Friday, August 24, 2012

John Mayer Has Sex With Katy Perry - Dumps Her

John Mayer is John Mayer. Does anyone ever think otherwise. Taylor Swift will have a lifetime of songs she can write about her time with him. Everyone who has ever dated has a lifetime of stories about him. At some point John Mayer turned from being a singer/songwriter to a guy who liked having sex with famous women and that became his main goal in life. Katy Perry is supposedly really hurt that she got dumped. I feel sorry that someone dumped her, but if she didn't see this one coming from a million miles away then she is an idiot. A big one. She married a guy who used to have sex with five or six women a day and then suddenly expected him to go cold turkey and then dated a guy who had a very very slightly better reputation when it came to numbers, but way worse in the way he treated women.


  1. Or, is this her way of making us feel bad for her, since with the split from her hubby she sort of came off as a whackado? All PR, now we can feel bad because the second biggest douche dumped her.
    Can't stand either one of them, obviously.

  2. She'll probably just use this experience for new material for her next album, bringing her millions of dollars and more fame. So, yeah. Cry my a fucking river. I don't feel bad for her. She's on the rebound. She has shitty taste in men. She'll learn, but girlfriend should cash in on her heartbreak for sure. Please do it better than Taylor Swift!!

  3. He probably didn't even give her a robe.

  4. She went from one douche to a worse douche. What was she thinking? Perry should take a vacation from men.

  5. If it explains anything, I read an article about Katy Perry actually being mentally retarded...

  6. Mayer and Armstrong = douchebag hall of fame material

    Please don't let it be All Douchebag Friday, Ent :-)!

  7. zombiecrush i just snorted.

  8. Women just make piss poor decisions when it comes to men.

  9. I'm not a celeb and even I know to stay away from John Mayer. Even my 8 year old niece knows that when she's of age to stay away from John Mayer. He's so gross and creepy looking.

  10. The worst part for Katy perry is that now we know she must not be sexual napalm.

  11. No doubt, crila. I would cross the street to avoid him, his douche rays would be my warning.

  12. She shoulda known.

    Also, my grandma rocks that bikini than Katy does.

  13. Ew. Why would anyone be attracted to John Mayer in the first place? He is just dripping with skankiness. But then again, Katy does seem to be attracted to guys who don't appear to bathe.

  14. goes in circles--she's a dip-shit if she didn't. Her only excuse would be if she were living in the woods the last 10 years.

  15. I'm giving her a pass. My husband and I separated for awhile when I was about her and I went temporarily stupid too.

  16. I think she was doing him a favor by pretending to date him to help his career get back on track with the new album. But now she can date Pattinson in public, so she and Rob will be a "thing" next.

  17. I mean, the girl's already wearing a required Pattinson Girlfriend hoodie.

  18. Lol @Seachica...she's more like Off insect repellent

  19. Lol @Seachica...she's more like Off insect repellent

  20. Rihanna better get ready to hide Chris Brown, her bestie might take a liking to him any day now.

    Or who else, Robin Thicke? Ochocinco? Mel Gibson!

  21. Morons. John Mayer like to fuck women. So what? So do I. So hevlikes to turn them out. So what? No one forced Katy Perry to let John fuck her up her big ass. No one forced her to let John piss in her mouth or shit on her face. Nothing wrong with Mayer getting his freak on if he aint raping his bitches.

    Bet Katy's box is a container after getting slamfucked a few thousand times by Russell Brand's horsecock. He is fucking White Mandingo and even he said that akaty's cunt got to be too big for even his enormous member. John had to fuck her up the ass to get some friction and then went looking for a hardbody. Cant blsme a man for trading up for some tight tight. We all do it.

  22. These woman need to stay away from his David Duke dick. I miss the Your Body Is a wonderland Mayer. At least that verison bathed.

  23. You know a man gotta have him some tight tight.

  24. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I like KP, but if she seriously thought the relationship would go anywhere then she IS an idiot. Come on girl! She needs to start listening to her own song lyrics!

  25. And Katy Perry gor a big ole ass.

  26. After all the scat stories, it's weird to hear that he sexdumped her.

  27. I love you all SO MUCH for ignoring what you ignore so well. THIS is why I love CDAN.

  28. I call BS on Katy Perry being truly "Upset" about the break up. Wasn't she supposedly very chaste before she married Russel and since her split she's hooked up with 4 guys? I think she didn't play the field but found someone she could have a life with, realized she was wrong, and now that she's free doesn't want to be hurt the same way so instead she's ok with just fooling around. I doubt any of these relationships this last year have been real and she may be playing the part but like everyone has mentioned, this is Mayer. To expect an actual relationship with a guy who looks like he shoots up every night is just fucking short sighted. She wanted to be with him for whatever reason and is probably just upset that she didn't get to end it so that the relationship didn't look like something more then just a wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Which is probably all the Mayar intended it to be in the first place.

  29. Do you guys think John Mayer is a sociopath? I think I have encountered a sociopath. Do you think a lot of sociopaths have talent, like music or whatever?

  30. Hey Brenda---Sociopaths are exactly the guys who learn guitar, to draw women to them. Then they can ply their trade.
    I have personally known two sociopaths who played amazing guitar.

  31. I really want him to be in the new Arrested Development movie with a reality court show called "Mayer's Court". Mostly bc I think I'm hilarious. But I giggle everytime I think of it.

  32. I was mentoring a young musician and trying to get things off the ground for him, and suddenly he just dumps everything. Amazing talent, but he only wants to drink, drug, and lay around. He totally lied about music being what he wants in life and he seemed so sincere. I feel so sad but you guys will probably never hear him. He can write songs that will make you cry, but he has no idea what love is. Anyway, totally OT, it's just bothering me a lot.

  33. What Libby said @ 7:24. :)

    No one can possibly be surprised here, but I honestly thought it would last just a tad longer than this!

  34. ENTY- I don't understand your comment about feeling sorry that someone dumped Katy. These things happen and who is to say that she wasn't in it for the fun anyway. I'll save my pity for the kidnapped teenager.

  35. John Mayer- narcassistic for sure, but I doubt he is a sociopath

  36. Sorry to hear that Brenda. :(

    And yes, what Libby said. :)

  37. Ditto @ Libby. As far as Katey and Mayer....well, DUH!

  38. So he has shit over her twice now?

  39. really,if she could not see his douchiness- which I believe can be seen from outer space with naked eye- she deserves what she gets. Now learn from it and move on. There are loads of kennedys. Just ask Taylor Swift, lol

  40. While I think Mayer's a total douchebag & don't get how anyone could like his music (let alone want to fuck him), personally I never got her appeal either - people seem to treat her like she's hot, but really, IMO she's a bit plain bordering on homely looking, and I can't stand her persona or music, either. Seems like they were a match made in Heaven to me!

  41. I'm with @MAC. I screwed around with questionables after my ex and I split too.
    Plus, I don't think she was expecting a relationship. She just got divorced people.

  42. I think john mayer is the perfect guy......for me to poop on!!!!!

  43. He made her feel like she was livin' a teenage frat party dream.


  44. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Ugh to them both. They need to get on a plane that's redirected to the Bermuda Triangle never to be heard from again.

  45. I'm not so much sad about the break up, I'm sad that John Mayer has turned in to such a douche. I was a fan back in his "indie" days before the first major label album took him to stardom. I do still love his music, but my distaste for the man grows every day.

  46. Brenda - Sociopaths are by nature, exceptional individuals. They are funny, seem very empathetic, and can make anyone believe that they can excel at anything as long as they're getting what they want. I was recently reading an article exploring sociopaths within the business community. Many of them make it to executive levels not based on merit but their ability to make people BELIEVE they've done something of merit when in actuality they've done juuuuust enough. They don't truly experience empathy or emotion and will step on whomever it takes to get to where they want. Sounds like the majority of CEOs and politicians out there, doesn't it?

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. He hasn't been relevant for years. Needed the publicity. She is too "doughy" for his apparent taste.

  49. In my own relationships I've had women that I didn't treat particularly well (usually by accident) throw themselves at me all the harder. And with some women the nicer I am, the more they take me for granted. It's a depressing pattern.

  50. @Discoflux - It's very scary. I wonder if sociopathy is a genetic anomaly or if it's just a regular personality trait of humans? seems like there are an awful lot of people out there not giving a shit about anything. And getting by with it! And prospering!

  51. I kind of like her. Sure, her music can be a little cloying at times, but I think she's an interesting mixture of ambitious and naive. I just wish she weren't so needy and would have been acting more aloof post Brand instead of acting t he crazed party girl.

    And as usual, I agree with Libby.

  52. It's very difficult to diagnose sociopathy and there are a multitude of markers.
    Especially it is dufficult to diagnose it in someone one has never met or spoken to. I agree that he is a douchy narcissist, but sleeping w/ and dumping several women does not make one a sociopath.

  53. 2008 - I kissed a girl and liked it
    2012 - I let John Mayer shit on my chest then he dumped me and moved on to the next girl

  54. I want to know why she got dumped. Maybe she is a bed wetter and he couldn't take it anymore.

  55. Eh, he's just a celebrity starfucker - like any other, except that when he brags about who he's nailed, there is press around to hear it.

  56. Eh, he's just a celebrity starfucker - like any other, except that when he brags about who he's nailed, there is press around to hear it.

  57. I like his I have to take a shower and scrub down with ajax..excuse me.

  58. @oralagm- Ha ha ha. Nice.

    What did she expect?

  59. Re: the sociopathy comments. I think we have become less empathetic as a whole in society. Last night I was at a dance social. I have been doing this dancing for years and I still feel out of place. Lots of cliques, you can tell you are 'rated'. These are mostly older women, I am one of e youngest at 43. Sick to death of the arrogance and meanness permeating society. Love my CDaners.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. You are all overreacting Enty missed a word in the title.

    John Mayer Has Sex With Katy Perry - Dumps On Her

  62. Her next song should be called "summer's eve" because she loves douching.

  63. Jeez.... She fucks Russell Brand & Mayer...I can't even imagine the antibiotics she would need.

  64. Ew.

    In my dating days, if I were her I would try to get him I could dump him. Being dumped by a total, grade A douche bag is TOO much injustice.


    Chris, are you saying women "should know better"? What utter bullshit.

    Societal Stockholm Syndrome.

  66. Says john mayer, "she's a big fame-whore, so.....she's someone I can poop on!!!!"

  67. I bey Russell Brand is amazing in bed. I dunno why but he butters my bread. I don't care if u sleep around just be safe and honest and don't kiss and tell. Mayer breaks most of those rules so he sleeve me out.
    I want to read the article about her being mentally retarded.
