Saturday, June 16, 2012

Kim Kardashian Says She Wants Privacy

Kim Kardashian is an idiot. There, I said it. Yes, I have a hangover and and wish I was still sleeping and yes, the tree I ran into last night with my face really hurt, but Kim Kardashian is still an idiot. She is in Italian Vogue this month. Actually the cover, because they couldn't find any other porn stars to put on the cover. In the article she says that she wishes she had more privacy. Huh? This is the same woman who has all these reality shows going on, calls photographers to tell them where she will be and what time so they can get her photo and does everything she can to stay in the public eye. Now she is complaining she wants privacy. Oh, and get this. In the article she says she won't talk about her relationship with Kanye because she likes to keep her relationships private. Is she smoking crack? This is the same woman who filmed her last wedding and set it specifically so it could be filmed and she could be paid for it. This is the same woman who put her last relationship and the one before that and her current one on her show. She does not keep them private. What she should have said is she does not talk about them unless there are cameras rolling and she is getting paid for it.


  1. She and that whole tribe should have been euthanized at birth.

  2. Eat a banana and have a glass of orange juice and Tylenol

  3. biggest.famewhore.on.the.planet.

  4. She likes to keep her relationships private?

    Says the girl who is famous for a sex tape.

  5. I'd like to punch her in her plastic face.

    She is such a lying phony.

  6. And I'm sure the interviewer was nodding like an idiot and sympathizing with her. How come no one calls her on this?

    Hopefully this is a low-selling edition.

  7. That's men's Vogue.

    At least they had the innate intelligence not to treat her as stylish and put her in the women's edition.

  8. I want privacy from this fucking whore.

  9. Enty: eat menudo then drink a beer (or two). Best cure there is.

  10. Anonymous1:54 PM

    What Robert said.

  11. Probably planning to exploit it for more money at some point and she doesn't want to let the cat out of the bag out before then.

  12. she is just saying what she thinks (or was told to) say to seem more human to us regular human beings who don't live, sweat and breathe wanting to be famous.

    All spin control, and agree with @Robert.

  13. Maybe she sees the attention isnt wirth it. When her 72 day marriage crashed, she dudnt like being object of ridicule. Cant have it both ways, as she will learn. Im sure it will be very hard to wean herself off the huge publicity teat she craves. Thats her problem, I just ignore her.

  14. The next interview she has where she says something like this should end abruptly with the interviewer saying
    "I'm so sorry, we'll leave you alone and this won't appear anywhere."

  15. Another graduate of Liar U.

  16. Hey Enty - pretty please with bacon on top grant Kim her wish. No more K clan stories ever!!!

    I've discovered that the best hangover cure is Vietnamese pho. It's just a broth with noodles, meat and sprouts and leaves, so nothing offensive in it. Just leave out the hot sauce if your stomach is queasy. It's the best comfort food.

  17. I think she doesn't want to talk about it because she doesn't want to have to face the inevitable, "But isn't Kanye gay?" question.

  18. Enty i am hung over too... so i got tomato juice and put a shot of vodka in there... feeling great. I know its not that healthy but it worked. It was hard as hell to drink though... my tummy was churning til the last of it. I never gave trashian ratings and boycott mags with her on the cover. I wish she would just board a rocket to the sun and disintegrate. But then some would call her a fucking hero. Cant win

  19. When I see any of the famewhoring Kartrashians, I want to shoot them with a bazooka. Even if they were carrying baby seals, it would take every ounce of will power to not blast them all to smithereens. Walking cesspools of disease and douchebaggery.

    And...her sex tape was boring.

    Did anyone see the photo Kanye tweeted that he "thought" was Kim, but then later claimed to be an adult film star*, which he then removed from Twitter? I really think it was Kim...the chick was crazy orange.

    *not sure what qualifies as an adult film "star", so I'm going with possibly getting tweeted nude by Kanye.

  20. This site is getting so boring with these rants.

  21. Yes we really need respect that. I believe her. Actually I would like to see some foxes and minks and other murdered animals she wears rip this bitches skin off. Um prob on camera

  22. We know We know u hate Chris Brown and Kim Kardashian next.

  23. GREAT! i wish she would go away too!

  24. FFS Enty there is a major difference between Italian Vogue and L'uomo. Whilst Anna Wintour is in charge Kim will never have a cover.

    1. Glad you pointed this out... Anna Wintour has standards.

  25. Bitch please! You can't make a ho a housewife, and tigers can't change their stripes. Once her bearding contract with kanye is up she will be singing like a jailhouse rat.

  26. Spare me.......
    This creature is an idiot. Privacy Kim, you live attention and you want privacy are so full of shit.

  27. oops for attention

  28. This is why I love you, Enty. I can HEAR the incredulity with which I imagine you would actually say this coming through the words you type on the page. Keep it UP!!

  29. To quote Paperlillies, from Youtube: "Oh my God, how much I would like to punch her, and again and again...and then again."

  30. I like to call these kinds of whines '14:59-and-a-half.'

  31. Hahahaha yeah Kim we dont care, you made your money from selling your soul and your body. If you had any actual talent we might give a shit.

  32. I vaguely recall seeing her on Ellen renewing her vows (in public, on a daytime talk show) 3 weeks after her wedding. Was that a skit or real? Both?

  33. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Just comfort yourself with the knowledge that this time will always be the good old days to her

  34. She just doesn't know what the word means. God the girl can't do Everything you know. Makeup lessons took precedence to things like thinking and reading.

    you guys are so judgmental, sheesh. (I kid)

  35. ^^^^^^^ Super High Five Enty!!! I couldnt have said it better myself.

  36. ^^^^^^^ Super High Five Enty!!! I couldnt have said it better myself.

  37. This bitch has gone from being irritating to become really fucking annoying. Has there ever been a more greedy, narcissistic PR whore in the history of the world? And what exactly s she famous for? Ohhh yes, for taking her knickers off and filming it......fucking disgraceful.....especially given that many of us are still sruggling through a recession and haven’t enough money to get through the month.

  38. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Why would you want all this attention? Where does that get fun? You you you you you you you , hey YOU! Can I get your picture? How do you feel about your divorce? Your husband cheating on you? Hey hey hey hey hey hey, look over here, you, hey you, hey you, you, you, you! I can't understand anyone that does this to themselves. I suppose growing up in Hollywood might be to blame. Being imprinted so young with the lights, glamour, fame, celebrity, money etc. Which she is a product of. It's not a game though, it's not an afternoon activity. Keep in mind she is extremely airheaded,and thus has no other options for a career that supports her material/designer (needs). Anyone see her Mom's divorce demand that she needed many more thousands of dollars a month because of hers and her daughters needs for their LIFESTYLE? Designer clothes, schools, staff, etc. After she cheated on him? I very much dislike Kim's speaking voice, She's gone to the paris hilton school of drunk baby from the valley on helium with a lisp elocution college. She'll be ok, just like the rest of us. But complaining about what she's worked so hard to get and keep? All just part of the game. Sad she doesn't see the backlash.

  39. @Carmelitelady...she has her head too far up her own ass to see the "backlash."

  40. Why are people buying magazines she's on, why are people buying anything she endorses or sells? Someone's doing it, by most of people's opinion of the family they should be dead broke, panhandling. Who are the idiots watching their shows and buying their crap? Those are the people keeping these good for nothing liars in boatloads of money. Stop supporting them and they will go away!
