Friday, May 11, 2012

Jennifer Lopez & Carrie Underwood Are Trying Way Too Hard

Whenever I see celebrities really making a point of something I start getting really skeptical. They have never done it before so why are they doing it now. Think about Jada Pinkett Smith and her sex talk. All the time she wanted the world to know that she and Will Smith were having sex everywhere and anywhere. Now it turns out they probably don't even live together. When Jennifer Love Hewitt starts going ring and wedding crazy and gushing then you know her relationship is in trouble and likely to end soon. Over the past two weeks Carrie Underwood can't stop mentioning Mike Fisher. Every interview she somehow brings him into it. But, at the same time she doesn't actually come across as saying anything meaningful. It is like she is talking herself into the relationship. They never see each other. I think that is the only reason that relationship is still kicking. Jennifer Lopez wants us to know that she and Casper are great. On American Idol last night she was all over him. See, look everyone. I think he is great and he loves me and we are together forever. Nahh. Not buying it. Jennifer realizes the kid is a kid but if she dumps him she is going to look stupid so she overcompensates and will probably marry the guy and divorce him six months from now. She would rather take it to the very end then just end it now like a normal person.


  1. Or maybe she truly is in love with him and having fun and isn't afraid to show it ...

    I know JLo gets a bad rep for being a diva, etc etc. But since she's been on AI I've really come to like her. She seems genuine and sweet. And yes, I'm okay being in the 1% :)

  2. Cause she is known for her great judgement. Really not surprised

  3. @KaeSea...Im in that 1% with you. I love her on AI (along with Steven Tyler). I think she is very sweet and kind to the contestants. She's beautiful, and I think she's just enjoying herself with this guy. Maybe she's just dating and having a good time! And did I mention? She's stunningly, in my opinion. And I want her hair.

  4. I agree that jlo is having fun and maybe she really does love this guy. Whats wrong with that? Not to mention the double standard we have on women dating a younger man!

  5. Speaking for the 99% ~ She makes me SICK....☻

  6. Why would she look stupid if she dumps him? Is she supposed to marry him becasue she's a woman? Now THAT would be stupid. JLo is a powerful, beautiful woman, who I imagine intimidates the hell out of most men. I would never deny her her boytoy.

  7. Anonymous8:21 AM

    JLo's hair is fake. She wears wigs and clip in pieces all of the time. Her real hair is thin and medium length.

  8. Just don't know what she sees in him. She could have anyone she wants, she's gorgeous.

  9. Geez, she was a fool for marrying Skeletor and now she's a fool for dating Caspar. No way for her to win. I don't particularly care for J-Lo, but I don't think anyone but her should have a say in who she dates.

  10. Enty is one of those psychological attorneys

  11. I would like J Lo to remember her show is a family show (not that I watch it) and to stop climbing all over her ugly boyfriend.

  12. insecure bitches, both. and the world keeps spinning...

  13. Remember when Marc Anthony performed on Idol and Jenny danced seductively all around him in a weird hair dress? And then a few months later they announced their divorce? Sounds like Jenny's doing it all over again. Enty's bang on with this one.

  14. Skip to about 2:30 to see the see Jenny all "sexy" and Marc roll his eyes at her. Brilliant.

  15. Anonymous8:52 AM

    JLo brings the cretin boyfriend to work with her? Ugh.

    I can't stand either one of these women. Especially Carrie.

  16. @Chopchop: I had never noticed the eye roll from Marc and JLo's performance. Hahaha. That's funny :)

  17. She was controlled by Marc and I think her thought process was that she'd find a hunky bit of not-too-bright man candy she could control and flaunt, but being J-Lo (with her horrible taste in men) she chose Casper, who's not even attractive. What an uber-dork. She'd have been better off with that sleazy dude William Whatever from Dancing with the Stars.

  18. "would like J Lo to remember her show is a family show (not that I watch it) and to stop climbing all over her ugly boyfriend." yeah. my 5th grader was remembering jlo's last shimmy-down.

    her outfit was gross. she and christina need to be told to put a skirt on. i'm thinking that they feel like clothes make them look "fat", so they don't wear many. i was embarassed by he whole thing. and lip syncing fora pre-recorded song?? on a voice-talent show??

  19. Bwaaahahahahahaha!!!! @chopchop that video just made my day. Right at the 2:42 mark, the eyeroll is PRICELESS.

    -- Proud to be part of the 99% --

  20. that's because J Lo is MV!! She has to be - I've never seen her sing live.

  21. Whatever the deal is with JLo she is freaking STUNNING looking.

  22. Sorry, but if I looked like that in my 40s, had twins, and was finally rid of my controlling and cheating zombie husband....i'd flaunt my hotness and my boy toy all over the place. Get it gurl!!

  23. She has a pretty heavy track record of marriages/relationships. Wish she'd get to that place in life where she could have her fun but not feel she has to be married --just enjoy it and have her own life and business.

  24. Carrie Underwood is freaking ridiculous, I just read an interview with her and she was saying how her husband is such a huge mega A-list star in Canada. Total bullshit. I live in Canada and this dude is not even close to that status except maybe with hockey fanatics. (And no, most of us are not fanatics!) Maybe she's trying to convince herself he is famous enough to be with her or something, I dunno, but it was just silly.

  25. Casper looks like he could have a mean streak.

  26. @ChopChop..That was absolutely hilarious! Almost looked like he was having a petit mal

  27. If I was a guy, I would never take JBlow seriously! She is an emotional slut as well as a physical one. She tells EVERY guy he is the ONE, dances all over him, marries him, then cheats on him OR gets cheated on by him, then divorces him. Rinse and repeat for JBlow.

    My prediction is marriage to this guy by the end of the year.

  28. J.Lo turns it on when she's on camera. Once she's backstage on AI, she turns back into the diva megabitch. She knows how to work it when she needs to.

  29. @Mooshki
    I TOTALLY can see that with her.
