Sunday, July 08, 2012

Former Cro-Mags Bassist Smokes Bath Salts - Stabs People

The entire CBGB Festival had to be shut down early because Harvey Flanagan, who is a founding member of the Cro-Mags forced his way backstage and confronted his former bandmates. When he found them he stabbed two of them and bit one of them on the cheek. This is how messed up he was if biting and stabbing is not enough to convince you. It took so many police to get him down to the ground they broke his leg while subduing him. This bath salts thing is getting out of control. It was nowhere and now I can't go a day without running into five or six stories of people trying to eat other people, and not in a fun Playboy Channel kind of way either.


  1. 5 or 6 stories daily? Please, share some links! I am intrigued...

  2. It's Harley's War.

    I didn't realize this was bath salts-related, urgh. Time for this to stop.

  3. This just out there. It's like reading Coast to Coast.

  4. Ok Max Brooks Zombie Survival Guide - go get it.

    In all seriousness, I agree with Enty. Its getting out of control

    1. @bigmama I have my zombie apocalypse partner, my escape plan and my dad's lumberjack axe. Oh and a years supply of water, ramen and KD. I'm ready!

  5. This is the thing about media sensationalism...everybody wants to try it now. Everyone wants to see if they're stronger than the drug (protip: you're not).

  6. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Why the heck can't they be outlawed?

  7. Are these 'bath salts' the same as Mephedrone or 'meow meow' or 'plant food' that was baned in the UK last year?

    Never heard any zombie style stories in the UK press related to this drug.

    All very very strange

    1. I'm pretty sure it's the same, I've heard if called meow before

    2. No its not the same AT ALL. M-cat/methredrone/miaow is like a cheap E/coke/speedy thing. Bath salts like pcp, cracked out mentalness.

    3. Oh and miaow miaow was called PLANT FOOD. Not bath salts :)

  8. @Carmelite yeah bc making something illegal totally stops people from using it

  9. There are so many alternatives to get high, why is a whacked out psycho drug with awful press getting popular. smh

  10. My son and I just laughed this off as a punk rock family feud. Doesn't make a difference if bath salts are involved.

  11. How many more signs do we all need showing us that the future impending zombie apocalypse is just around the corner. Remember shoot for the head people !!!!

  12. My Lush bath bombs are looking at me in the bathroom. Better get them out of the house. My very survival depends on this. ARGH!

  13. The bath salt craze worries me as an esthetician and aromatherapist. I read a story months ago about how some state wanted to ban all bath salts! It sucks bc nothing relieves achy muscles like an epsom salt bath. Imagine if that gets taken away from us because of a few idiots with no appreciation for life?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. @Allison

    Why bother confirming?? Anyone who bites anyone is on bath salts! We're all gonna die!

  16. The bath salts part of the story hasn't been confirmed.

    Also, everyone needs to know this: Bath salts (the drug) is ABSOLUTELY NOT the same thing as bath salts the skin-care product. It's just a street name.

  17. I don't think this was bath salts. Dude is just a crazy. He was a squatter since he was 11 years old in NYC in the 80s. He has a chest tattoo by like 12..He is bitter over the fact that when he was in the band they made no money and now they are making lots playing these types of festivals. Settling it in the streets...or whatever...He broke his leg while they were restraining him and still flipped people off as they carried him out.

  18. For the uninformed "bath salts" is a slang term. They aren't the same 'bath salts' you have in your bathroom.
    Apparently, the thing that brings on the psychosis is not so much the drug itself, it's that people keep taking/using it to "maintain the high" which results in sleep deprivation. Somewhere after 72 hours awake? No matter what the methodology you use to stay awake, you will begin to hallucinate. If you are thinking "at some point, I'll want to eat someone's face..." when you start using it? Odds are good that when the psychotic break occurs, that's what you'll try to do.

  19. Yeah I'm uninformed about illegal drugs. Are you positive it's not the same that you buy at the drug store?

  20. ahhhhh here we go. My job is safe.

    Why are they called bath salts?

    "It’s confusing. Is this what we put in our bathtubs, like Epsom salts? No. But by marketing them as bath salts and labeling them 'not for human consumption,' they have been able to avoid them being specifically enumerated as illegal," Horowitz says. (from WebMD bc I don't know how to post a URL)

  21. He's lucky the cops didn't shoot him. Good on them for not using deadly force.

  22. There is a Zombie Apocalypse going on - the government is telling us it's "Bath Salts" just to keep the population calm. ;-)

  23. Actually one of the side effects of Bath Salts is a critical rise in internal organ temperature (excuse me, WHO would do this intentionally) which is why everyone seems to want to take off their clothes. There is also a sense of extreme confidence (think cocaine x 1000) and invincibility. (And apparently aggression too.)

  24. Hipsters will do anything they read is cool.

  25. My kids asked me what they were if they were actually epsom salts. I said no and its just a street name. I am prepared for the Zoombies have a loaded shotgun in my bedroom and a 45 in the other bedroom. Plus I have a full freezer. Lots of fruits to make jam in the fall when it cooler. Also have 3 Dogs that will attack if someone comes at any of us. Also have some chainsaws and axes.

  26. Supposedly bath salts have been around for many years. I'm just puzzled at all the recent horrors linked to ingesting them. Or maybe the incidences have been under the radar all this time.

  27. But your dog will get eaten so they will be no good for you. I better go find me an axe or something! Things are getting out of hand!

  28. I don't know what is really going on, I actually doubt the zombie thing. However, I don't buy the "bath salt" thing either. The need to bite is what is freaking everyone out.

  29. Maybe bath salts give you Fire Marshall Bill jaw syndrome and turns your voice to a whisper. People keep asking you to repeat yourself so when you lean in close to their face where they can hear you, the Fire Marchall Bill jaw chomping takes over?

  30. it is media hysteria. Remember the homeless guy eating the face? Yeah he had no trace of "bath salts" in his system, he was high on pot nothing else.

  31. How dumb does someone have to be to willingly try bath salts at this point? They're like the same people who shoot themselves in the junk on a dare or try to snowmobile across a lake in April.

  32. When the face-eater story first broke, I did think at the time that it must have been PCP instead of bath salts. The two seem to have very similar effects.

  33. unknown.....he wasn't high on herb....there are reports coming out (I posted a link yesterday here) that there's a very good likelihood that these are synthetic drugs making people go nuts. HOWEVER, unlike herb which is natural, synthetics are man made components which try to mirror the natural (think opium vs methadone) and being as the big pharm companies are the ones who are creating these synthetics, again to fill their pockets and our legislators pockets (I guess they ran out of creating mandatory vaccines) there aren't going to be any discussions on how these synthetics are making people go nuts. As, it would be "bad for biz."

  34. "big pharm companies are the ones who are creating these synthetics"

    No they're not. It's the Chinese. We had exactly the same thing in the UK with mephedrone, until the media started a witch-hunt and started linking it to every drug-related death they could get their hands on. The fact was that NOBODY died of mephedrone, yet this went largely unreported as it didn't fit with the agenda.

    Same thing here.

  35. I knew Harley (not Harvey... sorry Enty) when we both lived in San Francisco in the early 90's. I was really sad to hear this story. At the time he was sober & a really good guy. Anyone know he wrote a published book when he was around 8 or 9?

    I haven't seen anything yet about bath salts in regard to this story. Weird. And it was actually the bouncers who broke his leg, not the po-po! They kicked the shit out of him. Not taking Harley's side by any means.

  36. This shit breaks my punkrock heart, maaaaan.

  37. According to local news (Post, NY1, Daily News), NOT bath salts, just rage.

    Yes, he did publish a book of poetry as a kid. Allen Ginsburg was a family friend & helped get it published.

  38. No offense, but I am sick of people just drinking down the bath salts kool aid. The Miami cannibal for example had NO drugs except trace amounts of Mary j in his system. I'm not one for conspiracies- just dealing with the facts. Something crazy is going on, and ite not the bath salts excuse they are pushing.

  39. Something weird is the report on the man in Miami (who ate man's face) came back and there was nothing in his system, but pot. No bath salts or even alcohol. So strange.

  40. I'm stunned that the DEA hasn't shut down manufacture/importation and distribution of this shit under the Analogue Drug Act. Not that I condone the ADA but they could clearly be shutting down the legal trafficking in the stuff.

  41. One of the cable shows years ago did a show about bath salts so maybe they will show it again but apparently it's big business and they just keeps changing things based on what gets banned. I think it was MTV.

  42. Oh, this stuff is a khat derivative. I've played with khat analogues before (my drug-exploration history is quite exotic). They're a subset of the vast phenethylamine family. Tweak the root molecule one way and you get a drug that makes people lovey-dove (Ecstasy). Tweak it other ways and you get some scary-ass shit. Definitely subject to prohibition under the Analogue Drug Act.

  43. yeaaaahhh, he was not on bath salts by any measure. come on enty

  44. I did know that the chinese were the ones making the k12 or K2(is that what it's called, sorry my minds mush today) aka synthetic marijuana. But I don't believe for a second that other pharm companies don't have a hand in this at all. sorry.

  45. B. Profane: interesting!

    Why would anyone use bath salts? Why not just climb down into a nice K- hole instead?

  46. here's the link I found yesterday about people not buying the sole herb in his system theory. And read the comments. you always find some interesting stuff in the comment sections.,0,262288.story

  47. All the reports are that the various zombie drugs being sold as bath salts or whatever are cathinone analogues. PCP is a completely different drug.

    You can tweak phenethylamines to get pretty much any type of psychokinetics you want.


    he was posting messages about doing something at the show. he wasn't even supposed to be allowed in there.

  49. @B. - my husband works law enforcement at the Fedral level - they are working to get laws amended on a state and local level to include all this new shit. Like you said, manufacturers just tweak the formula to get around existing laws. It is definitely on everybody's radar, and they are actively pursuing these newest synthetics.

    FWIW, haven't heard any "conspiracy theories" of any kind - just bad guys finding yet another way to make money. Supply and demand market forces, you know the drill.

  50. So sick of hearing about bath salts and f*cking zombies. Can both of these crazes please DIE already?(oh, and NOT reanimate :) )

  51. Double tap the zombies.

  52. I know it sounds nuts, but I still say it's the Zombie Apocalypse.

  53. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Enty, his name is Harley - not Harvey. This is so sad.

  54. Still snorting in my coffee at all the witty zombie comments here. Keep it up guys, y'all are hilarious and I need a laugh this morning. :-D

  55. I think he would have done this even if he was taking Xanax. He's a seriously intense guy.
