Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Zhang Ziyi Barred From Leaving China - Accused Of Being Prostitute

Golden Globe nominated actress Zhang Ziyi is being accused by the Chinese government of being paid for sex by various politicians and businessmen in China. Apparently Zhang has made nearly $100M from having sex with various men which is way more than she has ever made in her career as an actress. The most she was ever paid was a little over $1M for one night of sex. One man paid her a total of $25M for having sex with him over a ten year period. Zhang has denied the accusations but the government is not letting her leave the country and Zhang is basically under house arrest while she films a movie in Soouthern China. (Thanks Sue)


  1. She probably refused to sleep with the President or one of his friends.

  2. She made 100 million selling her puzzy! Either her rates r high or she is an overachiever!

  3. These men could have just given her money because they wanted to, I can't understand how they think she can make 100m as prostitute, seriously is inflation that bad in china?

  4. *cough cough* Did that really say 100 MILLION? She must be really talented under them thar sheets.

  5. She must be willing to do things that most women think are gross.

  6. I think she's one of the most beautiful women alive. I'd pay just to stand next to her and breathe the same air.

  7. Emeyekay - how much? Cause if these allegations are true you would only need to commit some kind of crime in China, and bribe someone to put you in the cell next to her...

  8. I loved her in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

  9. This is the Chinese government claiming this, which we all know is a bastion of truth. So I'm not believing this yet.

  10. this is outragious!
    if the goverment wants to do anything againt prostitution they should follow the 'swedish model', go after the johns and clients, NOT the prostitutes.
    outing somebody as a prostitute publicly is disgraceful.

  11. Is that Chines or American Money...?

  12. Pen-a-lope, I hated that movie! I thought it was completely overrated.

  13. I heard LiLo is headed to China.

  14. It seems weird to accuse someone of being a prostitute and then make them hang out with you for punishment.

  15. Couple of years ago she dated some Israeli billionair, and they were caught on a bitch with him burrying his head in her ass, and she was topless. That was a scandal but I these accusations are new.

  16. @Vicki, I watched it late one night and loved it. I enjoy martial art movies so I am biased. I still watch a lot of old Bruce Lee movies whenever they come on. :)

  17. @Vicki, I agree with your comment she probably refused sex with someone in a place of authority. She has made someone angry.

  18. Completely OT, but please tell me your name is a tribute to Club Dread, Pen-a-lope.

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  20. Discoflux- I hope so too, I fricking love that movie

  21. Meeeeee too, rejectedcarebear! I got to meet the Broken Lizard guys a couple of years ago and they are simply some of the nicest people in the world. And Steve Lemme is SO cute in person!

  22. haha that doesn't surprise me..he is the cutest out of all of them! I love all their movies (even the salmon one..) but club dread may be my favorite. i get a ton of shit for liking that movie more than super troopers or beer fest, but its super hilarious.

  23. I wish I could say my blog name is a ode to Club Dread. It's a play off my real name Penelope. With all the comments I have had asking about Club Dread I have decided to find the movie and watch it. :)

  24. I agree withyou guys- she's refused someone of power and now the smear begins. If she allegedly made that much: wow.

    I bet Tara Reid, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan are pissed.

  25. I liked Slammin Salmon, too. And I will give you no shit for preferring Club Dread. It's MUCH better than Beerfest but it's tied with Super Troopers for me.

    Pen-a-lope, I hope you find it and enjoy it!

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  27. That's a lot of cheddar just to crouch your tiger inside her hidden dragon. I hope she has a nice house, shit.

  28. This has bigger implications than just wealthy men. They are accusing her to have been involved with Bo Xilai, the ousted official from Chongqing. They say she was paid 2 million USD for this affair.

    I am not sure if this just a witch hunt taking out "enemies of the people (state)" If true, I would suggest she was pressured into this arrangement. As someone who has lived in China, I can tell you freedom of action and will is more rhetoric than practice.

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  30. She is beyond beautiful. I agree this might be a set up.

  31. I love martial arts movies but I also hated Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The wire work took away from the extreme talents of the actors. I'll take low budget martial art films any day.

    That said, if I thought I could get that kind of money ....

  32. I've read that Chinese actresses' managers and agents treat them badly and the women have no recourse; it's possible she was pimped out (and beaten if she didn't comply or had her family threatened, or both) and never saw a dime of this money.

  33. I've heard that China has human "rights" issues. But. I like most of the products that are made/assembled/pirated from China. So..... And I do like the food too Mmmmm....

  34. LALA!!!! That was what came into my mind as soon as I read her name! I, obviously remember those pics quite well too.

    Well, at least she must be living well, even if under house arrest if she has 100mil.

  35. She is so beautiful.

    That's a LOT of money to make as a prostitute. Shit, I'd do it too if it could make me 100 million.

  36. Pen-a-lope said...
    @Vicki, I watched it late one night and loved it. I enjoy martial art movies so I am biased. I still watch a lot of old Bruce Lee movies whenever they come on. :)

    Might have been my problem, lol. I haaaaaate those flying-around martial arts movies. Bruce Lee was cool.

  37. Is this the answer to the BV about the A list Chinese actress (A list in China only) who was forced into prostitution by her agents and managers that would prevent her from ever leaving China?

    1. That is exactly what I was thinking too...glad you brought it up crila16!

  38. Em, just don't breathe the air in Bejing--that stuff is toxic, heavily polluted. My better half traveled twice to China on business, and in all the photos he took, the background is grey, grey, grey. Even around the part of the Great Wall that he toured.
    Loved the movie.

  39. now SHE should write a book.

  40. So hold up: she's a prostitute for real, or just China is saying she is?

  41. Weezy- You are correct. HK film industry is notoriously f'd up, even more so that over here. Actresses have no power. There's still triads and wealthy businessmen that control the whole industry over there. A quick google search will find you real-life incidents of kidnappings and threats.

  42. I have to laugh at the prostitution allegations. Isn't the line sometimes pretty damn thin and vague between "prostitution" and, um, "dating"?? Even between prostitution and marriage in some cases. Give me a break.

  43. @Vicki, Bruce Lee made some awesome movies. They weren't fantasy based which Hidden Dragon was. We all know you really can't fly around like that. I will say at 1am after a few drinks it can be quite entertaining though. LoL

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  46. Guess she learned a lot from Memoirs of a Geisha.
    I bet some government officials wanted freebies. It's not like prostitution is that frowned upon in their culture, seriously.

  47. I think the mere fact that she's still in China is a sign that she didn't do it. I think if she really had all of these millions she would have bribed enough police officials to get herself off the hook. That is, if she hadn't already fled the country long before. Yeah, I know, family is family, and country is country. But a couple million dollars is a couple million dollars.

  48. @Momster, thanks for the tip! I'll be sure to breathe only when she's safely in the US :)

    and @Linnea I'd pay a lot, but not go-to-jail-alot. She's just so pretty! Her face... I hope she comes out of this okay. Also hope she's as nice of a person on the inside as she looks like on the outside. (Kind of doubt that though.)

  49. Some time ago, on another site, I read an article about an Asian actress who was being blackmailed with sex tapes - activities she did not want to participate in, but was forced to, in order to keep her in check. She was told if she ever attempted to leave her country or made any noise, the tapes would be released and irreparably damage her.

    I'd bet this is her.....

  50. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I don't think the $100 million is true. But it's been an open secret since her Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon days that she sleeps around with businessmen and rich men. If you read the Chinese newspaper there would be paparazzi photos and stories of her leaving her hotel after spending days with her married businessman lovers. The rivalry between her and Gong Li is rumored to be bc they slept with the same director and he replaced Gong Li with Zhang Ziyi as his muse. According to my Chinese friends she has a horrible reputation in China because she is known for sleeping with rich men. Honestly though, it is common practice in East Asia for actresses to get "sponsors" or rich men who provide funds for their lavish lifestyle. The Asian entertainment industry is very backwards in its treatment of females. I think the story has truth in its origins, but $100 million is ridiculous.

  51. What's the conversion rate between Hong Kong dollars and USD? $100 million might be accurate if she got paid in the yuan.

  52. What's the conversion rate between Hong Kong dollars and USD? $100 million might be accurate if she got paid in the yuan.

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  56. MK, I took a Chinese cinema class in college (I was the only non-Chinese major there), and Zhang Yimou is the director you're talking about. If anyone reading this cares, you should really check out "Red Sorghum", (the debut of Gong Li), or "The Road Home" with Zhang Ziyi, or "Happy Times" or ANY of his films. Especially if you're comfortable with a movie that doesn't quite spell everything out for you all the time, but instead pulls you into the experience the characters have. It's incredible how much you can learn about a culture through its cinema. Zhang uses a lot of folklore as basis for his work too.

    Zhang Yimou is kind of a big deal, I mean, he's real quality cinema.

  57. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon can best be classified as a medieval Chinese martial arts fantasy; much of the film is over the top, but scenes like the one with Zhang Ziyi and Chow Yun Fat in the trees dueling on the branches is why I've seen it numerous times. And the women in that movie kicked ass--literally!

  58. The problem isn't that she was a prostitute, the problem was that she wasn't sharing her money.

  59. Yeah, I'd heard she had slept with officials who covered for her and kept her from having to pay taxes, but I'm not sure how that would work.

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  61. Either she or Gong Li would be worth a million bucks, imo. Famous and spectacularly beautiful.

  62. Lindsay Lohan would try to do it, but she would be in Italy and do it for lira. One hundred million lira equals three dollars (American).

    I know that this is not correct. It is meant to be a Lohan joke.

  63. @libby: Have you ever seen "Raise the Red Lantern", also directed by Zhang Yimou and starring Gong Li? Their best movie and she is stunningly gorgeous in it.

  64. Unless there is new information, Zhang Ziyi is a girl who makes money sleeping with rich, powerful guys and Bo Xilai is a rich, powerful guy.

    Rumours like these are just the latest round of the gossip mill (a favourite Chinese pastime).

    If she was in real trouble, she would not take to the Chinese Twitter to say she is going to sue. She d be out of reach for anyone.

    It s definitely bad rep for, which is why she s better staying low in China shooting her movie and that s also the best way for the Chinese govt than making any kind of move.

    (see her photos on the beach
