Friday, August 24, 2012

Lance Armstrong Loses Titles - Banned

Yesterday, Lance Armstrong announced that he will not fight the doping charges brought against him by the US Doping Agency. Apparently Lance decided it was not worth fighting and would have eaten away at a great deal of his fortune. So, with that news, the USADA says it will strip Lance of his 7 Tour de France titles and he will be banned by any sport that recognizes the world doping guidelines. Banned means no owning or coaching or participating, so basically nothing that is organized. Armstrong says it is not an admission of guilt and insists he still has never tested positive for anything and he simply wanted to devote his time and energy to other pursuits. I don't know if Lance is guilty or not, but I do know that it seems like anyone who wins in cycling dopes. I can see how spending your fortune to defend yourself when no one is going to believe you anyway seems like a waste. That being said Lance has repeatedly stated he would defend himself no matter what.


  1. I wonder what made them bring charges if they had no positive results?

    Don't know if he is guilty or not, but would like to see the evidence.

    11:04pm here on the East Coast of Australia. Your tomorrow is looking good.

  2. I always thought he was a huge asshole, in private life and in bike riding. Imagine doping for bike riding!!! He really annoys me.

  3. NY Times article:

    According to this article:
    Armstrong’s decision, according to the World Anti-Doping Code, means he will be stripped of his seven Tour titles, the bronze medal he won at the 2000 Olympics

    ...and all other titles, awards and money he won from August 1998 forward...

    It also means he will be barred for life from competing, coaching or having any official role with any Olympic sport or other sport that follows the World Anti-Doping Code.

  4. My mother's neighbors went through a cancer scare (actual cancer, I should say, with chemo and the works) and after recovery they started a Lance Armstrong-affiliated group. And then the starlets, and the booze, and the gossip, and the doping allegations and evidence and -- by this point we're afraid to even talk about cancer around them. Lance Armstrong's nonsensical doping really kicked their happiness down a notch. Because of the cancer thing, a lot of people admired and looked up to him.

    1. If I'm not mistaken, his use of all these steroids, growth hormones, etc. caused his cancer.

  5. He never tested positive, but where there's smoke there's fire. Way too many people have come out against him for me to believe he's innocent.

  6. For him to basically admit to doping by refusing to defend himself at the 11th hour sure took a lot of ball.


  7. I don't believe him. If I were innocent on these charges, I'd fight it to the end.

  8. I don't know what to believe. On the one hand, this seems like a crazy witch hunt after the fact. Why don't these organizations implement extremely strict drug-testing BEFORE the actual events go down. According the some other articles I read, Armstrong passed every drug test. On the other hand, if he were truly innocent I would think he would defend his honor to the bitter end. But at the same time, this whole ordeal must be extremely exhausting for him.

    I just don't understand why this organization isn't focusing on preventing doping/drug use for now and tomorrow. Why are they going after this man so hard?

  9. Karma's a bitch! When he was doing one of the tours in 1998 I believe, he was sponsored by my ex-boss Tommy Weisel.

    Tommy was in love with Lance and it was Lance 24/7. After we had to raise money for him or suffer Tommy's wrath, Armstrong didn't even show up to thank us. Douche. Makes me glad I never learned how to ride a bike.

  10. I have a hard time believing that anyone who has dated an Olsen twin hasn't done some kind of drug (performance-enhancing or otherwise).

  11. I'm so happy to see him get what he deserves. It happens so seldom in life that people like him get consequences.

  12. I saw this last night, and knew you'd be on it today, Ent.

    Lance is a guy I love to hate. He's such an ass. But when I saw this story last night, I was instantly deflated, and started feeling kinda bad for the guy.

    Well played Lance; very well played.

  13. he doped. no doubt in my mind. and he's a prick so good luck to ya, lance.

  14. He dated an Olsen?!?!?! Where the hell have I been? That's shady as hell. LOL.

  15. Totally agree with @rejectedcarebear. They would have to pry my 7 titles from my cold, dead hands.

  16. I think Lance is an asshole, but he passed all his drug tests. It isn't right that thay can take his titles from him without any proof and after he met their guidelines each time he participated. That's bullshit.

  17. Y'all DO realize that drug tests don't catch everything -- that drug makers manage to stay ahead of the testers by innovating new performance enhancing drugs specifically designed to go undetected.

    Lance's decision to accept such a harsh penalty tells me that he knew he would lose. The authorities must have a solid case with proof. Just because Lance says there is none doesn't mean there is none. Think about it logically. Lance has always been a big talker, but his actions here speak louder than words. I have no doubt he was doping or getting transfusions or whatever it would take.

    1. Ita with seachica. I think they must have had overwhelming evidence and once he saw it, he folded.

  18. I also believe they were on a witchhunt. Yes, he did pass every test, in and out of competition, despite there being many witnesses (supposedly) to the blood doping.

    If it's true, what I don't get is why after everything he went through (cancer, chemo, etc.) that he would dare take a chance. He fought so hard to live, that it just makes no sense to me that he would jeopardize that to win races.

    It is kind of disappointing that he's throwing in the towel at this stage of the game - it's almost like pleading no contest.

  19. I agree w/ those that said if they were truly innocent they would fight to the bitter end. 7 Titles and an Olympic medal for something I trained for and was passionate about my entire life...if I earned them on my own merit you sure as bell aren't taking them from me.

    Hasn't he dated a few celebrity "gems" in his day? He left his wife for Sheryl Crow too, right?

  20. Guys---passing 'drug' tests are meaningless when it comes to blood DOPING---the process of transfusing your own red blood cells back into your body, to increase your cardio capabilities.
    It's the big one that 'everyone' was doing, and would mean a negative 'drug' test.

    But there is an old sample with traces of EPO--which is a drug. It probably wasn't caught at the time because the tests weren't yet looking for it.

    I was so sad when I first realized he really was a cheater---but it's true, he cheated, and should be stripped of the titles.

    The whole front of the pack in those races were doping also in some way, usually blood doping because it's harder to detect. So there's no 2nd place guy out there waiting for these titles. None of the top riders were totally clean.

  21. And no, Lance would never give up if he weren't afraid of all the evidence being read out loud, in detail.
    At this point all he can salvage is a sense from the public that he was 'robbed' and 'railroaded'. If he had fought this further, and the evidence were more publicly detailed, he wouldn't even have THAT.

  22. @Seachica and @Libby, right on re the blood tests and the "new" drugs on the scene. There's a big underground market on the new drugs - not just for athletes- but for scientists who buy them and then try to play "catch up" in developing the tests. Sort of ass backwards, if you know what I mean !

  23. At this time, all it means is that he is not going to participate in arbitration. The USADA does not have the power to strip him of his winnings. That is up to the UCI. I am not a Lance fan; he is a colossal ass hat, but it is important to note that he has not been found guilty of anything yet.

  24. I think he's a major jerk also, but since he passed his drug tests how can they keep bringing charges against him ?
    It's clear no one in cycling likes him...

  25. MISCH--see my above comment...'drugs' are different than 'doping'. He says he passed all those 'drug' tests...he chooses his words because he knows what he was really doing.

  26. I read somewhere that he did not pass all of his drug tests. I'll have to find the article...or maybe it was a book excerpt.

  27. Do I have to turn in my cool yellow bracelet now?

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. So the rumours are that doping/cheating was rife throughout the sport at that time. So strip him of the titles, and do what? Give them to someone else? Who was competing in this sport riddled with cheats at that time? Sure the sniping will stop...

    This may likely be a calculated move on his part. The International Cycling Union will now have to get involved, and will demand the evidence USADA has, which they said they would release "when the time was right" (for them?)

    At least it raises the different standards compared to, say, a court of law. He's guilty till he proves he's innocent.

  30. Given that he's retired, why is this be addressed now?

    I'm kinda inclined to think he's guilty because he's not fighting it. I wonder if his now-tarnished reputation will affect his income going forward. Having to give back to prizes and not having anything come in may be more financial painful than fighting the charges.

  31. If Lance be a doper, I wanna invite him over to blow some fatties, snort some rails, and to slide into some tight tight pussy at my crib.

  32. There have been people in the wings saying he was dirty for years. He did what he could to hush them up. He is a colassal asshat and I feel bad for all those people who idolize him. Who will get the award now? It seems all the top guys are doping. Number 11 will win first at this point.

    Nike is sure gonna have it's hands full with all these top athletes falling off the pedestal!!!

    I bet Sheryl Crow is happy she got away from him when she did.

  33. I'm sick of all the doping in ALL sports. I thought baseball had cleaned up its act, but NOOOOOOOO. I assume Lance gave up because there are so many witnesses willing to testify against him.

  34. Thanks @libby and @seachica for explaining how things work.

    I wonder. If he was a nicer guy, would he have gotten away with it? I didn't even now he was being investigated again? Maybe too much CDaN?

  35. The organization stripping him said they went back to old tests or blood samples from 97 and found evidence of drugs. And in one test there were trace elements of something. Also, just about everyone he every rode with has claimed he did it, and masterminded doping for the whole team. So, I think he did it, but on the other hand, if they all did it and he won, with cancer, I would say he was still the best athlete. I don't know if there is any way to keep doping out of cycling. Maybe they should just regulate it??

  36. The USADA did say that they have two blood samples that, tested retroactively show clear evidence of drugs. They also had something like ten eyewitnesses ready to testify that they'd seen Lance doping (including a couple of cyclists who have admitted doping).

    It seems the whole sport was up to it and the governing bodies did not have the resources to keep up with the technology.

    Sorta like baseball a few years ago.

    The money pro athletes make is so high, there'll always be an incentive to cheat.

    I think the seven titles should just be retired, not given to the runners-up who were likely doping too.

  37. It's not fair to all of the racers who competed with Lance to say they were also dopers. Those with huge commercial backing and bringing their own medical team to all the races and being treated by them during the races maybe but few have that kind of money.

    Lance got away with it for years by paying off officials and staying one step ahead of the testing technologies.

    I know a few pot smokers who test clean because most employers not looking to bust cannabis users but that does not make then clean only within the allowed testing parameters.

  38. CNN was reporting this morning that now that Lance was stripped of his wins, they were looking to bump up the next place finishers. Out of everyone, only to racers qualified. One was dead the other clean (for now). The rest had been busted for doping. Curazey. What the heck is happening in cycling?

  39. I'm confused. Does the USADA have the power or authority to strip his medals? Don't get me wrong, I think he's guilty. I thought the ICU had to do it. Anyone know?

    What a giant mess!

  40. Glad to see this finally happen. That's a real trail of misery in his past. I applaud everyone who pursued this and all athletes who came forward with truth.

  41. he absolutely doped. but he mostly doped using the techniques and substances that weren't being tested or had laughable acceptance criteria.

    no one gives up 7 Tour de France titles and a Bronze Olympic Medal, and all future coaching... for no reason

  42. If they are still investigating, then how can they ban him right now. Don't they need to wait to see what is found? Or does my declining to fight it mean an admission of guilt. Don't like the guy, but what happened to innocent till proven guilty?

  43. People that cheat/lie eventually end up paying.

  44. After the several comments about what Ryan said above, I went back to reread. Very funny, Ryan. I'll be laughing about that all day.

  45. @Ryan What mazemerizing said... thanks for the laugh, you made my day :)

  46. They all dope, the ones who win anyway. They are all motivated to throw the winner under the bus. France has it in for Armstrong; Americans are not supposed to win. (Don't even bother denying this; see footage of Euro spectators spitting on and otherwise interfering with Armstrong as he goes by.) They've been after him for decades with little to show and they just keep coming. It's easy to say you'd go to the mat to protect your rep but it's expensive to defend forever. His personality and personal habits, whatever they may be, are irrelevant to this controversy.

    Anti-doping regulations and enforcement are important for the integrity of the sport. Waging a personal harassment campaign against one athlete out of many does nothing to further that agenda and probably, in the long run, is bad for the sport and the anti-doping enforcement efforts.

  47. Dear Lance,

    I told you this would happen...

    Your long lost friend,


  48. Personally, I always felt his lack of testicle(s?) gave him an unfair advantage, even if he wasn't doping...(think about it!)

  49. He's guilty. You're telling me someone is THAT much better than all the other riders (all of whom are doping)? Uh-uh.

    Never tested positive? Marion Jones passed a million drug tests before she was caught. The cheaters are just ahead of the testers.

  50. Also, keep in mind that EVERYONE in professional and amateur sporting dopes. Everyone. The only difference is the methodology - do they do the smart way or do they goof up and do something so stupid that they actually get caught.

    Keep in mind that most of the testing is wayyyyy behind the curve and that many of the drugs used either don't stay in the system long or they use the body's own substances that are supposed to be there anyway - just at a higher amount.

    Plus most organizations aren't really keen to catch up with doping because they like the PR of higher scoring, better world records etc. It's more fun for fans that way = more money to sporting events.

    How many Americans gave a shit about the Tour de France before Lance? Probably not a lot.

  51. Three times now I've scanned the headlines to the left & thought I saw "Lance Armstrong loses titties". I either have failing eyesight or my mind is on other things. Probably a little of both.

  52. @Hazel
    EVERYONE dopes?
    That's kind of a sweeping statement.
    Not everyone does.

  53. He may be an asshole but this post is misleading. If you read the entire CNN article, he chose not the fight because the American Doping organization has no authority to strip his titles. It would be the international organization. And if his Olympic medal is stripped, it's because the Olympic committee chooses to do it. Basically Armstrong is saying the American organization has no jursidiction.

    I'm just pointing this out. I'm sure he did something and deserves to lose his titles.

    Karma is a bitch!

  54. What Luvgossip said - the US doping agency has no control over the tour the france nor over the olympics.. and all cyclists dope - the ones in the professional sport. Between Giro d'Italia and the Tour the France it's always a chase between the people who device the new doping techniques and the guys who try to device the tests. if there are no positive tests, these guys cannot do anything..

  55. What Luvgossip said - the US doping agency has no control over the tour the france nor over the olympics.. and all cyclists dope - the ones in the professional sport. Between Giro d'Italia and the Tour the France it's always a chase between the people who device the new doping techniques and the guys who try to device the tests. if there are no positive tests, these guys cannot do anything..

  56. What Luvgossip said - the US doping agency has no control over the tour the france nor over the olympics.. and all cyclists dope - the ones in the professional sport. Between Giro d'Italia and the Tour the France it's always a chase between the people who device the new doping techniques and the guys who try to device the tests. if there are no positive tests, these guys cannot do anything..

  57. The whole thing is a bit sad because he is such an inspirational guy. I don't know if h's guilty or not but based on what I've read I would be inclined to believe he is guilty. :(

  58. Here's the thing. He probably doped. As did EVERY OTHER RIDER when he was racing. Sucks? yes. But, he has many valid points: 1. they're not going after the other riders. 2. usada is well outside it's own statue of limitations on the alleged offenses. 3. he has never tested positive in competition and even if he had the max punishment is a 2 year ban (see: Contador, Millar, even the great Merckx) 4. Of the alleged 10 riders willing to testify against him, at least 3 competed in this year's TFD and 1 is a team director. 5. the USADA is a quasi-governmental body that has zero authority to strip anyone of titles. And lastly, if he was using drugs that weren't 'illegal' at the time, ie, the usada hadn't caught up with him, that's too bad for the usada. you can't retroactively apply a rule.
    I don't want to get all hot and bothered about this but there is so much crap reporting about this it's nuts. We waste so much money going after (retired) sports figures for perceived injustices it's sickening. howabout we spend that cash on school lunches.

  59. The French hated Lance because Lance is an asshole. They really liked Greg Lemond who won three tours.

    It is lovely to see how many enty fans can't stand Lance. I wonder if natural sceptics are drawn to this site?

  60. Let's say I kinda know people who compete professionally and were on track to compete on an Olympic level.

    Everyone dopes at some level to be at that level of competitiveness. Okay, maybe the synchronized swimmers don't, *shrugs* I don't know. Lance ABSOLUTELY doped. Most professional and Olympic athletics do to some extent. And I guess you have to qualify which performance-enhancing substances defines as "doping." Enough legalese? I just mean taking non-allowed performance-enhancers, not necessarily the 'roids, okay?

  61. I think this is grossly unfair.

  62. Sorry, but what a dickbag.

    I doubt he's that distraught...he got to live his ill-gotten glory days, earned a crapload of money, and no one can take that experience away from him, so what does he care?

    Chris Hayes has a great bit in his book "Twilight of the Elites" on doping - how cheating becomes the norm - and correlates it to other social failures - it's very interesting.

    I don't think it's acceptable to take "enhancers"...doesn't it defeat the purpose? It's like cosmetic might look good, but it's FAKE.

    Whatever happened to integrity?

  63. Not that I care too much for Lance but honestly this is a waste of time! Shouldn't there be a statute of limitation on these things? It just gets tiring to keep hearing about the same athletes being persecuted about doping.

  64. The people I know who are really into biking say he was definitely using performance-enhancing drugs, and they're likely what caused his testicular cancer. From what I understand, they change the formulas to keep ahead of what the tests are for.

  65. So the US Anti-Doping Agency is hounding Armstrong because the French hate him? That...sounds super plausible to me.

  66. @Mooshki - Yeeeikes! I can't imagine being so into a sport that I expose myself to carcinogens for it. That is messed up.
