Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Jackson Family Is Imploding - Jessica Fletcher & Monk On Standby

What the Jackson family needs right now is for Joseph Jackson to come to Los Angeles and really turn this family into a circus again. he would be the frosting on this cake that is about to explode. Yesterday, police were called to the Jackson family compound about a possible battery and TMZ has a photo of Janet and Jermaine arguing about something outside. You know, where the cameras can get a great photo. I don't think they were arguing about his hair or her stalled music career. I think you have a lot of people that are very greedy and want some of Michael's money and the next thing you know someone is going to die and I think it is very important that America call out its two greatest detectives to solve it. Jessica Fletcher and Monk. I'm actually surprised the two have not joined forces previously and if there is a suspicious death at the compound, these two should called in. Otherwise you could always go with Ms. Plum in the conservatory.

Seriously, don't you get the feeling that something is going to happen? Someone is going to go too far one of these days. What has gone from this little blip on the radar is turning into something bigger almost everyday. On a side note, it's good to see that in times of crisis, the family does recycle.


  1. "The executors of Michael Jackson's estate will go to court to seek an emergency guardianship of Michael's 3 kids ... alleging that Katherine has been effectively kidnapped by Michael's siblings and as a result his kids are in danger and without supervision. " TMZ

    Here is the video of Janet Jackson and Randy Jackson trying to take the phone away from Paris.


  2. Those poor kids. Why is everyone so greedy? Never thought I'd worry about MJ's mom, but doing so now.

    I hope this doesn't end as badly as it could.

  3. That is one fucked up family.

  4. What the fuck?? I thought my family was screwed up

  5. In light of all this, is it really any wonder that Michael is dead so young? I really hope those kids are able to stop the cycle of crazy.

  6. The thing is,even if this will were found to be fraudulent (which it won't be) his previous will also left nothing to his siblings .

    Mrs. Jackson is likely ill, hope she is made comfortable and not torn in two.

    Where's Oprah ?

  7. I hope someone with a modicum of sanity takes care of the kids. Clearly Katherine is overwhelmed with the responsibility. Too bad the greedy bastards won't stay out of it.

  8. I'm just speechless...fighting with orphans over money?

    1. They are not orphans. They have moms who sold them to the Jackson family.

  9. And yanno, I always liked Janet. She's had some weird things over the years, but she seemed to keep to herself and be "normal". Maybe it's the naivete of childhood fandom, but I'm disappointed in her because to me, this is unexpected.

  10. That is just despicable. Theyve already managed to profit off of their brothers death now theyre literally trying to steal his money? And why is Janet doing this, isnt she with a billionaire? Hopefully now that everyones watching and the police are involved theyll have to stop. Let the executors have guardianship of those kids and run far away from that family.

  11. If only Matlock and Columbo were still around, they could join forces with Jessica and Monk and have this whole thing handled in under an hour.

  12. I have visions of Katherine locked in a room with the Greedy 5 yelling at her "gimme the money, gimme the money"

    This is more effed up then any soap opera story line. They want to leave those kids orphaned AND penniless.


  14. @ Frufra - I LOVE Columbo!! "Just one more thing..." You can stream it on Netflix :)

  15. I'm begining to think MJ was the normal one in this family. This is a case for the mentalist!

  16. I feel like I'm watching a modern day version of Game of Thrones with everyone fighting for the Crown (aka Michael's money).

    Those poor kids. Haven't they been through enough already? Are they legally old enough to select a new guardian if Katherine is unable to continue?

  17. The executors are filing for an emergency guardianship of the children now.

  18. OT for Seattleites, Ichiroooooooooo.

    I wanted him to get a world series ring, but not as a damn Yankee. I think half the Yankee team is ex-Mariners.

    He better not go into the Hall of Fame as a Yankee, and they'd better let my beloved Edgar in!

    Sorry : )

  19. lmao i love jessica fletcher & monk!!! but you left out shawn spencer he is a great fake psychic detective ; )

  20. Paris is kind of wild on Twitter. I could see why Janet might want to take her phone away. She's only 14.

  21. Del Riser - my thoughts exactly on reading the Ichiro news this morning, most of the stars in the Yankees are from the Ms!

    As for this family, just disgusting.

  22. I think it was Professer Plum. Miss Scarlett, Mrs White, Mr Green, Colonel Mustard, and I forget the rest.

  23. @DelRiser, I had to cope with my gleeful Yankee fan husband telling me the Ichiro news last night. I feel your pain.

  24. TMZ committed an army of folks to this one over the weekend, and their hunch paid off. It really is as bad as it seemed.

  25. Professor Plum, Mr. Green, Col Mustard, Miss Scarlet, Mrs. White, and Mrs. Peacock. Depending on the version, Mr. Green might also be Reverend Green.

  26. Del Riser/msgirl - I was so proud of the fans last night, giving Ichiro a standing ovation. It was weird to see him in a Yankee uniform so quickly. Agree with you, DR -- he'd better go into the HoF as a Mariner. His Yankee years will be only a shadow of his Mariner years. Harumph.

    I still think that Janet is the only one capable of looking after the best interests of MJ's kids. She has her own money and doesn't need to mooch off the others.

    1. Ichiro is a Mariner. Period. Sad to see him go. :(

  27. Having a 15 yr old daughter myself.....errr all i'll say is they cannot be trusted. At all.
    Not to say this family isn't crazy though or after the money!

  28. @N9NA, weren't the mothers essentially surrogates? MJ was their only parent, so I would consider them to be orphans.

  29. These poor kids, everyone knows Michael had nothing to do with his sibs in life and actions like this tell us why. Glad the children have a security team to beat them off. Hope the kids can find some stability away from the madness. Obviously, Katherine is no longer able to impartially be in charge of the children or their estate. Greed is a terrible monster.

  30. I thought MJ didn't have any money left by the time he died. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  31. This is all so awful for the kids! This is like something off of Court TV and people have done a lot worse with a lot less money at stake. I really think the authorities need to take Katherine Jackson's possible abduction or whatever it is more seriously. If they had taken the kids, as it was reported they tried to, then all the heirs to MJ's estate would have been in one place, and with all the craziness going on, who knows what they would/could have done?!

  32. Something is definitely going to happen...this won't end well.

  33. I read at Blind Gossip that Katherine is at Canyon Ranch Spa in Tucson, Arizona. Lord know the woman could use a break. As for the aunts and uncles....better no family at all.

  34. If the Jacksons were smart, they would sit back and groom Paris for stardom. Because believe me...you've heard it here first....she will end up being a star of some kind. What a strikingly beautiful child she is.

  35. Diana Ross is supposed to become their guardian in the event Mrs. Jackson can no longer care for them. Her 5 kids have managed to make it to adulthood with no scandals, so maybe she will step up.

  36. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Paris may be a high-strung teenager, but something is clearly wrong. It's been widely reported that the kids always speak with their grandmother every day. Katherine may have let nannies and tutors handle the heavy lifting of the children's care, but she was actively involved with them. Then all of a sudden, she's too sick to stay in her home and take a call from anyone, even the grandchildren for whom she is their legal guardian.

    Katherine's kids basically kidnapped her, separated her from Michael's kids, and put those children and Katherine's personal lawyer into a panic. Had it not been for Paris taking to Twitter, they probably would have gotten away with it. Sometimes, having a big mouth--or fast typing skills-- is a good thing.

    Thing is, even if the current will is thrown, Michael's old will didn't leave his sibling jack squat, either. They don't get it. Michael didn't trust their simple asses and for good reason. Throwing their mother and their niece/nephews into such turmoil just to get paid. The vultures!

  37. anita - you are right. Michael was almost $500 million in debt when he died. Thanks to these executors and their smarts, the estate has not only made a ton of money, but they are almost out of debt.

    Janet used to be thought of as the sane one who kept her distance from the family, but clearly something has changed. I really hope the executors can step in and make sure these children aren't used and taken advantage of.

  38. @anita the MJ estate was under water with MJ's excessive spending and borrowing against the sony beatle catalog but after he died and the estate got back on its feet with the sales of music and paying back creditors. The estate generates hundreds of millions now.

    Those Jacksons want a piece of it becuase when Katherine passes her share of the estate goes back to the kids. The only people who benefit from MJ estate are the kids, Katherine and 10% to various charities.

  39. @timebob, that's my understating too. Just about the only wise financial move MJ ever made was investing in the Beatles catalog. When the debt he left is fully paid, that catalog becomes his children's free and clear, said to be worth between $500 million and $1 Billion.

  40. No wonder MJ had nothing really to do with his family before his death!

  41. I don't think Jessica or Monk are going to be too helpful here. I'd be more inclined to get Dexter on the case. He'd straighten this mess out.

  42. Paris & Prince 1's mom is that dermatologist secretary, right? Why doesn't she step up? I mean damn the "arrangement", she's still their mom...

  43. I thought Janet and Jermaine split up?

    Also thought that Rebbie was supposed to unofficially be the one to help raise the kids? Isn't she supposed to be the one sibling unaffected by money/ fame?

    If they are in the care of nannies and bodyguards? Wouldn't that still be child abandonment? What are the rules around nannyhood?

  44. I really think they've taken a healthy Katherine Jackson and probably have her on meds. From what people close to the kids say, she'd never leave them for this long without contacting them. Something is seriously wrong. There's no doubt that many members of this family are greedy and want to get their hands on MJ's money.

    I just want to know where LaToya is? Why hasn't detective LaToya checked in? She may very well be the most sane out of all of the siblings, which is a scary thought.

    And I don't think Paris has done anything inappropriate on Twitter. She seems like a level-headed young girl. If there is nothing untoward going on, then Katherine Jackson should be allowed to see her grandkids ASAP. This is crazy!

  45. Michaels executors have cleared Michaels debts and now the estate is generating income. I think that is why the vultures are now circling. I also read that Debbie Rowe, Mom to Paris and Prince Michael is monitoring the situation and she wants the executors to assume guardianship. Citing Katherine's age and undue influence from her children.

  46. momma jackson is in tucson "resting", as is jesse jackson jr, cuz that's what tucson is famous for...

    wonder who the 3rd will be.


  47. The siblings 'placed' their mother in AZ without the knowledge of the children. They are hell bent on getting that money.

  48. I can see Tito and Jermaine (especially) doing this, but Janet? I was hoping she would be the normal one.

  49. Thank gawd Paris is a loud - mouthed teenager and good for her for having the guts at 14 to stand up to the grown-ups in her family. I hope those kids and their Grandma are kept safe.

  50. @remoblondee - but is this the kind of thing a 15yo would lie about?

    I can see stuff like lying about boys, pretending to be at a friends house while at a party, taking the car with only a learners permit, etc.

    But that her Grandmother is missing and hasn't been heard from in 9 days? What does Paris gain as an unruly teenager from that?

  51. Paging Miss Ross.

    Diana, get yourself in there and pick up those kids and take them out of this!!!

  52. Why were Janet and Randy recording Paris on their phones?

  53. You don't know what's going here--maybe Janet is defending the kids? I do love her body language in this pic.

  54. I'm just curious has Diana Ross even introduced herself to the kids? She is the next person in line to raise the kids if something happens to Katherine.

    Why is she not already in their lives??? The whole thing is odd. Lord help these kids. Diana's kids seem to be level headed.

  55. If I hadn't seen the video where it looks like Janet is trying to repeatedly snatch Paris' phone - and then kept at bay by a body guard, I would also assume she was on their side. It really doesn't look like it.

  56. I am glad the executors want a guardian in place. Katherine Jackson is either kidnapped, medically unable to care for them, or has (by law, if she isn't one of the other two) abandoned them.

    The Jackson's have no say re: those kids. They do not have legal custody, and Michael didn't want them to have it.

  57. Figgy, Janet's in on it.

  58. Wasnt the last Jackson story that Katherine was trying to put the kibosh on Paris getting into showbusiness? Next thing you know, she's spirited away by her children and separated from children under her care. Something is definitely going on and I don't think we know even the tip of the iceburg. why hasn't anyone in this family written a book yet?

  59. According to TMZ, Tito's son TJ is seeking temporary guardianship and the kids all want that; he's been vocal on twitter about how wrong MJ's siblings are.

  60. Janet doesn't want Paris working....

  61. I really can't figure out Janet's angle in all this. She doesn't need the money. From the video, it didn't look like she was really trying to take the phone from Paris just trying to get her to stop texting/tweeting. I could understand that, no one wants their dirty laundry aired.

  62. TJ pretty much confirmed everything Paris said when he replied to her. The way he wrote 'I love you.' just made me scared & sad. Those poor kids. The fact they have their own bodyguards is the only reason IMO that this didn't end very differently. I think that , whatever his life was really like, MJ surely did something right with his kids. Paris is a firecracker; more power to her.

  63. Didn't Enty say that if Katherine stops giving the siblings money then they will go to Janet for money?

  64. "9 days and counting… so help me god I will make whoever did this pay"

    Paris is tweeting again .

  65. Paris has independent collaboration for her perspective on this. Katherine's own attorney and the executors back her 15yo's acct.

    I hope TJ is on the up-and-up. And boy did the siblings screw up. At least the kids (who will get the big money regardless of anything IMO) will know they're leeches early.

  66. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I think Janet's angle works two ways: she doesn't want her siblings leeching off her. She has money, but nowhere near as much as Michael's estate will have now that his debts are paid.

    The second part is that some doctor that either Janet or Katherine has visited is connected to Conrad Murray, who was convicted of medical negligence in MJ's death. Janet was involved in some prescription scandal with a previous boyfriend. And now that doctor is overseeing Katherine's care, if I'm getting that right.

    Wanna bet Janet is still getting illegal prescriptions and they're sedating Mama Katherine so she can't talk to Michael's kids? *nods*

  67. Paris, Prince and Blanket, you may genetically engineered, not DNA related to your Daddy, but DAMN, thats your money!!

  68. Damn. i wonder how fucked up the other Jackson kids feel knowing that no one ever fought to save them from being cared for by an elderly woman, and then these genetically engineered lab babies show up one day and all hell breaks loose and suddenly everyone is an authority on what is best for the kids in that fucked up family. It's obviously these kids are just meal tickets and dollar signs. Janet is the only one that isn't strapped for cash so let her take the kids given the fact that she has no ulterior motives.

  69. The Michael Jackson Estate is standing by and will support TJ's bid to become the temporary guardian if asked by the Probate judge.

    per TMZ

  70. I'm glad this is being brought up because something is really weird about this. Why did they try to take the kids yesterday? And where is Katherine really and why hasn't she called those kids? And if the bodyguards are even stepping in, something is really not right. I saw this morning that the executors are trying to get an interim guardian appointed. Good for them. Something is really weird here and how odd that even Janet is a part of this.

  71. There are like 68 of them living under one roof, because god forbid anyone gets a job! Naturally tempers are gonna flare. they are disgraceful, and should go on their hands and knees to beg forgiveness from their mother. And if the house IS chaotic and messy, heres what to do: some of you move your dead asses outta there, and hire someone to clean!!!!!!

  72. OMG I was just reading TMZ and realized Jermaine is one of brothers. SMDH. OOopssie

  73. Rich boyfriend or not, Janet hasn't had a hit record or tour in years, and with the Jackson propensity to squander money, she probably needs a cash bailout as much as her brothers. She is, however, probably a little more savvy than her brothers on how to appear "loving" and "concerned" while attempting to get at that cash.

    Separating their mother from her grandkids is an end run on the road to getting Katherine declared incompetent. Once she's out of the picture, the sibs think they can move in to get guardianship and unlimited access to all that dough. It's so transparent it's laughable.

  74. Another thing: I always thought it would be Joe Jackson who would try to do something like this. But apparently he's taught his children well in the art of exploiting relatives for money.

  75. Despite MJ's wishes, is Diana Ross the right person to be guardian of these kids? She's kind of a loose canon herself. She's more appropriate as an American Idol judge as a guardian for the Jackson kids.

  76. They can't move in to get guardianship . All 3 of the children have to agree to an alt. guardian and it must be court approved.

  77. "On a side note, it's good to see that in times of crisis, the family does recycle." BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  78. emancipation is probably right around the corner for paris. she's 14, has income to support herself, and the attorney's to make sure she doesn't spend it all.

  79. Tito has now said he wants out of what his sibs are doing. His son TJs supposedly seeking custody. TJ told Paris on Twitter yesterday that he was sorry for what they, presumably his aunt and uncles, were doing to her.

    Janet is probably bankrolling the whole family and is tired of that. Aunt Janet slapped Paris and called her a spoiled bitch during the attempt to throw them in the car and Paris slapped her back, told her to leave and get the f**k out of there. Paris may be saying a lot on Twitter, as kids do, but obviously there's a lot going on.

    And where do Latoya, Jackie and Marlon stand on this? None of them signed the letter.

    I'm surprised Randy and Jermaine were in the same car since they don't speak after Jermaine got involved and had children with Randy's baby momma. For them to unite, you know its gotta be about money.

  80. ^^^^ the only thing that worries me about TJ having guardianship over these kids is how fast Tito (TJ's dad) backed off - gotta wonder if his thinks his son is going to cut him on the action??? TJ is supposedly a father too, so hopefully he really has these kids' best interests at heart....

  81. LaToya is just as bat shit crazy as the rest of the family. She will say and do anything that keeps her in their good books.

  82. This is going to be the best Christmas ever, because there will be a new Monk movie. Cannot wait.

  83. Why were they filming Paris on their phones? or.. WHAT were they filming if it wasn't Paris?!

    lol recycling.
