Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Today's Blind Items - Not That Innocent

I have to say that in the world of diva's, this one is one of my favorites. She has been in this space before for a fairly big thing, but for an entirely different reason than today's item. Through the years, our diva, who is an A list diva, but on a lesser scale when it comes to her actual talent has always acted a little more innocent than she really is. She has done a little bit of everything and has A list name recognition and is known throughout the world. Back in the day she was involved with another A list celebrity. She liked to stay in the background and pretended she was this naive person when it came to the real world. But she isn't. She played our celebrity exactly the way he needed to be played and she walked away with well over $2M from her time with him and never paid for anything and earned a huge sum for herself much of which was based on the publicity she got from being with him. One time, our diva was involved in something very messy. She pleaded ignorance and that she had no idea what was going on, when in fact, she was the one who caused it all to happen by her actions. Later, she basically ran the same con again with another celebrity. She walked away with millions in cash and gifts and some huge paychecks that were way more than she should have been earning, but the publicity allowed her to get her rates way way up. From the time our diva first burst on to the scene, she has been cold and calculating and makes every decision with a very cold heart. It is all business and everything she does is business.


  1. Jennifer Lopez(I am thinking of the trouble with the gun and P-Diddy).

    1. Ding! Ding! Ding!

      God, I still loathe her. I was just offered to work on a project with her and I had to take a week to think about it before accepting with conditions (namely, I never have to interact with her).

  2. Jho Ben affleck and....?

  3. I want to say Reese...but I'm not sure.

  4. Halle ? It's business....

  5. 100 percent J Lo.

  6. You guys are good .... JLo sounds about right. The first person I thought of was Anne Hathaway with her ex being thrown in jail and all for fraud.

  7. JLo, which would mean her other big blind item is MV?

  8. JLo and her other blind as the singer who doesn't actually sing. can't remember the name.

  9. Sounds like J.Lo to me, too.

  10. HILARIOUS read:

  11. J Lo early relationship with p. Diddly later relationship with Ben Afflak (quack)

  12. I'd say JLo but Marc Anthony bled her dry. She originally took the Idol job bc they were almost broke.

    1. I agree. JLo always seems to be the one who gets suckered, not the other way around.

      And she has never had an innocent act.

      I sense "the thread" has made up its mind though.

  13. A-list celebrity that got played: J-lo and Ben Affleck and the millions in diamonds he gave her
    The drama: J-lo and P-diddy and the gun at the club and her crying at the police station
    The same con with another celebrity: ??Pitbull??

  14. I despise her even more now.

  15. This is the vaguest thing I've ever read. She played someone, then acted innocent in something that is never explained but she caused whatever this incident was and then she played someone else blah blah blah.

    That fucking bitch making business decisions in a businessy way. Women are supposed to make all decisions based on emotion, goddammit!

  16. This is def jlo. The first ex is diddy the second is ben and chris judd and the third is marc.

  17. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Idk...I was thinking mariah Caery...I don't know why.

  18. Don't forget that JLo is a closet scientologist. There are some hilarious round of quotes from her about GOOP and others at the end of this:

  19. Totally JLO. Would the messy situation be the club shooting with Diddy?

  20. I can't copy and paste but here is a quote from her wiki page I have paraphrased
    Joe Balltake Said Jennifer Lopez was sensational As Selena and Exceptional at pulling of lip-syncing Selena's music as if it were her own. That's where she got the idea!!!!!

  21. JLo seems like a good fit, but would Enty say she's one of his favorites? Honestly asking, just not sure I ever got that from his posts.

  22. When has JLo ever "liked to stay in the background?" When was that exactly?

  23. Whoever she is, good for her. The Hollywood Game is run by men, usually taking advantage of women in the most awful ways. So, get it girl.

  24. Hahaha @anita_mark, I know! How dare she!?

  25. (posting to follow up)

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. The only real reason I thought this could be he was because it doesn't say actress or singer. Jennifer Lopez had grand hopes and dreams of becoming a movie stahhh she was not a singer.

    1. iPhones are terrible. Her not he*

  28. Whoever this is has to have a rep for being "nice". Jlo isn't what I would call nice. Mariah Carey OTOH is very much a DIVA but I think she has a rep of being nice, so I am going with Mariah.

  29. JLO for sure.
    @ Jennifer H, could enty be referring to Jlo's time as a fly girl?

    1. She may have been more in the background then only because she had to be, not because she liked to be. Very different. If she had been content with that so early on, that's as far as she ever would have gotten.

  30. Sienna Miller??

  31. My first thought was Anne Hathaway as well.

  32. Staying in the background could mean her beginning as a Fly Girl on In Living Color?

    Anytime I see the word I hear "I'm not THAT innocent. Oh baby baby..."
    Haha now it's in ur head all day! No but I always think Britney= innocent but as I kept reading its so JLo. The anti JLo posters saying Marc Antony bled her dry seem to add to where the post says she always claimes to have known nothing and is innocent. I do love JLo but this is so her.

  33. I just have to add like I have to for any lip syncing mention. U can fake the voice but u can't fake dancing and JLo is a great dancer.

  34. Yup. On board with JLo. "She has done a little bit of everything" would indicate, to me, dancing/singing/acting/modeling/designing clothes/etc.

  35. I'm on the Jlo train for this and MV, but didn't Britney Spears have a song called, "Not That Innocent"? Hmmmmm.

    1. @MadLyb it was Oops I Did It Again, with lyrics "I'm not that innocent," that's why I thought of her. And this blind is vague enough that I can force her to fit. IT'S BRITNEY, BITCH(es)

  36. @MadLyb - that was "...Baby One More Time" :)

  37. Great point, Jennifer H!!

  38. Totally JLO -- also lead guess for MV

  39. Julia Roberts?

  40. at 1st I thought Mariah Carey and Derek Jeter, but I'm down with J. Lo

  41. Oh crap that's right it IS "Oops" - god my brain is fried today.

  42. Anne Hathaway won't be labeled a diva, that term is reserved for singers. No, Les Miserables doesn't count.

    This is JLo, and implies that she was more involved with the shooting than she'd like us to know.

    I think the second part of the blind is about how she cheated on Chris Judd with Ben Affleck, and used the publicity to get more movie roles. When she dumped him she kept her $3 million dollar engagement ring and rode a wave of interest, while his career took a dump.

  43. I'm going with Paula Abdul--Next to last sentence "Makes every decision with a very cold heart." One of her hits as a "singer" was "Cold-Hearted Snake." Lesser scale (singing) when it comes to her actual talent (dancing).

  44. Sidenote: Martin Henderson from the post directly above this one about Demi Moore was the dude in Britney Spear's video for "Toxic".

    "Not That Innocent"

    Coincidence? Intentional?

  45. I don't think J-lo is smart enough for this to be her.

  46. I think back in the day she did try for the innocent act. Also, after watching shows like So You Think You Can Dance, I'd have to say I don't think JLo is a great dancer. I think she's an ok dancer. A barely passable singer and an ok actress. I've seen better moves in a hip/hop class at the Y.

  47. I read this thinking JLo too!

    I don't think she's the lip-syncher though, because Enty said we'd all be shocked and amazed by that reveal (which will never come) and NO ONE would be shocked in the least to hear that JLo didn't do her own singing on songs, which are just lousy anyway.

  48. I too thought of JLo but ILC was a long long time ago, she is not considered innocent! Altho I do like how MV would fit here too. Still, don't think it's her. And Jennifer H also said it, she never tries to be in the background.

  49. See, I immediately thought of Gwyneth - other a-lister beind Brad Pitt and the mess with another celeb was her stealing Winona's shot at "Shakespere". But, I couldn't figure who the same con was ran on again...

  50. I immediately thought JLo just because of the messy situation.

  51. Ah! Paula! Love that guess. Arsenio and Emilio?

  52. JLO - first celebrity (chronologically) was PDiddy, with the whole nightclub shooting thing, and her line that she was just a poor innocent bystander. Second was Ben Affleck; she walked away with the pink diamond, lots of makeup-gifts from all their fights, etc. etc.

  53. I'm terrible at BI, but I knew this was JHo.

  54. Yea I read this Blind thinking of Brit the whole time because of the title "Not That Innocent".

  55. If it were Britney, wouldn't there be clues or hints to her mental health or breakdown?

  56. Britney has only been significantly involved with one A-list celeb, Justin Timberlake. I don't know that he was considered A-list at the time, though.

    Charming as K-Feds grease and tobacco stained wife beaters may be, I don't think this is her.

  57. I suck at these too, but JLo immediately came to mind.

  58. Also, where does it say this person is nice? Maybe my reading comprehension is off, but all I see is that it says she plays innocent, like she's not really running a con and like she had nothing to do with "the incident".

    I'm still voting JLo.

  59. and Pdiddy...she made a bundle with and off him

    and yes it's JLo

  60. Right...innocent doesn't equal nice.

  61. Gonna be in the minority with this guess, but I think this sounds like Jennifer Anniston.

  62. LOL @ whocaresnow12. What line of work are you in?

    I have a friend that does a lot of work in Reality TV, and he worked on ANTM. No one was allowed to make eye contact with Tyra, and she would only do the one-on-one camera stuff with the head producer.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      I also went to grade school with a guy who works reality and did some on ANTM. Small world!

  63. Sounds like JBlow all the way!

  64. Whocaresnow, who are you referring to?

    I first thought Hathaway, but by the end it didn't fit her. She's never had an A list boyfriend. This is JLo, when she dated Sean Combs, she did kind of stay in the background and let him lead. JLo has been overpaid for a few movies even after the mess she made with Affleck. This just fits her.

    By the way, Enty doesn't write blinds the way unnamed others do, so I doubt that 'not so innocent' or 'cold heart' are meant to be any types of clues.

  65. I was thinking Paris Hilton... Not a fan at all but still thought it could be her.

    "diva, but on a lesser scale when it comes to her actual talent has always acted a little more innocent than she really is. She has done a little bit of everything and has A list name recognition and is known throughout the world." "...pretended she was this naive person when it came to the real world. But she isn't."

  66. I definitely think this one is JLo, but I don't think JLo is MV. Her singing voice is way too similar to her real voice--screechy, pitchy, and almost unbearable if it weren't for the catchy beats and killer marketing that surround her music. Do they autotune the shit out of her? Yep. But there's no way that's not her voice.

  67. Whenever I hear the word cold, I immediately think Nicole Kidman

  68. JLo (the phony liar)

  69. I wish I had been born with some calculating coldness. Nice girl always finishes last.

  70. Whocaresnow, which diva?

    Yep this BI sounds a lot like JHo/Diddley/Aflac, etc.

    As for the MV blind, Enty has said the singer is American and Jenny is from the Bronx, etc.

  71. Paula Abdul dated Arsenio Hall? THAT'S AWESOME! I could use a comprehensive collection of 80's celeb gossip...

  72. Heidi Klum? First the rich businessman she had her first child with, then Seal? She definitely has become more famous because of her relationships, and I could see her being cold and calculating.

  73. I was guessing JLO but don't see her as ever innocent; from day one she was making snarky comments about fellow female artists/actors.

    I am guessing Mariah Carey, I heard big stories about her and Tommy Mottola, him being dominant and she being a dumbass doing everything he said. In her beginning days she looked very sweet and christian, later on she looked like a hookah (I still remember the jeans and pink knitted top for her heartbreaker video).

    No idea about the con though, I do remember a breakdown and a very crappy movie.

  74. I'm just curious on MV blind is the real singer American? I heard a voice of a japanese singer on the end of a video game I very easily could have taken for Jlo back in the beginning of her singing career.It reminded me immediately of the MV blind. I've always thought it was her.

    I know the clue said the real singer has commercials and other things to her credit.

    This girl does the soundtrack to Kingdom Hearts. The song is called "safe and clean". Utada Hikaru is her name.

    She might be too famous in japan to be the singer but I thought the similarities in their vocals was strong enough to suggest a possible link. :)

  75. it's not mariah, i don't think anyone would say she is on a "lesser scale" when it comes to her talent. girlfriend has/had one of the best voices out there.

    anne hathaway has never dated another A list celeb has she? also the way this is written i think it's an entertainer like jlo, not just a straight actress like reese or anne or gwyneth (singing in an acting role doesn't really count in my mind, it's still acting).

  76. The only people I can think of who were innocent in the beginning are Britney, Christina and Beyonce. Beyonce only had 1 high profile relationship and that is still going on, Chris only dated non famous guys and Britney also doesn't fit.
    Or Mariah, but as deree said she does have talent, so i'll check her of my list xD

  77. I'm on the JLo bandwagon. A list dive, but not necessarily for talent. Her time with Ditty comes to mind as the time she sort of stayed in the background and plead ignorant about the gun mess. Then, she and Ben were a big deal. I think many people want to get into the business to make money,and consider it all business, so I'm not sure why this is a blind.

  78. Let's start a list of divas who date famous guys for some reason other than to get more famous and to make the rich guy pay for everything ... Hmm, I'm not coming up with anyone who meets those.

  79. My first guess was Britney.

  80. I don't think it is Britney. Enty actually seems to like Britney. The way this is phrased this person is cold,calculating and out for herself. Britney doesn't seem the type,Christina hasn't been in enough trouble or these days could manage to stay sober enough for most of this. Mariah is far too talented to need to go to these extremes. J-lo seems the type this blind explains to a T.

  81. Why are people convinced JLo and MV are one in the same when Enty said whoever was voicing for MV could blow, as in had an amazing set of pipes. What JLo song have you ever heard and thought she was a phenomenal singer or vocalist?

  82. Bubbles I took it as meaning that just because S is an amazing singer doesn't mean MV gets her best stuff. I personally think it cant be anyone else but J Lo.

  83. I'm thinking JLo because Ben Affleck was in the movie "Paycheck"

  84. Okay this is J Lo and her "innocent" thing was her saying she knew nothing about the shooting involving P Diddy. Did she testify? Can't remember. But is the Blind saying she was the actual cause of it? Because that I'd like to know more about.

  85. I'm pretty sure Paula Abdul has a rep for being very nice, but she's never been a diva.
    I really think this is JLo. Calling it "Not That Innocent" seems WAY too obvious for Enty. Or any blinder. Also if it's Britney I think her um, shaved head time would have been mentioned somehow.

    Could the surprising lip syncing singer be Jessica Simpson? I only thought of her bc a week or so ago people on here were mentioning what a naturally great voice she has.

  86. Hayley Williams (OK I don't think this is her but alt rock gets no love on this blog - it's all pop and hip hop blinds).

  87. I first thought Britney, but I think this is Gwyneth Paltrow. She was engaged to Brad Pitt, could be the $2 million in gifts. Then she dated Ben Affleck, persuading him to star in Bounce with her which was controversial due to the subject matter (they had broken up before the film but got back together and dated in secret). Now she is with Chris Martin and cold shouldered Madonna and avoided being tarred with the stench of Tracey Anderson and her bad business dealings, even though she is in business with her.

  88. I think this is JLo. The innocent bit comes from her, not us. We read the gossip so we know, but this is the woman whose clothing line is (was?) called Sweetface. Her rider requires that everything in her room/area be pristine white. And do you remember how she was called a "Latin Lolita" back when she started dating Diddy (that was before the green Versace of course)?

    With everything that goes down in her life, she always seems to be the one who goes hey, don't look at me, it's HIS problem/fault, not mine. From the gun thing with Diddy to Ben's gambling problems to Marc Anthony leaving his pregnant wife for her to Marc Anthony running their finances into the ground. Somehow, she escapes relatively unscathed and just keeps going.

  89. She's a Leo. They love to be in the spotlight.

  90. Just thought of the other Gwyneth controversy. When she was filming with Viggo Mortenson and the rumor they had an affair and that is what split her & Brad up, Viggo got death threats. Gwyneth walked away smelling like roses then later hinted she had cheated on Brad.

  91. JANET...duh people!!!!!!

  92. My first thought was Anne Hathaway too. I still think she had way more to do with that whole scam her Italian bf ran than she lets on. Plus she dates a lot of celebs.

  93. Barbra Streisand. She has a fairly big thing.

  94. kate hudson popped up for me.

  95. Am I the only one who had Jennifer Aniston pop into my mind???

  96. Am I the only one who had Jennifer Aniston pop into my mind???
