Monday, August 06, 2012

Teen Mom Farrah Still Combining Drugs & Booze

Farrah Abraham got some sympathy last week when she said that she struggled with depression and had been abusing drugs and booze but was doing just fine now. Not according to Radar or Farrah's friends. They say that Farrah still eats Adderall and Xanax like Skittles and combines them all with constant booze. How does she afford this stuff? She needs to be saving her money. She is not going to be on Teen Mom anymore and that money will dry up and so will those promotional appearances. Now is not the time for these cross country birthday parties and monster drug habits. Does she even work? That book is not going to make her rich. I really hope there is some kind of reunion show of all these Teen Moms in five years and ten years. That would be a good show.


  1. What do u mean "does she work"? She's the next bottled pasta sauce tycoon

  2. I know from personal experience that Adderall is dirt cheap.

  3. I really miss the days when if you wanted to watch trailer trash on TV you had to watch Rosanne. If not you could pretty much avoid them altogether if you steered clear of WalMart & gun shows.

  4. When I took adderall, it kept me up for days! And when I took xanax, it would knock my ass out. Why the eff would you combine them?!

  5. @rejected... I think you answered your own question.

    1. I get taking xanax after you come down from adderall so you can sleep but I don't understand why someone would take them at the same time with booze.

  6. Like a lot of addicts, I'm sure she will have the same pattern of successes and failures in her road to recovery. I just hope she make it through to the other side of sobriety.

    As for the adderall, xanax and booze -- further proof that legal substances can be the most destructive. Less stigma, readily available, cheap, know lots of other people who use it with no problems so you think you can handle it, etc. Mother's little helpers, indeed.

  7. Im not saying that shes not still on this stuff, but the girl that is saying this is the fan that won her stupid "party with farrah" contest, and is claiming to be a friend. she also tried to shop around interviews after her night with farrah which were completely positive and ass-kissy.

    i think someone is trying to get 15 more seconds of "fame" off this

  8. She looks 40, is she still a teen? Damn.

  9. Is this show still on? Shouldn't this show be called Single Moms boozing It Up In Their Twenties?

  10. I have had several friends over the years who do not think that abusing prescription drugs is the same as using illegal. So if someone asked them if they used drugs, they would say no and proceed to talk about how gross cokeheads are, It's amazing what people can convince themselves when they are trying to justify their actions- just sayin.

  11. She reminds me of Casey Anthony.

  12. Anonymous12:24 PM

    All those things are cheap, and yes you would take xanax to come off of adderall. She is a fool if she's not saving her money though. Teen Mom? I have never and will never watch that show. She should enjoy it while she can.

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  15. @ Tabloid Whore. Teen Mom started not long after the Casey Anthony case broke. I was always disturbed by how Farrah and her Mother's relationship seemed similar to Casey and Cindy. Hate eachother, yet are totally enmeshed.

  16. She is the one Teen Mom that will be financial fine. She is getting her masters degree. And is doing her sauce. Compared to the others, she is doing great!
