Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Catelynn Lowell And Tyler Baltierra Expecting A Baby

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra are on the cover of In Touch this week. The couple from Teen Mom are expecting a baby. In the very first season of 16 & Pregnant the couple decided to give up their baby for adoption. That was a very good idea. Having watched them for the past few years, I don't see a whole lot that has changed in their lives or are ready for a baby, but the couple says they are keeping this baby. The step-siblings who fell in love are engaged, but when I watch their dynamic, I feel like Catelynn is so desperate to keep Tyler and that Tyler can be really indifferent at times towards her. However, unlike most of the couples on the show, these two have stayed together so what do I know. whatever they do it obviously works.


  1. Good god, they're offspring will rival the Willis sisters.

  2. Out of everyone on this show, they were the most normal and had their heads on straight.

    1. I agree. The rest of them need more them psychiatric help.

  3. How much do they make off the show?

  4. They were dating before they became step-siblings. His dad and her mom hooked up after these too did.

    I agree, Enty, about the dynamics of their relationship.

  5. Oh no I love them, I think they will be great parents!
    I read an article last year that they made $280,000 for either the second or third season. Regardless that is a really nice chunk of change, and that doesn't include all the speaking appearances that they do (they both speak out against teen pregnancy and also speak about adoption and choosing adoption for your family).
    Better them than Amber or Jenelle

  6. That was the only season of this show I watched. I felt sorry for her because her mom was a piece of shit. Tyler seems so weird to me though, just something off about him. Maybe it's like you said, he's just "indifferent" towards her, but I think he'll grow up in a year or so and realize that there are other females out there and he'll be gone.

  7. If only I knew who half of the people you talk about actually are!

  8. $280,000? Are you serious? Well F me for going to college and choosing a child free life.

  9. You're not alone T Grape. So when do I get my InTouch cover? I'm relevant! I am!

  10. Oh, VC, you split my sides!

  11. Oops I just found and reread a salary article and they made $280,000 because they filmed two seasons in o year, they actually only make $140,000 per season. Here are some links if you guys want to check out how much the girls and their mothers, yes mothers, make each season

  12. I don't watch these shows much (low tolerance for mouthbreathing!) but these two almost seemed like human beings. This kid gave off the best "pimply sideways-hat-wearing immature brat with a heart of gold plating" that I've ever seen in reality television. His type isn't seen much on reality shows, which is overflowing with steroided Italians and women with whore-hair and fake tans -- Give that boy one hundred and forty thousand dollars, someone!

  13. I don't know who they are but they look like brother and sister!

    1. They are kinda lol his dad married her mom

  14. @Em, agreed. They also look like their parents are cousins. Check them for collarbones.

  15. The new season is so hard to watch, but having just seen the episode where they see Carly for her second birthday, I can't help but feel happy for them finally being able to having a baby to keep and love. They deserve that happiness.

    Maybe the season three girls deserve the snark, but these two were on a one shot deal for 16 and Pregnant, and it ended up being more. People fuck up their lives every day, and they really put Carly first before all the fame and nonsense ever hit them, and I wish them all the best.

  16. I think it's great what they are doing. They're showing how difficult it is to put up a kid for adoption and hopefully that encourages more kids not to get pregnant. I personally think they are prolonging the heartache by keeping in touch with their babys new family, but it's so important that that's put on tv for other kids to see how painful it is. I think they deserve all the money! I find it interesting to see all of the problems the girls have with their baby daddies who are now of course ex bf's. It's so good for kids to see that who you sleep with at age 15 is not going to be your life partner, and that you wont be able to hang out with your friends or even go to work unless you go through the hassle of a babysitter. It would be NICE if they also showed them struggling with money but then nobody would do the show...

    I just wonder if an iPhone is included in the contract bc all of them have iPhone's!

  17. They're both butt-ugly. Neither should ever have been allowed to reproduce.

  18. they are the most normal of the couples, but I wonder if the baby is partly due to the fact that they regret not being able to be as involved in Carly's life as they want to be, and partly Catelynn's attempt to hold on to Tyler. His excitement may be a variation of reaction formation. He really does seem to be just one foot in, sometimes.

  19. I sympathize with Catelynn and Tyler but they are not my favorites on the show. If they are pregnant, good for them. I wish them all the luck. I like Maci and Amber is my least favorite. I wasn't able to watch it last night since I was working late at Dish but luckily I had my Hopper there to record all the drama. Now when I get home I can go back and watch what I missed. Good thing my Hopper is big enough to record multiple shows because my little brother trends to delete my shows.

  20. This news saddens me. I got hooked on the TM series while on bedrest when pregnant and these are really good kids who truly want the child they gave up to have a better life than they did growing up. Both are so mature considering their peers. I did notice Tyler driving a Cadillac in the new episode last night but it disheartens me to think they will have a lot of complications finishing college with a baby. I have enough problems taking care of my baby and I stay home now and my husband takes care of the baby when he gets home from work so I can get my business stuff done.

    Their parents are addicts and who knows how much money they've siphoned from these kids. Argh. I hope this isn't true. They're so young still!

  21. I agree Tyler is sticking it out because he truly knows what it's like to not have his dad around for him, and of course before baby #2 he was there because yes I really believe he loves her but in my opinion by the time this baby is two I don't see them being together anymore. Kaitlen has insecurity issues which I believe is why she is having this baby to hold onto Tyler, and I gree with whoever said he is only one foot inthe door most of the times. He isn't bad looking and he knows he can have some of those other girls out there that watch the show, oh and lets not forget the ones that see him in the streets...
    Maci is also my favorite,(darn Ryan for being such an a hole he is kinda cute til he opens his mouth) and Amber see you in 5 years..god speed little Leah

  22. Stop it. Just stop it. No more posts about teens from that horrible show. STOP!

  23. I like them the most, but honestly, do these kids NEVER learn to use condoms???

  24. They both look like they count to potato.

  25. @Patty
    The show can't be that horrible when its statistics show its actually helping the teen mom stats go down.

    Maybe you should look at your inside cuz your comment makes you UGLY there.

  26. Not knowing who these people are, my only comment is that guy's head is freakishly small relative to his body. It reminds me of Beetlejuice.

  27. Is she one of the Pink Ladies? "The Pink Ladies Pledge to act cool, to look cool and to be cool, till death do us part, Think Pink!"

  28. I love them! I hope they make it!!!

  29. I don't watch the show and I am cracking the fuck *UP* at all of your comments, but I have to add to Barton's comment (if what he says is true):

    ... Give that boy one hundred and forty thousand dollars, someone--- AND A BOX OF CONDOMS!!!

  30. According to an interview she just gave Us Weekly, the In Touch magazine claim that she's pregnant is absolutely false.

    "Don't believe everything you read, I'm definitely not pregnant!" she tells Us in a statement. "I'm on the pill. And, I'm only 20--I don't want to have kids until I'm out of school and we're married."

  31. Glad someone else picked up on how Tyler is.

  32. She denies it:

    And says she's on the pill. Glad to see some of these girls taking birth control seriously.

  33. You are completely right about their relationship. It's so sad to watch. Yeah, these two are the ones with the best heads on their shoulders, but I hate watching the way he treats her. Haven't seen the show in awhile, but I remember him always having to be the center of attention, always having to talk himself up and have others talk him up, and always downplaying her needs and feelings.
    They're either going to have a nasty break up, or they'll stay together and resent each other forever.

  34. These are two very good kids. I hope whatever happens (whether she is pregnant or not) that life works out for them. They did the very best they could for Carly at the time and things have worked out well for her and her family--they deserve whatever makes them happy. They did an interview with Rosie ODonnell this winter and she of course was very interested in the adoption process because she is an adoptive mom. They seem like such good young people. I wish them well.

  35. Is there something mentally wrong with either of them? I am not being mean, but it looks like something is not quite "right" with them.

  36. @seaward....I agree.

    I feel for this child. She made a tough decision, probably one of THE most tough decisions a mother can make, and yet it's all about him and how he feels. From watching the show (and don't get me wrong, she can makes me nauseous, what with the braces +the rubber bands in them) but I just want to hug her. It breaks my heart to watch her. As it seems like no one, aside from the ladies she met with that one time (during the birth mother retreat) is there for this girl.

  37. I always fast-forward through the parts with them - so boring. Except maybe her scary-ass mom.

  38. Her mom is the poster child for the Faces of Meth.

    I like them both. I also like Maci and Farrah is ok, she has a good heart. Amber should be spayed by the state.
