Saturday, June 23, 2012

Don't Mess With Priscilla Dang

It's not comedy, but you will love it.


  1. Wow. To my friends in Vancouver, congrats on having at least one slow news day. And having reporters who go to people's houses to interview/follow up. If our reporters here did that, we'd have stories on the news about dead reporters.

    I'm happy the girl fought back, but not the sharpest tool in the shed. I'm sorry she was upseted by the whole incident.

  2. Anonymous11:09 AM


  3. I know everyone is thinking 'go girl' on this story but she would have been better advised to get away immediately and call police to report groping. Her own story seems to indicate that that would have been possible. Confronting them could have led to her being seriously injured given that a knife was drawn. One could argue that confronting them led to the escalation. If it was my daughter (not a martial arts expert) I would adviser her to run and attract someone on nearby road. Thank god that brave girl is safe.

  4. unknown, that is merely speculation. they were two boys on bikes, running away isn't always an option! why do you think so many women get raped. your alleged solution is simplistic and unrealistic.

  5. Not a lot going on in Vancouver, a.k.a. "The Couve".

  6. I love the Northwest.

    I agree with the person that said running isn't always the solution. And while it might often be safer, sometimes, as a woman, I get tired of having my actions dictated by what bad men do to keep me safer. Probably not the healthiest for me, but fuck it! I smoke too.

  7. I practice Krav Maga. They always say if you are being attacked to GET AWAY as fast as you can. Kick him in the nuts and run like hell. Of course, I still think Dang is a complete badass and I hope those little turds learned a lesson.

  8. She's lucky someone intervened and called the police. You can't always count on people doing the right thing. Part of the problem is that nothing happens to men who attack women, most of the time they get probation where they aren't monitored. The next time they aren't likely to leave a living witness. The courts should be heavily punishing both boys, formal probation for years, counseling, community service, DNA and finger prints on file. Get them in the system the first time and make watch them. This is not normal behavior, and why so many women are attacked and killed in the US and Canada. We don't treat it seriously, and women die everyday going about their own business and lives.

  9. I agree with unknown's latest post. A two-on-one groping that escalated into a knife being pulled, on an isolated jogging path (yes, a road ran beside it, but not apparently not the type of road that drivers are likely to just pull over and jump out of their cars on) is, honestly, indicative of a type of mindset in a teenager that it behooves society to nip in the bud. One can attribute it to "youthful hijinks gone too far" but a kid caught in the wrong who chooses to pull a knife instead of running like hell (or crying and apologizing or whatever) is a kid who needs some attention from "the system" ASAP...

  10. How does one even decide to grope someone? What is wrong with people? And then you get caught and are pissed? Cane them.

  11. While I see the reasoning in getting out of dodge, sometimes as a female you feel like fuck it and snap. My sister and I were at a club once and A guy grabbed her ass then my front. I grabbed his hand so I could see who did it(it was very crowded so I guess he thought he could cop a feel and go unnoticed). My sis turned around and I showed her the arm I was grasping while he was jerking away. We both saw red so to speak and she slapped him in the face while I hit him over the head with my beer bottle(I have wimpy arms so no I didn't break the bottle). Thankfully sis used to date owner of club so we knew the bouncers. He got escorted out and my friend who was the off duty cop outside(I used to work at police station) was waiting for him to have a come to Jesus conversation as he put it. Now, I am a pretty quiet, calm, meek person but that night I was not having it and I got to tell you while I probably would never do that again it felt damn good to stand up for myself.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. My hero! Being a woman, you get used to guys yelling vulgar things at you when you're simply walking down the street. If you're a woman, you dread walking by construction sites. If you're a woman, you are probably groped in the ass and breasts by strangers numerous times throughout your life.

    It may not have been the wisest thing to do, but sometimes people feel the need to fight back. I'm glad she's okay.

    The best prevention is for parents to teach their sons to respect women - that we are human beings, too, but that's going to take a long, long time. Too many men have been taught for centuries that it's okay to treat women like shit. It's time for that nonsense to come to an end.

  14. Something like that happened to me. I was also very upsetted (sorry, I couldn't help myself) -- but I also - in the heat of anger and embarrassment -- verbally threatened to assault the guy. He did walk away -- when in doubt, act crazy, I guess. This also brings to mind the thought -- we're in such a state of high emotional tension right now, these perps don't realize that they may honestly mess with the wrong person and could be the ones the end up being harmed. I wish people had more common sense, but then the world wouldn't be the colorful place that it is...

  15. @bobbi_1025, good for you! I bet that idiot had second thoughts the next time he tried to harass a girl!

  16. It's easy to say what you or someone else SHOULD be doing in that situation, and quite another to actually get groped by some asshole. Who knows what your reaction will be when you're actually in that situation. You could kick them in the nuts and run away screaming, but what if you just freeze, out of fear? In this case, her instinct was to fight back, and she was able to because she has an extensive martial arts background. If a guy thinks it's OK to grope a woman and threaten her with a knife, he deserves to have his ass kicked and I'm glad she was able to defend herself.

  17. It's a good thing it wasn't a battle of wits, though.
