Saturday, June 02, 2012

No More Andy Samberg On SNL

Andy Samberg has told the New York Times that he won't be coming back to Saturday Night Live next season. He has been on since 2005 and I think he is a great writer and his digital shorts are amazing. I'm not sure if he can make it as a lead actor in movies. I could see him doing some television. I definitely see him as a writer and supporting actor. He was one of those guys that are the glue to SNL and what makes the show kind of work. The guy who can be in every sketch and not seem out of place but never really stands out. He just finished filming a part in Grown Ups and he has the bomb of a movie coming out with Adam Sandler, but he really needs to find some movies that are built just for him.


  1. He'd be the best boyfriend.

  2. Good luck whatever he does. And thanks for snl laughs. Dick in a box still cracks me up! Lol

  3. Yeah they tried this already. It was called Hot Rod and except for one pretty funny sequence ( beans...), the movie was painful to sit through.

    I love him, but he needs to recognize his market value and find a sitcom that he can pinch hit on. Very much like the great Phil Hartman did with News Radio.

    My .02

  4. I hope that he's not planning projects with Justin T. Justin needs to get back to the music. Please Andy, route Justin into a studio. With Timbaland. Thank you.

  5. Argh, this gives me the sads.

    Haven't seen any of his movies but always love him on SNL. I think Enty is right - he needs projects built just for him and his goofball humor. I don't see him becoming some huge movie star.

    I want a TV show with him, Kristin W., and Chris Parnell.

  6. When I need a pick me up I youtube "On A Boat" and I am just as happy as a clam.
    I will miss him on SNL. I hope he makes it, he's as funny as shit. Cute too.

  7. I'm personally a huge Andy fan and the whole Lonely Island trio. And I loved Hot Rod, as stupid as it was it has some great parts. And Isla Fisher worked with him, he's got to be awesome

  8. he is fantastic and one of the best people on snl. so its sad that he's leaving, and odd that the last show was all about kristen wiig and not about the other people leaving. makes me laugh just about everytime he's on. his nicolas cage? awesome. "I just had sex!" awesome. pretty much everything he does there is awesome.

    however, I saw the trailer to the movie w/adam sandler. completely idiotic movie, which isn't a surprise to anyone, but he was a pretty bad actor. all about using the hands to get his point across, which was awful. he made adam sandler look good, which is saying something.

    I wish him the best!

  9. Just looking at him (quite hot in this pic, BTW) I'd venture a guess that he has a nice package.

  10. The real question is why Lorne Michaels went to such great lengths to stage-manage a solo exit for Wiig when everyone knew that Andy and Jason were leaving as well. There must be a couple dozen BI's waiting to see the light of day about how much people who have worked on SNL fear Lorne.

  11. His acting reminds me of Jason Lee in the Kevin Smith movies. Zero talent so lots of hand action and yelling.
    He absolutely works well with people who do have talent (and a sense of humor) though. Credit for that.

    Adam Sandler movie? Pass

  12. My mom worked on SNL behind the scenes and said nobody really feared Lorne, they just rolled their eyes and did what he asked since it was His Show.

  13. My mom worked on SNL behind the scenes and said nobody really feared Lorne, they just rolled their eyes and did what he asked since it was His Show.

  14. I'll watch "That's my boy" because of him, but if he keeps doing Sandler movies it's gonna be hard to watch.

    I hope he is good in "Celeste and Jesse Forever", which can open doors for him in the indie movies circuit.

    He is cute as hell and is always great working with Jorma and Akiva.

    I hope he succeeds.

  15. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I don't like him, and think he's a pretty obvious and crap writer and has the 2000s equivalent of a loutish fratboy of a screen presence - smug, arrogant, preening.

    In a just world, the holy-shit awfulness of the Sandler movie (admittedly, I'm basing this on the commercials since I can't imagine paying to see it) would be a career-ender.

  16. It's weird how Kristin got the only official goodbye (even though it was rumored Andy and Jason were also leaving). I assume Jason is also going to announce his exit soon. What are the theories on why she's the only one to have gotten an official goodbye? Was it just Lorne playing favorites or what?

  17. I'm bummed my husband is leaving the show, but I think he'll fair well.

    I realllllllly hope Jason stays another season...he's really funny.

  18. @DontRainOnMyPrada - Maybe Kristin didn't want other goodbyes getting in the way of her goodbye. She needed her special me time.

  19. It's possible he will concentrate on making his own movie shorts and expanding that media form on an Internet network? He can call it Attention Deficit Network.

  20. @Melinda9 - I get that vibe from Ms. Wiig, too. Lots of attention needed for that one.

  21. I love the lonely island and have a crush on Akiva. I'll miss the digital shorts. Those were great!!

    Besides, I cracked my best friend up after we had sex by singing. .... Well you know :). He lost it laughinh

  22. bring back Saturday TV Funhouse!!

    I don't think Jason Sudeikis is coming back either and Abby Elliot has a pilot in the works.

    But I think SNL should be like presidential terms. You have to leave after 8 years to keep it fresh.

    it's time for featured players like Jay Pharoah and Taran Killam to step up and shine as regulars.

  23. He was hilarious as the brother in 'i love you man' and even tho 'Hot Rod' was kind of a dud, it has its super hilarious moments like COOL BEANS aaand when bill haders character trips on acid..and the asian guy who humps everything...actually its a pretty funny movie. I like Andy, and he is a very talented writer, i assume its him writing those amazing songs with Timberlake. Seriously tho, i have both of the Lonely Island cds, and they cheer me up whenever i am sad. I will not be strict about watching SNL is there is no digital shorts,or Sudekis at this point. Boo.

  24. Andy did great digital shorts, but other than that, I don't think SNL has been getting that much out of him the last few years.

    Jason, on the other hand, has been fantastic (yes, he's on my "list") and I absolutely love him. I was shocked and pissed that if this was indeed his last season, that Kristen got this huge send-off and he got squat (and I love Kristen too). He definitely deserved something for all the work he's put in (I love his Biden and Romney).

  25. He won't make it as a leading man in movies, but he does have a shot at some good tv roles...

  26. It's sad to see Andy go, I love the digital shorts and when he pops up you know something funny is coming. That being said, it will be interesting to see who steps up to become the new main players.

  27. Yeah, I could see him doing well in tv series, too, or in supporting roles in movies. He's going to have to be really smart about the choices he makes, though, or he's going to disappear quick. Quick like a bunny.

    And I find that picture hot, as well. After years of seriously not understanding where the attraction was when people drooled over him. Whoever took that photo, I hope they got a nice bonus.

  28. SNL is a writers show. If Kristen wanted a big send-off, she would've had to write it all herself, got it through dress rehearsal and then onto the show. Highly unlikely that happened. In the history of SNL, the only other time someone leaving was even celebrated was Will Ferrell. And by the sounds of it, Andy wasn't 100% certain he was leaving so how could they have written anything for that?

  29. I hope this means The Lonely Island is going to come out with more stuff. On another note, he's ridiculously nerdy sexy.

  30. @anita that sounds like a much more plausible explanation. I didn't really believe Kristen could be that blatantly selfish anyway.

  31. No, it's not a plausible explanation. Lorne could easily have inserted the "graduation" sketch without going through pitch & table read. It's his show, he just has to pin the sketch up on the production board.

    Andy obviously knew that he was leaving long before the last show. That's why they had the 100th DS extravaganza and then the Lazy Sunday 2 101th in which he openly said, "This is how I wanna end it!"

    Kristen has been working the insecure, lil-ol-me? schtick long past it's sell-date. It's a shame that the reaction to how she left SNL is becoming such a gender-split issue. This site is dedicated to snarking about how most stars become hugely arrogant a-holes. Why would you presume that Wiig would be any different, especially in the face of strong suggestions that she stepped all over two of her equally-talented SNL co-stars in order to get her diva exit scene?

  32. Wiig already has a career in the movies. She was the lead in "Bridesmaids", and she co-wrote the script. She refused to do the sequel, preferring to write another original script instead. It's more that Lorne Michaels wants to stay in business with her, the same way he's been involved with Tina Fey when she left SNL.

    She might be difficult, but she's very good friends with Jon Hamm, and Jon Hamm doesn't have high regards for diva attitude.

    The common guess concerning Sudeikis is that he will stay up to the election to play Romney for SNL.

  33. There is no proof that Hamm will not put up with divas. The truth is that Wiig's pull to cast Hamm is stronger than the reverse right now. Ain't sayin' that Wiig is a talentless dog. She ripped the phosphors off of the hotel flat-screen that I was watching last night in one sketch.

    I will refrain as to the "common guess" re. Sudeikis' future on SNL. He can speak for himself--and hopefully will soon, for the sake of his own pride.

  34. when I saw the trailer for "That's my Boy" I alternated from thinking it was a joke (like the trailers from Tropic Thunder,") to praying it was a joke.

  35. for the record, Hot Rod is f***ing hilarious, as long as you aren't the kind of humorless c*** that didn't enjoy Anchorman. And if you are the kind of humorless c*** that didn't like Anchorman, as far as I'm concerned, you ******s can go *** your ******s until your **** **** up your *****ing ****s.

  36. Lorne said the only cast member he knew at the time that wasn't coming back was Kristen.

    Maybe Jason & Andy were being gentlemen and letting her have her moment to shine. I don't think they feel slighted in the least. Cause, you know, there going to do movies and have a fine life.

  37. I find him almost irresistible, and would like to see his Dick in my Box.

  38. Judging by the way Sudeikis looked in the season finale and the way Samberg was in an MTV interview yesterday when asked about leaving SNL, I think they would be too emotional if they received such a farewell.

    Sudeikis, specially, was by himself and nobody hugged him or anything. I think he asked for that to avoid drowning in tears.

  39. @timebob--Lorne...fucking...lies. By habit and by profession. Seriously, you're taking a life-long TV producer at his word?

    It's just so sad that so many apologists are coming out of the woodwork for Wiig. It's worse than the MJ deniers who insisted that he wasn't banging little boys.

  40. Leaving SNL to go do movies with Adam Sandler? This doesn't bode well.

  41. Lately I've been watching just for Andy and Fred Armisen- adore them both! And I totally get Andy's humor, but maybe it's just one of those generational things- his laser cats had me in tears everytime. And the songs were catchy and hilarious. I think he's something in the way of comedy that hasn't really been explored before and I hope he has a long, steady lucrative career. I wish him the best. :)

  42. i like him thats too bad hes leaving snl

  43. "In the history of SNL, the only other time someone leaving was even celebrated was Will Ferrell."

    Didn't they do one for Phil Hartman? They were all singing, "So Long, Farewell" from THE SOUND OF MUSIC, and Chris Farley as Matt Foley did the Gretl part and fell asleep, as Phil said something like, "You know, I can't think of a more dignified sendoff."

  44. rejectedcarebear said...
    He was hilarious as the brother in 'i love you man'

    I was about to say the same thing...
