Monday, July 23, 2012

Mom Abandons Baby At Walmart She Robs - Arrested While Stripping At Club

I think People Of Walmart just found their new spokespeople. A mom and her sister robbed a Walmart in Ocala, Florida last week and when they were being confronted about the $60 worth of swimwear they were stealing, they managed to flee, but left behind a 1 one year old baby belonging to one of the pair. Nice, right? Well, it even gets better. See, police, acting on a tip arrested Allison Niemeyer and her sister Laura the next day at their job, where they work as strippers. One of the charges Allison faces is violating her probation which she was on as a result of a home invasion which occurred while she was pregnant with her one year old. You just know that in a few weeks she will get her baby back.


  1. Hand the baby to me.

  2. i must not be awake those crimes were awfully confusing to follow.

  3. Ocala, FL - The epicenter of Are You F'ing Kidding me?!?!?!-ness.

  4. (Don't read it then, blah blah, I know)

    Can we stop with these "Look how awful humanity is" posts? I'd rather have Kardashians than all these horrible mothers. Truly.

  5. Why LORD why?!?1
    I can't today, I just can't!

  6. I live in such a classy town. I know this bitch and I hope she gets everything she deserves and loses that baby! She has never deserved to be a mom, she used to drink and smoke pot while pregnant and she's just a shitty mom as you can see.

  7. fucking florida. again.

  8. Sterilize all trash like this...please!!

  9. What the fuck, Florida?

  10. Agreed djphob an blah blah don't read, this is entertaining to some (along with the child rape blinds) etc etc. These stories outnumber celebrity stories.

    I clicked on this story (I'm using the mobile site right now) only because it said she "robbed" a walmart. No she didn't, she got busted for shoplifting. Robbing a Walmart takes all kinds of finesse, she got caught shoplifting. Although leaving your kid behind is all kinds of classy.

    I wonder if it's just me but I don't like the people of Walmart site. I think it's mean.

  11. Lemme guess--she's related to the FL crackwhore who sold her baby last week for a truck in KY, which she then sold for $800 worth of meth.


  12. @anita
    I'm with you on the People of WalMart. I don't like people being made fun of for any reason, but I don't get as offended if it's something that can be easily fixed like swapping out your shoes during your lunch hour. People of Walmart seem like many of them have been born into poverty, and I don't really get the LOL about that

  13. Agreed - hand that baby over to Ms. Cool.

  14. And I bet she's somewhere screaming right now "But I'm a good mom & I looooove my baby!"

  15. Termination of parental rights

  16. Note to Florida, toughen up, get the kids away permanently from these moms! Here's another candidate for the *no mommy shot* until she's at least a year clean, sober, and no trouble with the law.

  17. Florida - America's Appendix.

  18. Florida? The devil you say!

  19. Where was the child's father during all of this? I doubt he's a stellar parent, either.

  20. Anonymous10:28 AM

    This is what happens when Child Protective Services is so dedicated to "keeping families together" that they allow people who obviously have no business being around kids keep custody of their children. "Keeping families together" shouldn't be the goal; it should be "keeping kids safe."

    1. Yes, yes, a million times yes. Go Texshan.

  21. The problem is that when the kids are taken away from their parents, they're not exactly put into a better situation. Many foster parents do it for the extra cash; they couldn't care less about the kids they get.

    Wanna do something about these awful situations? Become a foster parent. Give these poor kids a better life.

  22. Oh she is definitely in the run for Mother of the year people!

  23. Please remember that SOME of us in Florida are normal decent people! As for DFCS in Florida, it's a joke. Don't believe me? Try googling Nubia Barahona - they found her body about 1 mile from where I live - had to leave it there for 2 days because of hazardous materials - DFACS TOTALLY dropped the ball on this case. It was a nightmare.

  24. Well in here defense, a baby TOTALLY slows down the getaway and Wal-Mart did have an adorable selection of tankinis this year.

  25. There are so many children in desperate need of a safe and loving home. I decided to follow in my parent's footsteps and have now been a certified foster parent in Colorado for three months. (My hope is to foster to adopt.) I have YET to receive one call for placement. Not ONE. Then I get to read stories like this from my local community as well as nationally on a flippin' daily basis. Good gravy. I'm going to go have a cry now. :(

  26. Why is a slam on Wal-Mart included?

  27. Let's be fair. The poor thing obviously can't make any money stripping, with that face. Of course she's gotta steal!

  28. Actually she did the baby a favor. Dcs shod place the vaby in fister care.
    I hate ti stereotype, and i love everybidy, but- walmart clientele is the same no matter where you go, the help included. Women- no makeuo, no hairdis, schlubby clothes, stooped posture, haunted look in eyes. Its like visiting a prison! Shoppers usually missing teeth, completely devoid of style- which u can purchase there- confused. Idk why. It just is, whether its the walmart in beverly hills, or podidunk usa.

    1. Don't want to start anything - but that's a pretty rotten thing to write.

  29. Lawyer talk 101: it's not a "robbery" unless it involves weapons or assault. Sounds like hyperbolized shoplifting to me. I'm guessing desperate drug addicts?

  30. OF course this trick is from Ocala, FL. Even my bigoted Dad thinks Ocala is backward. His relatives live there.

    My birth state continues to do me proud! There isn't a part of the state that doesn't have the crazies.

  31. @0_0:

    Even better, check out the ones from Florida:

  32. @auntliddy

    The help? Huh?

  33. The help as in employees. No?

  34. She left her baby and continued on like nothing happened? That poor, scared baby.

    auntliddy, I know you meant well, but not all people that shop Wal-Mart are low rent.

  35. @anita and @sunny

    Totally agree about People of Walmart. I can't imagine how much it would hurt to see yourself on that site.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. @auntliddy I have never heard "the help" used in that context or in a context that wasn't meant to be derogatory. Maybe it's a regional thing. As a retail worker, I wouldn't be happy at all if someone referred to me as "the help". I'm an employee, a staff member, etc.

  38. Totally did nit mean to offend. Have referred to myself as the help when i worked. I certainly wont use it if it offends people, but how did it become offensive? When i worked, i WAS there to help people.

  39. I'm not defending Wal-Mart by any means, I personally choose not to spend my money there because of their methods & practices, these comments about people who do shop there, their appearances, etc.....appalling.

    1. Food for thought, my friends.

    2. @yawnathon agree completely. I never ever shop there. I sympathize with those with no alternative.

  40. That reminds me, I've been meaning to pull out the old DOS PC and play Redneck Rampage again.

  41. How sad for this kid!

  42. I hope they don't give that baby back to them.

    Hang in there Jessi--there will be a kid who needs your care some day. Stay with it and be there when they call--you are doing a good thing.

  43. Cosign yawnathon...

  44. Makes me wonder how her own parents reared her. But yeah, the foster care system is pretty much a stepping stone to the prison system. Sadness.

  45. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Her picture should be in the dictionary under "White Trash"

  46. @Jessi - Would love to hear more about your experience with Fostering. I have been thinking about doing this myself, since I'm not having my own babies. I know you don't have any kids now, but maybe in the future. There is such a huge stigma about fostering but kids need love and a safe place.

    1. I would love to share. There are a lot of frustrations but the rewards are great. I just got myself a 3 year old little brother at the ripe old age of 32! He was official in February. I've watched my parents over the years so I have a pretty good idea what is in store. :)

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. What a loser, unfortunately if she gets her bub back this won't be the worse thing that happens to her bub, that poor kid doesn't have a chance.


  50. I'm hoping she was taking the suits so she'd look better on the pole, get better tips and maybe score herself a sugar daddy.

    I don't mind these stories. I already know people are venal assholes (though someone did phone in a tip. Score one for decency!) I only wonder how she thought she was going to get away with it. I guess if you end up in her position you probably weren't on a tenure track at Yale anyway.

  51. Anita, I agree completely about the People of Walmart site.

  52. Texshah:
    You got that right. Child protective services main directive is to keep their costs down.

    If there is a decent judge involved with a court appointed special advocate/ guardian Ad Litem then they take the perspective of what is best for the child regardless of anyone else.
    But that doesn't always happen.

  53. When I first read this headline I thought for sure she had to be from Dallas.

  54. @Jessi

    Idk if you'll be back to read this but I wish you luck! Your parents sound amazing. I've noticed you on here bc I always agree w you, which is truly rare for me. :)

  55. Demonizing women for entertainment is not OK in my book. Why don't you post some stories about some violent male turd? There's no shortage of those. In fact: WHERE'S THE FATHER of this baby? Ehhh?

  56. honestly, some people should be sterilized

  57. Well, this DID happen in Florida, a state in which stable gay couples are prevented by law from adopting children, but a cracked out stripper robber criminal will be reunited with her defenseless baby because of the state's love for "traditional family values."

  58. A gay couple in Fl DID adopt a child they were fostering. It was a major news story.

  59. I used to live in Ocala.....this doesn't surprise me. I could probably figure out which Walmart it was too (*cough* by the mall). ;/

  60. @discoflux Yes, yes it is LOL. However, one of its redeeming qualities is Light Up Ocala, I've been away for years and I still miss it......not much else though!
