Friday, June 15, 2012

Stephen Baldwin Loses Against Kevin Costner

Stephen Baldwin accused Kevin Costner of cheating Stephen out of millions of dollars in a BP contract that Kevin signed. Stephen and his friend sold their shares in Kevin's company right before Kevin signed the contract with BP which would have made the shares much more valuable. Stephen said that Kevin should have told them about the deal. Stephen sued for $17M and yesterday a jury told him he was out of luck and awarded him $0.

Stephen Baldwin's attorney said the only reason Kevin won is because Kevin is a bigger star than Stephen. So, from now on, Stephen Baldwin will only be suing Lohan's because they are about the only thing below him on the celebrity food chain. What Stephen needs to do is stop f**king around with lawsuits and just find the producers of Celebrity Mole and go back on the show with Corbin Bernsen and make that his full-time gig forever.


  1. Uh, if Kevin had told Stephen about it, wouldn't that have been considered insider trading?

  2. Stephen Baldwin just loses period. Always.

  3. @Cathy Right?? That's exactly what I was thinking.

  4. Seems one of these actors is smarter than the other...

  5. isn't it only "insider trading" when it deals with stock information? I'm not sure that applies here.

  6. Corbin is on Psych which is a fantasticly funny & popular show!! Don't hate on him!

  7. Corbin is on Psych which is a fantasticly funny & popular show!! Don't hate on him!

  8. Kevin Costner? I thought that was Matt Lauer in the photo. What happened?

    1. The years went rolling on by, thats what happened.
      I dont believe Costner wld screw anyone out of money intentionally. Just dont get that vibe from him.

  9. @hollywood dime - since this refers to them selling their shares, I assume that this is a publicly traded company (but i could be wrong - i haven't looked into it). Therefore, telling one of the shareowners that the company they are invested in is about to sign a HUGE contract would be most certainly considered providing insider information. Only a Baldwin would be dumb enough to sue over someone NOT providing them with illegal information.

  10. now if stephen would only sue kevin over that
    out-dated soul patch, the jury might find in his favor.

  11. Stephen Baldwin is a troubled soul. From what I heard, he was a lot easier to get along with before he "found religion." Go figure. Why are some people so hard to get along with after they supposedly found "peace"?

  12. Is that Cousin Itt on Costner's arm?

  13. I always thought Stephen Baldwin was feral and gross, but looking back objectively, he was on fire in the 90's. Threesome, Usual Suspects - I even liked him in Bio-Dome!(I liked Bio-Dome, shut up) No comment on him since then but he was definitely a very talented actor at one point, IMO.

  14. I hope someone sends this to Kathy Griffin's show so she can snark on it.

  15. The company wasn't public, so insider-trading rules don't apply.

  16. Baldwin didn't invest money in the company. He and his partner were given shares in exchange for promoting the product. It seems they were working on a documentary about oil spills at the time. They were only involved a couple months and had falling out with some other people involved and wanted to cash out.

    They weren't involved in the BP agreement but the CEO told them to wait a few weeks for the deal to close and they didn't want to risk it but wanted to cash out then. Seller's remorse.

    At the trial a BP contractor testified that Baldwin threatened to go to the NY Times with some dirt on Costner if he didn't settle.

    This was an almost two-week trial and the jury came back in less than two hours. Jury totally called BS on Baldwin. I hope he was to pay all the court costs.
