Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Adrienne Maloof Lied About Abuse Claims

When Adrienne Maloof went into court last week and told the world that her soon to be ex-husband Paul Nassif had abused and choked their kids, the world was naturally horrified. It turns out that Adrienne made the whole thing up in a bid to get custody of her children. The Department of Child Protective Services investigated the allegations and said that they were baseless and fabricated. Paul is going back to court to get the restraining order lifted and to try and get some money from Adrienne because of her lies.


  1. Her outfit looks like someone built her out of Legos but didn't have enough of the same colors for the shirt and pants.

    1. @katsm... That is brilliant! Lego's! love it!!!

  2. Fml her outfit cost more than my car if I bought it 3 times :(

    1. It takes a lot of money to look this cheap! (Ms Dolly, who should never be mentioned with these fools but it fit.)
      I'd like to choke whomever admits to being the personal shopper for the entire family.
      As to her, as far as I can tell the kids would be better off handed to a random lady on the sidewalk.

  3. What a friggin' See-You-Next-Tuesday.

    I really like Paul; he's one of my faves on the whole show.

  4. Team Paul! I liked Adrienne at first because she seemed to stay above the fray in the first RHOBH but then she never took that ridiculous gold hair necklace off and transformed into a total seahag. Maybe Paul and Brandi can hook up now! She loooved to flirt with him!

  5. See? This is exactly why Paul should be dating Taylor Armstrong right now. She could totes out-crazy Adrienne!

    1. I hope Brandi snatches him haha!

  6. Women like that disgust me.

  7. She seems very rigid about parenting--she would criticize him for not driving safely with the kids, not disciplining them, etc on the show in past. I hope the two of them can find some kind of balance for the kids sake --this fighting isn't good for anyone. I don't know what he did that pissed her off so badly but they need to keep the kids out of it if possible.

  8. If anything...Paul was abused. He was verbally abused by Adrienne and remember his son broke his nose twice when they were rough housing?

    He's so gentle and sweet. I love Paul. Adrienne is a horror. Paul was my favorite.

  9. parents who make these false abuse claims shld automatically forfeit their right to custody. This clouds the issue for people with actual truthful abuse problems.

  10. what auntliddy said!

  11. I think I heard(TMZ?) that Dr. Sophy was involved. As in he wrote a letter saying the boys were abused, in his opinion. Isn't he the head of DCPS? Shouldn't he take some of the heat for lying or for his baseless claims? Dr Sophy is such a fame-whore. I'm shocked that he is still the head of LA DCPS.

    1. Always thought that dr sophy was a quack with Taylor - biggest load of nonsense therapy I ever heard. Also didn't they date towards the end?

      Btw what is dcps? I presumed with his quackyness he was private practice...

  12. If she lied, she should be charged with a crime and save civil action from the husband.

    Those were very serious allegations and warrant very serious action.

  13. I hope Adrienne M gets charged for the government agencies' time that she wasted. Making a false accusation is a terrible thing to do, because it follows the person even if he/she is innocent. It's not child's play that she is engaging in. I know so many (mostly men) whose lives have been disrupted by false accusations.

  14. "parents who make these false abuse claims shld automatically forfeit their right to custody. This clouds the issue for people with actual truthful abuse problems."

    I tend to agree. SO wrong on SO many levels.

  15. Who was horrified?? How could anyone NOT know she was making it all up for the get go??

    //she should be charged for making the false accusations. B/c it's specifically b/c of broads like this that when a legit complaint comes in, everyone believes it's for getting the upper hand, rather then the truth.

    CHARGE HER and those who lied for her.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. @crila16
    Yes I remember that. It sounded fishy. I thought possibly Adrienne broke Pauls nose and not his son.

    1. Agreed - wasn't something inferred second time it happened that it was her and not the kid .. I def have alarm bells going off here. Plus she was always horrIbly verbal towards him and he is so lovely and chilled. Too good for any of them on that show but agreed next season is gonna be an even bigger corker!!

  18. Trust, just because child protectives didn't find conclusive evidence doesn't mean it isn't true. They err on the side of the parent in sometimes criminal ways.

  19. Is there anything more despicable than a soon-to-be-divorcing couple who puts their children into the middle of all their drama?!?! This shit goes on TOO much in the world.

    Her outfit is whore-fucking-rendous. She looks like a 65-year-old who is trying desperately to look like a trailer-park 20-something.

    I can not wait for RHBH. Her feud with Lisa is going to be epic.

  20. There's NO excuse for lying about abuse, especially abuse involving kids--NONE! There are way too many families out there who really do have to deal with all kinds of horrendous situations, and people like this who lie like a damn rug just to get the upper hand and make themselves look good are part of the reason it's so damn hard for people who DO need help to get it. She should lose custody, or at least get her parental rights reduced, over this BS, as should anyone who goes that route.

  21. It is a crime to falsly accuse someone of child abuse in a malicious manner at least in Washington State it is.

  22. I'm looking forward to this season.

    I don't get WHY tug of war for kids that you don't bond with and allow the nannies raise (poorly). I thought the whole idea of having kids was to be a FAMILY?

  23. This si nothing new. Women do this all the time to "get back" at men. Even the "sweet" women do it.

    Finally people and the courts are waking up that men are not automatically "guilty" when divorce happens.

    I'm not hoping for it, but don't be surprised if it comes out that SHE was the one who was verbally and physically to both the kids AND Paul.

    Notice how Enty also "conveniently" forgets to mention that Paul took the high road saying that the kids need their mother. This happens a lot more than women care to admit as well.

  24. This is very unfortunate. I really like Paul. THe problem with indidents like that is that the press picks up the intiial story which damages his name and reputation, profession and personal. NOw this story comes out. TOo late damage is done and it will not get the coverage that the initial story will get. And people will continue to believe that Adrienne is the caring mom and Paul is the abuser. Sad sad sad.

  25. Hmm I wonder how much Taylor Armstrong will support her after lying about abuse?? her being a big advocate for abused women and all..

  26. Susan for the win on the best respelling of a word today!

    Amen to Aunt Liddy..I would have been overjoyed should I had another parent who wanted to join in on the raising. To keep a willing man away from his kids is truly criminal unless there's a very good reason.

  27. I knew her allegations sounded fishy, what a horrible person to lie like that.

  28. Absolutely hate when people do this. If true, hope she's charged.

  29. Dr. Sophy is the Diroctor of the LA Dept. of Children and Family Services. It is absolutely appalling. He either has something on someone in the government, or he pays a lot of bribes. He is a completely unethical hack.

  30. sad to say, but CPS is not the greatest at figuring out whats really going on. CPS deals with kids who are burned, raped, etc. so seeing kids who have been thrown across the room, slapped, etc; not bad enough to get a reaction.

  31. "This si nothing new. Women do this all the time to "get back" at men. Even the "sweet" women do it."

    This is utter bullshit. Show me your stats for "all the time" or STFU.

  32. "I think I heard(TMZ?) that Dr. Sophy was involved. As in he wrote a letter saying the boys were abused, in his opinion. Isn't he the head of DCPS? Shouldn't he take some of the heat for lying or for his baseless claims? Dr Sophy is such a fame-whore. I'm shocked that he is still the head of LA DCPS."

    Oh. This makes more sense. A man was doing the lying, and she went with it out of fear or money or whatever. It all comes together now...
