Saturday, June 23, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Is Awful On The Set Of Liz & Dick

I think the folks over at Lifetime were hoping that if they bit the bullet and paid Lindsay Lohan the money she wanted and impaled themselves on insurance companies to cover them in case of a Lohaccident that somehow they would be rewarded with spectacular ratings and lots of Emmy Awards. Yeah, what they are getting is what everyone expected. Someone who shows up late, whines and doesn't know her lines. According to Star (via Celebitchy), Lindsay is probably the world's worst employee. If I had asked any of you, whether you would pay Lindsay Lohan $1M to be in your made for tv movie. Most of you would say no and go with someone else. I have decided that Lindsay wants the benefits of being an actress and a star, but is not willing to actually put in the time or the effort. She thinks what she did when she was 14 was putting in her dues. She likes being fawned over on the set and wearing everything Elizabeth Taylor did, but that does not make her Elizabeth Taylor and doesn't make her a good actress either.


  1. I can't wait to see this mess of a movie. People deserve what they get if they're willing to hire her.

    1. Do not watch the movie Strawberry! That will only bring ratings and solidify her deluded belief that she's a STAH.

    2. Stream it on a pirate site haha

  2. I was rewatching Mean Girls the other night and couldn't believe this is the same girl. Look at how much Rachel and Amanda did for themselves in comparison. She's just sad and pathetic.

  3. Maybe Lifetime is looking at a bigger picture?

    Perhaps they're willing to put up with the loss this doomed production is going to cost them because of all the press this walking herpe is going to generate.

    After all, every time she's in the news, it says "currently working on the Lifetime movie".

  4. As TMZ pointed out, this movie will probably attract Lifetime's largest viewing audience ever.

    The curious gawkers watching a train wreck factor. Sadly, I admit I'll be among them, lol

  5. "Lindsay Lohan is awful on the set of Liz & Dick" ...
    Can I get a show of hands from anyone suprised by this?
    Anyone? C'mon, anyone besides Lifetime execs?

  6. I hope they lose their shirts on this and that Lohan will finally, truly be unemployable, then she and White Oprah end up living in a bad 1 br apartment in the Valley.

  7. Am I jaded in thinking that this is PR hype so people will watch a movie that no one save the Lifetime groupies would have ever watched? Or am I just bitter because I busted my ass for 8 years in college and I can't find a job that pays a living wage while this two bit jacktard is getting $1M to wear furs and diamonds between rehab/jail stints? Little bit from column A, little bit from column B.

  8. Thank you Evil and Angel. I may just be bitter then! Meh.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. lets not forget she thinks her costar playing Richard Burton is below her caliber of "stardumb"

    She might as well bite the bullet and do a reality show. That way she can feed her famewhore and financial needs and not actually do work. But even that she would screw up somehow.

    Like TMZ said this will give Lifetime the ratings it wants. But trainwreck ratings aren't good work. The fact she hangs her hat on bad performances aka SNL and then preens it got high ratings. Isn't something to be proud of. Now Hatfields & McCoys those ratings were something to be proud of based on great work.

    God, she sucks and keeps being rewarded for it.

  11. @Gypsy, no problem. I'm not exactly proud of my plans to watch :)

  12. I hope the whole mess blows up in their faces. I could use a a good laugh.

  13. She obviously slept with someone at Lifetime. Why would anyone hire this twat?

  14. Anonymous9:32 AM

    She is melting down in slow motion. I'm telling you the movie about her will win an academy award.

  15. Apples are fruit.

  16. I cannot help but wonder if a full frontal body slam of shiteous reviews would even register with her. I mean how in the hell would delusional White Oprah possibly spin that?

  17. I would rather be forced to watch a dozen reruns of the Magic Bullet infomercial than set my eyes on this epic mess for one second. Those who do are just prolonging her 'career'. Lifetime isn't stupid. They knew by hiring her that once the movie aired curiosity would win out and give the channel the ratings they wanted to achieve by hiring a train wreck for this role.

  18. Well if she slept with or blew someone at Lifetime...they now have an additional STD because we know Lindsay is TOXIC....

  19. "Doesn't make her a good actress either'... A good actress? She's not a good HUMAN BEING. Fuck her and I hope she joins the 27 Club. There, I said it.

  20. First of all, Unknown, those commercials are awesome. You can get one for your boat! Your boat!

    Secondly, do not ever make us go to Celebitchy. Do what they do, copy and paste long articles, use it as a quote and add a line or two of obvious commentary.

    I'm hoping they measure the ratings for the entire movie. I imagine it will have very high ratings for the first half hour but I highly doubt people will stick it out til the end.

    I hate myself for it but I know I'll watch the beginning but I don't hate myself enough to sit through all of it (unless it's that bad).

  21. I would really like to encourage you guys that are going to watch it to NOT DO IT. Catch it on HULU later or something. Please don't give this girl ratings.

  22. Lifetime only paid $1M for all this publicity? They got a bargain!

  23. It's hard to get anyone to sit through a lifetime movie anymore. So in the theory that any publicity is good publicity, they picked LL to star.. warts & all. They knew it was a snake when they picked it up, that's why there are no shocked, stunned or amazed comments coming from the production set. They got exactly what they paid for - attention for a badly made movie.

    I think Elizabeth Taylor deserved a better movie about her life, & hopefully there will be 1 coming along down the road. This cluster ain't it.

  24. Hire her to be in my movie? Lawds no. I wouldn't hire her to watch my cat. Because my cat has more sense than her. I would love to hear the conversations between LiLo and White Oprah. The spinning of reality must be hilarious!!!

  25. Enty, did you really think ANYONE posting here would have hired her??? I know you were leaving yourself an out just in case some poor delusional fool out there claimed they would, but I think I can safely say none of the regulars/semi-regulars would EVER do such a thing.

    I don't want to be one of those people who thinks she'd be better off dead because that way we'd be rid of her, because I don't want to be that kind of person (no offense to those who already feel that way, mind you), but I'm starting to wonder--when I think of various other showbiz hot messes from one time or another, the vast majority either have genuine talent, are basically decent people in spite of their demons, at least make a serious effort to do their jobs, or at least don't have that degree of narcissism and entitlement that she does, and I'm finding it really, really hard to see any redeeming characteristics in her at all. I know our Patron Saint is the usual example for this kind of thing, but how about people like, say, Judy Garland? She was a bona fide fuckup at the end, but she still had talent, heart, and the desire to at least try to give her audiences what they paid for, and Lord knows her parents were every bit as bad as the Lohans...or how about Anna Nicole Smith? Again, a total mess, but she loved her kids, and it always felt to me as if there was still some kind of sweetness and genuine vulnerability at the core, and people were sincerely sad when she died because she hadn't been able to get her life on track and get away from the leeches who preyed on her. When/if Lilo buys the farm, I just don't see people feeling like that about her, and sadly, she'll have brought it all on herself. (God, forgive me for saying this, but if she finally bites it, could somebody PLEASE take out those parents of hers as well? Otherwise we'll have to keep listening to them trying to cling to whatever vestiges of celebrity they have by exploiting their dead daughter even more, and it might be the only way to save Ali.)

    And no, @Gypsy, you're not at fault, not at all, and I hope you find a wonderful job ASAP. *hug*

  26. @nolachickee: I know what you mean--I love my kittycat way too much to ever want to subject her to someone like that, because who knows what the bitch would do to her in my absence?

    And yes, everyone who's considering watching this trainwreck: Please, please, PLEASE, do NOT watch this, or at least record it and watch it later--don't give Lifetime the good ratings they're expecting that made them sign off on this in the first place! If it's even remotely successful, all it'll do is keep her sense of entitlement going, and get her more work because producers will want that quick ratings boost. The ONLY way to even possibly bitchslap some sense into her is to make sure every single thing she does is such a complete and abysmal failure that there's absolutely no way in hell she & White Oprah can spin it positively, and this is the place to start--the line in the sand, the Rubicon, if you will. For the love of God, just grit your teeth and do it for humanity!

  27. Part of me wants to watch it, but undoubtedly there will be clips of it on line and I'll just look at those to satisfy my curiosity. I can only assume she's blackmailing someone at Lifetime. I just don't watch that channel anymore.

  28. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Yea Susan I felt the same way about SNL, and then i was REALLY sorry I tuned in. This one leaves me with no interest. The one thing that really irks me is why does everyone think she's so talented??????????????

  29. There was a time when I hoped Lohan would turn her life around and recover from her bullshit, a la RDJ... wait, fuck that. That's an unfair comparison. RDJ has loads of talent and even at his worst he was a better human being than Dumbfuck Lohan ever could wish to be.

    She is a caustic, toxic, BAD person. She does not give one single shit about anyone other than herself. She constantly hurts others without so much as a second glance. I'm sick of people making excuses for her, saying that she is only hurting herself. Bullshit. There is so much collateral damage because of her.

    Lifetime deserves the disaster they have on their hands. They knew what they were getting themselves into. Sure, they got tons of cheap publicity out of it, but how anyone can take them seriously- not that many people did before- as a network is beyond me.

    As for Lohan, she can go die in a fire and the world would be a better place. Cruel to say that? Maybe. But I refuse to care for someone who doesn't give a shit about anyone else, and cannot man the fuck up and ever accept responsibility for her bullshit. Save your empathy for people like teachers, police, firefighters, etc. who truly contribute something of value to society but often have to scrape by in this life like so many others, while this bitch is rewarded for doing jack fucking shit.

  30. Thanks Robin! I know I will...

    I found a clip from Lohan's movie, thought I'd share.


  31. @figgy: leave the Valley out of this! ;) we don't want her.

  32. Maybe I'm naive but aside from Neilson (sp?) ratings, how else do they measure them? I had always believed it was only through "Neilson families" that gauged ratings and no other way. So if I watch (and I'm in Canada, believe me they don't care what we're watching), I don't think there's harm. Recording it on a PVR may leave a trace. Watching it online definitely leaves a trace.

    Anyhoo, can someone school me?

  33. I still feel bad for this girl, I was really hoping she could pull it together.

  34. anita_mark, I read somewhere that DVR figures, Hulu, and iTunes downloads all figure in a show's ratings these days. I think the whole share thing is still dictated by Neilsen (maybe?), but the rest definitely do count. I suppose it's possible we could all watch her crash and burn without boosting the ratings when it's inevitably uploaded to YouTube, but it won't have the same kind of water cooler caché as seeing it along with everyone else. :)

  35. Oh, i cant wait to see it either!! I may hv viewing party!!!! I'll call it "The End", and when it is done, we will say in unison, "The horror! The horror!"

  36. Re: ratings questions. They really care most about eyeballs on the night still ( that is what the advertisers are paying for.) Though DVR now figures into that total. It is measured in 15 min increments. Downloads and future purchases for example iTunes are counted but not as viewer ratings. The good news is LIFETIME has recently been struggling so it won't take much for this to count as a Blockbuster for them.

    Re: "Is this all hype about her antics on the set, the accident etc."? No, it absolutely is not. I know from one of the most reliable sources on the set that people are absolutely miserable. Not the least of whom are the very experienced producer & the presiding network exec.

    Re: Don't watch it. Yes, that is the only way to end Lohans run. If it tanks in the ratings. If it is really bad but does great numbers, you will see more people get on the train wreck of fortune's bandwagon and hire her as "stunt casting."

  37. Re: ratings questions. They really care most about eyeballs on the night still ( that is what the advertisers are paying for.) Though DVR now figures into that total. It is measured in 15 min increments. Downloads and future purchases for example iTunes are counted but not as viewer ratings. The good news is LIFETIME has recently been struggling so it won't take much for this to count as a Blockbuster for them.

    Re: "Is this all hype about her antics on the set, the accident etc."? No, it absolutely is not. I know from one of the most reliable sources on the set that people are absolutely miserable. Not the least of whom are the very experienced producer & the presiding network exec.

    Re: Don't watch it. Yes, that is the only way to end Lohans run. If it tanks in the ratings. If it is really bad but does great numbers, you will see more people get on the train wreck of fortune's bandwagon and hire her as "stunt casting."

  38. @Sherry
    I was wondering the same thing about bad reviews being her come-to-Jesus moment, but I could see WO blaming it on editing or a low production budget

    re: the Magic bullet informercial
    I cannot make Mexican food for company without saying "Nachos Anyone?" in an English accent. Nobody has laughed yet, so I assume I'm the only weirdo that has that thing memorized (besides Anita!)

  39. I don't know what's going on in this picture, but it's hilarious.

  40. I was wondering what's going on in that picture, too--stumbling over something in a drunken free fall, maybe?

  41. I don't think high level or high paying sponsors will be buying time on this mess either. There will be no BMW, she'll be lucky to get Tide to buy in. Very lucky. She's hasn't had an acting job in 4 years, why did they think she'd do a good job and be professional, because she said so? She's a pathological liar, so the producers aimed low in casting and got what they deserved. She's also had a bad reputation for years of abusing co actors, she's a jealous, petty person and just reading a couple of interviews tells you nearly everyone who worked with her hates her and will never work with her again. What should that tell a producer? I feel no pity for them, and not only will Lindsay look the fool when this shoddy thing comes on TV, but the producers will never get another investment dollar and they killed their own careers, she'll go on leeching her way through Hollywood, going down lower with each gig, being more awful. She's never claimed to be anything but what she is, a homebody who hangs out in bars, who still parties like a rock star, she's not even hiding what she is or what she does. So shame on anyone who hires her, nobody wants to see her bad acting anymore. She was done years ago. A child actor who didn't survive the transition to an adult career.

  42. I wish I were the wife in the Magic Bullet infomercial, preparing & eating 5-course pureed meals with my energetic, above-average looking, articulate British hubby, on our boat, RV, camping, or even just a romantic evening at home.

    I'd hope for more attractive & sophisticated neighbors & friends, if I were her, though.

    Let me be person #537 to comment that when I see Lindsay in "Mean Girls" these days, I am shocked at how attractive she was just a few years ago. At the time I thought 'meh', because she's so sun-damaged, and her raspy voice got on my nerves. But compared to today---Dear Lord. Drugs are BAD! mmm-kay?

    And to whomever: YES! I think Rachel & Amanda's successes (they've BOTH been in Oscar-nominated films now) drives Lindsay NUTS! And don't get me started on Emma Stone, though I doubt they've met.

  43. PLEASE!Do you know why the Lifetime suits hired Little Miss Dangerous??

    They think that if she happens to die tragically while filming they will have "box office" gold. I think that is the only reason anyone hires this trick.

  44. She was horrible on Glee and she was playing herself. She both rushed and swallowed her lines, not to mention overacted them. She's just not talented. I would think this movie will prove it, but I'm always surprised how many "critics" have a tin ear for bad acting.

  45. I feel bad about the photo showing her tripping. She brings a lot of her disaster onto herself, but all of us have tripped and fallen. And most of us have hoped no one saw us and laughed when we did.

  46. That photo is hilarious!!! Love it!

    And I WILL be watching this, sorry to say...

    I agree that Lietime (typo, stays) is smart to cast her--look at all the publicity! You never hear any press about any of their other movies. $1M is prolly a bargain, PR- wise.

  47. @Libby
    You don't like Hazel?? Did somebody say Muffins?

  48. $1 million not really a bargain...most LIFETIME movies are only budgeted at around $1.5-2M to begin with. As for ad sales,, they dd not take on this project without figuring in projections of seriously lucrative ad sales. They don't care about BMW ( Not a targeted brand for LIFETIME's demographic anyway.) It is all about their regular brands and the premium rates they can charge.
    The producer is an old pro who has been doing this for years. This won't affect his future career unless the numbers are amazing and then only for the better. (He will definitely regret wasting so many months of his life on it, I'll bet.) If it tanks numbers-wise, I would mostly worry for the network execs who green lighted it, especially if it loses the network money.
    IMHO, the biggest damage it will do is o LIFETIME's reputation, They want to get out of the cheesy MOW ghetto and be perceived more as, say, an HBO or SHOWTIME. This stunt will set them back big time in this regard, whether or not the film does well. Unless hell freezes over and it is a critical masterpiece.

  49. @ anita_mark:

    While yes, networks/cable providers can see how many times a show was recorded & how many times that recording- they don't count in the ratings since ratings generally are used to set a price for commercial air time.

    The higher the Nielsen ratings a show has for a coveted demographic during primetime - the higher the price networks can charge for the ads. Since the majority of people use their DVR to fast forward THRU the commericals - DVR recordings are not counted towards the "Ratings" in a Nielsen household when FF is used.

    Many an excellent show or critical darling has been cancelled even though with the actual number of live viewers + number of recordings was higher than shows considered "ratings winners"

    Its not like years from now anyone will look back at "Jersey Shore" for example & talk about it the way cult shows like "Freaks & Geeks", "Arrested Development" or "My So Called Life" (which only aired 19 episodes total EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO & people + critics are still talking about it.)

    If you have ever watched a Prime Time show "On Demand" from a Network like FOX in my area for example - Fast Forward is not allowed at all. High number of those viewings could help a "Bubble" show be saved from being cancelled depending on how expensive it is to produce it.

    The Nielsen standard is a endangered species & will go the way of the VCR & 8-Tracks soon enough. I work for a major communcations company that provides TV services & believe me when I tell you that the company can at any moment tell exactly what program is streaming on every receiver in your home as you are watching it & know exactly how much that information is worth to Networks & advertisers.....

    back to my orig point....Screw Lilo & Lifetime: Support a show you love & watch it live - Nielsen home or not.

    DVR this trainwreck if your curosity demands that you see it & fast foward thru the commercials that companyies are spending the $$$$ they get from you buying/using their products to pay this trick to give a quarter-assed effort (when was the last time Lilo even made a half-assed effort for an acting gig?) to make-believe she is even deserving to have her name attached to Liz Taylor.


    *feeling really old now that I had to look up the orig air date for "My So Called Life"..

  50. ETA:

    Still bitter that SyFy cancelled "Eureka" in favor of more crap like Urkel hosting a disgusting Fear Factor rip off, night-cam-did-you hear-that-it-must-be-a-ghost-let's-spin-it-off-to-fill-the-schedule-because-there-are-only-so-many-hours-of-WWE-Wrestling-a-person-can-watch-on-a-network-that-no-longer-has-anything-to-do-with-Sci-Fi.....

  51. *companies, not companyies

  52. Congratulations, "Lifetime". They probably know that there's no such thing as bad publicity for one of their movies. I wouldn't have watched this normally - I don't do "Lifetime", but will find a way to download it now (don't have cable TV - just Roku and a computer).

    If this isn't a colossal mess, then Lilo has more talent than I thought and I will tip my hat to her, because I never thought she had "incredible talent" to begin with.
    If it is the disaster I suspect it will be, then her career in films (sans porn) is over.

  53. Let's hope Lifetime has some terrific editor working on this project.

  54. I'm sure I'm behind on the gossip, but I just read that she initially expected a bigger name for her co-star, such as "Gerard Butler, Robert Downey Jr or Brad Pitt." o_O

    We all knew what was going to happen. Besides the obvious, I'm sure she figured she could get away with being a slack ass because it was Lifetime.

    People fawning all over a mediocre actress when she was younger + her idiot parents are most of what's up with her huge sense of entitlement, but I know I'm not telling y'all anything you don't already know! ;)
