Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Jessica Simpson Finally Gives Birth

It felt like the longest celebrity pregnancy in history, but Jessica Simpson finally gave birth to Maxwell Drew Johnson, a 9 pound 13 oz girl. I really had money on over 10 pounds, especially with her being this late. So, Jessica drops 50 pounds in a month? Two months? When does that contract to lose weight kick in?


  1. Enty why so snarky?

    A baby was born today, no need for the pissy snark... that comes tomorrow.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well Congrats to her. Hate the name though.

  4. Let's see Beyonce do that. Team Jessica.

  5. Wow, thought she would never have her baby lol.

  6. Wow, thats a big baby...good for her. It totally seems like a boys name to me though, but I like it better than Bronx Mowgli.

  7. Why does everyone insist Jessica was late? As far as I remember, she said she was due the end of April. Plus, if she made that Halloween announcement at the end of her first trimester (12 weeks along), she would have hit 40 weeks this week. That would mean she went full-term.

  8. It is one thing to give your daughter a boy's first name, but at least have the decency to give her a girly middle name. It seems like that name will be headache for that kid.

  9. I would guess that the baby was late simply based on its size but maybe not...my two that were late were over 9 lbs.

    I am juust impressed that she went full term and didnt induce or csection based on her schedule, which is what usy seems to happen in hollywood.

  10. I'm glad they're both healthy. I'm really surprised the baby was only 9 pounds.

  11. THANK GOD!!!

    Man that is a larger baby. I say good for her to carry it to term, lots of celebrities have a c-section at 8 months.

    Now we can look forward to Jessica TMI'ing us with waaaayyyy too many details about childbirth.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Awe...a little girl....ick..the name..What are thinking?? I really dislike when people name stupid names...I'd even take Apple over naming a little girl Maxwell...Sooo now, is she going to have a nick name Maxi? Not good for a girl.

  14. I like her name...but that is one big baby girl..

  15. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Bless her heart, now she can stop looking like a walking house, and enjoy her sweet baby girl. That is one huge baby, nearly 10 pounds! I am not fond of the name either, but it's better than Peaches or Scout or Monroe. Glad everything went okay for her, and the little one arrived safely.

  16. The contract probably kicks in immediately. Doesn't she have one with Weight Watchers? Anyway at least her pregnancy wasn't fake.

  17. maxwell drew - wasn't drew Nick's brothers name? Or isn't?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I like the name a LOT better than Bronx, Moroccan or Blue Ivy. I also think thats the biggest baby ever born to a celebrity. I have her beat by almost a pound but, she has most celebrity babies beat by at least 3 pounds and a month gestation.

  20. I would have taken Maxine as a name but Maxwell Drew is so boyish, the kid is going to struggle at school.

    People assume a lot by a person's name, I thought my client was a guy because her name was a boy's name.

  21. I think Katies pregnancy was longer, 9 months plus the extra 2...

  22. The weight loss deal was announced Dec 12 , 2011 3M - to begin after the baby is born.


  23. Yep, canada.

    Congrats to her! That's a big baby, and she obviously didn't go for the early celeb c-section special.

    I do not care for this Enty, whether it's a different state of mind or a different person.

  24. Congratulations...

    Now, on to add Maxwell for a girl to my "stupid celebrity baby names" list...

    I actually like Apple, but I knew a Sarah Apple who would be in her 30's now and it just fit her. She had red hair and just a really sunny, happy personality.

  25. Maxine Drew would have been very pretty. I thought she was having a boy, just because of the name she had picked. I'm surprised since Jessica seems pretty girly.

  26. Congrats. The name isn't my cup of tea, but I doubt she'll ever have to work, apply for a job, etc.

    Lauren Bush Lauren anyone?

  27. She was due on April 30th. I wouldn't be surprised if she and her doctor agreed to induce or do a C-section on Monday simply because she was so large and it had to be getting uncomfortable. I hope her weight loss is real, and healthy. I tried WW earlier this year, and I know that they only recommend 1 - 2 pounds a week for everyone, especially nursing mothers. (WW did not work for me, I'm ending my membership next week).

  28. I thought they were having a girl. What's with that name??

  29. Last night, I had a dream that Jessica Simpson had a talk show & I was a producer. Elvis was going to be on the show (obviously he'd never died) & was thin again, had black hair & lots of very good plastic surgery.

    I went up to JS before the show & said, "You are so young, you probably don't even remember "Fat Elvis". He looks amazing! So when are you having that baby?".

    Then we were talking about that annoying sound someone's cell phone was making... and I woke up to my alarm.


  30. Well, I have heard worse names but I would have preferred a feminine middle name to balance things out. Maxwell Johnson? I hope whoever above wrote Maxi isn't correct!

  31. That *is* a very boyish name. Happy for her and and her family!

  32. Oof damn! My son was only six pounds..they thought he was gonna be BIG but I was careful w diet and had every complication so he was early and a c_ section. My niece had a ten+ pounder 3 Weeks later. Holy crap was he a big boy. I.can't.imagine..that. Yeah, "real" pregnancies do last 40 Weeks . *side eye* to bey

  33. there is absolutely nothing wrong with Maxwell Drew for a girl.

    MUCH better than Brayden, Caden,Jadens of the world and their played out,unoriginal names.

    Honestly if all you're worrried about is her being called Maxi-pad, i suggest you turn on cartoons and continue snapping bra straps.

  34. Congratulations to her. I wonder if she bothered to shut down an entire hospital floor and cover the security cameras. Probably not. There is something about her that seems very genuine. I actually like the name. I think it will grow on her.

  35. while it does come off as a boy's name - both first and middle - I agree wholeheartedly that it is better than the outrageous Inspektor Pilots and Morocco and other completely imbecile names. Maxi Johnson...I can see it. Regardless of the name, its good to hear mother and daughter are healthy and happy, congratulations to them.

  36. @FS - What didn't you like about Weight Watchers?

    I like the name Max for a girl or boy and the same with Drew. That is one big baby! Jessica will probably lose tons of weight in the next few days just from finishing her pregnancy and losing water weight.

  37. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I don't mind the name, but I have never heard of a girl named Maxwell. I assume they'll call her Max, which is cute. Poor Jessica must be so glad it's over! Congrats to her!

  38. I like the name! JS does carry weight well, so it's no big deal if it takes a long time to lose it...if at all. She's beautiful, regardless of her IQ.

  39. Forty weeks is a long time. That's why it seemed so long.

    I'm happy for her. I'm VERY surprised by the name. For as girly as she is, I was expecting a name more in the Shayla category than Maxwell.

  40. I think Maxwell Drew is lovely name, it's original without being ridiculous.

  41. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I'm sure she's very relieved. If she was carrying so much amnio then she probably lost the bulk of the weight just through childbirth.

  42. (teacher reading class roster) "Let's see...Maxwell Simpson...is he here? No?...alright, absent then."

  43. I'm not crazy about the name, but I heard that Maxwell is Eric's (is that his name?) middle name and Drew is Tina Simpson's maiden name. So it makes a bit more sense to me.

    1. Ok...cuz I was thinking it was odd given that her ex bro in law is named drew.

  44. Congrats to Jessica and the baby tho!

  45. I like the name too, I think it's cool!

  46. @Grow Farmington I thought you mistyped at first, but then I looked it up...seriously? what are these rich people thinking?

  47. Ms Cool, there are a lot of things I didn't like about WW Online, but that's boring and I'm not going to go into it. I didn't lose any weight, beyond the first 3 or 4 pounds, so I'm not going to keep giving them my money. I'll figure it out on my own. :)

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      @FS Try The Insulin Resistance Diet book. All my friends are having great success.

  48. Congrats to the new family! Now I'm truly jealous, cause mine seems firmly intent on spending the next 18 years in there...

  49. Xcentric- "Lauren" is the married name of Lauren Bush, hence Lauren Bush Lauren. She married Ralph Lauren's nephew? Or some relative anyway.

  50. Congrats to Jess and her guy. I doubt there will be too many people that won't know that Max is Jessica's daughter. She'll do fine.

    I went to school with a girl named Michael, she got signed up for boys gym class every year, she said it was a great way to meet all the guys, and they never forgot her name.

    1. My aunt is named Michael. But everyone in my family seems to be. I think its a lovely name for a girl actually.

  51. Well congrads to her! I couldn't stand her for years, but she's grown on me. She may be stupid but she's also sweet and genuine. I especially like the way she's handled her VERY NORMAL pregnancy as opposed to every other celeb out there.

    However I'm not looking forward to hearing all about Maxwell's poop. Cause mothers obsess about that (I know I found mine a fascinating topic of conversation!) and we all know Jessica isn't shy about stuff that entails bodily emissions!

  52. I do think it's a bit weird that Drew is her ex-brother-in-law's name, but I guess if it's also a family name that explains it somewhat. Still, if it were me, I would have avoided any apparent links to my ex in my kids name.

  53. All good wishes, but fir sweet christ's sake, that name is awful. Why do celebs insist on these assine names? If U want a fancy name, fine, but dont impose that on u r kid, they hv to live with it

  54. My mom gave me the best advice: when you go to name your kids, give them one that would allow them to be taken seriously as an accountant. You don't have to be boring to be trendy... and I know there are unisex names, but Maxwell?

    Anyway, I'm so happy she had the baby. She seems like she was genuinely thrilled to be pregnant and become a mother.

  55. @FS - not boring to me. I was thinking about joining. Thanks, though!

  56. Ms Cool, I have to head out for an appointment. Check this thread later tonight and I'll post some info for you. :)

  57. I'll bet she is sooooo happy to get that ginormous young'un out. Bet she'll be a wonderful mom. She's so sweet I can't see her screaming at the kids to take out the trash.

  58. It's about damn time she gave birth, I hope she and the baby are doing well and I bet she will make a great mom.

  59. Beyonce of going to post a picture of Blue Ivy in 5...4....3....2

  60. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Lauren Bush married Ralph Lauren's son David last summer in Colorado. I don't know if Ralph ever legally changed their name to Lauren from Lifshitz, but she goes by Lauren Bush Lauren.

  61. At least Maxwell is a real name, albeit a manly one. I have a cousin named Max who gets called Maxi Pad by his friends, but he takes it in stride, he thinks it's funny.
    I normally don't care for newborn pictures because they all look like Rob Reiner, but I wanna see this one.

  62. I've known two women named Michael, too. I think it's really cute!

    And Jess said they're going to call her Maxi, which IS kind of girly and cute, so whatever. I seriously doubt she cares what any of us think about it anyway! ;-)

  63. I wonder how much her contractual obligation to Weight Watchers will motivate her? My guess is she will say the cases of beer consumption and eating mozzarella sticks are because she is nursing.


  64. Hallelujah and congratulations! I actually really like the baby's name.

  65. Michael is a lovely name for a girl!

    @Sher - you'd be amazed what they'll make you do, eventually :) On several occasions I've felt that I TURNED INTO MY MOTHER.

  66. @Kraymond19 love your dream...you're lucky you have such good recall!
    Like a few of you I love the name Maxwell. It's classic and not made up or trendy. To me the made up and trendy are the worst.
    I gained 50 pounds with my first and lost it all in 6 weeks. This was without trying, just breast feeding. it was mostly water I was told) and Jessica looks like someone who is carrying a lot water rather than fat. I am really happy for her and I hope she ignores all the snarks and enjoys her baby girl.

  67. Mazel Tov! And .. again .. here is hoping that male gold digger doesn't screw her over royally, as I fear he will.

  68. i'm pro- boys names for girls. congratulations to JS :)

  69. ok. i'm sorry, but it is ridiculous that the middle name drew bothers some of you because it's her ex-husband's brothers name. i would understand the concern if the baby was maxwell nick johnson, but drew?

    where do we draw the line? a friend of her ex husband's accountant? really?

  70. I am very happy for her. I wish her much luck with the weight loss. I personally have given up.

  71. I don't think Maxwell or Drew are trendy. I've also heard of Michael as a girl's name and I think it's pretty so I should be more open to Maxwell.

    I'm not worried about maxi-pad, as it would be the same with Maxine if she wanted something more feminine. It's not my kid, besides anyone who went to grade school knows that kids will make fun of ANY name.

    Isn't Elizabeth Berkley married to Ralph Lauren's nephew?

  72. @Rose - yes. He's a painter.

  73. Congrats to jess and baby daddy (dont know his name) now people can stop asking when she will have the baby!

  74. @FS I had the same experience with WW last summer. Lost about 5 pounds over 13 weeks. I learned my body doesn't just care how many points I eat, it also cares what I eat (I'd stay within my points & not lose any weight some weeks).

    On topic...Wow, that is a big baby! And while the name is surprisingly boyish, it certainly isn't the worst celeb baby name.

  75. Miss X, yes there are definitely a few flaws in the WW system, in my opinion. But, whatever, it works for a lot of people so more power to them.

    I'm not going to make a bold statement and say that no one should ever try WW. That simply is not true, but its true that not everyone is the same and not every diet works for every person. WW Online did not work for me. I do not have a smart phone, so I was just using the website and I hear I was missing out on some tools, but I don't know.

    So, Ms Cool, and anyone else who cares... if you are thinking of joining weight watchers I would make one suggestion to you. Get yourself a small notebook, small enough to carry around, but big enough that you can write in it comfortably. A 4 x 6 or 5 x 8 size, or thereabouts. For two weeks, write down every single thing you put in your mouth, including liquids. You don't have to write down calories or anything else, but you do have to write down measurements for the food, to the best of your ability. So, you have to write '8 ounces of water' not a glass of water, or 12 ounces of black coffee, or 1 8 ounce steak or whatever. If you go to a chain restaurant, just write down whatever you had without measuring. If you go to a local restaurant, yes, you have to try to estimate the serving size of everything you eat.

    If you can do this for 2 weeks, then you might be much more successful at WW than I was. I was not good at measuring the food I cooked and entering it into my points and whatnot. I guess there were other things that I wasn't doing, but I don't know since there is so little guidance for the online memberships.

    There are other issues that I had with WW, but again, those could just be me and I won't say that they are reasons to disqualify anyone else. Just try to do the food tracking and measuring for two weeks, maybe read the WW Facebook page and all the user comments and questions, and make sure you get a really good deal to sign up (check your insurance company, they might have a coupon code). It works for a lot of people, and I can see why, but it did not work for me. I think I have other issues to deal with that WW just does not address (metabolism slow down due to injuries and other stuff).

    I also tried the Jorge Cruz Belly Fat Cure and I was done with that one halfway through the second meal. I cannot tolerate stevia and other substitutes that he recommends, and I will not stop eating fruit for any diet.

    Hope this helps. :)

    1. FS, I went to Weight Watchers as a late teen, to the meetings. I put on weight even though I followed the diet to the letter. Never went back.

  76. Hi feraltart. :)

    From what I understand, they have changed the diet a bit in the past few years, making most fruit and vegetables 0 points and encouraging more physical activity.

    My biggest issue with them is that the sugar content of food is not part of their calculations, they only calculate fat, carbs, protein, and fiber. Sugar content, even natural sugar, can be a factor in weight gain for some people. Also, it's added to sooooooo many products, like bread and marinara sauce, that it is definitely something that should be discussed and looked out for. I also think that WW should be more careful with its recommendations about grains. Whole grains are not good for everyone, and even for the people they are good for, they are so refined in the US that they may not be beneficial.

    Anyway, I've done so much reading about food and different diets in the last year, my head spins just thinking about it. In one day you can read that meat is bad, or good; milk, yogurt, and cheese are bad, or good; whole grains are bad, or good; fruit is bad, or good; eggs are bad, or good; and so on. Almost makes me want to move to a commune and grow my own food. Then I remember that I'm lazy and enjoy all of life's modern conveniences. :)

  77. That's only one ounce over what I weighed at birth, and my mom was skinny while pregnant. I think we're so used to celebs who have scheduled c-sections that the natural term seems long. Every pregnant woman I've known in real life, it always seems like the baby should be out about 2-3 weeks before it finally happens. Those last few weeks seem to be utter hell.

  78. Ugh, at least she didn't name her Breeze Beretta. WTF is in the Wasilla water?

  79. Happy for her! Really don't pay much attention to what she does, but the criticism she gets irritates me for some reason.

    And, uh, from the south, using last names as first and second names is pretty normal. 'Maxwell Drew' -- What's wrong w/Drew Barrymore? As far as Maxwell, that can morph into any number of nicknames.

    And i'm saying this as somebody w/aunts named Howard Gordon Ttttttt, and Gordon Howard Ttttttt to distinguish them. Holly and Gala Ttttttt grew up w/o any major problems. Yeah, right, but they weren't related to their names.

  80. Congrats to Jessica and her BF on the baby.

    @FS, and others: WW online did work for me, but I've followed the Dutch programme, don't know if there's a difference (maybe in the available foods?). Quite a lot of fruit and veg, some meat, potatoes and pasta, not a lot of sugar, not a lot of light/sugarfree/readymade products (aspartame makes me hungry, so does sugar). I did get to eat a small piece of chocolate every day :). I liked the flexibility. What seems to help is if you start from a higher calorie diet to ww, posts online seemed to indicate that it does not work as well for people who've been crash dieting or not eating enough to start with. Also, the extra points need to be used occasionally, that also helps for a lot of people, especially if they're exercising more than usual. Maybe this helps :)

  81. At least it sounds like a real pregnancy! I remember I was already pregnant when Beyonce annunced her pregnancy (and most people do it after the first trimester is over) and Blue Ivy was born way before my son...
    Plus, Jessica's tummy never folded...

  82. @FS (and everyone else) - Thanks for the insight. I've followed the points plan on my own - handed down from my mom and lost some weight but then stopped following it for an unknown reason. I was wondering if the online tools are helpful. I've joined SparkPeople - it is free and I haven't been any better at the journaling. That does seem to be a real key about being successful, though.

  83. FINALLY!

    Congrats to her and I like the name just fine. Leaps and bounds better than most celebrity baby names.
