Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Chris Brown & Rihanna Hook Up Three Times In One Week

I wonder if Rihanna's increased substance abuse issues are in direct correlation with the number of times she sees Chris Brown. On Monday night, Chris Brown and Rihanna hooked up again. This was the third time in a week. Chris made his usual excuse to his current girlfriend who really can;'t confront him about it because if she does, he might beat her senseless. She won't leave him though so he can go out and have sex with whoever he wants. Apparently one of those people is Rihanna. Who knows who the rest are. I see Rihanna getting caught up in way too much right now and a life out of control and she needs to get off the roller coaster and go to rehab and get to a better place. I think if she got some help she would realize that her co-dependence issues with Chris Brown are not good at all. I also think they are a trigger for her partying. She lets a man who beat her nearly to death be with her at his convenience while he has others. She parties to cope with it all and the only one who suffers is her. She needs to stop that cycle.


  1. agree also, I just wish they could get a photo of these two together to shame her into seeing the truth. Otherwise it is all speculation that they actually hook up.

  2. The Good, the Bad and the Forehead

  3. Im not sure if I believe this....

  4. If it's true, I feel very, very sorry for Rihanna. Something's not quite right, there.

  5. There are more green links than usual in this post, makes it hard to read.

    How do we know this is true?

    I don't know who is girlfriend is but she may not be able to leave him. Abusers rarely just let the woman walk out the door. Again, I don't know her and I think she's a fool for getting involved with him in the first place considering EVERYONE has seen the picture of Rihanna's face after he finished beating her.

  6. I can't feel sorry for her anymore.

  7. 3 hookups in one week and not a single photo of them together? boo

  8. I don't feel sorry for her. She's a fucking adult.

  9. Not to minimize what happened to her at all, but she was not nearly beat to death. I've seen too many women who were nearly beat to death.

  10. I just read that he dreams of starring in a Sam Cooke biopic. I'm going to have a SERIOUS MELTDOWN if this happens!!!! Not ok.

  11. I have to second what @Denise said. That's been my issue with Enty's reporting on this from the beginning. I'm not minimizing what he did to her; it was criminal assault, he beat her horribly, and should do serious jail time for it. But I don't think it helps any situation to exaggerate. And calling it "he nearly beat her to death" just, in my opinion, makes a mockery of it.

    It just reminds me of my sister-in-law who loves to tell everyone "I was in the er and flatlined!" when it was nothing close to that.

  12. And needless to say, she should never, ever have anything to do with him again. Of course, neither should any other self-respecting woman. Which excludes a large segment.

    My concern also is that in her state, she may be having unprotected sex with him. HIV is still out there.

  13. Rihanna has some serious issues going on. I hope she gets help and learns to love herself.

  14. Sandra Rose, who definitely has an in with someone on Rihanna's team, swears up and down that she isn't hooking up with Chris. Sandra's been pretty accurate on Rihanna for the past two years now. Rihanna is in NY because her grandmother is dying of cancer BTW. I wonder if this is the only way Chris can get press? Because the urban blogs had them done two weeks ago and suddenly, NYPost and others are on to the story that they are picking up.

    Why is no one covering Chris Brown's massive weight loss? Something is wrong with that boy.

  15. "hooking" up. sorry.

  16. about downward spiral. She was on top of the world and admired by so many fans, and now she's starting to tread into Lindsey Lohan territory.

  17. she's in deep deep trouble.

  18. Okay, I hate Chris Brown, I'm indifferent about Rihanna. She's dumb for still talking to/hooking up with him, whatever. But he did NOT nearly beat her to death. She had some forehead knots and swollen lips, but no coma, busted spleens or brain injuries. Enty's pulling a Nancy Grace and going overboard with the exaggerations. I think its a slap in the face to women who HAVE been beaten within an inch of their lives by a crazy lover and now have to live with scars, disabilities and fear. I'm in no way supportive of either of these two crazies, but I don't support hype either.

  19. @Denise - I agree. what he did was terrible, but he didnt "beat her nearly to death". I've seen what that looks like...not to trivialize what she experienced, but they are worlds apart.

  20. What's the over/under on how many months Rhianna has left to live? And somebody needs to let Chris Brown know that he's as gay as a three dollar bill.

  21. They're destined to become the next Ike and Tina Turner.

  22. Anonymous8:44 AM

    it's pretty hard to miss that forehead when you're beating her.

    Anyways, I do not sympathize with her. I never did. Okay, maybe in the beginning. But, then, it was like, if it happened before and she didn't call the cops, then its her fault for not leaving him.

  23. Anonymous8:46 AM

    They're both dumbshits. She's the biggest dumbshit because she hates herself so much that she keeps going back for more. You can't fix stupid. I don't feel one bit sorry for her. Did she deserve to get beaten up? Hell no. Does she deserve what she gets during the subsequent rounds with this douchebag? Hard to say. Hurt me once, shame on you. Hurt me twice, shame on me.

  24. @TheGWU i dont believe they r hooking up either.

  25. She's not happy that --ian and --ye are getting attention in the press.
    This would be.... publicity ...???

  26. OMG, THANK YOU!!! I feel like I'm not allowed to say it anywhere but he did NOT nearly beat her to death!! Yeah he smacked her around & probably punched we in the face but nowhere near as bad as all this exaggeration.

    Not that that makes it okay of course.

    My answer to all the other stuff, plus Chris Brown's weight loss is easy - COCAINE.

  27. I went through the same thing and waited for the no contact order to expire for nearly a year. We sorta got back together after that but he had other girls too. After probably the 200th time leaving his house in tears with no self respect I decided I had enough and made sure I took all my stuff with me this time. We still have to speak occasionally because we have business interests together but I've moved onto someone else. It wasn't easy and there is still a small part of me that thinks I could change him and our lives will be a fairytale after that. Common sense prevails though. My new man (who I've known as a friend for years) is madly in love with me and I'm finally happy.

  28. victim shame and blame at it's best.

    *slow clap*

  29. She's bringing this on herself. She is an adult, capable of making decisions for herself. No one is guiding her by the hands to the drugs and booze and sex with Chris. Honestly I'm surprised she hasn't made a suicide attempt.

  30. i'm tired of ppl blaming everything rihanna does on chris brown. We don't know for a fact that he has put his hands on his current gf, or past ones other than rihanna. rihanna is a grown woman, and is making her own decisions. if her life is out of control, the MAIN person to blame is her. chris brown is not perfect, but we have to stop placing the blame on him all the damn time. rihanna is no angel herself, and i am in no way condoning what happened to her, but she is a proven hot head and i'm sure she's put her hands on chris as well. to be beaten the way she was, was unforgivable. but how many of us have forgiven ppl for far worse? its her life, and if she still loves the man, then that is her and chris brown's issue alone. now on the subject of her drug use, was she not in hawaii a few months ago openly smoking weed? chris brown was no where in sight right? was she not rumored to have been sleeping with strippers and going on drug binges in london recently? chris brown was no where around. whatever chris brown’s situation is with his gf, is not too uncommon with most celebrities today. i'm not surprised if his gf lets him stray, she's a struggling model and the relationship is beneficial for her as well. i'm sure she cares about him, but the fact that she's dating him as given her an extra boost. anyway, all i do know is as a rihanna fan, i do not want to see her going down this path. her and chris brown had really traumatic childhoods, so as adults, i don't think they ever coped with it. i'm not excusing his anger issues or her drug problem on that, but how many ‘regular’ ppl with the same backgrounds, have turned out the same way. Rihanna and Chris Brown’s situation is just fueled more because they have access to endless amounts of money. they are both around the same age as myself, and i can say that we all make mistakes in our 20's. its no reason to judge them so harshly, whether they are celebrities or not. enty, i think you're great and i love your sight. but i clearly disagree with this post today. but anyway, keep up the good work!

  31. I read the police report. I'm ok with the hyperbole used.

  32. She must hate herself deep down a helluva lot. She is committing slow suicide with all the drugs. Chris Brown may speed up her demise by a lot. Sad she thinks she deserves to be treated that way. I suspect the fighting and danger is another high for both as well.

  33. I agree. Blaming everything she does on Chris Brown is just giving her an excuse she doesnt need. She makes her own choices and its ridiculous to hold anyone else responsible for that. Also, saying he nearly beat her to death is extreme. I read the police report and saw the pictures and have also heard accounts of women who were actually beat within an inch of their life, Rihanna was not. You dont have to dramatize it. What he did was wrong, period.

  34. My guess is she doesn't have a very good support system around her to get her into rehab. She cut ties to Jay-Z because she wanted to party and his company wanted to keep her in line. So I've read...

    This is a disaster in the midst, not even waiting to happen. Its happening in front of our eyes. Too much booze, drugs, acting out, she's a total mess. I don't like Chris Brown, but I don't think he's the cause here. She needs professional help and if no one close to her can get her there, she's doomed...

    See: Amy Winehouse

  35. She's living a constant walk of shame. She's embarrassing herself and then numbing herself thru whatever. I have seen my friends do this to themselves, and the only way off this hamster wheel is humiliation.

    I know this is harsh, but she receives not an iota of sympathy from me.

  36. If you have to qualify something you're about to say, don't bother. You're wasting your energy typing it. "I'm not a racist, BUT...(racist statement)" "Not to minimize what happened to such and such, BUT...(minimization of what happened right here)" Yeah.

  37. jax & madlyb, thank you!! I've had to take a break from cdan lately because the commenters keep doing shit like this. Came back today to see it's just getting worse. Great.

  38. Jax and Madlyb (and seaward)- I too am not feeling the influx of certain emotions that appear on the side of negative, are often misogynistic, and hate-filled and seem to be inundating CDaN lately. Many regulars seem to be commenting less as the hate spew gets higher...

    Thanks Jax, for sticking in there buddy ;))

  39. I think I'm just going to start blaming chris Brown for my problems too. Might as well.

  40. I'm getting tired of comments about her forehead. It's not that funny.

  41. I think Rhianna was pretty bad before Chris Brown. She had quite a reputation then too. Yeah, she needs to stop, but she won't until something major happens to her. That's the only way these type of people really learn.

  42. It's not uncommon for someone who was with an abusive person to go back. It happens...especially if that person is a smooth talker and is saying things your heart wants to hear. It isn't easy to fall out of love and even more difficult if that person is calling or texting and trying to make what happened sound like a one time deal. Of course it seldom is.

  43. The heart is not so smart.

  44. Madlyb you're right. I am reading too many buts here.

  45. I thought he choked her when he attacked her? So maybe he didn't technically almost "beat" her to death, but he could easily have killed her.

    I don't know if they really did hook up three times, but they were spotted by many witnesses at a party - they spent time in a private room together even though they arrived and left separately.

  46. Off topic, but re: comments, yeah that pure bitterness needs to stay at celebitchy where it belongs ;)
    The comments here are always tops for wit & humor. Hope it stays that way.

  47. Wow, I'm almost afraid to express an opinion after all the back and forth here. We know Chris beat her up, but did he beat her nearly to death? I believe she admitted herself to the hospital. If what we read about her going back to him for hook ups is true, then are we shaming the victim when we comment on it? If we call Chris an asshat does that makes us all bitter bitches? This topic seems to polarize people more than religion and politics.
