Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Katie Couric meets the Queen.
In other royalty news, Chelsea Clinton hung out with Beatrice.
The Goopster has been looking really good lately. I don't know if she is eating or what, but she looks good.
Kristen Stewart on the way to France and
hanging out with Kirsten Dunst in France.
AnnaLynne McCord wins the brightest outfit of the day.
I decided that I don't think I would recognize Minka Kelly if I saw her on the street.
Sofia Vergara in her bikini and
the almost 40 year old Brandi Glanville in hers.
Zac Efron heads to France.


  1. Brandi Glanville's legs = YUCK! Is she trying to out-anorexia LeAnne or something?

  2. My god, is the theme of this post supposed to be Ugly, or is it a coincidence?

  3. Ha, @seaward!

    Enty - Brandy and Sofia are both 39. Maybe I'm missing what you're trying to say...

  4. Gotta give KStew props - she started tying her shirts up in those little 1984 knots, and by God, she's sticking with it!

  5. Damn, that purse just totally killed every hope of ever hooking with Zac Efron. I guess I finally need to realize that I am not his type.

  6. Uh-oh, Kiki better be careful or Twihard gayelles will be lining up behind Blohan.

  7. Yeah, The Goopster is where the glam begins and ends in this photo set. She really is bringing it lately.

    I'm surprised Enty didn't include the photo of K-Stew giving a photographer the finger yet AGAIN in Cannes.

    @JSierra, that's just to make very sure none of his condoms gets loose again ;)

  8. I actually dig Kristen's look in the picture with Drunkst.

    As for Sofia Vergara, now I am DEFINITELY not skipping yoga classes this weekend.

  9. "Kirsten Dunst in France"..... Nah, can't be.

  10. Fuck I hate Minka Kelly. She's just so damn effortlessly pretty.

    Kristen Stewart's pants would be interesting with a different top maybe? More adventurous shoes? Charlize's mile-long legs and a tight top would probably look fantastic.

  11. As for Brandi Glanville, whom I can't stand, why is she posing like that? Ridiculous.

  12. Holy shit, Katie Couric looks about 25 there! I saw her on tv last night and thought the same thing. Has she had some really, REALLY good work done?? She's pushing 60.

    And Sofia Vergara is just perfection. My absolute girl crush. She has no fat bulges anywhere but isn't too skinny at all--how is this possible? Plus I loves her mucho as an actress, very funny.

  13. Oh, but Brandi Glanville is the anti-Sofia...a scrany, unappealing stick with bolt-ons. Even tho her fake boobs aren't that big, they still look fakey.

  14. Genetics man, genetics. Unbelievable.

  15. Sophia and Minka were the only good looking pictures here, would it kill Kstew to smile?
    Brandi looks fake and she is way to thin.

  16. Well, I like the Queen's hat !

  17. Sofia has looked good since her Fuera de Serie days. Mmmmm.

  18. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Beatrice always looks like someone pinched her butt right when they snapped the photo. Poor thing is very unfortunate looking. She's apparently as dim and freeloading as her parents, too.

    And once again, I cannot tell the diff between Chace Crawford and Zac Efron. Seriously. They are completely interchangeable to me.

  19. @seaward...hahahaha! I wondered that when I saw the Beatrice/Chelsea photo.

  20. @anita_mark, check out all the ridiculous Brandi poses in the Daily Mail. She looks like a total imbecile!!

  21. Sophia has the body to aspire to!

    Re: Brandi- I wish these grown ass women would stop thinking scrawny, botox and bolt ons was something to covet. It's NOT!

  22. Brandi looks 100 times better than LeAnn. I don't think she looks anorexica or ugly at all. Her legs are just stick skinny. Now Sophia...I think she looks gorgeous and sexy. I can't believe she's almost 40...phenominal.

  23. Fishsticks looks lovely.
    Kristen looks very young in that pap picture.
    Yep, Sophia is DA BOMB body wise.

  24. thank goodness Beatrice wasn't wearing a hat this time. Love her granny's outfit, tho.

  25. Beatrice us a bit homely, poor thing, and has enough teeth for two people. Glanville looks like what she is: skanky alkie ho. Goopster looks like the same skank she always does, with flat face and smirk.

  26. More Diane and Joshua, yes! At least Brad is signing autographs, I bet lots of other stars don't bother.

  27. K.Dunst likes that milmaid hair, doesn't she?

    JSierra, I honestly think he's just a metrosexual.

    I don't mind Brandi's bolt-ons, because it's so refreshing to see them in the smaller size. Seems to be the new trend, what with Tamra getting hers taken out and all. Let's hope it continues. Also, seems like some celebs have started to eat again (Gwyneth, LeAnn). Let's hope that continues as well.

  28. Texshan, thanks, I'm glad it's not just me. There's one other guy to add to those two, but I can't remember the name now.

  29. Califblondy...Ian somerhaulder!!!

  30. I find Brandi more full of life and far more palatable to look at than the anorexic and totally reconstructed face of Leanne who seems to spend most time making sure Eddie’s peen doesnt’ accidentally fall into any woman’s vadge.

    1. What makes u think brandi hasnt altered her face?? She just a skanky ho, but really, I dont give a rats ass about brandi, eddie or leann.

  31. Anonymous2:47 PM

    No, I can totally tell Ian apart from these little twigs -- he is HOTT!! It may be Ed Westwick, like Tracy suggested.

  32. I'm wondering if it's Beatrice's makeup that's the problem. I saw a clip of a Philip Treacy (hat designer) interview in his studio when she dropped in, in leggings and no makeup, and she was very pretty. She make need a new makeup person to do her face for public appearances.

    1. Shes got the bug eyes, nothing u can do about that. And of course the royal horse face. Poor kid, all that and batshit mother. Its amazing she does as well as she does!! Love ya honey!

  33. I feel I can dislike both Brandi and Leanne. Remember, we don't need to choose between the two. I find them both immature and ridiculous.

  34. BINGO! It's Ed.

    Thanks. Now I can sleep tonight.

  35. That's a lovely color Her Majesty's wearing today--very spring-like, and it suits her nicely. I may not be a Brit, but I'd still curtsy if I ever met her...after all, she's the QUEEN, damn it! (Besides, I bet she's a hell of a lot of fun when she kicks back and lets her hair down; I remember hearing stories of one of the grandchildren buying her the Big Mouth Billy Bass a few years back for Christmas, and she thought it was hysterical, and started singing along with it!)

  36. Ian is hot, hot,hot, but Chase Crawford and Zac Efron always remind me of him around the eyes. Very blue, long dark eyelashes, and thick dark brows.

  37. I think Sophia AND Brandi r hot and I wish Brandi always had to wear a bikini

  38. I the only one wondering if Zac is, perhaps, going to Cannes to find a yacht sugarperson?

  39. I don't like Goop, but she is pretty. But, the flat-ironed hair is dreadful and dead-looking. Even when curled = matty bedraggled. I just wish to god she'd run her hand through it and push it to the side for once. Go casual like she used to. So much prettier. Sophia is gorgeous. Brandi looks like a Vietnamese boy with dyed hair and tennis ball breasts - not that there's anything unattractive about being Asian! It's just unnatural for her eyes to squint upward so much - too much nippin' tuckin' botoxin' dietin' and suckin' in..

  40. Chelsea has never looked so good. She actually looks Gorgeous. She should ALWAYS be photographed standing next to Princess Beatrice.

  41. Zac is finally starting to look like a grown up.

  42. Is Beatrice on something? She looks a little...intense there.

  43. Is that a bad angle or does Minka have calves that go to her ankles?

  44. Sophia and GOOP r hurtin bitches, they look good! Zac is such cougar bait! I better never meet that boy!

  45. @Del, eek, I hadn't noticed. I now feel better about myself. Shallow, yes, but I don't care.

  46. What Aunt Liddy said.

  47. It just occured to me that I'll bet Zac and Chase get asked that question all the time too...And compete with each other for parts.

    Sophia, if I could look like anyone, it would be her.

  48. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Syl, Beatrice always has that deer-in-the-headlights look, unfortunately. She looks almost like an anime character. All she needs now are huge, gigantic bewbs and legs three feet too long for her torso to complete the look.

    I love the UK. I minored in English history in college. If I could live in any city in the world outside the US, it would be London. But there is no way in hell I would curtsy to the queen. I'm not her subject. I'm an American citizen. My country fought a war so that I wouldn't owe the British crown anything, not even a curtsy. I would be respectful to her and as pleasant as humanly possible, but my knees wouldn't be bending even the tiniest bit.

  49. @Texshan +1. cosign.
    I wouldnt curtsy either
    to the queen of england, to the queen of spain or anyone.
    we're all equals.

    I would enjoy a chat though. and she's the hell of a dresser. love her ensembles :)

    1. I, too, courtesy to no one. No need.
