Monday, June 04, 2012

This Woman Should Be Ashamed

Donald Driver had a celebrity softball game over the weekend. After the game, Donald threw his shoe into the stands to a boy wearing a jersey with the number 85 on it. Watch the woman yank it from his hands. When Donald Driver saw the video, even he was appalled. I hope the woman is proud of herself.


  1. What a stupid woman. I think I would have had to throw down.

  2. trash will be trash

  3. Yeah that was really tacky lady.

  4. That is just sad. Donald clearly intended for the boy to catch it, which he did, and that woman just yanked it away from him. She is the type who tramples people to death when Walmart opens for Christmas shoppers, etc, and isn't the least bit ashamed.

  5. Clearly the woman is a She-Beast.

  6. "Wonder what the bully would have done if it was one of Driver's tap shoes." (The Other Paper)

  7. Ugh. Typical Packers fans.

  8. Straight trash. Buutttt, that it appears that the Dad just stood there and watched it happen. Grow some balls dude. He could have bitched her out.

    1. So right! People like this need to be called out every time. It's the only way to stop the behavior.

  9. At least her picture's all over the interwebs now, so people will have actual evidence that she's an asshole.

  10. Well, they are Packers fans. Nothing is beneath them.

  11. OMG...What a horrible woman. I'm a Red Sox fan living in NYC and a little 10 year old with his Yankees hat on backwards, was fighting with me for Johnny Damon's ball in 2004 (when he was still a Red Sox). Johnny rolled me a ball over the visitor's dugout...and the 10 year old wanted it, even though I got it. Even though this kid was a little traitor, and completely obnoxious and hated the Red Sox...I still gave him the ball. Why??? Cause when it comes down to it, he was a kid.

    Coincidentally, Damon ended up becoming a Yankee a year later, and I would have ended up burning the ball anyway. It was best that I gave it to the kid.

  12. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Christ, how embarrassing for her. Loser.

  13. She doesn't live in Wisconsin. Lucky for her.

  14. as a die hard packers fan the comments about "typical packers fans" is not warranted. we aren't all shitheads who steal from little kids. this woman obviously has no class and no shame.
    hopefully donald will throw the little kid a bone and do something.
    and hopefully someone teaches this woman how to act.

  15. @crila16

    "a Red Sox fan living in NYC ". I love you.

  16. Trash. I hope she is so mortified now that it's all over.

  17. Sociopath. I'm sure she is not caring at ALL.

  18. All I can say is: I've been going to baseball games for years and years and have never gotten a ball. If I catch one, or a player throws me a ball, or rolls me one, or whatever, I'm keeping it. I won't steal it from someone else but I won't give it to someone just because he or she is a kid. He or she have plenty of time to get their own balls.

    But this woman is a disgrace - and it doesn't say much about her friends either. As for Packer fans (I'm a Steelers fan) the ones I have met have all been delightful people. Every group has its idiots.

  19. donald has been asking who the boy is and he will get his karma. watch the video go viral and the woman will be flogged for it relentlessly hahaha the boy will get what he deserves :)

  20. g.nomeyy - I say it (mostly) in jest as a lifelong Vikings fan. Now, Raiders fans are another story...

    1. Hey hey, watch it about the raiders fans. ;)
      I tease, I am actually embarrassed about raider fans. Thank doG I am more of a Niners fan...

  21. While all three of the women in the picture are assholes, it looks like the one who actually ripped the shoe from the boy is the one on the far left, not the one who is actually holding it.

  22. People like this disgust me. All they care about is their own personal gain.

    1. Yeah, and what the hell is she gonna do with it.?????? Idiot.

  23. Anonymous9:19 AM

    dumb bitch

  24. What a classy group of women. Stole a shoe from a kid and then have their photo taken with one holding a beer and the other with a cigarette. Hope they have never procreated.

  25. @AgentIT...I love you too!!!

  26. An adult man (who didn't belong in the seats) did this to my son when he was 7, knocking him over into his 5 year old friend whose cap was knocked into the press box. It was a practice ball. Adults can be such A-holes

  27. Anonymous10:03 AM

    To whomever said the boy's dad should've grown a pair, think of it this way: what is worse, a grown woman snatching the ball out of a boy's hands, or a grown man going after a woman for a ball? I am sure the dad was teaching his son a lesson in chivalry, even when the woman is not deserving. Which clearly, she was not. I wonder what would have happened had the boy's mom been there instead?

  28. What a bitch. I would be mortified if I were her friends.

  29. Meanie! And yeah, would have been worse if the dad beat her ass over the whole thing.

  30. Dulcinea is right; my dad wouldn't have gone after her because he'd have been so angry it would have turned out badly. The great thing is this is all over the web; this chick is *toast.*

  31. I have no problem trampling people when the doors open for Black Friday Christmas shopping but even I would never do this to a kid. :)

  32. Yeah, she'll definitely catch hell now - the power of social media. Watch her end up giving the kid the shoe after all. Dumb bitch is right.

  33. @Dulcinea - I'm the mom in my scenario and the man ignored me, along with everyone else in the section telling him he was an ass, reveling in his conquest.

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  35. I think people get all caught up in the moment and truly lose all sense of reason and perspective. It is too bad that she didn't reflect on it some after it was over and give it to the young man herself. She is probably very embarrassed today. She should be, anyway.

  36. Ha, the dumb bitch posted it on her facebook page, and now her name is out there for everyone to know it. They apparently found the kid, too.

  37. The one and only time I caught something at a game (a chick-fil-a cow) I gave it to the kid next to me. I don't think there was any way not to. Peer pressure was strong, so I'm glad I didn't really want it anyway.

  38. Deadspin reported that she had to take down her Facebook page. LOL

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  40. @Syd, thank you for the update. Good, lol

  41. There was other footage floating around of a kid at a baseball game catching (I believe) a pop fly and woman next to her yanked it out of her hands and started trying to high-five the friends she was with. That woman was an asshole, too! Don't these adults have any sense of shame?

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  43. All three of those women just look so damn classy. Hopefully the local media will shame her into giving it away. Who wants a nasty shoe, anyway?

  44. Having had lived in Green Bay, not surprised in the least. The adults living there are fucking assholes, obsessed with the Packers beyond everything else. Every day the newspapers have to have a headline about the Packers. Remember the 2004 Tsunami where more than 200,000 people died? The Green Bay Press Gazette gave the Packers 3/4 of the front page, then at the very bottom of the page "250,000 Dead from Tsunami"...Yeah. That's Green Bay.

  45. Judging by the smile on her face I'd say she does shit like this A LOT. Just how they are. I'll bet they still don't feel bad.

  46. What an awful excuse for a person. Oxygen thief.

  47. Who f*cking does that? Soulless harpy.

  48. Like the class act GREEN BAY PACKER Donald Driver is, he's already met the kid in question and gave him a bunch of merch. He also asks via his Twitter to lay off the woman. He's gracious, honest, and charitable. Who'da thunk it for a guy who lives in Green Bay, huh?

  49. I just want to share this story. I was at a baseball game with my then-boyfriend, now husband. He caught a ball. I thought he was going to give it to me, like guys do in all the romantic comedy movies, and then the girl knows he loves her, yada yada yada. Instead he gave it to the little boy sitting in front of us, whose dad had also tried to catch it. (It made me love him even more.)_

  50. Some bastardly Red Sox fan did this to me at a Jays game once. Wrenched my arm and all to get a ball that was specifically thrown to me by Travis Snider.

    So I got all up in his face and put a curse on the team. And they've been shit since!

  51. Yep Donald gave the kid a bunch of stuff. The local (Milwaukee) news here reported that the evil lady apologized and offered to mail the shoe to the kid.

  52. God, that woman in the middle looks like such a cunt. I want to kick her.
