Saturday, May 26, 2012

John Edwards Flirts With Juror

Ahh, it is a Saturday morning and there is not much to discuss other than Beyonce in concert last night and I really don't want to talk about that or her five costume changes or the two hours she was on stage. Wait, I guess I was talking about it. Sorry. Moving on. ABC News was at the John Edwards trial and they are reporting that he was flirting with an alternate female juror. How? By making eye contact with her. Apparently it is really obvious and even his attorneys have been telling him to stop. Have you watched that Nightline interview with John Edwards where he denies his baby is his. So, how does he explain that to his child later in life? How do you deny your child when you know the child is yours?


  1. He's a very sad excuse for a real man. What a horndog.

  2. How is he suppose to explain that to his child?

    I think the question should be how his daughter is supposed to explain to people that John Edwards and Slut, err I mean, Rielle Hunter are her parents!

    I feel for all his kids.

  3. like all good sociopath liars he will make her believe he was doing it to protect her against the media and was always going to take care of her blah blah blah

    I think that little girls is screwed with Riley for a mother and Edwards as the father. If that kid was lucky Edward's oldest daughter would take custody of her.

  4. What kind of a fruit loop flirts with this psycho asswipe during his trial? Is she one of those let me get married to a criminal type?

    I feel so sorry for that child. He won't explain anything to her. He just spins his lies and looks for the next woman to put under his crazytown spell.

  5. ^it doesn't say the juror flirted back. If she did... then fruit loop indeed.

  6. @nola, the entire alternate juror pool is causing quite a stir:

    Washington Post: "Something exceedingly strange is happening at the John Edwards trial: all four alternate jurors dressed in red shirts Friday. They each wore bright yellow the day before. Coincidence? Few here think so."

    "The demeanor of the alternate jurors and their behavior has become the talk of the courthouse. The alternates enter the courtroom each day giggling among themselves. One of the alternates, an attractive young woman, has been spotted smiling at Edwards and flipping her hair in what seems to some to be a flirtatious manner. On Friday, she wore a revealing red top with a single strap and an exposed right shoulder."

  7. I read she does flirt back. She smiles at him and wears low cut shirts. What a girl!

  8. I thought once a jury started deliberating that the alternate jurors were dismissed. Either way, these women are a disgrace to their gender. I haven't done that "dressing alike" thing since the 4th grade.

  9. Yuck! My father denied me, and I lived. The kid has a rough road with Moonut Rielle any way.

  10. in our 2 articles defending him. just because he had a kid who died.

    apparently, the thought process is, your kid dies, you have a free pass to do whatever you want forever. including hurting the woman who had that child with you, and lying about fathering a child.

    seriously. I think this is the tip of the iceberg with edwards and he's into some nasty dealings that we, the public, is not made aware of.

  11. woops, its haha i should know my own local newspaper page ;)

  12. Well, it is suppose to be a jury of your peers.

  13. lmao amazon.. you have my vote for Comment Of The Day :)

  14. Explaining it to his child? John Edwards is the human equivalent of the Honey Badger, he don't give ****. It's all about him, honey.

  15. Lol amazon. Apparently SHE is flirting with him, which the judge shld put a lid on. There are women who get involved with serial killers, so it takes all kinds.
    He is amoral through and through. A disgrace.

  16. @Henriette - your father may have denied you, but now you totally belong to us on CDAN.

  17. I had to give a friend a ride to court a couple of months ago here in Texas (nothing serious). Anyway, sitting in the court room with him I quickly noticed the dress code. The baliff sent at least 3 people outside and ordered them to remove their baseball caps. He also told a guy wearing baggy jean shorts that he couldn't be there in his outfit. So he opted to put on prison issue orange pants instead of going home to change.

    I guess that's why I don't get the whole 'one strap shirt' and 'low cut' stuff. Jurors (alternates or not) I would imagine have to follow the same code. Also the matching shirts is weird. Sounds like they are trying to send a message and I would think (hope) a judge wouldn't put up with that.

    Then again, I think all professional politicians are full of ick.

  18. They all wore the same colored shirts? What is this? The Runaway Jury?

  19. Also, I love the picture used for this story. It looks like he is going, "I think this with this head." No, no you don't.

  20. Thank you BrendaLove, that's sweet.
    The kid is better off without either of these parents.

  21. I think John Edwards is one of the biggest as*holes of all time. THat said, this alternate juror is problematic. I heard on NPR yesterday that the judge met without reporters for most of the day, with the attorneys and the jury, to "discuss juror issues." And, in all fairness to John Edwards, one of the biggest as*holes of all time, I've read in several reports that the juror in question is flirting with HIM and that he is avoiding eye contact with her, etc. I'm sure that if this were occuring anywhere but in the courtroom, he would be happy to flirt right back, but even John Edwards isn't THAT stupid. And apparently this alternate juror is cray cray.

  22. He is such a pig. Why don't they release this alternate juror & send her home?

  23. I can't believe the alternate jurors are acting so immaturely about staying through deliberations. I've been a juror. Our alternates were kept on hand just in case someone dropped out. It's easier to restart the deliberations process than redo the whole trial.

  24. John Edwards is a world-class asshole but he is also an attractive man. Strange dynamics can and do develop during a trial between a defendant and jurors. As a very successful trial attorney John Edwards worked the women on his juries--does anybody think he wouldn't use his charm when he's fighting for his freedom? As for his child, hopefully the love and acceptance of her siblings can counteract the psycho mom and horndog dad. Probably not.

  25. Dang he's got stumpy little fingers...

  26. He just can't help himself....he's such a lowlife shit.

  27. Anonymous8:56 PM

    I do agree with Jana that Edwards is a world-class asshole, but I disagree with the attractive bit. He's got a thin upper lip, beady eyes, and lots of sun damage. He doesn't do it for me. Plus, if someone is ugly on the inside it colors how I see them on the outside. If I know someone is an asshole, I have a hard time finding them attractive.

  28. He is a rotten AZZHOLE
