Friday, July 13, 2012

Robert Blake Goes Nuts

How did I miss the Robert Blake interview with Piers Morgan? Well, I know how I missed it originally because no one watches Piers Morgan. I know he is on CNN but that is about it. he is still on CNN right? He is not just sitting at his house doing something on ustream or something right? A little chat roulette? Naked couples one second and the next you have Piers Morgan interviewing someone. Anyway he had Robert Blake on and asked Robert about the death of Robert's ex-wife. You and I both know Robert killed her. Even OJ knows Robert killed her. So, Piers asked about it and Blake went off. I need to watch more.


  1. I forgot all about the Robert Blake trial. It was another of those L.A. trials that runs for a year in court (do the judges there get a chunk of the hourly billing of all attorneys who appear before them? Why would it take a year in court to review evidence & make a decision on any case?). Manson, OJ, Spector & Blake trials all lasted about a year in court. I guess prosecutors aren't very busy in L.A. and the jury pool is all unemployed.

    Anyway I'm assuming he was acquitted if the interview wasn't being done at San Quentin.

  2. Goes nuts again ? Or still

  3. Last night there was some poncey git with grey Farrah Fawcett hair discussing how Blake needs to get back to work because he's such a great actor and he has such talent and he deserves to make at least one more great, great, great movie. I suddenly realized that I was standing in the middle of the room looking at the t.v. with my mouth open, stunned as if someone had hit me in the back of the head with a board. I managed to change the channel, but ... Piers Morgan seems to have come to America to destroy it.

  4. He's looking a wee bit scary here.

  5. @Barton - "poncey git"?

    You're awesome!

  6. I watched every second of it, the man should just tattoo guilty and i got away with it, thanks dumb LA jury.

    All he cared about was his career, and acting and wanting to get back in the game. Bonnie was just a lump of meat he got rid of. He said it 'wasn't a significant moment in his life'

    Oh and Bonnie isn't even in the book. It's just about his acting career that no one cares about. This book has to be self published not publishing house would pay for him just talking about his years on "little rascals".

    He is a mean, hateful man, and happy he is broke and alone in a dumpy LA apartment. He is getting a different kind of sentence. But he is miserable for sure.

  7. @Barton that was his defense attorney that got him out of the murder rap.

    Shame on Hollywood if you hire this idiot for anything. He just lives in the past glory like a busted athelete.

  8. Barretta did that shit.

  9. The little girl he had with Bakely isn't with him, is she? Last I knew she was living with his daughter.

  10. I live near the restaurant where it all went down...I pass by frequently and always think about that craziness.

  11. He sits with his sleeveless shirt on and his arms crossed so he can puff up his *guns* with his hands underneath. This is a smarmy "I'm still a badass" pose.
    His ego is still as big as he is small.

  12. oh, what's that snl skit with what's-her-name... i'm a superstar girl. puts her hands in her armpits and smells her fingers. kept waiting for him to smell his fingers.

  13. I heard she had threatened to make and then sell dirty pictures of their little daughter.

    Not saying I would have done what he may have done, but if it's true (that she threatened to do that), I certainly understand.

    1. If that's true, then that almost makes it justifiable.

  14. If you want to kill someone and get away with it, L.A. is your town. How many free celeb killers do the have now? O.J. was jailed in Nevada.

  15. @Henrietta...I also believe OJ's verdict was handed down something like 13 yrs to the day he was let off for the other crimes.

    Trippy stuff.

    reminds me of Joran van der Sloot (I believe he killed that girl 5 yrs to the day of Natalie H's disappearance), and certainly lends faith to such things as karma, spirits, God, life after death, etc. I don't know about you, but for me I struggle with the wait of seeing those who deserve them get their just dues.

  16. I just came to ask the same thing...does his older daughter still have the little girl? Surely they didn't let him have her back did they?

  17. We watched the interview - good God, what a nutjob. MichaelK had a really good reaction to it :

    My husband doesn't read CDaN or Dlisted, but was curious about what the gossips were saying about the interview - I read him MichaelK's reaction and he laughed until tears ran down his cheeks.

  18. A better question is, what the hell is he wearing?

  19. Now, thats good tv!!!!!!!! And i cant stand piers or whatever the hell his name is. But blake!! Whoa!! Just letting that freak flag fly!!!!! I say american idol judge for sure!!!!!

  20. Now, thats good tv!!!!!!!! And i cant stand piers or whatever the hell his name is. But blake!! Whoa!! Just letting that freak flag fly!!!!! I say american idol judge for sure!!!!!

  21. my ma and i got into a heated 'discussion' about this, ahem, gentleman yesterday (happy birthday ma!*waves enthusiastically*) she was defending him, saying he was railroaded, blahblahblah. this from a woman who makes a hobby on reading/repeating sarah palin gossip with glee. i reminded her a life lesson she taught me a long time ago. you reap what you sow.

    as an aside, someone mentioned oj up above, and i just read an interesting article that the killer may have been oj's son and he covered for him. apparently he has had emotional issues for awhile. i'll try and find the link

  22. here's the huffpo article

    and counterpoint here:

    who knows

  23. timebob, that makes sense! No one would say such horrible things unless there was a payday in it.

  24. @Barton Fink poncey git! You made my day! Perfect description of Piers Morgan... Hate.That.Guy. Frigging tabloid hack. Won't watch him and I have CNN on all the time, EXCEPT when that idiot comes on. They need to cancel him already. Robert Blake is nuts, however.....and guilty

  25. I love when TMZ catches him out and about, and they always give him total shit, with a bunch of "allegedlies" thrown in to cover their butts.

  26. He is almost 80 years old and seems like a miserable human being. This woman was murdered and like most of the rest of the world believe he had something to do with the murder.

  27. I have to admit, I don't care that he killed her. If some states have stand your ground why can't you kill a long-con? She was a grifter, and he's not a threat to the public.

  28. @tracynator - wholeheartedly agree. Piers Moron (as he is known in the UK) is a contemptible hack and a third rate human being. Phone hacking, lying on oath, insider share dealing, libel, slander and all-round nastiness - just google-fu his dodgy past to see proof of why even on that particular interview he was STILL the most despicable person on screen.

  29. LOL, Chatroulette!!! I forgot that happened.

  30. @Munch Wholeheartedly agree. Even Murdoch had to fire his slimey ass. I dont understand how being a Brit makes him less repulsive? I love the UK but I don't get it..why are Americans sooo impressed with a British accent?

    Admit I went To D Potatoes indeed!

  31. Anonymous8:03 PM


  32. So it's suddenly OK to use homophobic slurs on an acceptable target? Silly me, y'all have been referring to TC as Tommygirl or Tammy for a long time now.
