Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Random Photos Part Two - Cannes

Brad Pitt, Ray Liotta hang out in Cannes for their new movie.
Apparently Brad has lots of fans.
Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson.
Irina Shayk
Michelle Rodriguez
Jeremy Irons
Diddily Piddily
Alec Baldwin & Hilaria Thomas
Chace Crawford


  1. I'm glad Brad washed his hair for Cannes this year.

    Laugh when I see photos of Michelle Rodriguez wearing gowns.

    Jeremy Irons is... so good.

  2. That's a whole lotta scraggle up in that first picture.

    Yay for more Joshua and Diane!

    *sigh* I will always and forever love Jeremy Irons.

    And Hilaria looks FABULOUS in that dress!

  3. I hate myself for being attracted to Chace Crawford.

    Please Enty, keep up the Josh & Diane pictures! So adorable, even if her dress does have feathers.

  4. Diddily Piddily. I laughed waaaay too hard at that.

  5. I'm sorry but Irena always looks to me like she has a mustache. =(

  6. I doubt Alec and Hilaria will get married. Or maybe I'm just HOPING she wakes up!

  7. Michelle Rodriguez looks butch in every gown I see her in.
    Jeremy Irons looks great.

    Brad Pitt will forever be sexy in my book.

  8. Michelle rodz looks nice. Beautiful gown, cleans up nicely.

  9. I'd gladly be Jeremy Irons' boat whore.

  10. Diddily Piddily - hahaha

  11. I'm kidding - not a slut shamer. Really!

  12. Ditto re Jeremy Irons!

  13. Michelle looks pretty, but uncomfortable wearing that. I am a jeans and t girl and i, too, look like a little girl playing in her mom's closet wearing any sort of dress.

  14. Bwahahahahah Diddily Piddily. Wonder if he'll see that.

    Wow Ray Liotta. Long time. Always loved those big blues of his.

  15. Ok, If Alec did it by natural means I am extremely happy for him but the doubter in me says he had a little help from science in the weight loss struggle.

  16. Josh and the Kruger girl - what have they done lately? Is Fringe still on the air?

  17. Jeremy Irons is a racist twat, UGH, I had the displeasure of meeting him once and his distaste of me and several other fellow people of color was evident to all.

  18. Michelle looks so uncomfortable.
    Alec and Hilaria (that name!) look gorgeous.

  19. Alec looks good thin. Whatever else she's brought to his life, getting him to lose the bloat was a great thing.

  20. I really like Hilaria Thomas' dress.

    On that Brangelina fake-engagement theory: maybe they're holding off announcing a wedding date because rumors are that Jennifer Aniston is in the early stages of pregnant and plans to steal their thunder by announcing just as they're getting hitched.

  21. I really can't stand that idiot Piddy Diddy. He is so nasty looking. Why would women want to bed him.

    1. Word!!! That mouth hanging open is deal killer for me.

  22. I'm sad that others find "Diddily Piddily" funny.

    @Seaward, I agree. I generally don't like men who are prettier than me but he's just so pretty.

    Hilaria looks gorgeous. As does Irina.

    In that first photo, it's like only Ray Liotta decided to get a haircut.

  23. Damn, look at Chace looking sessy.

  24. Sorry, but Ray Liotta is starting to look like that creepy guy with the burnt marshmallow face that Gary Oldman played in "Hannibal."

    Piddily Diddily is pretty funny. Sounds like something Ned Flanders would say.

  25. No matter what Michele Rodruigz does, she looks like a man.

  26. Re: Diddly Piddly...that rubbing his chin thing is sooo contrived. I'll bet he practices that in the mirror.

  27. Ok, I've decided - Brad and Angie are out - I'm so over photos of them. Diane K and Joshua J should be the new "it" couple. I would so decree it if I was Queen of the World.

    And what everybody else said about Michelle R.

  28. I think Chace looks like Gerard Butler's younger, less worn brother

  29. Chace looks SO beautiful here. Timeless. Like he could be riding up on a horse at a plantation or he could be offering you wine aboard a yacht. Uhhh, that went into a bit of detail- hahaha. Just ignore my fantasy building.

    Who the hell is Irina Shayk and why does girlfriend think her shit dont stink. That pose is giving me Jolie fevah btw. (not a compliment)

  30. Looks like Brad is doing just fine without bones...

  31. Looks like Brad is doing just fine without bones...

  32. Still will always love me some brad!
    Omg piddle just gooo away already!!! Never been a fan of him and his 372627 name ego issue why is he even there? Grasping on straws to stay relavent?!
    I like Diane's dress even with the feathers at least it's not over kill, and also will love me some pacey :)

  33. Joshua & Diane are my favorite celebrity couple, just gorgeous.

    Diddy should always wear his sunglasses.... He looks creepy around the eyes.

  34. Why is Michelle Rodriguez even there?? Does she do anything notable anymore?

  35. @Montana thanks for the info! I dont care how dirty brad gets i can clean him up then get him dirty again for his bitch Angie cause i know she likes him that way! Poor diddy everyone picks on u but your rich so who cares!

  36. @Marriot..Sorry to hear that about JI. I can only hope it's his snobby British temperament but you would know for sure.
    hell YEAH Michelle "I like the sausage" Rodriguez looks manly.
    Hilaria is just flawless..I find her enormously gorg and she's rubbing off on Alec too.
    I too still find Brad zexy. I just do.

  37. Ray Liotta will never be the same since all of his surgery..

  38. @Montana- Really??? That's too bad.

    P Dirt needs to go away and hide under a rock.

  39. I think Michelle is gorgeous. I don't like that dress, though.

  40. second the chace crush :)
    he's so cute :)
