Sunday, July 08, 2012

Tom Cruise Is Pulling Out The Checkbook

If you are willing to marry Tom Cruise, and I can't imagine many of you who would be willing to go into that haunted house of a situation, don't worry about the pre-nup. All you have to do is sell your soul to Scientology for a couple of years and that whole pre-nup thing? They never heard of it. Tom and Katie are in settlement talks. Why would there need to be settlement talks if there is a pre-nup? Because Katie knows all. So much for having to live on the few million a year she is due, which is probably more than she would make in the movies. Katie is going to be sitting large. One condition though. No talking about Tom Cruise or Scientology or anything like that. It is good for her but sucks for the rest of us. I think all of us would love a full blown trial with lots of depositions and open testimony in front of television cameras. Get David Miscavige up there for anything and just go at him under oath. Not sure how that would be possible, but it would be fun.


  1. I still feel if Tommie is paying for Katie not to say anything that still speaks volume on Scientology...

  2. just the fact that this is going down the way it is tells the story----he can't have this scientology shit talk going on and on and more shit coming out every day.
    add to that the possibility that suri's parentage could be suspicious (it is to me anyway)---no, tom is going to want this thing wrapped up real fast and just like nicole, we won't hear one word from katie about him.

  3. I read somewhere that it's estimated she'll walk away with approx. $100 million in total, which includes the money she has received so far, whatever payout she's due per the prenup, her portion of their acquired real estate, and a generous lump sum on top of all that to keep her mouth shut.

    I'm preparing my resume for Tom as we speak, lol

  4. Money talks

    (that picture gives me the heebie jeebies--- I hate his laugh)

  5. I wish we could deprogram tom cruise, and get him back with us humans. I bet he's a good guy. Free tom!!!

    1. I always say that to my sister and she says its a lost cause. Hes a robot now lol.

  6. Good I'm happy for her, this is better than I thought it would turn out.
    Oh and yes this says it all........he must be busting every blood vessel in his body.

  7. She needs to negotiate in there that S c i or their agents/subcontractors can't talk about, harass, follow, or contact her or her daughter or her family or friends for the rest of time.

  8. @angel, you will have to get behind me in line, lol

  9. Yes Little Miss! That should violate the part of the contract that keeps her quiet. Any COS harassment and Katie spills the dirt on them!

  10. lol, ok it took forever ;)

    I'm thrilled for Katie too.. from Stepford wife to savvy escape artist in the blink of an eye, bravo.

    I bet Nicole, who was with him twice as long and basically lost the relationship with her kids, is flabbergasted.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Since Katie is getting the big payoff for silence, the jaded side of me is thinking that there should be a "dead letter" drop made.
    So should Katie meet with an unfortunate incident, everything she knows is revealed and Suri remains safe from the clutches of Co$.

  13. If you believe Ted, Nicole is still getting paid by Tom for the secrets she knows just very quietly. Katie is one smart girl. And Im also lining up to be the next beard. 100mil for 5years and dont even have to worry about him touching me? Where do I sign??

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  15. Maybe Tom had some dirt on Nicole?

  16. There are settlement talks because they still need to workout child support and custody. Nothing more and nothing less. If she signed a gag order so that she could get sole custody of Suri and banning Tom from exposing her to COS in anyway, then good for her. She's being a mom and doing anything and everything to protect her child. That's what mothers do.

  17. ^I'll be you're right.

  18. I meant that @califblondy

  19. ...Please use that image of TC whenever you post something about him; it's hilarious...

  20. @Ana Maria: Second that comment.

    I love that particular image. It's so fake. The last time I saw a guy with a forced "I'm dying laughing here" grin like that, he was being anally raped by a cactus and there was a gun at his head, with someone saying, "Smile."

    All right. I made the entire last paragraph up except the first sentence.

  21. @Jamie LOL! I almost choked on my lunch. I was really going to need back story on that one.

  22. She should record a video to be played after her death. Leave it in escrow with enty's firm.

    Wouldn't that be awesome? Dish from beyond.

  23. Katie (and her team) are smart cookies. Scientology is in a particularly weak place right now ( check out the Village Voice for their excellent Scientology watch articles...including the breaking story of Ron's dad and stepmom AND LRH's granddaughter ALL jumping ship - which literally means 'escaping' as you don't just walk out of there - the Hemet base recently). Her timing couldn't have been better.

  24. lets all keep in mind Tom's career is not as hot as when he was with Nicole...he needs to be careful

  25. Aw man, I wanted to see this drag out a bit. In the end, Suri is on the way to a brainwash-free childhood, and if that comes at the expense of not getting to see the COS' dirty laundry aired out, I'm good with that.

    But the damage is done now. If there's a pool on who bows out of the cult next, let me know and here's $5 for my square. I pick Kirstie Alley on November 10th!

  26. I'm betting there's more than child support and custody being discussed among the attorneys, because Katie got the drop on Tom and filed for divorce first and did it in NY. From the looks of things, Katie seems ready and willing to go to court if she feels Tom is still trying to dictate the terms of her life or get away with compensating her as little as possible.

    If this goes through the judicial system, Tom has far more at stake than Katie, with a protracted court battle and the negative publicity it would generate for both him and Scientology. I'm pretty sure he'll cough up plenty to settle this whole thing quietly and quickly so he can move on with his life.

  27. If I were Katie, I wouldn't take his money. I would accept a few mil from a new agency and tell them everything I knew. Then, I'd go buy an island with my millions and retire never to be heard from again. F*** hush money. They need to be exposed.

  28. Where do I sign up to marry him. I sure could use that money and I old and a widow. If he never touched me except for the red carpets. I can smile and be nice extra nice for 100 million. I would even put up with his fake smile. He could fund a animal rescue for me and a fund for Wounded Warriors. I might even let him kiss me in public with out throwing up in my mouth.

  29. i think its best for Suri to end quietly and not drawn out. So Katie is really after his money....hmmm

  30. I really do believe Katie should just take the money and keep mum. She has a child to raise, and if she refused, she would be relentlessly hounded and harassed by the Scientologists to the end of her days. They have nothing better to do. Not worth it!

    God, I've been reading the 'Anonymous' site on Scientology and it's horrifying! This cult really does need to be taken down. I think this divorce is the first step as it's opened up a lot of awareness.

  31. Two weeks ago everyone was calling Suri a sociopath. is this still the consensus? ;)

    I have also been reading a lot on VV and Anonymous. Wow...I knew COS was nutters, but this is beyond crazy.

  32. What's to keep Tom from continuing to indoctrinate Suri when she's staying with him? Maybe Katie can prevent her from joining SeaOrg, but I'm pretty sure he'd do everything he could to continue to influence her. I'll be interested to see what kind of a visitation provision there is in the settlement.

  33. @MrPresident, why say that? She's interested in securing custody of Suri to prevent her from being turned into a Scientology robot, and in being treated fairly instead of dictated to. She's entitled to a settlement per the terms of a prenup both she and Tom signed, and because she basically abandoned her career at his direction. Tom is a control freak. Recall what he put Nicole Kidman through. He brought this on himself.

  34. Katie's in the catbird seat: She CAN get full custody, because she is the biological parent. Tom is not.

    Also, she has been with her daughter constantly, Tom has been ...what?... 20% of the time? Especially the last 2 years. AND she can always talk about their (non)sex life. She can get more money from doing that than she would lose in a divorce based on a pre-nup that would give her nothing if she talks.

    Tom and his CO$$ lawyers are not as smart as they want you to think they are. After all, they've been outsmarted by Katie Holmes! She ain't no Supreme Court intern.

  35. What's brilliant about this is Katie has said nothing. All she did was file for divorce and ask for custody. What has been unleashed was just waiting for the opportunity to happen. This is like the first guy that filed against John Travolta. Suddenly others came out from everywhere.

    I'm not sure how Tom puts the genie back in the bottle, regardless of the Publishers Clearinghouse sized check he writes her.

  36. Okay so I know a lot about a case almost exactly like this -

    Unwed pregnant starlett, father of her child is a mess, agrees to marry powerful man to give her child a name (a very good name) herself a career and man gets instant family and silence to all those pesky rumors. Prenup is Iron clad - father is bought off, mother is in it for the long hall and if things don't work out she gets a nice little payout., one predicted she would use the paternity of the child as her out...because her whole motivation for marriage was given her baby a name and saving her reputation. Turns out a birth mother's instinct is stronger than appearances. Rather than have her child join that crazy religion her powerful husband is in, she bolts, files and for full custody. The powerful man balks thinking she has no leverage, she would never tell the truth and why would he care if she did, spin is spin he can just say "she lied to me."
    Guess he forgot about the rest. The never having sex, the handsome assitants and callers and "friends" she has seen over the years. The face she is willing to go on record as saying, yes in fact he is gay....oh ...that.

    Turns out the little meek starlet is a Tiger willing to make it a giant bloddy mess...

    So how do you fight that? You write a huge check make yourself look like the good guy and buy silence with an even better iron clad contract...

    This is better than any lifetime movie!

  37. i'd like to think that since Suri wears nail polish, high heels, refuses to wear a coat in winter, while wearing a light dress with no warm stockings. The girl is headstrong and willful. Meaning she won't be easily sucked into the cult of Scientology. While Bella & Connor clearly want to please their father, maybe things can be different for Suri even if she does go to Scientology classes which you know the second she is in Tom's care she will be. But like others said Katie is all about protecting her, not leveraging her for financial gain. Honestly, Nicole could of fought harder for her kids there were about the same age as Suri when they got divorced. Nicole took the check in my opinion and then grew more kids.

    But the more I read about CO$ and what they do to average people raping them financially and basically turning them into indentured servants for the famous is just disgusting. The worst is Anne Archer's son Tommy Davis he is a maniac and was Tom's BFF for 10 years.

  38. I read that the divorce agreement between Nic and Tom stipulated 50/50 divided custody but something happened, I bet that Tom and CoS brainwashed the kids into portraying Nic as a person not to be dealt with ie suppressive.

    I'm sure that Katie will not accept anything that allows CoS to get anywhere near Suri. ANd to be honest I do think that Tom should get to see Suri, he IS her father, birth or not. It''s best for the child.

    Suri is probably a spoiled brat but now there's hope. I'm sure Katie will enroll her in a regular school (only the best tho!) and the kid will finally have to socially interact with other kids and learn the rules of play and socialization.

  39. And that Anonymous site is truly frightening! CoS is medieval!

  40. Connor and Isabella don't stand a chance. There are powerful adults who are trying to escape that cult, and only few make it. What chance do two young adults have whose father is number two in the organization?? Altho, as I just wrote that I remembered the recent news of the Miscavige maybe that gives me hope?? There aren't enough "RUN _______ RUN!" t-shirts in the world to make for all the innocents who should escape.

  41. Just came across this site at TMZ comments...OMGOSH...

    How can this continue to happen in our modern day world???!!! Unbelievable.

    I hope that this divorce heats up the inquiries of this cult instead of money making it all go away! There is no way it should go back 'under the carpet'!!!

    It should not be allowed to go away these children's story (at the above link)!

  42. msgirl I read that too. That Nicole got 50/50 custody but Tom and COS made sure the kids didn't want to see her, told them she was a sociopath, an SP, etc. and then they didn't want to see her and when they did, wouldn't even call her "Mom". Really sad if true and if Katie realized what was going to happen to Suri any time now, that would definitely be a reason for her to call her dad and say, "help me!".

    I also read that her dad has been getting information for ex-Xenu worshipers for a while now. He's been collecting info and building a case so as soon as Katie was ready, he had an idea of what to do and where to go. The attorney her dad got has a partner who is an expert at financial forensics. Financial Forensics! The guy's expertise is finding out where and how much money Cruise has.

  43. Oh, if you want to know Xenu's core story, what they tell people after they have paid tens of thousands of dollars, here it is:

    What a schmuck you'd feel being told this now that you're poor.

    What's also funny is the animated version Southpark did on it looks to be accurate.

  44. $cientology is a cult for the not that bright and weak minded.

    Kudos to Katie for getting the daughter and herself away from it.

  45. "What's to keep Tom from continuing to indoctrinate Suri when she's staying with him?"

    Clauses preventing that included in the settlement. Katie can make sure that Suri isn't subjected to auditing, purifying rundowns, etc. She'll have a more difficult time preventing Suri from being exposed to Scientology beliefs but she can probably prevent any real indoctrination.

    On the outside, a custody settlement on Katie's terms will have a significant impact on the reputation of COS, but on the inside it'll shake the org. to its roots. The whole con of COS is based on the premise that their tech is all-powerful, and for second most powerful Scieno in the world to agree with his child being raised outside of COS is an abrogation of that fundamental tenet.

  46. Katie prolly knows no more than or less than Mimi and Nicole combined and neither of them are talking.

  47. Nice, B. just can't wait to see it happen!!!

  48. Sadly based on what I have read Tom will disconnect from Suri one day. If she doesn't embrace her father's beliefs. How in the world does Tommy let this group control him like this after everything that has come out. If you break up thousands of families you are a cult not a loving religion.

    Suppress this assholes.

  49. I don't think that Katie will end up getting significant hush money. Probably just what the initial prenup defined. Katie could slag the COS cocoon that Tom imposed, but she can't slag the beliefs of COS itself. Impugning Tom's faith, crazy though it is, would be grounds for a future custody action. It would also be seen as bad parenting.

    When do Catholics start going to confession? After Confirmation? Tom may be able to block Suri from Catholic practices like that. Maybe Katie isn't devout enough to care.

    Does anyone think that Katie has serious eyewitness dirt on Tom, like catching him having sex with men? I think that he was too careful to let that happen.

  50. hhahahahahahahahaha I just read that link Elizabeth.

    How do people believe that garbage???

    What a bunch of crazies.

  51. @B. Profane, having been raised Catholic myself, kids make their first Confession in the 1st grade, followed by their first Communion also in the first grade, and receive Confirmation in the 5th grade.

  52. @angel--Thanks for the info. So Suri would, in theory, start taking Mass in full right about now. I have to think that Tom would go apeshit over that.

  53. I think she's 6 now. If Katie enrolls her in a Catholic grade school, Suri will definitely be juggling her letters and numbers with instruction preparing her for her first Confession and Communion next year to coincide with reaching the age of reason.

  54. It's amazing that the Co$ has gotten away with as much as they have so far. While Katie and Nicole can't talk, people around them do. I remember hearing through a friend who worked in publicity about the contract between Cruz and Cruise (down to the last names and this was 10 years ago). I think with the help of the internet, it's harder to hide stuff, rumors or not. I just wonder how much longer it will take Tom to set up another beard contract. And I still don't think we've heard the last of a smear campaign against Katie (as someone else mentioned, it's kinda happened to Nicole).

  55. @msgirl: Calling CO$ "medieval" is insulting to the actual Middle Ages; as an amateur scholar & member of the SCA, I can assure you that most people back then behaved a HELL of a lot better than that!

    Whatever ends up happening here, the important thing is that Katie gets Suri away from that unholy Mafia/Amway mashup, and they both get to have a peaceful, happy life, with Suri allowed to be as ordinary a child as possible (going to school, playing with other kids, etc.). She's who/what's important here, although of course if the whole CO$ house of cards comes tumbling down, that would be the icing on the big ol' cake...

    1. Yup, getting suri free of cos is the primary objective. Comes before sll else.

  56. There have to have been Catholic/COS custody tussles in NY and CA before, but Google doesn't turn up much.

  57. Regarding Shelly Miscavige being missing, I wonder if Katie knows anything about that? Maybe she didn't want to end up missing anytime soon either.

  58. @angel We did it differently. First Communion was in second grade. First Reconciliation (confession) was in third and Confirmation was fifth.

    I made up all the stuff I confessed. Double sin!

  59. Robin the COok, point taken, but you have to admit the people behaved better because they were indoctrinated by the CHurch which was all-powerful and extremely frightened of hell. ALso, I was thinking of medieval torture - the stereotypical rack and sundry, in a joking way when comparing it to Sea Org and all the stories of child labor.

  60. B. Profane: Thanks for the info.

    In re financial forensics: we need to use that on Romney. Just sayin'.

  61. lol djphob, too funny. Yeah, nothing is written in stone. I grew up in NY which is where Suri is, so I figured I'd at least be in the ballpark.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. it stresses me out to read about this. i hope she gets suri away from tom and that church. he's such a control freak. i feel like any extened visitation-like 3 weeks or more-would be dangerous for suri. to much time to be w/ the church. glad katies dad is experienced in this and well connected.

  64. I agree with Timebob- I don't see a Tommy giving a wholehearted fight for Suri in the future.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. I have read the comments and I agree that Suri should be far away from COS. That said, TC is her father legally (biologically or not) and it's very hard for a child to hear negative things said about another parent. It's really hard to hear even if what is being said is true. As a small child, you love both parents. I say this as someone who has been in that position. So, I think that things need to be treated with kid gloves in that respect.

    That said, I think TC is batshit crazy. I just hope things work out in the best interest of the child as that is what's most important in this situation.

  67. Can someone link the anon website please?

  68. Tom will put his own survival first.....they say Katie has already gotten a payout of close to 40 million...I'm guessing they now are working on child support amd visitation. I bet Tom never gets Suri without her nanny hired by Katie and company I can't imagine he'll get her alone.

  69. If Katie is smart, and Suri's grandpa is on the ball, there will be no unsupervised parenting time for tommy. And if they are even smarter, they will get sole decision making which lets Katie call when and if parenting time takes place. And the trifecta would be getting Suri into therapy to deal with the stress of the last several years. He can then become the victim and trot those other kids out all over the place. And the church is probably already interviewing new victims for wife number 4. Katie got picked since she told them she always had a crush on him and wanted to marry him when she was a little girl. I wonder what the bio dad is thinking right now,,,,I hope he gets to reenter his child's life and really be her dad.

  70. I had no idea how evil Scientology had become (first heard of them in the mid-sixties). The reading I've been doing has been....shocking.

    This morning I followed a link to YouTube which has a documentary produced by ARTE (for people like me, it's a French/German TV network). It's on the Office of Special Affairs, and covers dirty tricks in the US, France and Germany. It's an hour and a half, and you need to click the small cc in the control.

    It's hair-raising

    It's an hour and a half, and you need to click the small cc in the control.

    I've been having trouble with links posts, so try the following title in the YouTube search area:

    english subbed Arte Magazin OSA THE EYE OF SCIENTOLOGY

    They are so cruel to children.

  71. At the movie theater today they played the trailer for Jack Reacher before Amazing Spider-Man. The theater was quiet until Tom Cruise came on screen and the whole theater laughed out loud. Not with him, but at him. It got worse when he has a fight with some guys in the street, trying to act tough but he's much smaller than they are. The laughter just got louder from there.

  72. two things.
    first off...I think he may just pull out the settlement card to see if she'll consider taking the bait.If she considers it, (taking the$) that proves she can be "bought off" and the lawyers will breathe a sigh of relief. must be handled delicately...Second-i think she is screwed no matter what!they will always follow her, she KNOWS what kinds of things go on there,while alive she's a threat. watch out katie! and do what's best for suri! read:

  73. Exactly, Connie 151! The damage is done, she's been introduced into the cult, they are not going to let her off scott free. suri is the chosen one. Be strong katie!

  74. People keep bringing up that Katie "always had a crush on Tom Cruise while growing up" so people bought her fell in love so quickly storyline, but I remember at the time reading that that story was false. Her family and friends said back then that the Tom she had a crush on and posters of was Tom Hanks, as the likable nice guy he played in romantic comedies. Tom Cruise was not in the kind of movies that interested her.

  75. In a year he will be crazy in love with some other up-and-coming starlette. He has a thing for Catholic girls, which he should curb posthaste and dip into his own crazy Scieno pool.

  76. Hopefully not! Three strikes, you're out, Tom! Ladies, if you're auditioning for a movie with Tom, RUN AWAY! He does not need to be married. This man needs help! Quit living a lie, Tom!!!

    CO$ is a lie, too! Why do people fall for this crap??? Thankfully, the lies & the abuses are being exposed. Tough week, Miscavige? The Holmes-Cruise split is the least of his worries right now.

  77. @Henriette, excellent idea, although he may think recruiting a Catholic girl with the intent to convert her is the way to obtain a perfect match since he was raised in the Catholic religion himself.

  78. No way CO$ or Tom agreed to no $cientology for Suri, because then Tommy Girl couldn't TALK to the kid. Imo, Katie's staying with CO$ while divorcing Tom.

    (Yeah, I believe Katie is still into CO$.)

  79. @Trébuchet, from TMZ this morning:

    Tom Cruise has made one thing VERY clear -- Suri is the deal-maker and the deal-breaker in his divorce with Katie Holmes.

    Tom has insisted that the settlement provide "meaningful, significant contact with his daughter."

    Sources say both sides are negotiating custody, visitation, support and property settlement.

  80. If Katie wanted to keep her daughter from CO$, she wouldn't be trying to strike a deal with the devil. You take that shit to court so if bad stuff happens, the courts can oversee and are somewhat responsible for the dad's actions. The public can help you keep an eye on the kid.

    But Katie's not questioning whether Suri should be a Scientologist or not; she's just trying to dump Tommy Girl.

    Or this would be soooo public.

  81. Nah, I don't think so. Katie's trump card is the ability to bring this to court, on her terms, and in her venue. Tom wants to avoid that at all possible costs.

  82. I still don't believe she was aware of what she was getting into. Once she became really aware, she was too far into it and she patiently waied for the right time to leave. I don't know what happened to a contract but I'm guessing the settlement is very detailed. Wish her and Suri the best.

  83. Insider and Access Hollywood are both running pro-Scientology pieces today. All the usual suspects are being trotted out to assure us all the COS is as American as apple pie.
