Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Nick Stahl Is Missing Again

After being spotted briefly in downtown Los Angeles after he left rehab, Nick Stahl has not been seen again and his family is increasingly worried that something has happened to him. It is not that I am not sensitive to Nick Stahl's plight, because I am, but I also think that it sucks that we spend all this time and effort and typing to talk about one guy because he is a celebrity. What about every other homeless person out there who has family members looking for them or worried about them? Where is the effort on their behalf? There are many other people on the streets who are not celebrities and plenty of people looking for them, but because Nick was in a couple of movies we move heaven and earth looking for this guy. I hope they find Nick and that he gets clean, but I also hope people take a little time to help others looking for people they are close to.


  1. his soon to be ex wife said she didn't think he would stick out rehab and she was right.

    Nick was also in Carnivale, which was awesome. Shame on HBO for canceling it.

  2. "I also think that it sucks that we spend all this time and effort and typing to talk about one guy because he is a celebrity." Then why the hell are you posting this???

  3. haha exactly @FSP. I'd frankly never heard of Nick Stahl, had to google him. So it's not like he's SUCH a big celeb that Enty HAD to post about him.

  4. The cops weren't even looking for him the first time around so not all that much effort is being exerted. And I'm aware of it but I'm not looking for him, nor will I contribute money to find/help him.

    This is a celebrity gossip blog so it covers celebrity nonsense.

  5. Because it's the latest celebrity gone wrong saga.

  6. He's not missing. He knows where he is. Either his estranged wife is severely co-dependent and enabling or she's a huge media whore that's in desperate need of attention. Or.......

    She's all of thee above.

  7. i'm always fascinated by the fact that 99% of actors never make and you have these people that do and they toss it all away for powder in a bag. I just can't wrap my head around it.

    But it also, directs a spotlight on people that are missing, homeless or junkies. Some good does come out of it in a roundabout way.

  8. Sad. Guy was obviously not ready to leave rehab. I hope he will try again, and hopefully give it an honest effort.

  9. They could fix this by GPS tagging all celebrities (Do it while they in rehab - all the interesting ones eventually spend time in rehab). The Paparazzi Industry could cover all the costs.

  10. It is a sad tale, but obviously he wants to be "missing" and as an adult he has no legal obligation to tell anyone where he is. I doubt the police will expend much effort locating him unless they thought someone else was involved with his "disappearance".

  11. Well said, Enty. I know you were asking a rhetorical question, but our society is focused on money and its close friend fame. Between 250,000 and 300,000 men, women, and children die every day, and how many do we mourn? Is one human life more valuable than another? I think not.

  12. I hope this is a case of him not wanting to see his wife, not running off to junkie-land. Maybe he really dislikes her and doesn't want HER to know where he is.

    @timebob - I have the Carnivale boxed set, it never gets old. That was a beautiful series (as in, gorgeous cinematography) and I was angry forEVER when they canceled it.

  13. I've never heard of Nick Stahl outside of this blog, so I dunno, I don't think he's much of a celebrity at all.

  14. Probably next time he will be at the morgue.

  15. @EM that is what I love about HBO Go watching all the series. I was watching Carnivale and just get mad all over again for it being canceled when HBO was under some bad management years.

  16. I have no idea who this guy is?!?!

  17. At first I was confused because that looks nothing like the guy who wrote Permanent Midnight. And then I realized I have no idea who this guy is so...yeah, just like Every other homeless junkie I don't know. Sad nonetheless.

  18. I believe I read somewhere that the rehab facility wanted him to stay much longer but he checked himself out. After 30 days the drugs are barely out of your system and your brain and body are screaming for a fix.
    IMO- the only reason he went to rehab is because his dirty laundry was aired and his rep convinced him to go to help his image. As I've said before, unless the addict truly wants to be clean for them self and not others it will not stick. No matter how hard others push it.

  19. Anonymous9:19 AM

    It's sad that he's doing this to himself. But it's what he wants, so let him do what he wants. Even if it's self destructive, no human being has the right to tell another human being how to live their life. If he's not hurting anyone else, then he's legally able to do it. If he wants help, he can get it. So obviously that's not what he wants right now.

  20. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Yeah, so? No one's putting a gun to your head to cover this? Don't complain about the problem when you're part of it. We're part of the problem too just by coming here. Start up a new website dedicated to identifying and finding homeless people and/or missing people if you're that upset and maybe don't post so much Kardouchienne shit if you want to be taken seriously when making these arguments. It can't bring you that much traffic.

  21. "The Paparazzi Industry could cover all the costs." I'm convinced they already do.

  22. Well if the police aren't putting on a big effort (haven't heard of any big search) he's just like every other lost person --his family is just making some use of his being well known to get the word out via places like this--not that the people Nick's probably with read here, I bet.

    Other lost people don't have that little bit extra.

    Sad for him to revert so quickly and lose the progress he made but sometimes people have to hit absolute bottom before they can get really get help.

  23. Was this the kid in the movie "the Man Without a Face" with Mel Gibson back in the day?

  24. "I also think that it sucks that we spend all this time and effort and typing to talk about one guy because he is a celebrity."

    No one forced you to write about Nick, Enty. You chose to.

    How is it any different than all the stupid, worthless stories about Lohan or the Kartrashians that are spewed forth on a daily basis?

  25. it's not illegal to be lost in America. His wife wants him to pay child support and support her. She wants him to get clean and back to work. Which is why she is pounding the media drum so hard.

    I feel sorry for his child, but it is not like he is doing anything illegal dropping out of sight.

    Well the drugs part is proabably illegal.

  26. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Whatever is going on, this is a movie I'd like to see. Excellent point, Enty. The police will eventually find him and say, "Are you John Connor"?

  27. @LazyDay: That was perfect! It is a sad story of addiction. Happens everyday and until he wants to get better, he simply won't.

  28. Just counterpoint this with a story of a child actor who did something good with their life like Charlie Korsmo or Danica McKellar or Lindsay Lohan.

  29. Doesn't Tom Sizemore live in downtown LA? They'll probably find Nick sleeping on Tom's couch.

  30. Litre-a-cola
    I believe he was in that movie with Mel Gibson.

  31. He was riveting in "Bully" with Brad Renfro, Bijou Phillips, Michael Pitt, Rachel Minor, and Kelli Garner. "Carnivale" was great.

  32. Each time this guy "goes missing" people will care less and less and will assume he's doing drugs and doesnt want to be found. Hopefully he won't end up OD'd in some alley one day and nobody will even be looking for him anymore.

  33. "Just counterpoint this with a story of a child actor who did something good with their life like Charlie Korsmo or Danica McKellar or Lindsay Lohan."

    Charlie Korsmo: Law Degree from Yale, conservative activist
    Danical McKellar: Math degree from UCLA, Math Education Advocate
    Lindsay Lohan: Wait, what? Did you just include Lindsay LOHAN?

  34. regardless of how famous or not he is this is sad and I hope when he is found he is alive and hopefully can recover from his addiction.

    I also disagree that his wife is either enabling/codependent or after $$. I don't know if they have kids but she might actually be concerned for her husband/father of her children! If it were me with a non-famous husband I would talk to anyone who would listen to try and find him in the hopes of getting him well because I love him! Why is it assumed that isn't her motivation? She just has press that will listen to her bc her husband has acted, whereas I would have to beg local TV channels/put up flyers, but its essentially the same thing. I would use every resource at my disposal if I were her.

  35. Seconding all the love for Carnivale. That show was incredible and I was a pile of sadness when it got cancelled. Shame about Nick going missing again. I really hope he turns up safe, and perhaps actually ready to make a recovery.

  36. I hope he is found. I hope he is safe.
