Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Admitted To Hospital For Lung Infection

All that smoking and sprinting to getaway cars has finally started to catch up with Lindsay Lohan. Yesterday she had to visit the emergency room at a New York hospital to fill up her drug cupboard. Complaining of a chest infection so she could get the good stuff, Lindsay's biological father, Michael Lohan, who is already planning the destruction of another life, this time with Kate Major's help, says that Lindsay went to the hospital because of asthma. I guess they must be talking again since he said nice things about her and didn't throw her under a bus.


  1. Good job Linds, smoking mad cigarettes whilst having asthma, you make good life decisions, keep it up!

  2. Lindsay body is a mess she probably has a wrecked immune system...

  3. Now now , enty, if u watched dr phil debacle, youd know he and lindsay are very close, they just keep it out of the public eye. Uh- huh.

  4. I have some questions about her asthma. I have asthma as well, and can't smoke ANYTHING without developing bronchitis. I also struggle being around other people's smoke, camp fires, and breathing cold air. I have to use inhalers on a daily basis. At what point did they start using the asthma excuse with her? Was she already in trouble? Because I'd like to propose that these lung infections are from chain smoking cigs and OTHER substances which may or may not be made with things such as arsenic.

  5. One of my kids has fairly serious asthma, and I can't imagine how he'd be able to breathe if he was a smoker. This girl is in permanent self-destruct mode! I'm sure the docs just love to see her weezy ass at the ER.

  6. I second that motion Amber!!!

  7. Right @Amber, like crack.

  8. My nephew has severe asthma (only got slightly better after having his tonsils removed at age 6!) but he cant be around ANY type of smoke or he goes into a coughing fit. He gets breathing treatments 3 times a day and always has to have his inhaler with him. His parents used to smoke inside!!! until my mother had a fit and now they smoke outside. I'm more bothered that they even had to think about not smoking around their child.

  9. Hi Amber! If I recall correctly, she's had asthma since she was a little girl. I don't know if I care enough to really research that, but it seems to me that she was hospitalized for it once or twice at least.

    My son has similar triggers as you - smoke and especially cold air. Singular has been a great control med for him. We try to go without every so often, with the theory that he might "outgrow" the asthma, but no dice so far. The asthmatic cough starts up as soon as the Singulair clears his system.

    1. My little girl has been diagnosed asthmatic since the age of 2, she's nearly 5 now and have to agree about Singulair! That's what finally help in controlling it for her, that and the obvious inhalers x

  10. If she TRULY had asthma, she wouldn't be smoking ANYTHING. And no pain meds should be needed for a "lung infection". But yet again, she somehow managed to have a dentist prescribe her dilaudid for having a tooth pulled. Mercy.

  11. Wasn't Amy Winehouse hospitalized with a lung infection? Lindsay needs to get it together!!

  12. @Frufra - Hiiiii :) Do you guys go to a chiropractor? I've been taking fish oils (EPA DHA) for various things, but recently someone told me that if you get the stuff with a higher EPA ratio (the anti-inflammatory) it has helped people with asthma. I feel like I've noticed a difference as it's built up. Now, I've been pretty rundown lately and with fall rolling in I'm struggling again. But this is the stuff I take - maybe ask someone about it?

  13. Anyone remember that trick Tanya Harding, who would cry and grab her inhaler and blame her poor skating performances on her asthma? Then she'd be photographed leaving the arena smoking. WTF?!

  14. The way she sounds when she talks, I wouldn't be at all shocked if she has early stage copd (emphysema)

  15. whether it's true or not, she's getting closer to death, which i'm glad about

  16. I read in DM that is was walking pneumonia - the less serious type. LOL. Still pretty serious guys!!!

    I have asthma too. And all the above are triggers for me too. Those Chicago winters just about did me in. As well as my mother's cats :/

    I get acupuncture and cupping for my sad lungs. It really helps! I swear!!!

  17. Allergies to cats, but I did use to smoke. Had every excuse as to why it was always something else that triggered the asthma. Haven't smoked in almost two full years, and not ONE asthma incident. No bars, either, and no more husband that smokes, too. Quit the husband, he didn't quit cigarettes. Feel better than I've felt in years! Of course, I wasn't nearly as bad as LL, girl needs to get it together and soon.

  18. Amber - thanks for the tip! I will definitely ask about it!

    BUT - I will now make an unrenumerated pitch for Singulair - if you are using rescue inhalers daily, you should maybe consider a daily med like Singulair. It is NOT steroid-based - steroids in all forms make my son crazy. Like padded room crazy. It works to keep airways dilated in a different way. Now, I can't explain how, but I do know that it is useful in treating some people's allergies as well.

    Anyway, we were very hesitant to put him on a daily control med, but after three years of hell when he was an infant (constant bronchitis, pneumonia twice, daily breathing treatments), we were willing to try, and Singulair had just been put on the market then. It was a godsend. Like I said before, the steroid inhalers made him crazy, and oral steroids were off-the-charts horrible - to the point that I feared he was a danger to himself.

    Sorry for the lecture/rambling story, but just wanted to really encourage you to consider a daily traditional med in conjuction with all the great things I'm sure you're already doing to take care of yourself :-). Have a great day!

  19. dia, tell me more about acupuncture for asthma - please :-)?

  20. I have asthma too. I tried smoking in HS to be cool (teenagers are so stupid). After a year I had to stop, it was killing me. I couldn't take a breath without pain. My conclusions are:
    1. Lindsey's asthma isn't that bad;
    2. it flares up when it's convenient for her;
    3. and she's beyond stupid (which I believed before the lastest asthma attack).

  21. @Frufra - I will ask about it at my physical. Which I still need to remember to schedule. Ack! Thank you for the tip :)

    @Ruby - I agree!

  22. Anything that decreased systemic nflammation is good when you have asthma. So eating well (whole foods, no fake food, limited sugar) is a must!

    The main acu point for asthma is on the back of the neck where the cervical spine joins the thoracic spine (btwn C7 and T1). It's an extra point called Ding Chuan. That's just part of the whole treatment but you could do acupressure on your son there. "Mom, can you rub my neck ;)"

    I gotta run, but I promise I will post more about this later today. There is also an amazing Asian Pear recipe to help with lung issues and chronic coughs. The Chinese use often use nutrition to help treat illness.

    1. What do u hv for gall bladder and colitus? Love the info, thanks!

  23. Ari, that is a mean and despicable thing to say! And you beat me to it.

  24. I had a dream she died last night. How weird. Preggo dreams are so vivid and crazy!

  25. Does anyone actually believe she wasn't there for anything other than she wanted to read about herself and take top billing away again from Dina?

  26. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Rubydust. I agree. I think she has selective asthma, using it only when it's convenient or advantageous to her.

    As for walking pneumonia...the name does not indicate that you should go on with daily activities and ignore it. It's called that because people have it without being aware that it's pneumonia, they think they're just a little under the weather or something. When I had it, I thought I had a stomach flu coming on because all I had was nausea and exhaustion, no coughing or cold symptoms at all. I was surprised when I finally went to the doctor after a week of feeling like I was going to hurl every minute, and found out I had pneumonia. But once you learn you have it, it's still pneumonia, still serious, and you should be resting and taking antibiotics.

  27. @Lola - I was thinking the exact same thing - early COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) - and it'll serve right when she has to walk around with a tank of O2 so she can breathe.

  28. One of my coworkers has asthma and is a smoker. When she has a coughing fit (which is several times a day) it sounds like she is possessed by the devil. But somehow, she doesn't seem to think that smoking has anything to do with it.

    Then again, not long ago when she was complaining of a headache and I suggested she might be dehydrated, she told me that couldn't possibly be the case, since she had had almost 2 litres of diet pepsi that day!

  29. Oh, Maja, it's daily entertainment for you, huh? Good grief. Hope she isn't also one of those people who never gets their work done. Then it goes from entertainment to dreaming of murder!

  30. Lindsay's an idiot who thinks she's very smart and that the rest of us are extremely stupid.
    I can find no other excuse for her behavior.

  31. There are different severities of asthma. My husband has mild asthma and he smokes. We used to live somewhere with a mold problem and that was what triggered him. Also if he pet the cat then rubbed his eyes. The smoking not so much. I'm not condoning his smoking, I nag. I figure I can since he quit for two years and started again. But the smoking doesn't require an inhaler for him.

  32. I became an asthmatic in adulthood so I don't really know much about it. I take Pulmicort (inhaled steroid) every day and it keeps it under wraps ... but you all are saying inhaled steroids are bad?? Should I stop the Pulmicort and ask for something else?

    1. The inhaled steroids are terrific and remain localized - the steroid doesnt leave the lung. They should help control your symptoms, however they will not stop an attack - for that you'll need a rescue inhaler like Albuterol.

  33. Singular and Advair changed my life

  34. I want to punch her in her fucking smug face.

    I am so sick of this excuse ridden, self entitled bitch.

  35. Maja, that sounds like an ex-coworker of mine...I wonder if she's moved to your area?! Smoked TWO packs a day, and drank TWO (!) two liters of Mountain Dew. No water, no fruits or veggies (unless you count lettuce on a Big Mac).

    That devil cough...oh my, it's awful. I really did think I was going to vomit from the sound of it. I also thought to check under her desk afterwards, to see if she possibly coughed up a black and tar covered lung. :/

    I think Linds is full of it. She's either getting an IV drip to drop some weight, or needs to re-up some pills. Hope she knows the IV drip won't shed the bloat from her face.

  36. Why doesn't she just die

  37. whose lung did she infect?

  38. @chopchop - no way, man! You have to find what works for YOU - if Pulmicort is working with minimal side effects, I say rock on.

    My son is just Mr. Super Sensitive. Even though our pulomonologist swore that inhaled steroids shouldn't have behavioral side effects, they did. Plus, he began breaking out in a systemic rash that started at his feet and worked its way up. I used my Mommy Sense to figure out what was up, and politely declined the daily inhaled steroids for him.

    I'm sure that Singulair doesn't work for every asthma patient, either. But it has been wonderful for him. He only needs his rescue inhaler in very cold weather, usually when playing basketball (winter sport, ya know).

    Please don't stop what you're doing without talking to your doc first. I just wanted Amber and everybody to know that there are good options for controlling asthma these days. Good luck, chopchop!!

  39. My thoughts exactly Amber, et al. NO one could smoke like she does with asthma. She cannot have it. It's another excuse to get a prescription.

  40. Bitch probably tweeted this pic of herself on the way to the ER.

  41. You are not "admitted" when you go to the ER. Inpatients are admitted, ER patients are "seen".

  42. In my early forties, I seem to be growing out of my asthma, but it can get triggered by pet dander, exercise in cold weather and yes, being around smoke. I just wish my rescue inhaler was an old school abuteral, and not this weak Pro Air hfa thing, it has no power...

  43. @ ari: that's unkind....she is 50 shades of effed up, but it's not nice to wish someone dead. Like Amy Winehouse, she needs care otherwise LL will join Amy in the 27 club.
