Monday, June 18, 2012

Patti Stanger Says George Clooney Should Be Ready To Propose To Stacy Keibler

Do you think Patting Stanger even knows George Clooney's dating history? Apparently the Millionaire Matchmaker told Stacy Keibler that George should be proposing within one year of them beginning to date or the chances for success in their relationship is very small. Ummm. Seriously? Does Patti really think George is going to ask Stacy to marry him? I am actually one of the people who think George will get married, but it will be when he is 85 and an invalid because he won't want to be alone. Other than that, I don't see it happening. Just because someone is slightly off the D list that he is dating doesn't really change his philosophy does it? I think this summer will be the end of their relationship and she will move on. She might not know it or think it, but I see Stacy getting the boot after the summer.


  1. Clooney has been there, done that before. He's done.

  2. I respect him for not marrying again. You don't need to be married to be happy. He is loaded when he is 85 he will hire hot nurses to sponge bath him.

    Marriage is not an instiution for everyone and who wants to be stuck in an institution?

  3. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Patti Stanger is a joke. I wish she would just fall off the planet.

  4. Agreed timebob!

    If I had Clooney money I'd never want to get married.

  5. Still don't understand why he's dating her. At all.

  6. Well put, timebob.

  7. I'd rather he remain a serial monogamist than like some celebs who change spouses like underwear.

  8. I don't read Patti's (Patting HAHAHA!) comments that way, as in she thinks they'll get married. I see it as she's saying UNLESS he proposes within one year, their relationship is doomed.

    That's the way Patti thinks (naturally), in terms of matrimony. I couldn't stand her at first, but I started watching her show as a guilty pleasure and actually, sometimes, she does give good advice. I am NOTORIOUSLY commitment-phobic and when I met my honey, who is also a commitmentphobe, I used some of Patti's advice. She says you shouldn't have sex until you are in a committed, monogamous relationship. Well, I didn't wait QUITE that long, but I held out longer than I usually did and IT WORKED. My honey and I are still together and, I should say, "happily unmarried."

  9. LOVE Patty Stanger. She is an aggressive broad and I appreciate that.

    GC is gay anyway.

  10. He likes spending time with fun girls that don't have anything to prevent them from traveling the world and living his life. No kids, no career, no school. When it starts feeling like a burden, he moves on and starts at the fun part again.
    These girls should all know they have a year or two tops.
    They get memories, experiences, and gifts that they can take with them. They will never get a ring.

  11. How old was Warren Beatty when the idea of being a father started to look appealing to him for the 1st time? Ditto David Letterman. At some point a guy with all the money in the world starts to wonder what happens to it once he's gone. At that point having a child starts to makes sense. Even Cary Grant finally had a kid very late in life. Clock is ticking on Clooney.

  12. @nunaurbiz I watched for the same reasons, and also found myself liking some of her advice. I am notoriously horrible about letting anyone else pay for anything, but she said the guy needs to pay because he's the man. I put some thought into that and do see in my own experiences that it can be very emasculating to him.

  13. The only thing he is going to propose is that she hit the bricks around august or september. They always think "i'm special. He'll marry me!" um no he won't

  14. I came here anticipating all kinds of hate for Stanger, but no, it's a mixed bag. I like her. She can read a person really quickly, and she can call people on their bullshit in a way that they can understand (if they have ears to hear, that is). Plus she's mouthy and harsh.

  15. @EmEyeKay prolly sumpin' to do with sex, I would imagine. And maybe she makes him laugh. But hopefully she doesn't make him laugh during sex.

  16. If George doesn't want to marry and is honest about it, good for him.

    That said, I really, really want Himmmm or someone else reeeeaaaaally in the know to tell us, once and for all, whether or not George is gay or not. Pretty please? :-)

  17. If my one and only marriage ended, I would never get married again. I would have a series of 19-year-old girlfriends until I kick the bucket. I am on George's side all the way!

  18. I'm not a fan of Patti's, and find her grating. She is correct though, if you relationship hasn't moved on by a year, it probably won't. Guess it all depends on what you are looking for.

    George and I would be a perfect match, not only are we the same age, I have no intention of getting married.

    So George, when you decide to give up the bimbo's and are ready for a real me.
    I agree that Stacy has until the end of the summer.

  19. I can understand why he doesn't want to get married. I am 47 and if I got divorced I would never marry again. Just have a nice partner, take vacations but live alone.

    That said, he is a smart politically active guy. Why is he always with such bimbos? If you read this site you know about Elisabetta and Stacy seems only slightly better.

    I would at least want a mature partner that I could have a good conversationwith and not be embarrased to have them meet my friends and family.

  20. I never thought he was gay (or maybe bi) but his taste in women is beginning to make me question that!

  21. George is having way too much fun to get married. He isn't having kids or looking for a long term relationship like Pitt, so why bother? I think he's having a great time as it is.

  22. Doesn't he usually dump them during the summer so he can enjoy himself with his boys at the lake house in Italy?

    I don't mind Patty, but I caught that awful Kim Z. show and saw that Patty was a wedding guest. She had such a smug look on her face, like she was responsible for the union of Kim and Kroy. No, it was Kroy's ass that was responsible for that unholy union. I say unholy because poor Kroy is 25, and Kim is most likely in reality 47.

  23. I actually like Stacy - it seems like she's smart business-wise. She's taking her Clooney connection and running with it, but in a classier way than say, Elisabetta or whatever the hell her name is. I also think she's incredibly gorgeous.

    Given Clooney's track record, I doubt Stacy believes that he'll marry her. And I think Clooney has every right to feel/say that he won't get married again. Some people just know they're not cut out for it or it's not something they would enjoy. For me, I'm a marriage/monogamy type of girl, so it works for me.

  24. Just an FYI:

    Clooney's only wife was:

    Talia Balsam, born in New York City to actors Martin Balsam and Joyce Van Patten. She is the niece to actor Dick Van Patten.

  25. I liked Patti when her show first began, but I can't take her anymore. Some of her rules are outdated, IMO.

    George has said for years that he wouldn't have a kid or get married again.

    George getting married is like Jennifer Aniston having a kid.

  26. yes, george's only wife was talia balsam. now she's married to john slattery. how lucky can a girl get? two seriously handsome, smart guys. I'm sure that the marriage to george was no picnic, but I bet the honeymoon was fun.

  27. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I hope they stay together for a while. I like them as a couple.

    Marriage? No....but who needs marriage nowadays?

  28. Boy, Monica - I guess if you're single that automatically makes you gay.

    The smartest thing George can do is NOT get married? Why should he? He can have any girl he wants. And from what I've read, his severance package is pretty sweet...

  29. Anyone who is dead set against marriage just never found the right person. I couldn't imagine my life without my husband.
    I got married at 34 though...maybe that's why it's worked out so well for me. I did lots of things on my bucket list and traveled to 40 countries - so I don't feel like I'm missing out.

  30. maybe the right person is yourself sometimes. It's not about needing another person to complete you. If that floats your boat great. If not than that is great also.

    You just don't have to be put in box that says married with children and die.

    I also think Clooney got snipped a long time ago so no kids for him.

  31. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Ohhhhhh Patty, Patty, Patty, Patty. Mind your own business. It's a bearding situation. Remember when Elisabetta Cannalis said that their relationship was more father/daughter???? When do Stacy and George ever look in sync or like a match for each other? Like they lay awake nights just talking? Not once. It's as if a gay guy saw a pretty, young, struggling, fame hungry well packaged woman and put them up in the studio over the garage. They play dress up to award shows or out to dinner then they go there separate ways. Tight smiles, stiff body language and only happy to see a camera. There's no bond/affection/attraction/connection there, just a publicity contract. When does he look truly happy? When he's with the boys, or alone on the carpet. He's got that same far away, detached, tight, pained look that Ryan Seacrest gets when he's posing with Julianne Hough. I wish all the closeted folks just accepted themselves, because we would all accept you if you came out. Look at NPH? He's universally accepted. Who cares about the closed minded types? Nothing's worth living in fear. Nothing.

  32. I think GC is straight and I think he's fixed. He said he didn't want to marry again and that's how he feels. At least the girls are aware of that going in.
    As far as that year deal Patti is talking about, I think that's a buncha hooey. I didn't get married until I was 43 and after dating 7 years. It's working just fine. BTW, is this Patti woman married? Yeah, you can't give me advice unless it works for you as well.

  33. I have no idea who this Patti creature is, and I'm happy that way.

    Regardless of what Clooney's deal is, this is one girl I think will last longer. She strikes me as clever - she knows what the deal is, she likes him and hanging around him, she loves the life it brings, she's capitalizing on it but not in a slutty way, they're both happy having fun. Whatever you do, Stacy, don't fall head over heels and you'll be fine,

  34. @ Timebob...
    I agree...Just saying that to be DEAD SET against - knowing for sure that you'll never marry...well, it just seems a bit short sighted.
    I was just fine on my own when I met my husband. Would have been fine just carrying on as I was - had already turned down marriage with two others because there was no way I wanted to wake up next to them every day for the rest of my life.
    But things can change, people should just allow for the possibility - might wind up being the best thing ever.

  35. I had no idea Talia Balsam was married to John Slattery. He is soooo hot. No offense to George intended.

    The reason to get married is to move forward with a relationship--to grow to a deeper level, have children, etc. I suspect George is as deep in it as he wants. Stacy has her own history with men and I think for now this works. If she eventually wants kids, maybe not.

  36. Why do I always have this nagging feeling, deep in the back of my mind that he, like Cruise, may have these ladies contractually obligated to date him for a set amount of time? Or at least sign CAs saying they won't talk about their relationship with him? I mean come on, he has had many, many girlfriends and they all have they Katie Holmes kind of stoic, I am being brainwashed, alien look in their doe-like eyes. Then when he has broken up with them, you hardly ever see them again.
    Surely, Stacy is smart enough to know that he will never marry her.

  37. From what I understand, GC is straight but likes it rough. The story being that his injuries don't always come from motorcycle accidents and stunts on set.
    The women he likes to have relationships with arent good red carpet material so suitable replacements are hired.

  38. I don't think they'll get married, but I think they will stay together for a long time. They really seem to like each other. And who knows maybe Stacey's ultimate goal in life isn't "finally landing a man"

  39. I have always felt there wasn't something quite right about George, the same feeling I have about Tom Cruise all along too.
    I don't think George is gay, but there is something out of the ordinary about him. I read several years ago that Lainey believes he frequents prostitutes a lot, that he has a kink and likes it rough. It's the only thing that makes sense to me.

  40. I think she will be gone by September. I too would like to know why he dated bimbos. I always wondered about his relationship with Cindy Crawford and her husband.

    As for Patti, how come she does not follow her own advice? She is 51 and dated her last fiancé FOREVER before she figured out he didn't want kids.

    I think she reads people well, but due to her inability to follow her own advice...I say meh to her.

    Also, the one thing I've learned in my near 42 years on this planet is never to say never. Especially when it comes to relationships.

    I got married at 40 and thought I was going to die alone. I'm a loner by nature, but life had different ideas for me.

  41. @Lauren, that comes off as either an incredibly naive or maybe just a dumb statement. A lot of people grow up thinking or knowing that they absolutely want to be married. I bet you would never say ANYONE who is dead set on marrying, married too soon because they were worried they might not find someone better. Happy or not, that just isn't a rule of thumb you apply.

    There is a whole world out there, and only one life. 7 Billion people can't be expected to all complete all of the same tasks and choices to be happy.

  42. George doesn't say he will never get married again.. but he hasn't done it yet.

    Something seems different about Stacy.. but we'll see.

    I agree that George may pull a Warren Beatty or at the very least he won't want to grow old and be at the nursing home alone.

    Or maybe 1 kid, not married, will do.

  43. @LaurenT agree with timebob and Rose.
    there are no rules, and not everybody is programmed the same way
    marriage is a contract between two people and it only suits a certain type of people. Unfortunately, marriage is also the first cause of divorce :P
    Good for you, Im very happy that you found your other half.
    I agree with you that waiting it out and doing a bunch of 'single' stuff beforehand is a great idea

  44. @ Rose,
    Well, I'll start by insisting that I am neither naive nor dumb.
    But, I will clarify my comments because I think you may not fully understand them.
    I am not saying that everyone should strive to be married.
    I would equally discourage someone from being dead set on getting married - that would mean that you are going to marry for the sake of being married - which will almost surely leave you miserable (unless you get incredibly lucky and happen to be perfect with the first person who wants to marry you).
    Yes, there are billions of people on the planet - and marriage is not going to be the right path for many of them.
    My only point (and I guess it applies to life in general - not just marriage), is that people shouldn't rule things out.
    When you are open to all possibilities, you can then recognize opportunities that present themselves.
    So, to me, a life view that is not self-serving would be either "I'm definitely never getting married" or "I definitely have to be married" - they are equally limiting.

  45. Am I the only person who doesn't get the George Clooney attraction? He does nothing for me.

  46. @Lauren, if you read what I wrote, I didn't call you dumb or naive. I said the statement you made was. That is a very big difference.

  47. Also, it's not up to you to decide what people should and shouldn't rule out, and put rules about happiness on them. People do change their mind, but you can also know there are some things you never, ever want to do in life.

    I can absolutely rule out a lot of things I never want to do in my life.

  48. Patty Stanger is a delusion bitch and I am pretty sure she is a lesbian who is afraid is she comes out she will ruin her millionaire matchmaking business...which btw has a huge failure rate.

  49. Wow Rose...judgemental much? It's a gossip site and people are free to post their opinions. Chill!
