Friday, June 15, 2012

Jessica Simpson & Nicole Richie Hate Each Other

Last year even before they started taping Fashion Star I told you that Jessica Simpson almost quit the show when she heard that Nicole Richie was going to be on the show. The pair made a very very very very slight effort to pretend they get along and like each other when they were asked about their relationship. Well, that pretense of getting along is over now and only one of them will return to the show. Well, I take that back. If the producers offered Nicole Richie a bazillion dollars and told her she could stand over Jessica Simpson and plant a flag next to her and claim Jessica as her own then she could be back. The two don't get along and as The Enquirer says, Nicole only did it because she thought it would lead to bigger things. It only leads to bigger things if people actually watch the show. It is one big commercial though and pays for itself plus some and the companies involved like it. Jessica likes the easy money and wants to return, but if Nicole comes back, then for Jessica to come back she would require that Nicole be put in a cone of silence for each show so only the television audience can hear her.


  1. Team Jessica. Because at least she has some talent

  2. I've always thought Nicole seemed funny, but I never hear anything good about her.

  3. There's only one way to settle this. Banana Pudding Wrestling.

  4. I thought Nicole had a decent public image before the show. I did watch her show with Paris Hilton and though they were both awful but I thought Nicole was "better" when she broke the friendship and distanced herself seeming to have outgrown the bitchiness. Well no. On the show Nicole rolls her eyes when Jessica talks unless that's just editing but she definitely loves to contradict Jessicas opinions and it's not good tv, it makes me uncomfortable. Jessica is lovable and actually bonds with the contestants while Nicole maintains her I'm better than you when coaching them. John Vervasomething is a bit above too but he's earned it and offers enough praise for it to work although he doesn't have any chemistry with Jessica or Nicole. Anyways, I love the show, love that it's an hour long commercial bc I usually go on the website after debating if I'll buy something. Never have but maybe next season. I don't care if Jesssica is in it for the money. Of course she is! But she's sweet and likeable and oh my god her fashion line is fantastic.

  5. Also Team Jessica. Most of TV is commercials. You have the commercial breaks designed to increase any ADD and the shows themselves are commercials. Ruling Class scored big when they figured how to get everyone to pay to see commercials 24/7. They should pay us to watch this shyte! I don't think I will ever go back to cable.

  6. Nicole rubs me the wrong way, she seems to be the fakest person in Hollywood and that in LA is some sort of feat considering the entire industry is built on image.

    Besides that I think Nicole has no talent, Jessica is at least cute and can sing.

  7. I cannot stand that smug, cold fish Nicole.

  8. Ditto to everyone. Nicole is nothing but a bitch.

  9. I can't stand both of them. Nicole is useless and Jessica makes it ok to be a dumb blond with large breasts. I don't have to choose which to dislike more.

    I tried watching the show because I love fashion but I made it only a few minutes in. I have no patience watching JS try to be an "important businesswoman."

  10. FSP you are on a roll today. lmao!

  11. Does anyone have anything nice to say about Nicole? How can she get along with anyone? Poor Jessica. Well not really, shes got millions. But yep, at least Jessica has some talent. And, although, I don't own any of her designs, I think so many of them are cute, and obviously her lines are very successful. Nicole, I think just has successful a jewelry line. Cute stuff. But nothing compared to Jessicas empire.

  12. I don't think Nicole can deal with chunkers because she used to be one herself and it scares her.

  13. Orange and purple

  14. I think Nicole has better style than Jessica.
    I don't think Jessica has talent.

  15. Thanks goheels83

  16. Good. I hate them both, too.

  17. What's the root of this tiff? Must be a good story in there.

  18. I like both of them, but as far as the show, I think Jessica was a better judge and mentor to the contestants.

    The show was fairly interesting because of the buyers from Saks, Macy's and H&M, but it certainly isn't Project Runway.

  19. The only real designer on the show is John Varvatos. The other two are just window dressing. Jessica doesn't have the intelligence to match Nicole's sharp wit. She could make her look stupid(er) pretty easily.

    I guess Jessica wants somebody nice to play with.

  20. I love Jessica's purses and shoes. I have several. They last too. I think she's very talented and cute. Sometimes you can't help being petite with big boobs- and since you're short it makes them seem even bigger. If I could wear blonde I would! They do have more fun!

  21. Honestly, I think they are both a poor use of air, but if I had to choose it would be Jessica. She may appear dumb, but has managed to build a billion dollar fashion empire. For that reason alone, she is a far better choice as a judge. Agree with the other poster, that Nicole does have a better sense of style. You could not pay me to watch this show, the reality TV thing has just gone all shark jumping.

  22. I'm team Jessica on this one too. I actually like the show and watch it because i love fashion. I thought Jessica Simpson was going to be an idiot but she actually does know what she is talking about. Like it or not she built a billion dollar fashion empire and knows what she is doing. Also she is nice and supportive to the contestants. Cant hate on that.

  23. The extent of Jessica's business accumen is knowing what line to sign on the contract. I don't believe for a second that she is running anything, other than herself to the bank to cash the checks. And I certainly don't buy that she designs any of the product with her name on it. I do believe she is shown sketches or mock-ups for items and picks the one's she likes best.

  24. Jessica didn't build a billion dollar empire. She lent her name to something and others built it into a successful company. The girl is a simpleton, no one is letting her make decisions. Vince Camuto designs her shoes. She doesn't. And it's not a billion dollar business.

    I've seen a few shoes that I thought were cute, then saw her name in them and put them back on the shelf. Same with House of Harlow stuff. Neither are getting my money.

  25. @anit_mark- agreed I have seen a pair of shoes and then her name and refused to buy them, as I do any fashion with a celebrity name.

    I should clarify that I don't think that Jessica sits in a board room and makes important business decisions, but let give the girl her due. Whatever means she uses, she has a billion dollar a year business, that is not to shabby for a woman who didn't know tuna from chicken.

  26. @anita thank you I am so tired of people calling Jessica a designer. Licensing your name isn't designing. Sure her and her mom look at the clothes and squeal and say "make it more pink!" but people who went to design school and have talent do the work.

    Really the only one with talent is Papa Joe who brokered the deal.

  27. I don't watch and couldn't care less about either of them (Well, Dukes of Hazzard Jessica, maybe), but Nicole is a thief. As in, she takes things that belong to other people and pretends that they are hers. She steals fashion designs from good designers and then resells them as Nicole Richie fashions.

    Doesn't get any lower in my book

  28. @redheat i agree. Obviously she wasnt too dumb to figure out that you can make a crapload of money licensing your name and it doesn't matter if you design the products or not. And it is a billion dollar business as of 2011 her company has a billion dollars in sales.

  29. I like them both but Nicole is a known bitch, so there's that.

  30. it's funny that you posted this story b/c gossip cop who is much more reliable than you said that this is complete BS. you are exactly like perez hilton you don't bother to do research to confirm if a story is true or not you just run with what the tabloids print instead of telling the truth

  31. It's not her company. She licences her name and gets a percentage. It's in no way her company. And if she were to go out tomorrow in full Grand Wizard regalia, her name would be cut and they'd find a new celebrity to use. As someone mentioned, it's her dad that deserves the business acument credit, not her.

    Lol @ Timebob, "more pink!"

  32. I agree with @anita mark. I do not support any celebrity/designer brand. The celebs already have success/money in one field and IMO don't deserve another income stream-- which also cuts off chances/capital from emerging real designers. Also, I never sniff nor buy celebrity perfumes. The fastest way to make all of these annoying people go away is to not support them with your much harder earned dollars.

  33. Nicole seems to have changed, mentally and physically. What the hell cld these two talentless millionaires be fighting about??? They shld be thanking the stars above they get any work at sll!! So stupid!!!

  34. Watched the show for 15 minutes and ditched it. Horrible.

    I used to like Nicole when she was on The Simple Life, and later I realized that she seemed smart and funny compared to Paris. How hard is that? Now she seems just plain mean.

    Yep, neither is a true designer but I don't recall anyone coming forward with any real dirt about how nasty, back-stabby and miserable JS is, so if I have to throw in a vote for one of these two princesses, JS gets it.

  35. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Nicole looks like such a hag to me. And I hate her "designs"

  36. timebob- those design students etc wouldn't have a penny in their pocket without HER name on it.

    Team Jessica.

    Isn't Macy's one of the judges? She has a contract with them,no?

    See ya Nicole Bitchy.

  37. Um...Gossip Cop is pretty much PR in favor of celebrities. They are full of crap and are the knee pads of the interwebs.

  38. I've heard Nicole is a horrible biatch and can be very mean and nasty. I've never heard those kinds of rumors about Jessica. I'm team Jessica...and I agree...she at least has some talent, where Nicole is the adopted daughter of Lionel Richie. If she wasn't adopted by Lionel, no one would know who she was.

  39. Question : why does Nicole act prissy considering what she has done in her short life? Heroin addict, denied anorexic and Paris Hilton minion will never be truly erasable no matter how many tacky clothes she shills. Undeserved.

  40. GOOD!!! That show was so freaking uncomfortable. Zero chemistry. Team Jessica for sure!

  41. From what I've heard the ONLY celeb who is really in control of his/her own fashion line is Gwen Stefani. I believe it since she has always talked about designing and sewing her own clothes, long before she had a line of her own, and seems to know fashion very well in her interviews. She also wears her own clothes all the time which very few celebs do. (I remember one time the Olsen twins wore expensive designer clothes while attending the launch of a low-budget clothing line of their own. They got quite a bit of flak for that one.) Everybody else, including Jessica, is just lending their name. Lending your name takes no business smarts.

    I have literally never heard a single good thing about Nicole Richie. I'm always amazed how some people who have gotten so much from life (money they didn't have to work for, a healthy family, etc) can be so mean and bitter to other people. Nicole seems to be one of these people.

    Team Neither of Them.

  42. They really don't need either one of them. The "mentors" were a very minor part of this show. They are missing the most interesting part after the designers themselves---which is the buyers. The 3 buyers for the department stores who determined most of whether someone stayed or went were really interesting--and if they were smart they would can these two, keep the guy designer who was more articulate on camera because he is.....a real designer--and put in more interaction with the buyers--put in some kind of preview for them of the collections so they get to give some feedback or put in a post-buy interview and let them give the "why" of why they bought what they did and how much.
    Honestly of the two, Jessica was the more interesting and the nicer--she was always positive and nice to the contestants--and Nicole probably had more to say design wise--but neither one of them had much impact on me when I watched.

    I wanted to hear more from the grumpy guy buyer from Saks (I think--he was from the highest end store) and the woman from Macy's and the woman from H&M--they were all interesting and didn't get to do much.

  43. Designers have been copying each other for years. It takes about 1 year for a Prada styled shoe to filter down to the chain store, restyled and repriced accordingly and is a great way for regular people to appreciate such designs. This is normal and helps keep the designer relevant.

    Nicole and Jessica however, both steal current looks and put out exactly the same style with minimal changes the same season. This is blatant stealing.

  44. @Car54, I would so watch a reality show about buyers. Because they do something I find fascinating and they probably earned their jobs.

  45. Joel Madden is so nice, can't believe he is married to her.

  46. Jessica isn't putting on aires for anyone, as she could give a f**k. It's as if the Bran Nubian song, Love Me or Leave Me Alone follows her where ever she goes.

    So obviously, team jessica.

    Nicole comes off as such a try hard, desperate for attention. And I don't get the feeling that underneath she's very kind.

  47. @anita_mark/ @car54- mid 70's to end of 80's I was a buyer for Filene's and other retailers in N.E.It was a cutthroat and exhausting job - but a LOAD of fun. There can be a lot of payola involved. But if you "wrote with a big pencil" you were treated like gold. And you are correct, you had to work your butt off through the ranks to get there.

  48. Gossip Cop is reliable? The site that regularly defends Lindsay Lohan shenanigans? I don't think so.

    I tried to get into this show, but I just could not.
