Friday, June 15, 2012

Oprah Will Do Anything For Ratings

I know some of you are not old enough to remember Oprah before she reached biblical status and could grant absolution of all your sins, but back in the day, Oprah was not that different from Jerry Springer. Sure, there were no fights, but her topics were way more controversial because all of hers it seemed like focused on sex and how many different ways and with different partners you could do it. She then slowly transformed into what she became at the end. A celebrity suck up who figured out a way to print billions of dollars. Good for her.

while she was on her pedestal on her namesake show she said she had no desire to interview the Kardashian family; had never watched their show; and thought the way they got their fame was disgusting. well, move Oprah over to a new network that does not even register a blip on the rating screen and the next thing you know the entire family is her bff and she has an interview with all of the for her show this weekend. So much for all those morals and taking the high ground. Oprah wants ratings and if it takes Bobbi Kristina or the Kardashians or a fake marriage to Jimmy Kimmel, then Oprah will do it.


  1. I heart nubian lesbians.

  2. This insures I will never watch OWN but I can't blame Oprah for doing whatever it takes to ensure the survival of her struggling network, I'm sure she never thought it would come to this.

  3. Why are all the mouths open on the women?

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      @MsCool The photographer asked then to say "trash"

  4. Gotta say, that's really not a very flattering photo of anyone in it...

  5. Back in the day, I thought the Oprah show was a waste of time, Enty's right - I watched Phil Donahue.

  6. Ms Cool - that's how they breathe, I'm sure.

    I do like Oprah, and I've enjoyed the "Next Chapter" - interviews I've watched. I don't have her channel (but I am toying with the idea of ordering it *L*) but you can watch most of them on YouTube.

  7. @MsCool - They're practicing.

  8. In the end it's about ratings. I am old enough to remember when Oprah had the Nazis on her show - this was right about before her image went supernova. So while it's kinda tasteless, it doesn't surprise me.

    I'm more annoyed by her magazine, wherein she's on the cover of every issue. Got ego?

    1. She says mag insists on that to sell mags. She says she wld rather noy be on the cover. I say who cares? But as for ego, the whole mag is oprah sayibg," look at my houses! My hawaain house!! My closets!! My man!!! I said, i did, i have, i thought-". Itts nauseaing!!!!

  9. My first memory of Oprah is my aunt's pastor preaching that she's the antichrist. For real.

  10. I would have never thunk it would have come to this. She's got a bazillion bucks, why not enjoy life, build another school, or film another road trip with Gayle (that sh*t is hilarious).

    I feel sorry for people who can't fight their need for fame. She's like an over the hill quarterback who won't retire.

  11. @califblondi - my thoughts exactly!

  12. It's also not saying much for the Kardashians *gasp* They're doing the interview, too.

  13. Not sure Oprah building another school would be the right thing to do, let's not forget how the last one went. Now GIVE people money to build schools, that would be great.

    I agree thought, Oprah needs to do something with all her money, and call it day with the whole media thing. She had a good run, and we all know it's best to leave at the top and clearly she is beginning her quick descent.

  14. @ Ms. Cool
    The photographer asked:
    Who's the biggest whore?

    and they responded in unison:
    I AM!

  15. Why is this surprising to anyone? Oprah is and always has been just as big a phony ass as the Kardashians.

  16. @MsCool The photographer asked them to say "famewhore"

    @MsCool The photographer asked them to say "sellout"

    @MsCool The photographer asked them to say "oral"


  17. I noticed the open mouths too.

    I seem to recall that she made a public decision to not put the trash on her shows anymore (announced it) as opposed to evolving away from it. She said "enough" and started airing "high road" content. Anyone else remember that?

  18. Yeah, this totally bums me out. I loved watching Oprah on those rare occasions I was home in the afternoon (sick from work, morning classes, working the nightshift with Maja at BJ's Dollhouse) and I thought she could do no wrong. Seriously, this was the one celebrity that would have left me starstruck and speechless if I had ever had the good fortune to meet her. However, I felt like during the last year or two of her show that she had a God-like complex that really started to rub me the wrong way. I wish Ms. O would've taken a tip from George Constanza and left on a high note. Kardashians be tenors! (half-stolen from JBE's "Readers Be Cute" comment. Still chuckling about that)

  19. OPa is desperate for ratings since her network is failing.

    Crossing fingers it ends up closing up.

  20. The responses to Ms Cool's question are hilarious!

  21. Oops, sorry @Maja! It was @EmEyeKay that was joking about BJ's Dollhouse in the Lindsay post! Didn't mean to drag you into the gutter ;)

  22. Never watched OWN - never will. Oprah and her telling people how to live a "better" life make me sick. It's a lot easier to live a "better" life with plenty of money.

    1. Right!!???? And your many many houses, each one she says is her favorite. Puuuuleeeese!

  23. Soooo What.

    Exactly who did the Kardashians kill again?

    oooh yea nobody.

  24. Sunny, your picture is just THE cutest! I'm pretty sure the photographer just asked everyone to say "WHORE" and then snapped. Really, look at yourself in the mirror and say that. Yup, you look just like that.

  25. Guess taking the high road isn't paying the bills now.
    I would have expected better, but again, fame and being relevant is a fickle bitch.

  26. OWN is ridiculous IMHO.

    (Although I DID watch season one of that Sweetie Pie's show. I live in STL, so a lot of us watched it. It was...kind of boring. But the food is supposedly incredible; I'm ashamed to say that I've never eaten there, despite being from TN originally and having an obsession with Southern/soul food.)

  27. Bruce looks like the prettiest one in the bunch!

  28. How the mighty have fallen and damn fast. Oprah's suck up famous people interviews have been really boring and her big deal was her going to their place to interview them...."getting out of those chairs" at her old show. She plays softball with all of them and I've pretty much quit watching.

    Oh and I don't think I've seen it here but Oprah has been demoted by Discovery--she has no more executive responsibility at OWN. They are back running the show on "her" network--she makes no decisions any more.

  29. I finally figured out who Bruce Jenner looks like now: Julie Andrews.

  30. You can't see it, but there's about 34 tons of pure uncut ass in this picture.

  31. Hilarious answers to my leading question. Thanks for the laughs!

  32. Well I dont know how true this is, but from what ive heard, she is now just a hired hand who has been stripped of any and all executive powers, so she might have been ordered by the suits of her network to interview them. When investors see their investment tanking, they will take extreme measures.

  33. Fake marriage to Jimmy Kimmel? Huh?

    By the way...People that have their mouths open in a Napoleon Dynamite-esque fashion seriously freak me out. I tried to enjoy purchasing a new pair of shoes the other day but all joy was lost on the girl at the register who could not seem to SHUT HER DANG MOUTH. WTF?

    Carry on.

  34. Thanks @Sherry! Almost 2 years later, I still smile when I see my bambina in that goofy costume :)

  35. Oprah is sooooo much worse then the goopster! She's a big phony!

  36. that open-mouth "hey!" smile on their faces makes me want to smack them.

  37. Oprah is *so* Obama ago.

  38. I like the Big O's mag, but that's it. I predict OWN will be over by 2013. It's just a sucky channel. Who needs so many Dr. Phil reruns? Even her best bud Gayle saw the writing on the wall and went to CBS.

    I HATE the celebrity interviews when the Big O puts herself into it. She will ask Christiane Ampipor (sp) about covering Bosnia and somehow it becomes about her and moving to Santa Barbara! WTF? How can you compare a war-torn country and genocide with moving from Indiana to Santa Barbara? Somehow the Big O found a way.

    I remember when the Big O was trash TV. It was pretty funny back then.

  39. Oprah made a huge mistake not snatching up "All My Children" and/or "One Life to Live" when she had the chance. Not going to shed a tear for her.

  40. Ophah's hit rock bottom.

  41. @msgirl - same here.
