Thursday, June 07, 2012

High School Senior Killed By Girlfriend Because He Broke Her iPhone

17 year old Frankie Hernandez probably didn't think it was all that big of deal when he dropped his girlfriend's iPhone and it broke. She could get a new one. Maybe he even offered to help pay. Nope. Within minutes he was dead. His 25 year old girlfriend ran him over in her car and then sped away. Frankie had been standing in front of her SUV when she gunned the engine and just ran the kid over. How messed up do you have to be to run someone over like that? All because of a phone? Oh, and it was not like he did it on purpose. people could hear them arguing and he kept saying it was an accident.


  1. she was 25 dating a 17 year old?

  2. So not only is she borderline pedophile (who knows how long they were dating), she's completely psychotic. They have lethal injection in NY, right?

  3. ugh.. throw the book at her.

  4. Reading this brought to my mind the Portlandia iPhone dropping scene... at least to the extent that it depicted the horror of dropping your iPhone. In my defense, it also took place in a parking lot. But this story is really horrific and sad. :(

  5. Hope they have her in custody already. That's quite the overreaction.

  6. Bitches be crazy.

  7. My generation makes me sad.

  8. I am sad for his parents.

  9. this is why Bloomberg doesn't want super size sodas. Bitches be going crazy on sugar!

  10. Oh my God! Holy anger issues. And also, a pedophile! Freak.

    I want to make some sort of "how long was her plan" joke but it seems in bad taste.

  11. Why does his tassel say 2009? Am I blind?

  12. I wonder what her reaction is going to be when someone takes her cookie in jail

  13. I saw that too MIK

    And surely there's more to the story!

    Y'all, I just have to say this: I have a new kitten & I'm on an iPad, & she loves pouncing on the cursor on the screen. Cutest thing evah!

  14. @EmEyeKay, that's what I see too. His grade school grad photo perhaps? If he was a senior now, he'd have graduated in 2013, four years later.

  15. @jaariel - you need to download the Paint for Cats app. My cats love it!! And they don't scratch the screen or anything, so you don't have to worry about the ipad. It's super cute!

  16. @FSP - that's the first thought I had too! I've got to stop watching Big Bang Theory reruns.

  17. Does his cap say 2009?

  18. She's not a pedophile. She might be considered an ephebophile, but the guy was 17, which could be the age of consent there. It is where I live.

  19. It seems like everytime I turn around there is HS student death lately...3 die in a shooting, 4 die in a single car crash(2 were to graduate 12 hours later that day) and a senior at my kids' HS takes her life 2 weeks before graduation. My heart breaks for these families and now this. Another sensless death.

  20. Thanks guys. My eyesight lately is awful. I seriously couldn't tell.

    /thank you, 40s.

  21. Since NYC schools haven't graduated yet, that is probably his 8th grade grad pic, that would explain the 2009 on it

  22. @strawberry girl - your generation is fine. Better than mine, that's for sure. People have been killing human beings over inanimate objects since the beginning of time. That doesn't in any way make this less senseless or tragic, though. Poor kid, and his family, too. :(

  23. One of the many reasons I got out of NYC. Freaks everywhere, and with anger issues. NOLA has its issues, but in general people are a whole lot more mellow here.

  24. @nolachickee...I live in NYC and I have experienced amazing and talented people, not angry people. I'm sorry you've had a bad experience here...but I've been here for 20 years and would never think of living anywhere else.

  25. That's some nice publicity there for Apple....

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Lets see....she's 25 and he's 17? and she runs him over? holy heck immature!

  28. Priorities are effed up, seeing that a lot these days with that generation. WTH?

    But then mid-20s and dating a teen, yuck

  29. Lock her up n throw away the key...damn!

  30. I live in NYC and I can tell you, there is more to this story. Yes, she was 25 and he was 17. They had been dating for 2 years. Before that, she was the dude's babysitter.

  31. Wow, if the sexes were reversed, people here would be calling for the death penalty for that alone!

  32. But people are calling for the death penalty on her though! Haven't you read the first few comments, Robert? What does, "They have lethal injection in NY, right?" by Amber imply? Hmmm...?

  33. What @Vicki said. Geezus!

  34. That's quite the overreaction. I'm guessing she didn't opt for the Apple Care Protection plan?
