Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

March 30, 2012

#1 - When this Academy Award winning actor who rarely does television was single everyone used to love to go to his house to party. It turns out that our actor always feared getting recognized going for rub and tugs so hired two full-time women who lived in his guest house and were always on call. They were there for about two years and he even gave them health insurance.

Jack Nicholson


  1. That's just gross!

  2. Ah Jack, you are one of a kind...

  3. Gross. I don't even want to check the photos for this.

  4. Health insurance? Jack has class!

  5. Hahahahaha

    DOnt see the problem...

  6. Was he the popular guess for this one?

  7. Wow, proper terms and conditions......employer of the year! Yay, Jack.

  8. I love that he gave them health insurance, ha ha

  9. Brilliant! Proper old school!

  10. Ah, how nice of Jack to provide employee benefits. Was there a 401K?

  11. Now THAT'S how you do it! I have no problems with this!

  12. Has Jack done television since 'Cuckoo's Nest'? He did A LOT (even a later Andy Griffith Show) starting out, but in the last 30 years?
    I guess I could google.

    Typical Jack though. Knows what he wants, professionals are the least messy. And to give them benefits! wonderful!
    I'll always love him, i don't care he's a letch. ALWAYS.

  13. well that's a kindness blind!

  14. Love that he have them insurance, lol.

  15. So THAT'S why he goes by the name Jack...

  16. ... and the 1st one over the finish line....

    Fijigrrl said...
    #1 -- Jack Nicholson

    10:21 AM

  17. it is kind of funny. wonder how you list this in your job history.

  18. I was just watching Jack in "Wolf" a few minutes ago. Such a good actor and how great that he saw the potential that a werewolf movie could be done well and he would not come off cheesy at all. And Michelle Pfeiffer looked beautiful in it.

  19. Me---"Personal Assistant to Mr. Jack Nicholson"?
    I'll betcha he gives a HELLUVA reference, too!

  20. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I applaud this. He had needs he wanted taken care of, hired two women to do it, and gave them housing and insurance. It's downright quaint, if you think about. Well played, Mr. Nicholson. The younger generation could learn a thing or two from his example.

  21. @ Libby - agreed! I don't care how many slimy stories I hear about the guy, he's awesome.

  22. I have no problem with a grown man having a business arrangement with two professionals, especially given that they even had health benefits. Sounds like everyone remained safe and disease and scandal free.

  23. Does this really surprise anyone?

  24. At least he didn't beat them.

    That we know of.

  25. Yeah, why even make it a BI? Jack's not gonna sue.

  26. Yeah don't see the "scandal" here especially if he was single at the time.

  27. We can't handle the truth! At least the truth is the only thing we had to handle, though.

  28. Now, if you must, this is the way you do it.

  29. Why would some people think this is gross? Do you think the professionals he hired would prefer to work the streets or Craigslist? Hell no. Got paid nicely I assume, medical coverage and a place to live. Not too shabby. I only hope that the rest of his staff also have medical coverage.

  30. I have no problems with this.

  31. This is great! Thats a better deal than walmart gives their employees! Lol

  32. LMAO Aww, health insurance. How sweet.

  33. @B. Profane:

    This may seem unseemly, but there are troves of women who will gladly do this sort of thing.

    So this begs the question: Are we labeling them with our value system,

    or are we not in tuned to theirs?

  34. Love this.

    Jack is a total legend :)

  35. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

  36. Well, at least he kept two people employed and gave them health insurance. More than I can say for our presidents in the last 2 decades.

  37. CJ---Shouldn't somebody be taping Jack and his stories, to be published after his death? He is irreplaceable as an actor, AND as a pop culture figure who knew EVERYBODY when they mattered. Before cocaine was known to be addictive, lol.

    I can watch him do anything. I recently watched some behind-the-scenes of "The Shining." Jack was 42 there, and sexy as hell off-camera. He oozed sex, as himself. So i guess in most films, part of his talent is tamping that down. Jack Torrence was NOT sexy.

  38. They got health insurance?! He's more progressive than our own country.

    I'm sorry, but these people are consenting adults. You can all it what you like, but they could call it whatever they want.

  39. Hey I see nothing wrong! The women did it on their own choice, and jeez, he was a great employer! If you need to get satisfied this way, this is the classy way to do it.

    Not that I would, he was fine as a young man, but in the past decade or 2 - YECH!

  40. I love the health insurance part. LOL, can't say as I'm surprised this is Jack.

  41. I'd rather do this than be one of Hefner's "girlfriends!"

  42. Hahaha, I second that, Mooshki!

  43. Anonymous2:57 PM

    What a nice guy! What the hell is wrong with this? Health insurance. Room and board to give jack nicholson rub and tugs? Hes a good man with needs. Whats the big deal? Hes not hurting anyone cheating or casting couching. Not even having sex with them. Sounds like a decent percent with a heart and a conscience. Should he go to an asian mob massage parlor where the women are hooked on h and slaves?

  44. I hear a Neil Young song: "I was thinking that maybe I'd get a masseuse. Find a house nearby for her to stay. Just someone to keep my junk happy, rub my back and then go away."

  45. Truly the classy way to go. Perhaps some others in Hollyweird and elsewhere should follow Jack's example.

  46. LOL @timebob

    I remember joking about how much fun that guy had during the "interview" process. That was around the time of the nipple rub interview story. Can't remember who said it now.

  47. It may sound gross, but he did pay their health benefits. I think that was very nice and classy. He treated them like regular employees.

  48. And having two means he gave them breaks, not one on call at all times.

  49. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I'd be his employee.
    free health care? hell yeah.

  50. Omg, this is funny.

  51. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Agreed, Elizabeth. They worked in 12-hour shifts and did whatever they wanted the other 12. Great setup.

  52. health Insurance! Good for them! XD

  53. That he provided benefits like health insurance and he actually paid for the services, makes him sound pretty classy.

  54. I actually think it's pretty cool. He was single at the time, paid them, gave them room and board AND inurance. Hey, I don't begrudge him this.

  55. Well I come from a state where prostitution is legal, so I have no problem whatsoever with this.
