Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Blind Item #1

This controversial singer was thisclose to A list two years ago because of a couple of big hits and talked about awards show appearance. Now? Being controversial used to be cute, but now it turns people off. She is also not a fun person to work for or be with or hang out with and if you do, you do so at your own peril. Two people who worked under her attempted suicide. She dumped her baby (who she never sees) daddy via twitter so she could date someone else.

She accused a former employee of leaking tracks. He didn't and someone was discovered later to have done it. Prior to the discovery of the other person though, the singer blacklisted the man, told everyone to stay away from him and that she would not work with anyone who worked with him. She also had him followed everyday to see if he was responsible. She had him harassed to the point where he got hooked on drugs and has never been the same since. She never apologized when they discovered the real person who had leaked the tracks.


  1. Gaga doesn't have a baby.

    Whatshername, sister of Jessica?

  2. Geez, Enty- should we just start with "A" and work our way through the alphabet? Geez, I stink at this.

  3. Ooh, I like the MIA guess. And it fits.

  4. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang!

    She be totally evol!

  5. Not Gaga. She IS alist. I wanna know who this is though.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @crila16 Ciara doesn't have a baby.

    I like the MIA guess.

  8. No...i was mixing up my BV's. I didn't read it when I saw the first line, assumed it was the same one.

  9. Definitely MIA, there was a lot of twitter drama between her and her baby daddy (via her sister's twitter too).

    But I wonder if maybe he's leaking this information. I don't doubt she's difficult, and was it the LA Times that did a piece on her that was scathing, which resulted in her tweeting out the journalist's phone number? Immature and maybe a little unhinged.

  10. I agree with everyone who said, "MIA". She's the only one I can think of who fits. What goes around, comes around (sometimes). I think fame comes with great responsibility - at the very least you shouldn't make life so miserable for people that they want to commit suicide. Jaysus, someone like that needs to be F-list for life.

  11. I going with Kesha.

  12. Actually, MIA is a great guess - she was engaged to Ben Bronfman, scion of the Seagram dynasty.

  13. MIA is a great guess!

  14. Kesha doesn't have a kid either. MIA seems like a good guess.

  15. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Whoever this is, she is evil.

  16. That MIA guess was great!

  17. That MIA guess was great!

  18. On the bandwagon for Mia. And she has zero talent. She thinks far too much of herself that's fo sho!

  19. Agree that MIA fits best. She's the one who performed with Madonna at the Super Bowl and flipped the bird to the camera on live TV.

  20. Did she pay someone to inject the former employee with heroin? I don't see how it's her fault the guy got hooked on drugs.
    Sounds like MIA for sure, what a bitch. Poor Ickitt. Ickhyt. However it's spelled.

  21. @seaward, I'm not making excuses for heroin addiction, but apparently she trashed his career and ruined his life which precipitated a downward spiral.

  22. @seaward - I thought the same thing RE: the drug addiction. Lots of people get caught up in downward spirals and don't turn to drugs. I'm certainly not judging, but I just don't think it's valid or fair to completely blame others for addictions.

  23. She also had him followed everyday to see if he was responsible.

    If this is true, this is idiotic. This sort of activity hardly requires a suitcase hand-off at a train station. Someone wanting to leak tracks wouldn't even need to leave the house.

  24. Also, The performance mentioned is probably when MIA performed at the Grammys 9months pregnant.

  25. Agree on the MIA guesses. She sounds like a major bitch, but its not her fault that guy got hooked on drugs. When I was in a downward spiral I didn't do drugs!

    BTW, I've read this site for ages and now am finally slowly starting to comment on things. I love reading the comments, and you all seem so awesome so I wanted to say hello! Hello! :)

  26. I consider myself a pop culture junkie, but I have no idea who MIA is. I mean, I have heard the name and I know she's a singer (I assume hip hop and/or rap singer) but I wouldn't recognize her if I saw a picture of her, nor do I know what even one of her songs sounds like. Sounds like I'm not missing much.

  27. His psychology apparently made him predisposed to drug abuse under the right circumstances. Everyone is different with varying capacities and tendencies.

    1. ...right. So it makes no sense to blame another person for his addictions.

  28. I hate music blinds. Because pop music is so bad I don't know any of the players & don't care about their private lives. It's hard to feel scandalized about somebody you've never heard of.

  29. Hi @Hurricane Tiffany! I came out of the lurker shadows about a month ago too :) I love the conversations going on here (a little too much. Watch out - it's addicting. I'm like Pavlov's dog every time my phone dings!)

  30. @Lazyday603- I'm with you on this one.

  31. @seaward, I totally get your perspective, but in my humble opinion, it's not that black and white. A person who drops a lit match in a dry forest could argue that their act doesn't make them responsible for the deaths of campers that occurred as a result, but try telling that to the judge.

    1. Exactly. When you push and push and push someone, eventually you may knock them down. The one doing the hardcore shoving knows that, that's why they're doing it. Everyone is different and has their own way or reacting to being bullied and harrassed. Ultimately, people are responsible for their own addictions and recoveries, but the idea that no one else can be a major catalyst for that addiction (or recovery, on the brighter side) is definitely oversimplified. We don't exist in a vacuum.

  32. this is so disappointing to me. I have to disagree with those who say MIA is not a good artist. Have you heard Galang or her early indie stuff? She does have a certain style that maybe some don't like, but IMO she is very muscially talented. Really. Like I thought it was beneath her to appear alongside Nikki Minaj (?) and Madonna bc she's a different type of and more cerebral artist than either of them could ever be. I don't think she should even aim for that kind of mainstream success in the first place. (also bc the kind of person she is is exactly the kind of person who would flip the bird at the worst possible time so again mainstream audience shouldn't be her target market)

    That said, all the clues fit her, so despite her talent, if this is true then wow what a huge byatch and all around horrible person.

    1. Everything you said I agree with 100%.

    2. She never should have split with diplo. Everything they did together was so good.

  33. MIA you bad, bad girl!

  34. alicia keys?

    a-list now...but before then always cusp (despite grammy wins), until 2010 breakout hit w/ jay-z collab on 'empire state of mind'.

    controversies during that time frame:
    -fighting w/ mashonda, swizz beatz' wife at the time

    -big pr spin to defend comments made to (iirc) blender magazine about gangster rap being created by the governement to incite black people into killing each other.

    notable award show performances:
    -2008 (or 9) grammys 'duet' w/ frank sinatra on hiw 'learning the blues'
    -ad nauseum performances of 'empire state of mind' on every. m-effing. award. show.

    track leaks accusations:
    -her longtime songwriter leaked pharrell tracks, in addition to leaking a track that featured lupe fiasco, making it appear like said track was an official alicia keys release, when in fact it was a left over pro tools session from a few years before.

    all this in 2010.

    everything fits, w/ the exception of dumping the baby daddy...unless there's something we don't know?

  35. "Two people who worked under her attempted suicide."

    It didn't say it was a result of said singer, did it?

    These blinds are a fucking joke. ANYONE can write them. Just get a whiff of some bullshit, tweak it, and there you go.

    Who will refute it? Unless you plain out say Kanye West is a donkey fucker, no one is going to refute the charges. Who would take the time and spend the money? And in most cases, these blinds are actually placed to drum up business.

    That being said, you guys are really, really good at. What can I say? b

  36. I'm going with Minaj. Can't believe nobody's guessed her yet.

  37. Alicia Keys guess is waaaaaay off.....she's been Alist for a long time. She's never ranted about swizz beatz on twitter. Suicides,, none. MIA all the way

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This is M.IA. She plays a LOT of mind games, her brother Sugu was a well known LA staple who carried out a lot of her dirty work, and in spite of that he and other employees always seemed on edge around her. Very Stockholm syndrome-like.

  40. Hey guys! Excited to finally comment here! This blind is sad, and as a womyn, I can see the power she iggy of had over people.

    Thanks for having me for the day!

  41. It sounds like it is MIA, but was she really close to A list? I had never heard of her before the Superbowl.

    Just to throw out another guess, how about Lily Allen?

  42. @Mhdz - Nicki Minaj doesn't have a kid, & she's still quite popular.

  43. Yes MIA was very popular (not in a Justin Beiber/Nicky Minaj pop sense, more of an alternative sense) about 2 yrs ago, especially when every movie out used her song Paper Planes. I guarantee everyone here has heard that song (the censored version) as it is all over Slumdog Millionaire and also a random Seth Rogen/James Franco stoner movie. She was this close to A list in the way Arcade Fire would be.... not mainstream but still very popular especially in the UK. I saw her perform in NYC a few yrs back opening for MGMT and Radiohead and it was just as energetic when she played.

  44. But they look like they get along so well!

  45. no idea who it is but I have to chime in:

    WHAT. A. TOOL!

  46. Crila and Sparkwee: It could be Ciara. She's apparently a horrible bitch to work with and she does indeed have a child. A reference to "baby daddy" doesn't mean the baby's still a baby.

    1. Huh?? Ciara does not have a kid.

    2. Huh?? Ciara does not have a kid.

  47. M.I.A. may be evil, but Paper Planes is my jam! Love that shit. Although my Clash love is partially responsible for it.

  48. This is MIA. sorry, but Alicia Keys and Ciarra have NEVER been labeled as controversial. Nicki Minaj wasn't even out two years ago.

    MIA for sure.

  49. Ditto @Ingrid Superstar "go straight to Hell boy...". I can't like her anymore, though. She's Sheryl Crow part deux.

  50. @Trey - yeah, I think you're thinking of the New York Times Magazine cover piece from a couple years ago.

    Love the MIA guess. Fits perfectly.

  51. Totally, MIA! Haha! *sangfroid*

    I can't stand her. I found that hit song asinine, she struck me as a brat exploiting a third world identity and it irked me how easy it was for her to play hipsters with that schtick. Blegh.

  52. Not to mention the fact that Ciara does not have a child!

  53. If I'd spent the first six years of my life in a war zone, I'd probably be a colossal bitch, too. And enuf with the Minaj dissing--NM's work is a *lot* more complex than Gaga's or Perry's (the rhyme scheme and consonance on the "Stupid Hoe" verses alone are impressive), but people who cream themselves over KP's schtick won't hesitate to dis Minaj. Bor-ing.

  54. MIA gave up custody of her son to baby daddy, this is her.

  55. @selock Paper Planes is kind of grating after a while (although the video is cool as hell and features Beastie Boys and was made way before the song became so huge) but honestly she does have other great material in her earlier records like Kala. And she is from a 3rd world country, her dad is/was (?) considered a terrorist for being part of a separatist group that uses violence, so I don't think she ever exploited anything, but her sound is influenced by the fact that she grew up in Tamil/Sri Lanka and is herself a refugee... so I don't think that's exploiting, that's drawing from your own experience.

    And this is definitely her- no one else mentioned has said anything as controversial as her when she tweeted "F the New York Times" in 2009 after they wrote an article mentioning her ties to this terrorist group. Seriously that takes balls but that is really controversial to say. Who else mentioned is associated with terrorism? The Superbowl stuff is actually tame compared to that I think.

    All that said I really do think she is a very talented artist (in music and also visual arts) but clearly a whackjob awful person.

  56. I am going with Nicki Minaj. Rumor is she had an abortion when she was younger, which could be described as a baby she never sees.

  57. Media Takeout posted months ago that MIA ignored her baby and left the kid with the father and wouldn't see either of them for weeks at a time. Not the best source, but it works with the baby (who she never sees) part.

  58. Yeah...maybe you're right about MIA. I am an old fart and don't know much about her, but I just looked her up and see the chatter about her not seeing her baby for several weeks at a stretch.

  59. This makes me sad because her ner (most recent?) song just SUCKS ME IN. I cannot turn it off. "Live fast die young bad girls do it well...."

  60. Mia it totally is. Her baby Daddy is a bronfman.... a bloodline of wealth which was why she got pregnant. And to many conspiracy authors they are considered illuminati. Even if you dont buy that you still must agree for a.refugee who claims to care about the poor people her actions are very opposite her lyrics. She dosent work well with others and has managed to burn bridges all over the music industry. She isn't raising her son because she is a drug addict and the father almost took her to court for custody but they decided neither of them wanted that. She lives in london while her baby lives in Canada.

  61. Anonymous6:53 PM

    "everything fits, w/ the exception of dumping the baby daddy...unless there's something we don't know?"

    Well dear, since that's a major clue, and it doesn't fit, why spend all that time compiling a dossier on someone who, by your own admission, couldn't be a candidate.

    I don't understand the thinking process of some of the posters on this site.

  62. Live fast, die young. Bad girls do it well.

  63. I think people just get excited and throw out names without thinking them through.
