Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lilo & Stitch Turns To Porn

A woman in North Carolina sat her kids in front of the flat screen babysitter to watch Lilo & Stitch and walked away. Georgie Brown had recorded the program a few days earlier. Dish Network is her provider. After about a minute, the cartoon turned to porn. It apparently stayed on porn for a full six minutes. She says that she came in right when she heard the sounds of sex, but she also said she had to rewind it to see which means if she could not see it, then it had been longer than one minute. She now says that her kids who are 2, 3, and 5 simulate the sex scenes they saw. She definitely has proof. No one has ever seen anything like it. I think they are referring to the mixed signal thing because if they have never seen porn, I could, well, never mind.


  1. ARe you on drugs writing this post? what the hell are you talking about?

    1. There's an article on the Daily Mail website about it. :)

  2. This just proves that Disney wants kids to have sex. I KNEW those clouds in The Lion King said "SEX" and that Aladdin tells kids to take off their clothes.

  3. Tyler Durden is behind this. Project mayhem

  4. Shelly! Is that you? Are you out of The Hole now?!

    1. Nope! Katie snuck me a burner phone and I've been posting this from an undisclosed location near Roswell, NM. That's where the meeting is being held to nominate Toms new wife. I won't be allowed to go- I have to help sew the new wedding gown.
      Hahahahaha j/k. I've always been tempted to respond to the "where's Shelly" comments. :)

  5. In my experience cable/tv providers don't really care. When I first got an HDTV, we had to get an upgraded DVR box. My ex plugged it in while I was at work, and when I came home I found the DVR LOADED with some Naughty Nymphs series (among other things). Oh, and TONS of Battlestar Galactica. Hah. I'm guessing its previous owner didn't have much of a social life. That being said, I complained (really only because I wanted comps), and they just said "Meh."

  6. Lilo without a Stitch on?

  7. @Jet Fuel, I don't understand either. I get that they saw porn but what is all that other stuff in the post?

  8. Funny, How out of millions of Dish network customers, and this family couldn't have been the only ones watching that show at the time, there could be at least a couple of hundred if not thousand, and yet this is the only family to mention this.

  9. While that is terrible it happened, me thinks she is making a tempest out of a teapot. Do we really think those kids are scarred for life by seeing a few minutes of sex on TV? I smell MONEY.
    God, I'm cynical today. Sorry guys!

  10. I thought the article was about the characters themselves having porny sex. I may be scarred for life.

  11. IDK, I would think showing a child porn at such a young age would be harmful psychologically. That will desensitize them, I veiw it as a step down from molestation honestly

  12. About 10 years ago Comcast was switching their channels around. I get all the movie channels (yes, I have no life) and for some reason they left me access to all the pay per views and porn channels. I was curious and watched the porn - I'm amazed at what nurses can do while keeping those little caps on! I finally called Comcast and told them just because I figured if I didn't, they'd charge me for it.

  13. This happened in my city during a morning show. Right in the middle of it it switched to gay porn for a good couple of minutes. You know what people who didn't want to see it did? They turned the channel. No complaints, no lawsuite.

  14. If this is from Disneys most recent airing of LILO and Stitch last week my daughter and I watched it. There was no porn in our version. I do think it could scar children. My daughter is freaking me out because at 2 she takes 2 plastic figurines and makes this kiss all the time. I don't know if it is because she sees my husband and I kiss all the time or because we give her and her brother kisses. Still weird to me, but better than having them imitate sex


  15. I am no prude, but porn is for adults to CHOOSE to see, not for children to be accidentally exposed to.
    My son is 7, and he has no idea his penis is to be used for anything besides peeing yet.
    That is as it should be.
    I know he would be shocked by that and it would open up a world of wondering that he is not ready for.

    These kids were not 10 or 12. I can totally see them imitating it, because they have never seen anything like it.

    I dont know that I would go looking for money over it at all, but I would want answers and definitely would expect it to be explained.

    BTW, parents: do make sure to check the thumbs up and down on youtube videos before leaving your kids to watch something.
    My son clicked on a roadrunner cartoon while I was making dinner, and some sick fuck had interspliced parts of the Shining into it. Very f'ed up. After the fact I saw the 300 thumbs down and it was shortly after removed from reports to youtube. People can upload whatever they want until it is reported.

  16. LOVE Lilo and Stitch, that is all. :)

  17. The other night I was putting my 8 year old to bed and I was giving him kisses while tucking him in. Afterwards he says, "Mom, we just had sex." I completely froze and just said, "No we didn't!" It was reassuring to know he thinks sex is just kissing in bed. Hopefully though he doesn't tell his teacher he has sex with his mom. That could be troublesome

  18. One of my friends boys went onto a legitimate website & it had been infiltrated. He saw anal sex and couldn't get it to stop (happened to me one time at work, had to turn the computer off). They have strict blockage on their computer as he is in IT. She checked the history, thought her husband had looked it up, & blasted him. She finally believed him and realized that was why her then 12 year old son had been having nightmares. It is a horrible thing to do to children.

  19. "It apparently stayed on porn for a full six minutes. She says that she came in right when she heard the sounds of sex, but she also said she had to rewind it to see which means if she could not see it, then it had been longer than one minute."

    Uhhh....WHUT? *.* I read this part 5 times and still have no idea wtf it means.

  20. how insanely fun would it be if it turned out her husband had recorded a bit of porn over the lilo and stitch movie by mistake? :P
