Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Was On Drugs While On SNL

Apparently Michael Lohan has been cut off from Lindsay Lohan again so needs to make some coin. He probably doesn't care what Lindsay thinks today because he is pretty sure that because of all the drugs she takes that she will not remember anything tomorrow. Michael took some time off from stalking Kate major and gave an interview to VIP Celebrity Lounge. They obviously have no idea that Michael Lohan is not a VIP and not a celebrity. However, I'm sure he has spent lots and lots of times in lounges. He said in the interview that Lindsay was not on illegal drugs or boozed up but she was on prescription meds she doesn't need which make her numb and slow and also must make her look puffy because she definitely had the puffy going on during the show. I mean even Puffy said, "OK, for tonight, Lindsay can be Puffy. Damn she's puffy."


  1. Obviously his motive was to get attention for himself, but that's better than being an enabler, right? Lesser of two evils.

  2. And in other latebreaking and absolutely shocking news, Blohan's hair isn't really PostIt Yellow.

  3. I second the shock part!

  4. Come on, Enty! Get to to the Ziyi Zhang story!

  5. Well duh. Who really expected her to be clean?

  6. Are we supposed act surprised?

  7. No. No way. Call me shocked as well. Lindsay on drugs? Say it isn't so!

  8. Oh my. I am so shocked. She is such a good girl. Lindsay Lohan would never do anything under the influence of drugs.

  9. The title of this post should be "Tell Us Something We Don't Know"

    1. Exactly what i was going to say!!! Tell us something I dont know!!!! Boy this whole family gets together, and its Dysfunctionpalooza!!!!!!!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. There are anti-depressants that will do that to you.

  12. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being child molestors and genocide carry-outers, Michael is an 8. He's just such an awful human being. I'd almost love to watch him hustle for a day, it would be so humiliating and pathetic but somehow not uncomfortable to watch.

  13. I also heard that the sky is blue and grass is green.

  14. She was on prescription drugs - that she doesn't need - thank you Dr. Michael. Next time I have an ache or pain, I'm going to Dr, Michael - he's so smart!

  15. I was scrolling down the page really fast and this picture flew by me and I thought, "I don't remember Enty posting a picture of Bret Michaels."

  16. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Captain Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
    Croupier: Your winnings, sir.
    Captain Renault: Oh, thank you very much.

  17. didn't he make this statement last week? enty, get on things!

  18. Remember when everyone on SNL was on drugs?

  19. Yeah, when did that stop hairydaeg?!? Lol

    What happened to his job at a fast food burger joint? For once, I was looking forward to some Lohan

  20. Is his mother deceased? It'd be nice if LiLo had a nonna from Lawn Guyland who'd smack some sense into his head.

  21. Oh, are the Rx drugs supposed to explain her terrible performance?


  22. really, these days you need drugs just to watch SNL.
