Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blind Item #2

What C list actress/celebrity offspring of a former A list couple really should watch out for her safety. That tooth she lost the other night at the hands of her boyfriend will not be the last one she loses. His drug use is out of control and when she uses, they get into fights about his cheating and spending and one of these days he is going to kill her. He almost did once, but he missed her head when he swung at her with a baseball bat and just dislocated her shoulder.


  1. One of the Willis girls??

  2. Francesca Eastwood?

  3. I'm thinking either Dakota Johnson or Francesca Eastwood

  4. First thought was one of the Willis girls, but wouldn't we have seen pics if one of them was banged up w/a dislocated shoulder?

    Is Bobbi Kristina considered an actress? If not her, I guess I'll agree with the others, it's either Eastwood or Dakota J.

  5. Kelly Osborne? But probably Rumor Willis, since I don't think the other girls act much, and Kelly is more reality actress

  6. So is 'ain't love grand' enty's theme for today. Smh

  7. Sadly I'll say BK and her boyfriend. They got into a single car accident Sunday while arguing and then drove home. Police went over bc of a noise complaint and just happened to see the smashed up car.

  8. Can't be Francesca. Clint was NEVER part of an A list couple. He's A list...but was never in an A list relationship. A list relationship would be Bruce/Demi or Angie/Brad.

    I'm going with Demi and Bruce...and one of their daughters.

  9. My first thought was one of the Willis girls. Sad. :(

  10. Clint Eastwood + Francis Fisher= A list couple.

    Francesca Fisher

  11. bobbi K is not a C, more like an F.

  12. @crila16: Clint Eastwood and Frances Fischer may have been considered an A list couple at some point.

    I'll go with Rumer Willis, since she seems to fit more into the "C List Actress/Celeb" category.

  13. First person that came to mind was rumer

  14. I'm inclined to go with Dakota J, but would that be easy to cover up with her doing publicity for her new show?

    Rumer Willis

  15. I think Dakota fits best. Unfortunately.

  16. I don't know about Dakota being c list. Considering I just had to google her to see who she was

  17. "I'm inclined to go with Dakota J, but would that be easy to cover up with her doing publicity for her new show?"

    I thought the same thing. She came to mind for me first -- all the publicity for the new show puts her at at least C-list these days, I'd say, hence her coming to mind so quickly. But yeah, how would they hide it?

    So maybe Rumer.

  18. It is so hot to hear of a chick fighting back. I hope they are using coke or meth and not crack. Rich and fiesty meth girl, too stupid to leave an abusive know damn well the sex must be out of this world. It is a huge turn on, as long as it isn't one of the Willis girls or Bobbi Kristina.

  19. Does Dakota Johnson act? Rumer Willis does, so I'll go with her.

  20. You would think either Rumer or Eastwood, either of their Dads would knock the shit out of the douchebag.

  21. Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner's daughter Courtney Wagner just another foggy guess. Both Wood and Wagner were A-list back in the day. Courtney was mentioned by Enty approximately a year ago something to do with drugs and an abusive boyfriend..I think..

  22. @crila16

    Back in the day Clint and Sondra Locke were probably what would be considered an A list couple at the time.

  23. I read this as Kate Hudson the entire time.

  24. But its also a very good chance its Rumor Willis too.

  25. I like the Rumor Willis guess.

  26. Dunno if Lenny and Lisa Bonet were A list in their time, but what about Zoe Kravitz?

  27. Bobbi is not an actress, correct? Even with a reality show...that's not acting (completely).

  28. Dunno if Lenny and Lisa Bonet were A list in their time, but what about Zoe Kravitz?

  29. I immediately saw Kelly Osbourne

  30. "Dunno if Lenny and Lisa Bonet were A list in their time, but what about Zoe Kravitz?"

    I would say that they were, and this is also a good guess.

    Sad that we have to guess at these type of violent blinds at all. :-(

  31. Sounds like another candidate for Brownie Island... *sigh* Here's hoping she wises up and gets the hell out before things get any worse.

  32. Get out girl! My god, it's unbelievable that this still happens, especially in 1st world countries (and should not happen at all). I guess we all have our issues, but being beaten is quite obvious and I don't understand how people stay. For some reason, I thought of Zoe Kravitz, but whoever this is, get out now, it's not worth it.

  33. Eva Amurie(forfive spelling) Susan Sarandan's daughter, or Meryl Streep'sdaughter?

  34. Eva Amurie(forfive spelling) Susan Sarandan's daughter, or Meryl Streep'sdaughter?

  35. its def. time to add some

    And it ain´t


  36. Zoe Kravitz is dating Penn Badgley. I have a hard time imagining him doing this. Plus, I have a hard time imagining Zoe putting up with stupid sh*t. Her mom left Lenny Kravitz even though he was at the top of his game at the time and super sexy because he cheated on her, and then got herself an even hotter piece, Jason Momoa. I read this more as Rumer Willis. Her mom is a mess and she probably has weird self-esteem issues.

  37. Bobbi Kristina is not an actress. Kelly Osbourne is not an actress. Francesca Eastwood is not an actress.

    Rumer Willis is an actress. Or has tried to be.

  38. I don't believe this is Kate Hudson for a minute. Matt Bellamy is such a sweet human being and I couldn't imagine him doing this to her, or anybody. Plus, there have been a lot of pap shots of Kate lately and she looks perfectly happy and healthy.

  39. wow, this is horrific!

  40. It could be argued Bobbie Kristina is an actress. According to IMDB, she was on a show called For Better or Worse. Wow, the boyfriend/brother would be stupid to abuse his meal ticket.

  41. I'm liking the Courtney Wagner guess. Natalie Wood was "it" for so many years. It all ended so...

  42. @FSP

    WTF?!!!! is right!

  43. @ Oh Brother. No way. Not even close.

  44. idk who it is but GURL. get the f out.

  45. Def not Kelly, Dakota, or Francesca. Kelly and Francesca do not act and I had to google Dakota Johnson, and since I have been obsessively stalking gossip sites since for the past seven years that means she is not C list because even I had no clue who the eff she is.

    I like the BK guess, something about her reminds me of Rihanna's reckless abandon and taste for dangerous men and relationships. Unfortunate but girl is stuck in one nasty, very public cycle of self destruction.

  46. Matt Belamy is the size of a 10 year old boy. I doubt he is a physical threat to anybody but 6 year old boys.

  47. Based on today's photos I'd say its Rumer, poor girl, hope she wakes up soon.....

  48. who in there right(suppose he is drugged out his nut) minds would mess with BRUCE WILLIS' kid? That guy would scare the shit out of me if he even said hello!

  49. If Willis, Johnson, Eastwood (the offspring) can be considered C List then I don't know if we can group Kate Hudson with them.

    Was Riley Keogh's father famous? Isn't she engaged to Alex Pettyfer...

  50. Dakota has her own show.

  51. Anne Hathaway??

  52. It's not Dakota, she's in a loving relationship with her boyfriend.

  53. Not Kate Hudson. It would have said nominated for an academy award. No way is she c list. More B.

  54. Maybe it's not a young actress. Carrie Fisher would have buried the boyfriend in the back yard if he busted out her tooth, and we'd have never heard from him again, so it's not her. But there are a lot of actress' in her age range who had A-list parents.

  55. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Anne Hathaway is not a c list actress, and not celebrity offspring. I could be wrong, but I haven't ever heard of her parents before. I'm going for Bobbi Kristina on this for several reasons. 1. she's a c list actress, she's done some t.v, was asked to do stuff for tyler perry. 2: definitely the offspring of two A listers. In their time. She's a celebrity in her own right(sorta). The drug usage in that family is well documented and has already gotten out of control on many occassions, so what's to give any perspective to BobbiK that it should be any different. When she does drugs with him, which she's been photogd doing blow, (which he probably took the photo and sold it for money) she gets mad at him for his cheating and spending. They were both raised in an abusive, drug and alcohol fueled home. It's her money that she's spending, or her Mom's money, that he's spending that;s why she can say something to him about it, and it would be a sore subject that he is only an adopted son of the family and maybe wasn't given money and is using her inheritance. This is the most likely I can think of. And Francesca Eastwood lives in Carmel with her step mom Dina and her Dad Clint. I also live in Carmel, born and raised, near lifelong resident. I can guarantee you that there is nowhere in this county they can go and have a physical knockdown drag out where Clint Eastwoods daughter gets hit in the shoulder with a baseball bat and a tooth knocked out. Clint is like family around here and this area and surrounding areas are very very small. He's done alot for the community, he's donated park lands, drug/rehab counseling center, marsh/wetlands for preservation, he's got huge golf courses, housing developments, used to own pebble beach. No one would shield an abuser of Francesca in this area. Especially not her skeezy star fucking glorified paparazzi boyfriend.

  56. Kelly Osbourne just wrote on twitter ‏

    'You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.'- Walt Disney
