Saturday, May 26, 2012

Jenny McCarthy Finally Confirms She Is Dating Brian Urlacher

I think it must have been over a month ago that people started talking about Jenny McCarthy dating Brian Urlacher. Wasn't it pretty much common knowledge by now? It isn't like she was hiding it. Well, you would think that we just landed on the moon with the reaction from tabloids like US Weekly who used a bunch of !!!! to describe the news. Really? Oh, and by the way that is my one really for the month. I'm a little tired of the word. Actually a lot tired. It doesn't sound as bad when it is written, but on ESPN the other morning, and Seth, feel free to tell Colin this for me, I couldn't listen to him anymore. It was not what he was saying, but he said the word really 6 times in 42 seconds. It was too much and I realized it has become the new version of "not," and we need to find a new word. Seriously is kind of the new really but it is also almost the same word so, I don't know if we can use that as a replacement.

Anyway, this was supposed to be about how I can't believe how excited one tabloid got just because a celebrity is dating another celebrity for a month. Whoo hoo.


  1. The word "canoodling" can also see it's way out. I hate that damn word.

  2. It's about time someone confessed to dating Brian Urlacher! Now, who is Brian Urlacher?

  3. and if teenagers can stop saying "like" every two minutes (ahem Miley) that would make the world a smarter place.

    Jenny hasn't had any luck with relationships since Jim Carrey they only seem to last a few months. She is smart to keep her mouth shut.

  4. I have a lovely county friend who starts every story or comment with "how about" as in

    "How about my brother called me this morning to tell me that the fire truck drove past his place and on the back were a bunch of highschoolers with a keg and some firework"


    "How about my cousin is opening up his own roadside stand selling boiled peanuts and pickled tomatoes"


    "How about the school called me this morning to ask me to stop bringing my kid to school with his snake boots and camo on, cause it isn't even hunting season yet"

  5. Lol!! ^^^ same question.

  6. I've never heard that "how about" business. It doesn't make sense, maybe you have to hear it aloud (?)

  7. Ugh my 11 year old starts every sentence with "ummm". It drives me nuts!! I have started charging her a quarter every time she says it.

  8. My mom told me when I go to interviews not to start a sentence with "well". Haha.

  9. I used to say "axe" instead of "ask" drove my mother crazy, so everytime i said "i axed him" she would always reply, "did you cut his head off"

    It got me to stop saying axe and start saying ask properly. To this day i can't stand people saying it wrong.

  10. @ BigMama - love it! Country folks are about my favorite folks!

  11. On the flip side, my favorite word is fucktard. But that shouldn't be news to some of you.

    Seriously is as bad as really. I'm trying to quit "Are you serious right now?" myself. It's hard.

  12. My 7 year old has started saying "Guess What?" before every sentence. Drives me crazy!

    O/T Is that Beardo ad the most stupid thing you've ever seen up there? LOL
    Who would wear that?

  13. How about? "You know?" No I don't "know," which is why I'm having a semi conversation with you. I also hate the overused phrase, "at the end of the day." I hope "at the end of the day" you can come up with a better phrase!

  14. I hate Urlacher.

    I tend to use "hey" a lot at the end of sentences. Chopchop will know what I'm talking about.

    Here is an example - it is really nice out, hey?

  15. RenoBlondee - kids do that to make sure they have your attention before they start to ramble on with the ideas in their heads. She will grow out of it.

    As for Jenny - I am starting to think she is like the character she played on 2 1/2 Men. She might be paid for services or atleast so high maintenance that it ends up that way.

  16. "It's all good." (It ISN'T all good!)
    "Have a good one!" (A good what?)
    "Know what I'm saying?" Usually pronounced, "Nome sane?" (I'm standing here listening to you, aren't I?)

  17. Fucktard is an awesome word, but I like to keep its value by using in only the most dire situations. Nutsack is an excellent substitute. My husband and I amused ourselves immensely on a long drive by trying to come up with the plural group terms for nutsacks and fucktards (I think we settled on a horde of nutsacks and an orgy of fucktards, but please feel free to add your own).

  18. I used to say "you know" as a child Henriette:) That lasted all of 2 minutes one day when I was telling my mom a story. She finally looked at me and said "no I don't know, that's the reason I'm listening to this. So that I will know. Don't insult the intelligence of the person you have already invested time with in order to even tell them about something silly that happened to you at school."
    I dropped that pretty quick.

    Now if only I can get my bf to stop ending his stories by calling me 'dude' I may feel like I'm paying it forward, vocabulary wise.

  19. @FS - I like horde of nutsacks. An orgy of fucktards is a really disturbing thought. My first reaction was "Damn I'm hoping that there's oodles of free condoms at the door of that orgy." We don't need no procreating in that crowd.

  20. "and I was like, Get Out" LOL i have stopped tho. And Enty, i just love your stream of consciousness drinking already??

  21. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I hate this woman and add Mayim Bialik to the mix and their pediatrician who shouldn't even have a license for perpetuating the idea that vaccines cause autism and you shouldn't vaccinate your kids and instead rely on herd protection b/c scientistists (mayim's favorite way to introduce herself) apparently work on the assumption that correlation equals causation. Oh wait, that's just celebrity idiots who write books on things they know nothing about. /end rant

  22. @ABlake: Yeah, that unisex use of "dude" for either male or female listeners is annoying...
    "Well, I go...then she goes...then I go...then she goes..." instead of "Well, I said...then she said" is another one.

  23. @Robert - for some reason my 20 year old English major child persists in that particular one. I am amazed she is able to get such high grades. I blame it on her working for a bunch of dope smoking hippies when she is out of school. *just kidding*

  24. @Robert
    They do that for "guys" too when speaking to females. I hear my female students say that to each other all the time. I guess it's better than "gals."

    Grammar is lost on English Majors now! I'm lucky if I can get a decent sentence or thesis out of one anymore.

    I actually had to take a mandatory English grammar class with fellow English profs! I was so humiliated, but my colleagues thought it was great.

  25. For anyone who really doesn't know, Brian Urlacher is a linebacker with the Chicago Bears. Jenny is originally from the Chicago area.

  26. In Florida we met a friend of a friend that was very country. He had fascinating stories, but he turned many words inside out.....
    "Everwhat I said that 'ol man would say it was a lie", or "I was leadfootin' it down to Miami everwhen I could". It was a hoot to hear his version of things.

  27. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I have a problem with overusing the word "seriously." I need to work on that. Also, in Texas, we have a habit of saying, "I tell you what." It's an acknowledgment of a common reaction to something. For instancce, if I was someplace with a friend and we saw someone dressed really inappropriately, I would say "I tell you what" to my friend, and she would understand that I was referring to Slutty McSlutterson. Nothing more is said about it after that.

    Also, I cosign with Diana on the "Mayim/Jenny are idiots" rant.

  28. Thank you Henriette! I cannot stand hearing "at the end of the day". The first few times I heard that phrase I was already annoyed.

    If I'm around someone for any length of time that uses the word "like", I start doing it too! Why oh why? It's similar to being in another country and picking up an accent.
