Thursday, June 07, 2012

Homeless People And Cloud Nine

I have to tell you that I am worried about the homeless people in this country. I have a feeling they are about to be harassed and abused and detained and kicked out of cities and towns. As if their life is not tragic enough, the spread of this over the counter version of bath salts called Cloud Nine is going to be trouble. The drug, which causes people to take it to go into possible cannibal mode has been blamed for seven cannibal attacks in the last week. The drug, which is entirely legal is taken primarily by homeless people. Police in several cities are already warning police to be careful when dealing with homeless. Know what that means? Police are going to start rounding up homeless and get them out of town. It is inevitable. People are going to think that every homeless person who asks them for change is actually trying to eat them and complain and the complaints will get louder and the police will respond by being aggressive and moving them to the next town and letting someone else deal with the issue. How do you get them to leave? By treating them like crap. Arresting them. Harassing them. Throwing away all their belongings. Not letting them sleep on benches or sidewalks. So, they leave. At some point though, they all have to end up some place.


  1. They'll just put them in the privately owned prisons.

  2. Why would stores even want to carry this crap? I hate everyone. I want to live on the Moon.

  3. Miama has done a good job of starting to get the info out via the police and local media.

    Enty, are you drunk?

    You know they will all end up in DC.

  4. omg this is scary, and troubling. Please reserve a crater for me too Amber.

  5. I am frankly more concerned about some random person high on bath salts trying to attack me and eat my face. Sorry, homeless people, I'm not that concerned about your well being.

  6. They do end up some's called Santa Monica/Venice; the homeless capital of the world.

  7. why hasn't this been taken off the market?

  8. I want to know why this stuff is still sold legally also. WTF?

  9. We have had so many problems with bath salts in my area. A priest in Scranton was slashed by a guy who broke into the rectory in the middle of the night. Homeboy was high as fuck and had no clue how he even got there. Another couple tore apart the walls in their home to try and get to the people "hiding in the walls". All done infront of their kids mind you. Its banned now in the county but people are still finding it.

  10. This is the first I've heard of this. As much as I love Enty, I hope this is an example of a poorly summarized news story.

  11. Has anyone seen this? The effects of bath salts. Very disturbing.

  12. They need to rename Catalina Island to Gedajob, CA and move them all there. It will be like Escape from New York, only without the bad Clint Eastwood impersonation from Kurt Russell.

  13. Are these bath salts the same that normal people put in their baths?

  14. Holy chit FSP. It's like he turned into an untamed wild animal. Now I get how it can cause people to do the unthinkable.

  15. @msgirl - no they are different. They are just called "bath salts" for druggie marketing purposes. Google to find out more, I researched it yesterday & it is a super scary and bad drug

  16. Bath salts is the street name of the drug. The active ingredient in the drug is a chemical known as MDPV (a synthetic amphetamine).

    Source for addtl info:

  17. @hunter, I am 'channeling' you:)

  18. No not like stuff you buy at Bath & Body. They are basically chemicals to get you high as a loon. They were sold in head shops and gas stations. The news says depending on what you're taking it can make you feel like your on meth or crank. I know people in this area were mixing them with detergents and cleaners to highten the effect. Some were even mixing a little meth or coke with them. Crazy, right?

  19. Im sorry, I too cannot bkame the police for not wanting to be eaten!

  20. How is this shit legal, yet people get arrested over a little bud? If the gov't is getting tax revenue from bath salts, they can do it with marijuana.

  21. Amber totally agree! I never wanna eat someones face off after a bong or 2. Now, a pizza? That's another story!

  22. Thanks hunter and agent it, and I agree, why is this stuff legal and pot isn't?

  23. It's way more important to make sure we keep pot illegal.

  24. For anyone interested, part of the problem is you need to snort much less of these "bath salts" to get high than one would of coke or meth.

    But your average user doesn't know this so they line up fat rails, snort them and lose their zombie minds in face-eating frenzies.

    According to what I read yesterday, if you do the proper amount it's "quite nice" but still sounds like a shit idea to me.

  25. At this point I just don't really feel sorry for most of the homeless people. I work in downtown where there is a very high number of homeless people and most of them are that way because of drugs and alcohol. In fact, one of them is my soon-to-be ex-husband (not soon enough for me) who threw away a great life because he drugs and alcohol were more important to him than anything else. He has had so many shots at recovery and he admits that he doesn't want it. He even got kicked out of the Salvation Army program recently for stealing from some of the other guys and then was arrested for breaking into a corner market. Dumbshit was still in the store when the cops got there because instead of just taking the money and alcohol he decided that he'd like to sit down and have a drink. He's now on the run with multiple warrants because he didn't show up for court (after they let him out). I don't feel sorry for him at all and I just can't feel sorry for most of the people on the street because their stories are all pretty much the same.

    1. Totally agree. I think most (most) homeless are just like your X. Glad you survived and good luck with getting back to normal and on with your life.

  26. Oh yeah and somehow it's legal because bags are marked "Not intended for human consumption."


  27. Well, hunter, I can't resist.

    We will all need a new tat:

    "Not intended for human consumption."

    1. That made me laugh!

    2. Lol!!!

      Great tattoo. In this day and age that may be the way to go.

  28. OMG New Life - I'm sorry. Hopefully your paperwork is filed to get that cut-off date of responsibility for his ass established!

  29. Which drugs are deemed legal and illegal (or even called "drugs" to begin with) is all a big, Federal conspiracy. Pot will never be legal, our government makes too much money raiding, then redistributing their findings. If it were legal, it would be the nation's leading cash crop (average for a bushel of wheat, our current number one, is $70 - pot would be ten times that). Rolling Stone did an incredibly awesome and in depth article back in 2003...real eye opener on legalization and why it will never happen.

    I'm pro-legalization.

    Re: homeless...I do feel bad for those who have no family or friends, and are mentally/physically disabled. That leads to homelessness frequently, at least where I live. Do NOT feel bad for the pill heads and booze hounds who threw their lives away. Help is available, get it.

    Bath salts = Fed's way of creating the zombie apocalypse. ;)

  30. More like "new life but same old selfish attitude". No wonder your husband drinks.

  31. New Life so glad you took yourself out of that Baaaad situation. And are smart enough to stay out!

  32. Detroit just banned the sale of them and some of the ritzier suburbs ( the Bloomfields, Farmington Hills) jus banned them because of the kids of said rich folk killing their family ( google Cipriano murder) or jumping into lakes and dying. A 74 grandma shot and killed her grandson because he was high on bath salts and is now being charged w murder.

  33. Rounding up the homeless? Sounds like ethnic cleansing to me......but then I’m a Brit and our arseholes in government are more than capable of trashing a group of people and turning hate onto them!
    I have to say I always give my change to any homeless person. I have been on the bones of my arse in the past........many years ago, but luckily not homeless but it coulda happened.

  34. @ Cornbread - do you know we now have drones ..from the EPA ... flying over cattle ranches .. under the pretense that it "will help reduce the cost of 'on site' inspections" ??? WTF ???

    Agree on pro position, but I think we will see the change in our lifetimes.

  35. There seems to be a lot of hysteria about "bath salts". Not much is known about it, and I don't think there's even close to enough evidence to suggest that 1. this is what the "cannibals" were on during the attacks, and 2. that this was the cause of the attacks in the first place.

    I'm waiting for the toxicology reports and a lot more information before blaming the cannibal craze on this drug. I'm giving these stories the serious side-eye.

    That being said, homeless people are already being rounded up and kicked out of cities. It's been happening more and more these past several years. Fear is a great tool used by the powerful to get people to vote against their own interests and keep their mouths shut whenever they see a gross injustice, and tolerate fascist tactics against the weak by their police forces. I look at the ones who benefit from "bath salt madness" and have serious doubts.

  36. I too think marijuna will be legalized in the next 10 years or so. I don't have a problem with that. I do have a problem with other drugs such as meth, crack, etc being legalized. But that's comparing apples to oranges.

    As for the homeless, some do it to themselves but there are many who can't help it - too many people are just 2 paychecks away from being homeless. Why? Not enough education, having children you can't afford, etc. the list goes on and on. I don't like the ones who panhandle at intersections because it's just dangerous - both to the panhandler and the motorist. I've seen them step into intersections without looking at the traffic, darting in and out of traffic. And what about the poor schlub who ends up hitting them?

    Give your money to organizations that will help them- I give to my church, to the Salvation Army and a few local organizations that try to help the homeless. That way I don't worry about my contributions going to a bottle of alcohol or some of that Cloud Nine.

    1. The panhandling at intersections is a business. Check it out. That's why you don't see a whole line of panhandlers at every corner. Ive seen this in many states and cities. All the same. Don't be the enabler please. You're not helping. Try tipping someone who is doing honest work next time you have so much money that you need to give it away.

  37. @Agent**It, now I'll be Googling all afternoon instead of working.

    @MadLyb, totally believe bath salts can cause violence. YouTube clip from an episode of Intervention...this guy makes "weapons" to fight "shadow people." Now, not saying they are what caused the cannibal attacks (never thought I'd type a sentence like that in my LIFE...) but, I can see where it would do it:

    Agree with @Amber, it's time to hit the moon...why is Newt out of the race, again?! ;)

  38. Tempestuous Grape took the words right out of my mouth.

    Santa Monica-The Home of the Homeless.

    "As you treat the least amoung you, you do unto Me."

  39. Here in the NWest, last year we had a spate of bath salt killings. These killings involved entire families, wives, children, and husband. Everyone of them were returned Armed forces members higher than kites on bath salts. Wives high with husbands. I call bath salts the drug that turns it's users into hamsters. Besides the deaths, every family home was destroyed on the inside, with every item they owned destroyed and piled throughout the house. Their vehicles were left in the manners as well. Who wants to take a drug that turns you into a hamster? No, it's not a homeless drug either. It's a drug that can't be detected via piss-test. This makes it worthy of doing....

  40. Ah, this is why the government has secretly been promoting zombies in the popular culture so much--to prepare us for the cannibal-homeless dudes!

    //cocks tin-foil hat jauntily to one side

  41. These "bath salts" aren't for human consumption, but they also can't be sold to minors. Strange.

  42. @New Life and Attitude - have you ever had a deep conversation with a homeless person? Many of them have stories that would break your heart.

    Homelessness can happen to anyone. Even you. One thing can change your life, or a number of small things. A lot of the homeless are ex-military. They've the horrors of war and their minds snapped.

    I'm an atheist, but always remember the Bible scripture along the lines of, "Be careful how you treat the man on the street. He might be an angel in disguise" The Bible does hint that there are angels among us, if you believe that sort of thing, and you never know what form they'll take. So whenever you want to give a look of disgust at the man lying on the sidewalk in his own piss with an empty liquor bottle or syringe by his side, remember, he could be an angel. At the very least, this is a precious human being that deserves love, no matter what. Except if it's Lilo... (I am kidding, even she deserves compassion).

    1. Every psychopath will make you feel sorry for them. Google for more information.

  43. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I'm actually afraid that my asshole of an ex (some of you know my story from a couple of days ago) might take this in the near future. When I met him, he used to smoke something called Tripp. Totally legal and all he had to do was go to the liquor store and buy it. It's apparently a substitute for weed that won't show up for tests. I think he told me once that it is actually incense that you burn.
    I made him quit that, cigarrettes, and alcohol.
    After we broke up, he went back to the drinking and even has a picture on facebook of him drinking that purple drink stuff (cough syrup). So, if you don't see me post in the future, its because he probably came looking for me all high and ate my face off.

  44. They are illegal in the state of FL. But there are many sources to get it. For example, college kids brought them in for spring break up in Panama and it flew through the state. There are 2 main groups that are affected, the homeless and the teen population. Watch the med stats in ER rooms on teens and this drug.

  45. Whats REALLY sad is as much as 1/3 of the homeless population are veteran's that have served our country. Our Country & State governments don't have anything set up to help ALL vets with their housing/job, etc. situations.

  46. I agree that this has been going on for years. In 1994, we had one of the World Cup Matches here in Dallas at the Cotton Bowl which is near a major freeway intersection. There were hundreds of homeless living under the overpasses. The city government here, controversially, rounded up all the homeless folks there and bussed them to other places to get them outta town during the World Cup.

  47. @MadLyb

    I've been reading this blog for years and I believe this is the first time tears have ever sprung to my eyes. I wish I knew you irl. Your point of view needs to be shared by all. Thank you for what you said! I feel the same as you - we shouldn't look at our homeless as useless pieces of garbage, but as Angel's to learn from and help if at all possible!

    @New Life and Attitude
    Maybe you should re-evaluate your moniker. Seems like you need to find compassion in your heart. I'm sure there is lots of bitterness in you where your ex is concerned but until you know what its like to walk in his shoes or anyone else that's addicted to any substance and maybe homeless because of it you should keep your selfish opinions to yourself.

  48. I've watched Intervention for years but the most messed up one ever was the guy on bath salts. He was a paranoid mess. He didn't get clean at the end. That episode showed me bath salts are way more terrifying than heroin or meth (which are scary).

  49. Wander over to Aftermath and read about the damage done to regular folks by psychopaths who roam freely among us. They cannot be cured or helped. Addiction is one of their specialties, breeding freely and abandoning their children, etc. Save your pity for those that can be helped.

    1. yep. I work with these monsters every day. There is mental illness and there is pure evil and unfortunately they often share the same hell.

  50. There has been zero confirmation that any "zombie" attack had anything to do with bath salts. The only source for this a police "official" speaking out of his a** about a chemical they know nothing about. The same police spokesman also said that Rudy Eugene had taken a new "more potent" form of LSD. Perhaps the visitors to this site are not versed in chemistry, but the ignorance of that statement should color everything else said by that official. Obviously there is something going on, and it could very well be caused by ingesting a chemical. I'm not holding my breath for anyone from law enforcement to provide and actual information on that subject anytime soon. The only thing we know for sure is Rudy smoked pot and had a bible with him.

  51. ...and Rudy's GF has now hired Gorilla Allred to represent her "story"..

    Don't think the bible did it, matthew.

  52. yeah let's round up all the homeless and burn them. I kid. As if they're the problem.

    The problem lies in the people wearing the robes behind the benches. The problems lie in the out of touch with the community legislators who live and work only for major corporations. And the problem lies in us for allowing this to happen. WE are the majority. Not them.

    Look, I was raised beyond comfortable -beyond upper middle class, and still I ended up a homeless begger on the streets in the 1990's because of a horrendous heroin addiction. I was on a suicide mission. And ever since I've been sober (12/01/99), I now live right in the middle, in a middle class neighborhood. Not even working class, but middle, and you want to know where I found THE worst people that I have ever come across??? In the 'burbs. In the middle class, middle america suburbs and in the county courthouse. The worst of THE worst of humanity. So if there's a desire for mass genocide and 'they" deem fit to kill only those who are at the bottom, we're in for a HEAP of trouble. And that is all I've got to say.

  53. It gets more bizarre (if possible). Inside the car investigators found a Koran and five empty bottles of water.

    You have to read the entire article, beyond the pot and bible thumping headline,to get details.

  54. @Agent**It I didn't say the bible "did it". I was listing known opposed to wild speculations. The known facts are he smoked some pot, and he had his bible with him. That's it. Any mention of bath salts by police officials was done with no toxicology and zero evidence...thus speaking out of one's a**.

  55. @matthew, I was joking with you re the Bible!

    But they do have preliminary tox info, which is where the pot info came from. It could just as easily have been laced with ecstasy but it will take the full report to ID. The police and media have mentioned the salts because Miami/Broward has had a lot of identifiable info on teens who have come into ER on the salts.They have developed a database of info.But yes, caution is correct.

  56. @New Life and Attitude - I am 10 years divorced from one just like your soon to be ex. In our divorce hearing the judge flat out told him he was a textbook sociopath. I have the same opinion as you on people's responsibility for where they wind up in life.

    That being said... I came here to tell you to prepare for a full on attack for voicing that opinion.

  57. Wow this sounds like such BULLSHIT. A drug on tthe market causes 'cannibalism', yet doesn't get yanked. HAHAHAA, come on now Reality! This is a big set up for a fantastic movie! Zombieland 2?
    Whether or not this is true, a. it will be made into a screenplay and b. it won't stay on the market. This sounds absolutely ridiculous. Why does it cause a prediliction for cannibalism in the homeless only? If a drug causes cannibalism..wait, I can't even finish. This is asanine. One if you needs to put this into a screenplay because it will bee a blockbuster.

    1. Felt the need to say:

      We're (i'm) not suggesting bath salts CAUSE cannibalism, I agree this is obsurd. HOWEVER they do make one completely absofuckinflutely insane. Only when one is insane (not just "high" like heroin, meth) would it be an inclination to chomp someone's flesh.

      If anyone here has not seen some of the bath salts videos on YouTube, you should - just for a moment of clarity - because those people are scary as shit.

  58. @ Rickatoo @New Life and Attitude

    -be safe.

  59. Sorry for typo's...arthritis in hand from painting + touchscreen phone= typo's God I want a fish filet combo with super sized fries and two cherry pies. Excuse me.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Oh, and I wanted to add that this bath salt shit will be outlawed. Legislation always takes time to catch up with the latest insane drug fad. Just say no people!!!

  62. To those who are interested, there's a really interesting article in today's paper regarding bath salts.

  63. I just wanted to point out the high correlation of homelessness and mental illness.

    So many of these posts that are so flippant about homeless people.... Just makes me sad. I have never been homeless, and I am thankful for that and being healthy enough mentally to not live on the street.

    I agree with MadLyb's post. I feel like there is so much I could say, but so many of these posts are so negative... anything that I have to say is not going to change that.

  64. How do people figure this stuff out? Do they go into stores and start eating different kinds of things, hoping they get a high and don't die? This is soooo messed up. You think just homeless people are going to be using this stuff...and why would you if you know it's going to make you want to eat people? If someone told me that taking a certain drug will make me want to eat bugs...I'm probably going to avoid that drug at all costs. Eating bugs or people does not sound like my idea of fun.

    1. It's amazing how people find things to get them high. When I was in high school the thing to do was whip-its. And anybody could walk into a grocery store or wal-Mart and get it.

  65. I agree that every human has value and is worthy of respect. I think the disregard of that fact is possibly the root of most of the evil in the world.

    I think Roger Ebert had a nice piece about how he thought it was a lack of empathy that was the root of most evil. I think you're both right.

  66. Please don't be hard on New Life and Additude. I do not know her, but I've been reading her posts for years, and today's snippet is not her whole life. She has come to this point slowly.

    If I may, and I hope I remember the details right (forgive me if my summary misses mark a bit):

    She herself is in recovery, a few years sober. So she knows the pull of drugs/alcohol and has chosen sobriety. Many addicts in recovery can't stay sober in the presence of someone still using. Her husband was still using, but for a long time she stood by him, through broken promises and relapses, over and over, as long as his goal was eventual sobriety. They were packing him up for rehab AGAIN when Amy Winehouse died, and they both cried knowing that's what would happen to him if he didn't get his life on track. He had numerous opportunities, and much support and love, but never managed to stick to it. When it became clear/he declared that he had no interest in actually ever being sober, things changed. She had stood with him for years, as long as his goal was eventual sobriety, even if he was not nearly there, but when his goal was NOT to ever be sober, she had to tend to her own life and health, and hope that the loss of support for him would be the final push he needs, but even if it isn't, it is NOT on her. He is responsible for his own sobriety or lack of it, just as she is responsibile for her own. Yes, now there is a lot of anger: who doesn't get angry when they see someone they have poured their LIFE into throw it away and choose everything that will eventually destroy them? She's counting the years and energy and love she gave this man, to have him come to this. Living with an addict who is full of promise when sober, and full of lies, manipulation, blame and secrecy when not sober can suck the life out of you, and leave you with loss and anger. So (and I don't mean this as harshly as it comes off) to those telling her not to judge what she doesn't "know": right back at you. None of us know all of what is unseen in another life, so treat others with compassion.

    And New Life: keep on, one day at a time.

    (And I was SO HAPPY to read you found yourself a good one now (in your birthday party post)! You deserve happiness in your life, and I'm glad you have found it.)

  67. @MadLyb and OMAMA, thank you for sharing your kind thoughts and insights. I couldn't agree more. I always think to myself.. what if that were me? Wouldn't I hope for someone to care a little, just so I make it through another day? Of course.

  68. @WUWT - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! You pretty much nailed it - and said it better than I could. I can't believe how much you have remembered from my posts.

    Yes I have been in recovery for a few years, and I have a lot of experience with addiction (other family members, friends, etc.). And let me say that there are going to be a few of the people on the streets that have heartbreaking stories, but for the most of them they have CHOSEN this path in one way or another. And let me say that I attend meetings and have a ton of friends in recovery who will tell you that when they were homeless it was because of THEIR choices and they will tell you all the same thing - DO NOT GIVE THEM MONEY or anything because they are going to use it on booze and drugs. They know where to get the help and don't want it at that point.

  69. Just thought of something.. I think it was a homeless man who was attacked and got his face eaten, not the other way around.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. You mean to tell me that it's not the REAL bath salts that go into the bath??? NOW YOU DECIDE TO TELL ME! God I just snorted everything in the bathroom and I've been belching bubbles for the past hour!

  72. wow! Thanks to those who gave positive feedback. I was actually terrified of coming back to this thread because I once again, shared too much.

    I thank you.


  73. All the best NewLife&Attitude & Omama.

    I sometimes think people say the things they do is because deep-down, they realize that, there but for the grace of God, that could be any of us. A reversal of fortune, job loss, sickness, whatever, and that scares us more than we would ever care to admit.

  74. oh fuck off with that "THEY CHOSE THIS!" bullshit.

    Honestly, you think these people CHOOSE to be shells of their former selves? to not know where the next meal or dollar or bed is going to come from? To lose everyone in their life? SMFH.


    1. @jax - Weeeelllllll... I'm an alcoholic who has had two major stints of sobriety yet at the present I choose to continue drinking. I know where the local meetings are and I choose not to go at this time.

      That said, I'm rather functional and have not lost my job/family/friends as a result of my drinking. I also don't drink every day so I guess there's that too.

      Just wanted to throw some support behind the "choice" factor.

      Thats my two cents on addiction. Homelessness is a complex issue I leave to everyone else. :)

    2. Some people are only shells to begin with. They look like us but are completely without empathy and conscience. They're not all serial killers. Some are even very successful in business. It was a surprise to me. Many appear to be harmless but have a trail of misery behind them as normal people become involved only trying to help.

  75. I really think NewLife, OMAMA, WUWT?, MadLyb, et al, are all making the same basic point - every life has value. Don't judge others until you've walked in their shoes, whether that "other" is a homeless dude, a drug addict, or the family member of that homeless dude or drug addict.

    Sometimes the only right and compassionate thing to do is to let someone live with their poor choices. Sometimes you have to take care of yourself, because sacrificing yourself for your addicted/troubled loved one would do him/her no good anyway. Then there would just be two lost lives.

    You guys are awesome - I work at home, and I feel like a good CDAN thread is like the office gossip/discussion that I sometimes miss; my animal "coworkers" only have strong opinions about food and taking a walk :-).

  76. The YouTube bath salt videos are just scary! Remember folks - two shots. Second shot goes in the ceiling! Zombies will scare the snot out of an old lady!!

  77. For the people asking why the drug is still legal in some places - it's because it's new, and the law takes a while to catch up. A bunch of states have passed laws against it, and I'm sure all the others are working on it. I'm sure the feds will ban it eventually as well, but god knows how hard it is for them to get anything done with all the partisan bitching about every stupid little thing.

  78. Pres. Reagan de-institutionalized mental-health hospitals in the 80's, the reason why you now see so many homeless on the streets with mental health problems. Lack of empathy in leaders cause huge problems in society.

  79. I know enty, that was my first thought when i read this....those poor people. there will be shakedowns, etc. but there was a man on that and killed two people in the our town.. not cool.

  80. Just as long as they move on past Indiana. We're already overrun with the crazy spiders and all. ;)

  81. Thank you, Saffron. Many homeless aren't healthy enough to care for themselves. It's not a choice if you have nowhere to go, and especially if you're too sick to work.

  82. I totally agree with you frufra and I apologize to newlife if I came across judgemental because I truly didn't mean to.

  83. You cannot define the entire homeless population as all suffering from addiction . How can you judge an individual's experience such as " New Life and Attitude"?

  84. Got to love on @Amber for this: "Why would stores even want to carry this crap? I hate everyone. I want to live on the Moon."

    Also ITA that the homeless are generally mentally ill; even drug addicts have some degree of mental illness (either at the beginning and definitely by the end). I've tried working with the homeless; it's heartbreaking. My mom was almost homeless, not for lack of money but from a traumatic brain injury that eventually put her crazy. We had to move heaven and earth legally (in court -- lots of money to idiot lawyers) to get her into an institution, and that's just ONE potential homeless.

    The homeless don't need to be driven like cattle, and these fcking bath salts need to be burned with fire. And politicians who war against marijuana and don't mind bath salts need to hang out with bath salt users.

  85. Just thought I would make 100 comments. After reading all of them, I thought what the hell.
    Smoke MJ. Not bath salts. :)

  86. @ Matthew
    I agree that there is something fishy about the story out of Miami. I'm not into conspiracy theories, but there is something going on with that case. There are a lot of conflicting stories about what went down with that guy and the guy he ate.

  87. Frufra, these two comments were perfect:

    [E]very human has value and is worthy of respect. I think the disregard of that fact is possibly the root of most of the evil in the world.
    Sometimes the only right and compassionate thing to do is to let someone live with their poor choices. Sometimes you have to take care of yourself, because sacrificing yourself for your addicted/troubled loved one would do him/her no good anyway. Then there would just be two lost lives.

    I couldn't restate or summarize those thoughts any better!

  88. What an asinine post. "Enty" has proven to be more ignorant than I thought was even possible.

  89. @Steppy, if you disagree with everything Enty says, why do you spend so much time here?

    Ohhh, right. Must defend Tom Cruise's heterosexuality and promote his movies.

  90. yes, there are many alternative theories including:

    From the "news":
    -he was either drugged unknowingly
    -he was under a Haitian Vodou curse*
    -he had 2 reported incidents of violent acts against family members

    *I'm not making that up,from Miami news

  91. (cont) but nobody has reported what prescription meds he was on, if any.

    -Why does it take 2 months for the full report ??

  92. @Agent**IT I read that on the Enquirer's website today as well.

    In FL, it takes 8 weeks for toxicology results. There are some illegal drugs that show up right away through drug testing, but if it's not illegal (usually pills), they won't know until the report comes back. My husband's childhood best friend died of an overdose back in 2005...ended up being methadone, but we didn't know until two months after the funeral. Death certificate said "enlarged heart" (drug related, of course). That's the same COD they put on Chris Penn's death cert when he passed. I think they do that so the family can grieve a little easier.

    Anyway, Enquirer has gone full-blown zombie apocalypse with their reporting. I can't WAIT for The Walking Dead to come back this year. ;)

  93. @Cornbread, well, I guess we'll just have to "double tap" until they find out :)

  94. "Synthetic marijuana case ends with guilty plea, first such federal case in Florida"

    For those that are interested in this subject, see link below. It is about selling the "cone incense" type of synthetic.Dude is from Canada. Got in WAY over his head.,0,5208372.story

  95. Interesting article, and good to know work is being done to get this stuff off the shelves. As a Floridian not living too far from that area, that makes me feel a bit better.

    My husband frequents a gas station a block from our house, and he told me they have bath salts there. He asked the guy behind the counter last night if they sell a lot of that stuff, and he told him you wouldn't believe how much they move, and who buys it. There are two cops (per the guy behind teh counter) who buy it after their shifts. In uniform. So, that makes me feel even better. :/

    Article in the Miami-Herald on the "Causeway Cannibal":

    Could be up to a YEAR before they even RELEASE the final report.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. @Vicky Cupper. I forget to share this, but was thinking, A) you must have caught that show on cnbc on the privatization of american prisons the other night, LOL but really nothing to laugh about. And B) now would be a good time for Everyone to read Starhawks book called, The Fifth Sacred Thing. Just saying, it's more then fiction, we're in the midst of it now.

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. one recent and well know case of the problens bath salts can cause is the case of Phil Gordon Sparks, a homeless man from santa monica, CA who has persued Sheryl Crow, saying he was going to kill her and eat her.
    Crow got a restraining order against Sparks but this hasnt slowed him down much.
    This is public information and has been in the new. mmultiple times.

    1. oh c.mon, LOL...I am Phil Sparks and that is all bullshit...addicted to bath that is the funniest thing I ahve heard from the Studios as yet.

      No, the truth is that Sheryl crow & I had a 'friends with benefits' sort of thing going on, and after awhile...I realized she was nothing but a fukin' cunt...and didn't like her so I ended the friendship with her, but she's a nut...what can I say. Sheryl Crow ripped me off my paycheck for 7.5 million for doing some acting work, and intially...I was going after that in lawsuits until the 'articles' came out....then went after them instead. The Studios and Sheryl Crow put over 100 articles around the world stating that I am delusional...but the fact is...they lied to protect the reputation of Sheryl Crow & 'fatfuck' Harvey Weinstein...and in Hollywood, Harvey's nickname is 'fatfuck' because one, he is fat and two...he has a history of not paying peoples' paychecks or even his 'bills' on time...anyone in Hollywood can tell you that.

      No, the articles are a lie and most Studio Executives are nothing but pieces of shit. For example, look at the CEO of Miramax, here he is making millions of dollars, in the public eye, and has everything in the world that one would want, including a beautiful wife....but what does he do? Risk it all to have sex with a 100/hour prostitute...LOL...Hollywood executives are sick me....the Articles are a lie and Edwin here...I am sure is one of those Studio Executives that is employed by the Disney/Weinstein cover things up.

  100. one recent and well know case of the problens bath salts can cause is the case of Phil Gordon Sparks, a homeless man from santa monica, CA who has persued Sheryl Crow, saying he was going to kill her and eat her.
    Crow got a restraining order against Sparks but this hasnt slowed him down much.
    This is public information and has been in the new. mmultiple times.
