

    I don't exactly know how my brothers did at night, but my mom said that I would not fall asleep until my dad came home from work at 2am until I was one year old. After than, she says they had to drive around L.A. in our car for me to fall asleep and once the engine turned off, I would wake up and start crying. haha

  43. She's a lucky mom, all labors are different and I wish mine had been quick and easy.

  44. It's possible that she's being honest and it's possible that I'm envious if that's the case. Had my first child 8 days ago and it was the hardest thing I've ever done. She also won't sleep in her cradle next to our bed-will only sleep at night when being held. Which is making for very exhausted parents!

  45. She may be telling the truth. If so, lucky her. Our first slept through the night at 6 weeks. Our second will turn one in a couple of weeks and is still up 3-4 times a night. Ugh. That 12lb rule didn't work for us - he's a hefty 23lbs and is up at all hours.

  46. @AlwaysTrue: Teenagers brains start to change and with it their sleep habits...They become total night owls.
    @Stuck: I sooo feel for you and Syko. I am lucky that I can sleep and sleep restfully just about anywhere. People will literally die of they cannot sleep.

  47. and my sister in law and women like her everywhere are thinking "STFU".

    Me, I'm thankful my daughter was the more typical baby. 6-8 weeks she started sleeping through the night...I think she sensed I was on the brink of complete and total collapse ;)

  48. My mother always said, "don't wake a sleeping baby", our pediatrician said, "listen to your mother".

  49. I believe a baby that young should be fed every 2-3 hours....maybe the nanny just tells her the baby sleeps all night...

  50. All three of my births were natural, and I noticed a difference in intensity & length with them. I'm thinking that my age might have some bearing on these factors seeing as they were ten years apart. My first took 1.5 hr, second 2.5 hrs. Fast & furious, no breaks between contractions. Neither of those babies slept through the night. My last one, 5 days old today, was a 5 hour labour, at home. Very intense, very painful, and this was my biggest baby at 8lbs 9oz. I'd say she's trying to sleep through the night already, but I daren't let her, lest my poor boobs explode from their sheer volume, so I wake her up when they start throbbing. :-]

  51. My little guy is 6 weeks old and he wakes up every 1.5 to 2 hours during the night but usually naps on and off through the day. He was 3 weeks early and the labour was...not easy, but not terrible. My water broke unexpectedly while we were out for my husbands birthday dinner, and I delivered without epidural (oh I wanted it, I just missed my window to get it) 15 hours later, although I only had to actually push for about 45 minutes. The contractions were killer and I was projectile vomiting the whole time, but my recovery was super easy, I felt great (albeit, sleep-deprived) 2 days later. At 6 weeks my baby weighs in at 9 lbs, and he was 6 pounds at birth. I feel for you ladies who had a 9 pounder to push out. 6 pounds scored me a whole wack of stitches.

  52. My son was the same way after two weeks. I was very fortunate in that department. His birth was a trauma though! LOL...I'm a wimp and 14 hours of labor was as much as my body could take.
    My boy slept through the night, ate like a beast during the day, and was well within the length/weight healthy range. It made up for the birth. LOL!

  53. Well if you are lucky like me, you have one twin who sleeps until about 5 am, but the other is up every two hours and a night owl. These are the times I envy women who just had single births.

    It happens.
