Monday, June 18, 2012

Nick Stahl Leaves Rehab

Almost exactly one month after checking into rehab, Nick Stahl walked out of rehab. When he did so though he went against the advice of his doctors who said he needed much longer to have any hope of a full recovery. Apparently Nick just could not take it any longer. The people at the hospital who should not have been talking about it, apparently told E! News that Nick has still not hit rock bottom and that he still needs help.

Immediately after leaving rehab, Nick went back to his usual haunts in downtown Los Angeles which means he is not in a good situation. He had a month. I wish he would have stayed longer. You have to be willing to do it on your own though and I feel like he got pushed into going rather than making the decision completely on his own to go to rehab.


  1. Oh no. He is going to be found dead very soon.


  2. agree with @paris, Nick's story isn't going to end well. But I thought the same thing of RDJ but he turned his life around. If Nick is lucky he will get busted for posession and mandated to rehab for a few months.

    He has so much talent, real talent hope the best for him.

  3. I wonder if part of his addiction stemmed from the lack of jobs after his one big role. These kids get these parts and attention and when it goes away they're unprepared.

  4. It takes what it takes. Hope he doesn't die before "it" happens. I wish him luck! Talented guy.

  5. His poor family. Hopefully they go to al-anon and learn about not enabling him.

  6. Severe alcohol/drug addiction usually means sexual abuse as a child. (According to Dr. Drew.)

    Hey, look, Stahl was a child actor! It fits.

  7. One bright side to all this:

    it's no fun getting high after being through recovery. You can't call up friends and say "Let's use tonight" without feeling icky about it.

    Also, relapse is a part of recovery. Average addict relapses more than five times, so let's not weep over this. Maybe he needed to get out of the clinic to see life from another perspective. Maybe he's a "lifer" who doesn't want to be clean? Who knows.

  8. This is what happens when you coddle an addict and don't let them hit bottom. What a waste of time and money.

  9. Those people from the rehab that talked should be fired and prosecuted.

  10. The fear is always that when leaving rehab and being clean for an extended amount of time the addict goes back to using the same amount he/she was doing before rehab and some don't come back from that. Happened to two good friends of mine. The system can't handle the huge dose after not having it for a while. Hope all goes well for this guy.

  11. It's too bad, but them's the breaks. Been there, done that, and worked in the rehab industry for 13 years. Until and unless the guy KNOWS he's hit rock-bottom, that there's absolutely NO one he can turn to, he'll probably keep right on doing what he's doing.

  12. that's too bad. walking out of rehab isn't a good idea. hope he's ok.

  13. Here's hoping he comes to his senses before it's too late.

  14. Such a waste of talent. I hope he gets it together soon, and for his own reasons, but he's most likely to be in and out of treatment a number of times before he decides he's really had enough.

    Just keeping my fingers crossed for him that he doesn't fall victim to Welcome Back Syndrome, where the addict miscalculates their tolerance after being off drugs awhile.

    The whole thing makes me sad. I tagged him as a "heroin type" back when he was doing Carnival, knowing nothing about his drug predilections, just affect and body language. Some people just give off a vibe, often years before they ever use, and he reminded me so much of a number of friends who took that particular path.

  15. Rehab won't help no matter how long the stay is if the person doesn't want it. My dad has been 3 times in the last 4 yrs. About a year ago he tried to go cold turkey and suffered an organic break disorder. Which basically meant his brain snapped. The dr told us he didn't know if he would come through it or not. And if he didn't within a certain time frame he would have to be committed. Luckily he came around but when the dr had to sedate him the first time, they gave him so much tranquilizer that the dr couldn't believe he wasn't knocked out yet. He said he literally gave him enough to knock out a horse.
    Unfortunately, a few weeks after being discharged he was back to taking 20 loritab and 15 Xanax in one day. I'm just waiting for that call.

  16. That's unfortunate. They made it seem like he went to rehab on his own, I thought that was a good sign, but I guess not. I hope he gets himself together. He's really talented, it'd be a shame to waste it.

    I'm sure all this being public didnt help either. He's always seemed really private.

  17. Anonymous2:04 PM

    At least he had a chance to sober up and think clearly for a bit. He'll get there, or he might kill himself before he gets to that point, but it's up to him either way.

  18. I have to think that however humiliating, having the veil of privacy stripped away must bring him closer to the eventual rock-bottom, when I would hope he'd get help. Only if he wants it will rehab work, this is true. So sad. Loved him in Carnavale on HBO; now he's in my "Lohan File" where I'm just waiting for the headline announcing his death.

    1. Someone else you might want to drop in there is the boy from American history x. I think his name is Eddie furlong(sp). Ironically they both played in a terminator movie. Maybe that cast is cursed too

  19. @bobbi - very sorry to hear you're having to live that with your dad. I know all about "waiting for the call" - sucks. Sucks because you know it's going to careen off the tracks, and you can't do a damn thing about it.

  20. Him and Brad Renfro both starred in Gus van Sant's Bully. I wonder if he was using, even then. Brad was lost to drugs. So, so sad.
    Being a kid actor, and transforming into an adult in the spotlight, and maintaining a real life identity while putting on a show must be really difficult.

    Modern day prestidigitation! Slide of hand! Professional greed. Leaves the bad guys in perpetual business! But really, having accomplished such high ranking recognition at such a young age, and the struggle to maintaine the momentum… must suck being people like Nick, Brad, and Tatum (well, in all seriousness, Tatum didn't really have a chance)

    This is not the last we will hear about him. Hopefully the next headline isn't on page b7

  21. Now it seems they're reporting him missing again. His wife said he hasn't been seen in 4 days.

    Man, this is such a bummer. I really don't want a bad ending here.
