Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Says She Worked 85 Hours In 4 Days

So, there are 24 hours in a day so in four days there are 96 hours. Lindsay Lohan wants us to believe she worked 85 of those 96 hours. First of all, there is no production that is going to only have 3 hours a day off. Second, out of the 12 hours Lindsay might spend on a set, she is probably only working a fourth of that time. The rest of the time she is sitting in her trailer doing nothing, so that is not really working. And then, when she is actually working she is standing in front of a camera talking. Please let me know when that gets too exhausting and I will pass it on to the guys who have been using jackhammers 8 hours a day to dig up the street and lay pipe.

Lindsay says this demanding 85 hours was the reason she passed out and paramedics were called. Whatever you say Lindsay. Maybe they should hook her up to one of those e-meter things while she is at the Scientology Center. Yeah, they are filming part of the movie there so another reason not to watch it.


  1. By "nothing" you mean "cocaine."

  2. Who said those 85 hours were spent working on the shoot?

    Lindsay seems to have other sources of income. Maybe she only had nine hours to herself sans gentlement friend.

  3. Anonymous1:09 PM

    My thoughts exactly, Beth.

  4. Nice thought, Beth. I hadn't considered that. Maybe LiLo spent the bulk of those hours "working" on her back. She sure as hell didn't spend that many in front of a camera, or even on a set.

  5. Now now in all fairness, working on a set IS hard work, even if you are "just standing in front of a camera talking." And the hours and hours spent waiting around between takes can be draining: psychologically anyway. Days can go as long as 14-16 hours, especially on a tightly budgeted movie. However there are union rules that would preclude not only Ms. Lohan but the crew from having less than an 8-hour turn around. And even with that (less than 10 hours) the production pays a penalty. SO...her math doesn't add up. Surprise surprise.

    This girl's default setting is LIE.

  6. Maybe she was up for 85 of the 96 hours

  7. And I'm getting exhausted of her bullshit. Can we ban her already?

  8. she sits in a trailer most of the day sipping booze out of a water bottle.

    That is her 85 hrs of work.

    I fucking can't stand this loser who takes no responsibility for any of her actions.

  9. I was going to ask about union rules so thanks for that, Hendrix.

    She's so full of shit but I can't wait to see what she does this week. She's definitely more entertaining when she's working because she can't even do that.

  10. What about all the other people working on the movie? Why didn't they pass out from exhaustion and "dehydration"? Because she's such a delicate li'l flower?

  11. Heh. "Lay pipe" in a LiLo post. Well played, sir. Well played.

  12. @ Florin - took me a minute , very funny .

  13. I have never understood the appeal of a Lohan

  14. hunny you aren't filming Avatar. Stop pretending you're an A list actress.

    This is the same crap she pulled on Georgia Rules. She just come up with better excuses for sleeping in.

  15. @O'Really - because once upon a time, in a galaxy faaaaaaar faaaar away, LL exhibited talent and we all held out hope for her future projects.
    Then Dina & Michael realized what a cash cow they had produced, and the exploitation began and continues to this day.
    Bringing with it the time distortion skills that LL is exhibiting now...or would that actually be attributed to her lack of formal education?
    I mean, when you can't make 1 + 1 equal 2, you might have some issues trying to work with higher numbers.

  16. Lol...Merlin that seems like a lifetime ago. I must admit that even then I failed to see whatever it was that others saw in her. I always thought she just got lucky with certain roles, especially Mean Girls.
    As far as Disney, I think the sheer number of child stars who've gone through that factory and ended up addicted and crazy are a sure sign that something is very, very wrong there.

  17. My God, the wardrobe costs for this person, her pants are constantly on fire!

  18. If the whole acting career thing doesn't pan out, she should think about working at a lie detector training institute.

  19. This girls head is so far up her own ass shes peeking out the top! She is incapable of any rational thoughts. Go to rehab!!!!!!!!

  20. I too would be exhausted if I spent 85 hours snorting various pills and powders whilst starring in a mirror telling myself that I am the most gorgeous and I will get that oscar and emma stone shall rue the day!!
    Poor Lindz she really needs a vaca..maybe in space..on a really important mission to Uranus.

  21. @Florin - I came to say the same thing. Enty said lay pipe. (I'm now doing my best Butthead imitation).

    C'mon, everyone. It's not easy pretending to be an actor when you're actually a trick. There are only so many hours in the day. Sex for cash, I'm sure, is exhausting.

  22. CDANers, all of your comments make me laugh out loud...which I really needed. :)


    Seriously considering getting in one of those Vegas Celeb Death Watch pools...

  23. Good grief.....just go away Lindsay. Has it ever occurred to you that you are lucky to even have a job ?

  24. Maybe the CREW worked that many hours. Crews always get the shaft, 85 hours is a bit extreme, but not unheard of in the history of making movies. She is an idiot.

  25. Hendrix - thank YOU for injecting reality into her fable!! Because I assure you that IF they were running those hours? The entire officer corps of SAG and AFTRA would be up her ass with a giant foam-fan-finger and a team of forensic accountants to audit the set call times and schedules. (And I'm not certain but I'd think both Lifetime and the prod. co. would have to be signatories).

    Even IF she were shooting a $300 mil. Bruckheimer/Jim Cameron film called "Prometheus Vs. Transformers" with CGI and water tank shots she'd STILL never approach that many hours (even considering time for blocking, cam set-ups, etc.). Never mind even a shit-budget TV movie would have stand-ins for her.

    As someone who ashamedly used to do my fair share of waking up in strange places AND tanking productions, I cannot see how she's even insurable or employable anymore. Obviously the network is banking on trainwreck PR to draw viewers, but this is just beyond crazy. As in, Youtube meme crazy. Why don't they just get the guy who sang Chocolate Rain to co-star with her? I mean that would draw Neilsen rubberneckers too!

    There are other people (above AND below the line) with jobs and careers riding on this self-absorbed twat. Her actions are disrespectful to all of them. You'd think the infamous letter which producer James G. Robinson wrote to her a few years back would have shamed her and scared off anyone from hiring her. EVER. But I guess if Octomom can get paid to "act", then even Lohan can. The true tragedy lies with the tons of skilled actresses who could do that role justice; the obliterated legacy of Liz Taylor; and the victim-in-waiting yet to be damaged from her next inevitible auto accident.

    If Lohan wants to destroy herself? It is her choice. She has pathologically refused MANY attempts from good people to help her. I hope her parents are proud - especially after the damage done to her young sister as well. That poor girl is already far beyond salvation too...all thanks to her mom and big sis. Maybe if the DGA, SAG, and WGA all implement bans against anyone working with Lindsay, she may finally decide to save herself. Then again...I doubt it. I am the biggest supporter for redemptions and comebacks, but when someone cocks a leg and shits all over humanity (and the industry) time after time, refusing all offers of help? Even I shake my head in disgust. Some people, alas, refuse to be saved. I just wish she wouldn't drag innocents down with her.

  26. According to the rules of IATSE, a crew can't work more than a 12-hour day, or they go on "golden time," where they are paid double what they normally get for every hour over the 12. And since we're talking about a low-budget Lifetime movie, I would bet the production is sticking close to the 12-hour work day.

  27. Himmmm, do you like NC?

  28. I want to know why she had to work the entire night from 7pm to 8am the next day? That was the night after which they called the paramedics when they couldn't rouse her. She had gone to bed to take a nap after working all night. Apparently they were waking her up after about an hour of nap to shoot some more scenes. In that scenario, I can see why it might've been difficult to wake her...aside from whatever substances she might've been on. It just sounds ridiculous to shoot all night rather than all day...hell on everyone's circadian rhythm.

  29. well soon LL wont even be able to get work in a Infomercial or tampon add. Her rep is all her fault... but the whole way down others will get the blame in her mind and tweets. Shes ungrateful and noé uninsurable and hope she dosent kill anyone in her next car wreck.

  30. I hate her but I also feel kind of bad for her. She is obviously drug fucked and a total addict. I think she will end up in a gutter somewhere in a few years. I blame her mother, the main enabler.

    1. Hey, dont lets forget dear old dad!! He helped too!!

  31. @Don't Rain, because she didn't. She's lying.

  32. While I was reading the CNN ticker at the gym today, it mentioned producers worrying about Lindsay's nap scare (and I couldn't help but chuckle that they shorthanded it down to that). Seriously though, I don't understand how she has not tired of the mess she has become. Like a lot of you that read this site, I privately (thank God) battled addiction for years. I was completely functional and the only people that knew were those I used with, but one day I just got sick of the secrecy and lies. I remember coming down and sitting on the edge of the bathtub, thinking of the one thing I took away from the only NA meeting I had ever been to years earlier. One time is too many, and a 1000 times is never enough. That was it, and I was done. I hope Lindsay has that moment soon

    1. i completely understand... when enough is way too much when my family had hurt for the last time behind my thoughtless compulsion it took years to get trust back which is why LL bugs me so much i guess. She has been given so much not only material gifts and she dosent care apparently. Im in recovery as many of us are and blaming others just dosent work.

  33. Choco-late Raaaaaain!

    I don't understand why anyone would want this idiot working for them...there are so many better actresses out there- hiring Lohan for stunt casting just cheapens your movie. She's so much trouble and costs so much in wasted time and headaches, is it worth selling your soul to hire her? What are you trying to prove? That you can survive a Lohan apocalypse? Well, good for you, Mr. Producer. We aren't impressed in the slightest...

  34. Yes, Sunny - that is the perfect truism. I am so proud of you for having your "moment" and working to get better. Here's to your recovery, and to those also in recovery - and to those who had the courage to stay away from that "one time too many". I hazard to guess that you remembered something worth embracing which spurred you towards your epiphany. I know for a fact, and from experience, that too many in this industry are blinded by denial and enablers who tell them they are "fine" and "can handle it". Ergo, they never have that epiphany until their money is gone, their leeches move on, and/or they die. One can guess which result will come Lohan's way.

    Yes, Liddy - her dad is hardly innocent I'd presume.

    BrendaLove - it is amazing. I've fallen in love with something called "low country cooking" (especially fried oakra) and the oldies soul music they call "beach music" (forgive me, I'm a noob to the local life). One could definitely find oneself escaping regularly. Nicest locals in the USA too. Everyone is so...NORMAL!! hah! (only trouble is trying to find a dialect coach for Chinese - not easy!).

    And Prada?
    It is quite common to do shoots as overnights. This can range from doing outdoor nighttime scenes, to simple scheduling accomodations for principals involved. And if one of the leads blows a take, or there's tech issues? Reshoots MUST be done a.s.a.p. to help with continuity issues and try to avoid falling behind schedule. It is very common, typically in TV and lower-budget shoots when you're already set for a broadcast deadline.

    But yes, you are correct, it IS hell on the mind/body -especially if one's mind/body are out of whack to begin with.

    Cops, nurses, firefighters, and factory workers do it on and off every week (sometimes back and forth I'm told). So a pretentious actress trying to mimic a legend is hardly important work by comparison. As you well know, real people do it every day without calling EMS for a wake up call. You'd think a delusionally-entitled overpaid famewhore could manage it without a binding UN resolution just to do what's expected of her. But maybe I'm just cynical?

    1. @himmm
      Thank you. I know it's not that simple for many, but I was ready and knew I wasn't that person I had become. Life's too short to be wasting it in an altered state and sleeping through half the weekend, people!!! :)

    2. *oops. Throw another "m" on there, Chico. I'm beat :/

  35. I brought up the overnight shoot issue just because I think it makes it more understandable that she was hard to wake up. I'm just playing devil's (Lindsey's) advocate for a moment. ;) I believe the overnight shoot scenario was described by someone working the production...but come to think of it, it was probably an "unnamed source" so it could've been anyone, up to and including white Oprah. ;)

  36. Is she really fucking crying? Ask ANYONE who works production and they will tell you that 14-16 hour days are the norm.

    I can't stand this pig.

  37. @Himmmmmm (or whatever the fuck your name is..............)

    Believe me, it's a stunt cast. Can't get give more than that, I'm afraid.

  38. Hahahahahahah! Enty said "lay pipe"

  39. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Wow Chocolate rain reference. Takes me back. I dont think she wants to act or have a career. Seriously i believe shes interested in being a party girl a starlet a celebrity for its own sake. Same with kim karddont care enuf towrite her name. She is having fun. Drinking clubbing dancing partying shopping traveling shes always loved it looked truly happy laughing for the cameras. Always been highly active in the social scene. Why shouldnt she open a restraunt or club? Attach her name to one? If thats what she wants thats fine but what about a normal life? Doesnt want one based on the sam ronson debacle. No offense to real lesbians. Lindsay just liked the clubs and the limelight nitelife. If she does live she will probably be revealed to be an agressive vicious nasty person. Hello? Her DAD. Fucking michael lohan. Faked a heartattack and jumped out a hospital window. Funny story my husband did the same thing. I actually kinda like that one.

  40. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Oh yes. Now i remember. She will be revealed as a raving asshole. Yaknow that pic of her in the ocean blond screaming at the shore with a nasty angry look on her face? THAT is who she is. Brat. Screaming. Obnoxious nasty mean self centered selfish immature spoiled asshole brat. Shes a child star. Most of them seem to never mature past ten. I had a funny thought. A reality show about lindsay lohan and danny bonaduce. I bet theyd understand eachother and have calm quiet rational deep discourse. She needs someone just like her in a relationship to hold up a big mirror. Sorry but she needs to be humbled. A strong forceful person might help. Why cant she go to India and mature?

  41. Cue the violins!!! Seriously... Who gives a shit??!! It may be typical in Hollywood but the woman should be thankful that she can still get a job with her track record. In addition... The little bitch is making a decent amount of money for 2 months of work. Much more than the average citizen will make over a 3 year period. That chick better be working her ass off! For hers and karma's


  42. Furthermore... Someone must break the bad news to Lindsay that she is no longer a CHILD ACTRESS.... At least not in the legal sense of the word. Nobody gives a shit if AS AN ADULT STRIVING TO ADVANCE YOUR CAREER, you are putting long hours.

    Welcome to the real world Biotch!!!!!

    And I'm done with my rant... Thank u for listening... God bless and good night.

    *** drops the mic and exits stage left****


  43. I have a co-worker who lost her father last year. There was no will, although he had been sick for some time, and had given her many personal things that belonged to her mother, or that she had given him, etc. Less than a month after he passed away, she sent a four page letter, complete with inventory, to her stepmother DEMANDING additional things. It was embarassing; she was asking for things that weren't hers to ask for, and questioning why there was no will, etc. So selfish.

    Her stepmother sent a pointed, and very direct, one page letter back, basically explaining she was selfish, with a delusional feeling of entitlement...that she was a bad mom and an even worse wife, she never loved her father only wanted his money, etc. It was brutally honest, and we in the office were shocked.

    She read the letter to me, then asked me if any of it was true. She honestly had no idea she was truly that horrible of a person. And that was when I realized what true delision is...

    Lindsay is like that. I don't thinks he cares, because she doesn't think she's doing anything wrong. I cannot imagine living a life like that.

  44. Sounds like psychopathy to me. It is genetic. I don't know what could be cited in the PCL-R that wound not apply to her.

  45. Lisa Rinna better watch out or she'll have competition for the Depends ads...

  46. Cornbread, I'm dying to know -- were you truthful with your co-worker?

  47. I love Lindsay. I'm definitely watching it.

    *sees the the Hollyweird BS*

  48. @Sunnyhorse, I was so caught off guard! Not only by the fact she would ask the question, but also at realizing how delusional she really was. I just always thought she knew what a wretch she was. ;) And I totally lied, told her the letter was just to get a rise out of her. How do you say, "Yes, you're a piece of poo" to someone's face?!

  49. Maybe she's being forced to lay pipe in order to get and keep an acting gig, that would exhaust a girl yanno. I have no other explanation.

  50. Ok - not sure if anyone is still reading this thread, but I feel the need to clarify and provide a tiny bit more detail regarding my road to sobriety (from drugs). I am a very truthful person, and I don't want to do a disservice to anyone is who is either struggling with sobriety or who feels they are in too deep and want to find a way out.

    My addiction was with meth, coke and ectasy. While I did have my come-to-Jesus moment and made up my mind that I wanted out, I also knew I couldn't stay in my environment (my 2 roommates also did meth. I know this sounds very Jerry Springer, but we were all from upper middle class families). Anyway, I called my parents who were living in Colorado, and basically said, "Come get me". My mom drove out to San Diego, I quit my job and lived with my parents for 3 months to get my head on straight. So while I had my "Moment", I also was smart enough to know I couldn't stay where I was with those friends and maintain sobriety.

    Second, I do still drink lightly. While I have had issues with over-consumption in the past, I am at a place where I value myself, my family, and my body enough that it's a non-issue. I love me a glass of wine after I've put my bambinos down/gotten the house picked up etc.

    Anyways, I tend to over-share because you never know when some random remark you make to a friend or stranger can wind up being the turning point in their life :)
