Wednesday, August 22, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

THIS 50-something former A-lister has been partying way too much, dating much younger guys and canceling gigs at the last minute – and now her team is so concerned that they’re making a list of rehab facilities for her to check out. The blonde movie star has been very vocal about her willingness to fire anyone who suggests she has a problem, but she’s finally agreed to get some help for her “exhaustion” issues.


  1. Until the "her," I was totally like "Affleck!" That poor joke has gone away, though. I never tired of it.

    1. Me either, Barton. I miss the pre-Himmmmm days.

  2. Heather Locklear?

  3. Hmmmm Penelope... my first though too, but then I asked myself -- what sort of gigs could Sharon Stone possibly be getting these days?

  4. I like the Heather guess except for "movie star" since she's almost all TV.

    So Sharon it is.

  5. Shaaaarrrooooooon *in my best Ozzie voice*

  6. As much as I loathe Sharon Stone as a person she's a pretty good mother and when she's in SF she's a mom, not clubbing or partying.

    Now, outside the home doing press or making appearances is another story.....

  7. @Lola - I missed that part of the clue. I will rescend my Heather vote. Guess it's Sharon.

  8. Ms Stone.

    G-d help her sons.

  9. for shots of Stone without makeup. I wish I looked that good without makeup ... and I don't wear makeup, let me add.

    Doesn't she have a boyfriend, the Argentinian caballero dude?

  10. Wasn't this a blind from a few months back??
    Sharon Stone was the popular guess.

  11. First thought was Stone...She seems to have emerged in the public eye quite a bit recently.

    Barton, sweetie..I'm sure you don't NEED makeup.

  12. Has Brigitte Nielsen ever been A-list? Maybe I've just missed something, but I don't feel like I've seen SS partying? I probably did miss it - it's hard to keep up with these people.

  13. Has Madonna been cancelling any performances? To me, gigs makes me think music, but she's also starred in movies.

  14. Cc423 - Sharon Stone is HUGE in France and August is prime St. Tropez season, fwiw

  15. Sounds like Sharon Stone to me

  16. I just checked and Madonna has been cancelling some of her concerts this summer!

  17. I still think it's Sharon but oh, how I would love for this to be Madonna.

  18. @Lola, me too - would love to see Madonna knocked down a few rungs. Although I was quite the fan back in the 80's. Her story has grown tiresome.

  19. Really @Cathy? My first thought was Madonna after those pics yesterday. Maybe all those young boys finally wore her out!

    If this is true I vote Madonna. Otherwise the lovely Ms. Stone FTW.

  20. Sharon popped right into my head...

  21. Sharon 'The Screamer' Stone.

  22. This is Sharon Stone.

    Madonna would never be labeled a movie star, even by NE.

    Ellen Barkin is staring in a new TV show on NBC, so it's probably not her.

  23. Does Madonna "party" in the kinda way (booze, coke) that requires rehab? I thought she was, in recent years anyway, a complete health nut.

  24. Completely read this as Courtney Love...But then she was never Alist.

  25. Sharon Stone cancelled the Roseanne Barr Roast at the last minute two weeks ago.

  26. Jamie 2 - probably not. She's pretty adamant about not even coming in contact with sunlight. Which isn't a dig - she just really keeps herself covered up.

  27. @Maxine. Courtney Love is 48.
    Sadly, when I type Courtney into google, Courtney Stodden is the first suggestion. Then Cox, then Love.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. For whatever reason, Madonna has never had a problem with boozing or drugs even if she has (probably) dabbled. Lucky bitch.

  30. The blind says "Former" A list and i think Madonna is definitely still A list, unfortunately.

  31. @Amber - sensible of her. I do the same. I was in the ER on Miami Beach on Sunday, and one of the nurses asked me if I was from "Up North." I said I'd been living on South Beach for the last 12 years. She said, but you're so white! You don't have any age spots! (I'm 52).

    Well, duh. SPF^500 everywhere including my hands. And I cover up and have never tanned.

    I do not, however, rock a body like Madonna's. Not a fan of her music or fake English accent, but I admire the dedication it takes to stay in that shape. After 45, your bod just goes to hell unless you are genetically blessed AND work out for hours a day.

  32. Meg Ryan? Has anyone wanted her to appear at anything to turn down?

  33. @Aimée: Yes. Definitely A List for Madonna.

  34. That Meryl Streep never ceases to amaze me.

  35. @whocaresnow12: Per Wiki, Sharon lives in Beverly Hills, not SF. And her husband got custody of their kid, which doesn't scream "good mother" to me.

    Maybe she visits SF to see the kid and that's when you've seen her being a good mom?

  36. Lol Jamie - the SPF 500 comment just made me imagine someone covered head to toe in white zinc :) My aunt has skin cancer basal patches popping up all over and has to keep having them removed. I feel so bad for her.

  37. Also - sorry to hear you were in the ER. Are you feeling better now? The ER is the WORST.

  38. nevermind - meg ryan dates John Cougar Mellencamp. Not younger.

  39. @Amber: Nothing serious. I fractured my right pinky. I am typing with a thumb and two fingers because the other two are tied together to a splint. I get a bye on any typos for the next 8 weeks!

  40. Sharon Stone has been in Bucharest since early August, filming. If she had a rehab-type problem, I don't think she'd be insured.

    She sounds perfect in many ways for the blind, but I think we're on the wrong track. It can't be booze - she could NOT have that face at 54 if she was a boozer. Maybe she is addicted to look-fab-at-any-age pills. I am off to google where I can buy them. I'll deal w/rehab later!

    BTW, looking for images of SS, I see lots of pics of her with all three sons, so pls disregard my remark above questioning her mothering skills. My bad.

  41. Totally think it's Madonna. The clues also include canceling 'gigs' and 'blonde movie star' (blond ambition), 'vocal' (she's a singer, duh) and that's all I could come up with. I'm so bad at these though, I make $hit up to fit the clues!

  42. @Jamie and Amber, LOL, I'm a total sun worshipper. I don't care about tan/not tan. I simply love the feel of sun beating down on me. My best friend and husband are the opposite, completely covered up with fishing hats and nose zinc. We make quite an ensemble when we go to the beach together. I'm practically naked and my husband and best friend look like my disapproving grandparents.

  43. Sharon Stone...all the way.

  44. g.strathmore - I LOVE the sun. I know it's bad, but I have a lot of olive in my skin, so at least it's a little less bad for me :P

    Jamie - No pardons after 8 weeks! :)

  45. Americans are becoming vitaminD deficient due to all the over-zealous use of sunblock! We are meant to get sunlight! It creates vitamin D & releases serotonin into our brains, which is why ppl can get "addicted" to tanning. Just be sensible, get sun in moderation!

  46. @jaariel, I never thought about that as a reason people tanned too much. I always thought they just had some weird sort of body dysmorphia.
