Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Aimee Mann Fan? Til Tuesday Fan? Voices Carry Fan?

Watch this.

And now, watch this.


  1. I LOVE Jon Wurster!!!!

  2. That photo of Cruise's companion there looks odd. Sort of like Toni Collette in a wig but also sort of like a man in a wig.

  3. She's 52....and still amazing!

  4. Is that Michael Penn as a member of her band?

  5. No, I don't. I hated that song in HS. I still hated it when they re-released it in college. I'll pass.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I want to age like Aimee Mann.

  8. It is Michael Penn - they're married and adorable.

  9. Love Aimee Mann. Bachelor No. 2 is a fantastic album.

  10. @Comma Chaser - love that album. Also I'm with Stupid and Lost in Space. Actually I like all her albums. Looking forward to the new one.

  11. Hamm is soooo in the bubble.

  12. "Collamborative" .. Awesome!

    I have been in love with Aimee forever. I was blessed to meet her once backstage at First Avenue. I had a crush on her brother Frank who was working at KSTP as a reporter .. where I was working on an internship .. so I kinda "followed" [okay .. okay .. perhaps I stalked him that night.. I was a young girl in love!! LOL!] him to First Avenue. Anyway .. after meeting her .. I had a crush on her instead! Funny, very nice lady. Nice to see she still is both.

  13. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Voices Carry still holds up after all this time. I thought she was just so beautiful back then. She still is.

  14. I happen to be in a hospital today as my father is dying and not expected to live through the night (he was administered last rites this evening) - Aimee's "Wise Up" sure seems like a perfect song for the day. Yes, I would say so.

    Y'all are great as always for entertaining me with your amazing comments these past days. It's certainly helped.

  15. Huge Aimee Mann fan. Huge Hamm fan.

    And @Jason Blue Eyes, my heart goes out to you. I think of Michael Penn's song, Bucket Brigade, too, in times of heartache. Everyone helping one another. Good luck.

  16. hush hush... keep it down down.... voices carry. classic.

  17. My roommate in college thought she was singing "This is scary" instead of "Voices carry".

  18. That song Voices Carry was my jam back in the day! She still sounds good.

  19. @Jason Blue Eyes I'm very sorry to hear of your father's health. Deepest sympathies to you and your family. I've lost both my parents and, well, it's rough isn't it? And at the same time, so long and surreal.

    The only thing I can think to say is, I wish someone had listened to Lucille Bluth when she said, "I'll be in the hospital bar."

    Michael Bluth: Uhh, you know, there isn't a hospital bar, mother.

    Lucille Bluth: Well, this is why people hate hospitals.

  20. Jason Blue Eyes. I'm so sorry. My heart goes out to you and your family.

  21. Hang in there Jason Blue Eyes

  22. So sorry Jason! My thoughts are with you and your family.

    Aimee follows Ent on twitter! I also follow her, she is funny and talented.

    @chop- I had a friend who thought the lyrics were "keep it down now, this is Kerry" which is my first name. I prefer it that way :)

  23. Jason Blue Eyes, big hugs to you from Australia. Don't forget to take care of yourself, you will need your strength.

  24. Hugs to you and yours, @Jason Blue Eyes.

  25. A golden oldie, when MTV still played music. The song still kicks ass. And Aimee Mann is still hot.

  26. Jason, my thoughts and condolences are with you and your family. May be peace be with you all. You know the cdan community's hearts are all with you and we'll be here when you make it back around. I wish I could give you a huge hug right now.

  27. @Jason Blue Eyes, I can't think of anything to say that seems right, but please know you and your family are in my thoughts.

  28. I love Aimee Mann...her voice is so haunting....I remember reading that "Voices Carry" was a about a real complaint from a grumpy lover that she was talking too loudly.
