Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I Hate When Swingers Get Jealous

I thought the whole point of people being swingers was that it was a way for people to have sex with other people with your significant others not getting jealous because you were having sex right there in front of them. Apparently not. A Florida couple was arrested over the weekend after they invited people over to their house to have a swingers party. The girlfriend got mad when she saw her boyfriend having sex with another woman and the boyfriend got mad when he saw his girlfriend having sex with two other men. Umm, isn't that the whole point of swinging? What did they expect was going to happen at a swingers party? The couple's argument got violent and police were called and the couple was arrested while still naked.


  1. he looks like an older Adam Sandler...

  2. Does this ever really work out well for people?

  3. An open relationship can work only if neither party gets jealous. If there's jealousy, obviously the open relationship cannot be successful. It takes honesty and trust (both in yourself and your partner) to make this kind of thing work. It's not for everyone, and certainly not for this pair.

  4. Yikes. I wonder if one of them suggested it as a way to spice up their sex life, and they agreed not fully understanding how they'd actually feel about the situation. For me, if I or my BF were to suggest bringing another person into the mix I'd figure it was time to break up. I think couples CAN do this successfully, but I'd be wondering about emotional detachment issues. People do have their kinks, though, and this is pretty benign in the grand scheme of things. Just heard about a staff member of Minnesota State University in Mankato getting busted for child porn and producing child porn this morning. Ugh.

  5. File this under the category of Things That Sounded Like A Good Idea in the Abstract.


  6. At least nobody's face got eaten this time.

  7. I told an ex long distance bf it was ok for him to cheat, believing I was ok with it and that it was 'fair' to the relationship. Well I freaked out when he did. I totally couldn't handle it. What makes sense on paper is totally different than real life and this was probably the couples first time.

  8. I really wish there was a thumbs up button on everyone's comments bc I just moved my mouse to click some of your comments probably bc I've been on FB all morning but ENTY CAN WE GET THUMBS UP BUTTONS? PLEASE?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Sorry I'm so commenty today :( I'm loaded with caffeine and anxious about my trip tomorrow so am trying to keep as busy/distracted as possible. To be fair, I can be pretty chatty most days but I feel like today is excessive. Sorry if it's annoying!

  11. katsm0711 - I want to thumbs up that picture.

  12. 1) Sunscreen

    2) Be careful for what you wish for.

  13. Thanks @Amber can you count all the monkeys in the pic?

  14. the last three words are what MAKE this story.

    It's just kind of sad, really. Theoretically, it seems like it should work for some people? In practice, I've only known it to work well for gay male couples, not sure why.

  15. Naw @Amber, you're just cute. ;-P

  16. It's embarrassing enough getting arrested..even worse getting arrested during a swinger party...but getting arrested while butt ass nekkid is a whole other level of shame!

  17. Haha thank you figgy!

  18. I knew a couple who were swingers. The way it was explained to me was they had to agree with each other that they were cool with whom the partner would get it on with before they did the dirty deed. But, she was bi and girls were fair game for her, he had no problem with that.

  19. LOL @ sunscreen-let's hope the important parts aren't as red. And as for swingers-good for you but Hells to the No for me. ;)

  20. I'm giving everyone a break now - have to run out to an appointment for a long lunch :P

  21. I knew a couple that were "polyamorous," which involves not just sex but also love for other people. I'd read her blog and she's be all warm and fuzzy about how her hubby just came home from the other woman's place and he's so cute and smells like sex...and I'm just thinking....barf.

    Not judging, but I can't imagine. I for one get ill at the thought of touching anyone but Mr. Figgy, and vice versa.

    On the other hand, I got married later (47) and got all the stupids out of my system. Mr. Figgy, on the other hand, was BORN monogamous. Some men are, and that is a very faboo trait to find in a man, imo!

  22. @Vicki, when you have a point, it's always a good one !Long Live Mel Brooks.

  23. always happens in Florida.

  24. Also never seen it work in real life. Lots of broken families and hurt children, thpugh

  25. The "Grieving Grifter' left behind some financial stench in FL.

  26. A-hahaha! Really, the only time this works for straight couples is when they are already super angry with each other and this is their passive aggresive way to make things worse, or when one is too stupid to realize their partner is already boning people on the side. Gay men do really seem to make it work though.

  27. @figgy, I know what you mean. My husband is one of those monogamous guys. Even though we were in our 30s when we met, he had only had sex in longterm monogamous relationships with 2 exceptions which he said were "terrible" because he was just so uncomfortable with someone he didn't know well. My "number" was much higher than his and he actually asked me how I could get turned on by someone I didn't know. It was so cute I knew I would marry him.

  28. HA HA HAAAAA! Lord have mercy.

    And of course they're from Florida! Really seems as if more whack-a-doo stuff happens in Florida than any other state.

    At least they tried to spice up their sex life.

  29. LOL - just picturing the woman with two men exchanging angry glares with the husband.

  30. @shakey I'm sure the other two men were smiling/gloating.

  31. i really did not have to picture Meth Chenowith getting a DP. ew.

  32. I can't IMAGINE what could have possibly gone wrong in their flawless logic!

  33. I had a co-worker who had an open marriage. My thought on it was and is that it can only lead to disappointment in the relationship and marriage. Because either you sleep with people who AREN'T "better" and you're still dissatisfied, or you sleep with people who ARE "better" and then you want to stay with them instead. Which is what her now ex-husband did, leaving her with their three boys. Trouble in the marriage should be solved in the marriage, or by leaving the marriage, not by trying the "buffet table."

    Call me old fashioned. It works for me.

  34. @ jax- I was thinking Sad Clown Maureen McCormick.

  35. I can't IMAGINE what could have probably gone incorrect in their perfect logic!
    florida swingers
