Saturday, June 23, 2012

Guilty Guilty Guilty

Finally a case where the verdict is what everyone thought it should be. There was no walking free for Jerry Sandusky yesterday as he was convicted of 45 counts of sexual abuse. There is nothing greater than seeing this guy in handcuffs. You know, the thing is he terrorized kids for decades and he will probably be protected in prison because of his name so he won't have to endure what would normally happen to child molesters in jail. Plus, because he is so old, he will spend much less time in prison than he actually did making the lives of so many kids miserable. They will be suffering for their entire lives because of him. But, I am so happy that he was convicted because I don't know that I would have any faith ever in the justice system if another person had walked free from a sensationalistic crime. Will he get 442 years? I doubt it. I just want to make sure he gets enough where he will never have a chance at parole. Ever.


  1. The news last night showed him in a car driving away from court. He had a fucking smirk on his face. Smug bastard piece of shit.

  2. Yesssss!!! Finally, justice is served! I couldn't agree more, Enty!

  3. Very glad he was found guilty but sadness all around. He should have been stopped so much sooner.

  4. Amen, Enty! I fucking hate this guy and EVERYONE who enabled him. The more I learn about it, the angrier I get. He could have been stopped many, many years ago but he wasn't. It pisses me off even more that he plead not guilty and forced his victims to testify on the stand thereby reliving the assault and rapes all over again. Fuck him. Fuck Dottie. And fuck the idiots who support him.
    Apologies for the liberal use of the f-bombs but child rapists piss me off like no man's business.

  5. Amen to that! I wonder of he's regretting his decision not to hire Jose Baez. Sorry, couldn't resist.

  6. I don't get why they protect them in prison they should have to deal with general population and know what its like on the other end.

  7. good. now arrest his enablers.

  8. Tragic is what has happened to all these boys. Sad is that this guy is merely a blip on the radar of pedophiles. Also, there were SO many other people that must have been involved (his wife and administrators) but never came forward and will never be held accountable for THEIR actions.

  9. I think the guilty verdicts were totally correct. I hope he suffers unimaginably until he dies.

    What I worry about is more people like him - in sports - working for famous institutions where people might look the other way or just give him a slap on the wrist, like Penn State did. The police should have been called immediately.

  10. Good! Now I wish his wife would have to take some responsibility for her part.

  11. Anonymous9:28 AM

    douche bag

  12. There is talk now he will be sent to a geriatric prison which is minimum security for "his safety". Please, put him in general population and let him fight for his life.

    I hope the people who knew what was going on in Penn State and the wife get charged with child endangerment. More people need to pay for protecting a football program over innocent chidren being exploited for a monster's sexual needs.

    Oh and that wife, she makes my blood boil. She chose a lifestyle over children. F Her.

  13. I cheered. Thank you JURY! You had to endure alot of unpleasant testimony and thank you Victims for your courage and strength. Justice was served. Fuck you Sandusky.

  14. I bet he's found hanging in his cell soon.

    It's nice that a bad guy is getting what he deserves. Doesn't happen often enough!

    1. I was thinking that, too. The craigslist killer did it.

    2. That's the best case scenario however i believe this pederast is on suicide watch. Bummer.

    3. Never happen. These guys are too narcissistic and too chicken. But he's a child predator, infamous, and brought down a local sports dynasty - all things that increase the chance of someone else taking him out.

  15. Some guy, forget who it was, actually saw this piece of shit raping a boy in the showers. Could you imagine that child now? The pain he had to endure during and now, emotionally? This guy is disgusting. How many innocent boys had their childhood and innocence ROBBED from them? And they're actually considering letting this fuck stay in a protected prison? WTF. He deserves to be in with the rest of them, won't even be CLOSE to what he did to all of those kids. Kids who trusted him, and their parents did too.

    It reminds me of an episode of Chapelle's Show where they did a skit of Tron (the thug) and kind of reversed how they treated the rich as opposed to the petty thiefs and drug dealers (Dave implied mostly blacks). He was allowed to turn himself in when he "felt like it@. It actually seems pretty true because if this was n

    1. Oops. It actually seems pretty true because if this was just some regular guy who had no money, they would have burned his ass at the stake.

  16. I'm curious about what happened to the prosecutor that went missing.

    Remember Ashton Kutcher's dumbass tweet?

  17. @lostathome, he'll be protected because of his age, and because the prison won't want to risk being labeled as not in control of what happens there should he be murdered.

  18. I think the wife's "lifestyle" is pretty much gone. She is a social pirah for sure. This animal will never see the light of day again.

    Glad, PA was fast with this trial. If it were anywhere else, it would have taken at least a year.

  19. I don't know about the US but here in Canada our judicial system doesn't seem to think the loss of innocence is worth a hefty jail sentence and they are seldom given any more time than just a few months per charge. Then they are run through the system and set free to ruin even more lives. At some point in time you would think that some laws could be changed. Everyone knows that there is no cure for pedophila and that no matter what sewage spews forth from a child diddler, he is going to go out and do it again and again. Why not keep them behind bars?

  20. Fuck every one of those assholes in the Penn State Football organization who saw this guy, way back in 1998, and never did a damn thing to stop him. The cops didn't. Paterno didn't. The fucking president of the university didn't. All to protect their high dollar football system. As much as I love football, and college football, this infuriates me that people would turn an eye and allow it to continue. AAARRRGGGHHH111

  21. Ok, this is way off topic, but that cop looks like Eminem.

    1. Ha!
      I was so going to comment the same thing, Sarah! He does look like Eminem!

  22. You know, I can't help hoping that this perverted POS gets thrown into a cell with very well-endowed Sodomites...with his enabling wife forced to watch. She damn well knew what he was up to.

  23. Thank goodness fucking childern is still illeagal in this country.

  24. I didn't happen to see this on TV until noontime, at which point I promptly did a fistpump and yelled "YES!!!" Thank God my roommate's even deafer than I am and didn't come running to see what the hell was happening...

    At least the victims now know that people believe them, and that at least one of the people responsible for what they went through is going down--I know there's at least a couple of other Penn State people in the trial queue, but I don't recall the details on them.

    (I wonder how someone I used to work with feels about all this? He played football at Penn State in the late '80s/early '90s, and when the story first broke, he was on the record as saying it couldn't be true because that wasn't the person he knew. No doubt that wasn't the guy he knew, because said guy wouldn't have let the players he worked with know about any of that; it's got to be upsetting, though, knowing what someone was really up to back when you thought they were an OK person...been there, done that, but I didn't know the guy nearly as well as my former co-worker knew Sandusky.)

  25. @Beccx - Dude, your spelling should be illegal in this country!

    Relax, I'm kidding! :)

    I agree with your sentiment though. Hooray for another piece of shit off the streets. Only several million more to go.

  26. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I imagine a lot of evil shit will happen to him that will never be reported

  27. Just a pity they can't put every asshole at Penn State who helped cover this up in the jail with him. And I include Joe Paterno in this as well - he knew and he didn't do anything other than make Sandusky retire. The hell with all of them.

  28. It will never be over for the victims. Good for the judge who had them read the verdict at 10 pm and sent him straight to jail.

    TMZ says he's on suicide watch--separate from the rest of the population for his own protection.

  29. I hope the tickle monster gets a pineapple in his ass in hell.

  30. The only bad thing is that the pervert got away with it for as long as he did all those YRS and destroyed so many innocent victims. At least now justice has finally been done!

  31. Good riddance. You have fun in the showers with General Circulation, okay, Mr. Sandusky?

    On a tangential note, I'm wondering whether Penn State will stay in the Big Ten now. This is exactly the sort of the loose thread in the sweater that gets the old Notre-Dame-will-finally-join-us!!! rumors going again. (Iowa 1992 graduate).

  32. Good! Now they need to completely clean house at the Penn State Football program and start from scratch. There is no telling how deep or wide thisbullshit runs.

  33. I was really shocked. But pleasantly so.

    Now I just hope he gets a bloody no-no instead of being segregated. And I wish for his lying and conniving wife, a life of severe poverty.

  34. ***not shocked b/c I thought he was innocent, but b/c I have seen a multitude of cases with just as much evidence in PA get thrown out when the perp was white, middle to upper class.

    But the jury did their job. Bravo

  35. Now I never have to think of Sandusky again. Prison will be his last resting place, and he doesn't deserve anymore of my time. I'm just worried about the victims that testified as well as the ones who were still too afraid - the PTSD flare-ups will run rampant, and I hope they have family to lean against and healthy ways to cope. I worry about all of them a great deal.

  36. The prison/police escort next to Jerry reminds me of Andrew Shue.

  37. The prison/police escort next to Jerry reminds me of Andrew Shue.

  38. Ms Cool, Ray Gricar was his name. I've been wondering about that too.

    What a relief. We watched Coverage on CNN till midnight.

  39. My first thought: Hurray! Well done, jurors and thank you for having the courage to convict this asshole.

    My second thought: My daughter's teacher, who raped more than 24 girls (that we know of -- including my daughter) was allowed to plead and got only 24 months in the county jail. Why could he not have faced the same trial/outcome as this POS?

    My third thought: Don't let this coward hide in solitary "for his own good." Were the boys he raped allowed to hide in solitary? Who was looking out for THEIR own good?

    My fourth thought: Damn Joe Paterna and the whole Penn State football team -- and I love college football AND used to love Penn State -- and the cowardly university president, athletic director and everyone else who covered up the continued rape of these boys.

    Sorry, rant over. I am just so pissed.

  40. MS Cool and Aunt Jess, I still wonder about what happened to him as well.I was surprised and relieved that the jury returned the verdict so quickly.Bless those young men for having the courage to come forward.

  41. @Beccx: Your spelling might not be the best, but your avatar rocks!

  42. Rendell should be censured as well. As attorney general, he had to set up an investigation.
    PA would go nuts without him… he seems like a nice enough guy, he lives across the street from us at the shore. Well, as far as shore house goes, you know?
    But yayy

    1. ***for pa taxpayers making the right call?

  43. Rendell was never Attorney General

  44. @MsCool, AuntJess - I know this is late, but I just read on that Gricar has been declared legally dead. I hope his story comes out some day, and I hope more people are prosecuted in this whole travesty.

  45. is the site of former PA state troopers who have written many books on the upper levels of corruption in this great state. And I believe that there is something there on Gricar. Not to mention, google, the murder of jonathan luna.

    there's a lot of hidden filth in this great state.

  46. May his victims find some healing in the knowledge that we all support them. Society completely failed them so many times; may this victory be the first of only good things to happen to them from now on.

  47. Sorry if this has been posted already, but news reports are saying Sandusky's lawyers plan to base their appeal in part on the TV/radio interviews he gave right after he was arrested and how that information tainted the jury pool. I remember lawyers saying at the time that Sandusky was giving those interviews precisely because he knew they'd provide grounds for reviewing the verdict.

    And I hope Mrs. Sandusky *is* a pariah. I'll never forget one of the victims saying she has to have heard him screaming and begging for help from the basement.

  48. timebob said...
    "Oh and that wife, she makes my blood boil. She chose a lifestyle over children. F Her."

    I just read that he was already complaining about jail. Grrr. I hate this POS so much.

  49. Omama, I don't believe you were here yet the last big duscussion of this, thank you for the yardbird suggestion. I've just bought the e-book of the midnight ride of jonathan luna. After reading only a few articles I'm left feeling scared and I know it's idiotic, but there is something very very wrong.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. @MARI - you said it.

    Let's not let this die.

    Sandusky = the tip of the iceberg

  52. Mari.....there's something very sinister about where he was killed, county wise. As I don't feel for a second that was just a coincidence.

    research, research, research.

    Good luck and Godbless

    (and yes, I fear to say all I know)
