Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lots Of Sex And Drugs In J.K. Rowling's New Book

I guess after all those years of writing Harry Potter books that she needed to keep at a PG-13 level, J.K Rowling decided she needed to break free and go for broke and lots of sex and drugs and every other adult vice she could think of in her new book, Casual Vacancy. I spoke to someone who actually has read it and they said the book was not that great, but that they kept thinking to themselves that it is by J.K. Rowling and that it was so unlike her. They also kept trying to imagine if J.K. was showing characters from Harry Potter in her new book. Some kind of secret fantasy world where Harry and Hermoine had sex and was bringing it to life in this book. The person who read it had to read about ten pages at a time and took them about a week of sneaking in and out of an office to read it. It is going to be a best seller, but the person who read it says that it might not have even been bought if not for the fact it was by J.K and a guaranteed best seller.


  1. Awww, is she going through her rebellious phase? She and Miley should hang out.

  2. Didnt/dont care for the potter books, wont be rushing to get this. Give me nora roberts anytime. Having said that, good on her for the whole phenom of potter , which got many non readers reading and made her rich.

  3. LOL FSP - again with the av brilliance.

  4. In all the publicity photos of her, I think I'm seeing Angie Dickinson.

  5. FSP - that is your best one yet! Been missing your fun yet disturbing avi's ;)

  6. Thanks Amber and dia...just been lurking recently.

  7. I never thought JKR was that great of a writers. I read all those stoopid Potter books and was SO disappointed at the end. She must be doing something right because I still read them all and devoured some of them in marathon all nighters.

    Auntlicky - Nora Roberts is my favorite guilty beach time reading!

  8. Not not the same without you FSP! Glad you un-lurked yourself ;)

  9. Ive never read the HP books and I wont be reading this one. Something about that woman rubs me the wrong way.

    FSP- Classic avi, glad to see you back!

  10. And J.D. Robb AKA Nora Roberts a treat...

    Harry's a tough act to follow

  11. erotic novels are making a comeback, yay!
    which are your favourite sexy books??
    I remember anne rice's vampires had lots of explicit scenes.
    there was one were a vampire hooked up with a girl, was hungry so he sucked her period. jaja, I should hook up with vampires more often jaja
    and im looking forwards to reading the sleeping beauty trilogy
    any other recommendations?? :)

  12. LOL I'm with Beta - any reco's, preferably from the free books on iPad? My BF and I just decided last night that we wanted to start reading books together and have our own little book club. We thought it'd be fun to pick a cheesy romance novel.

  13. Barton, your comments make my day on a regular basis :-). We must be around the same age - I am always in synch with your references. Love ya!

  14. 50 Shades of Hogwarts

  15. I loved HP, but I shan't be reading this tripe.

  16. Enty,learn to write! your writing is painful

  17. @Angus - winner winner winner!

  18. Thanks Frufra -- I try, I try!

  19. I always thought Harry and Hermione should get it on. Maybe Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe could star in the movie version of this.

  20. I enjoyed the Potter books but this doesn't sound like anything I'd be interested to read. I don't buy books just on the author's name alone. I have to find the subject matter interesting.

  21. For what it's worth, I've enjoyed the Black Dagger Brotherhood series (8 books so far) by JR Ward. It's a paranormal romance (Vampires), but for grown ups who enjoy a bit of a trashy read. Also, the Crossfire Novels by Sylvia Day ("Bared to You" is the 1st one) are highly recommended.

  22. I loved HP books but I don't know if I would read this just because she wrote it

  23. Perhaps the reviews are disappointing because everyone expects too much from this book? There's no way Rowling will live up to the expectations put on her, no matter how great the book is. I'll definitely read it though as I like to form my own opinion on things. Like, for example, the 50 Shades books. I couldn't get through the first one it was so terribly written and I couldn't get over the fact that Christian was supposedly so dreamy and romantic when he's actually a scary abusive stalker. Guess being a billionaire makes it okay. *shrugs*

  24. Man you guys are nuts ;) I looooved all of the Harry Potter books and I've reread the last one several times because I loved the ending. I guess I'm in the minority here, haha :)

  25. I'm with Colleen - loved Harry Potter.

    If you do like historical fiction (yes I'm nerdy) try out the Hangman's Daughter it's a series and I'm reading the second book right now and I really dig it.

    Also Ken Follet's Pillars of the Earth.

  26. How can they expect too much from her? They should expect LESS from her, because she's never written for adults before, and there is a HUGE difference in writing for the adult market than children and young adults. It's not the same, and if this book isn't good, it's because she should have spent more time honing the craft of writing to adults, and specifically, women.

    Sorry for the rant but I am an author and it kills me that people think it would be easy to make the transition. Far easier for adult authors to write young adult than the other way around!

    Okay, off soapbox now!

  27. I never read her books but I would marry her for her money in a heartbeat. She's British & cuteish for a woman of a certain age & she can buy and sell the Windsors if she wanted. I would be her boy toy for sure.

  28. Never really expected much since all she did was write HP. I think an author should have a bunch of hits before people buy a book from their name( like Joyce carol Oates and Stephen king).

  29. Heaven forbid she writes for adults? Plus it says the person read 10 pages. 10 pages.... um... that's not much. She gave an interview to USA Today and talked about how this was a departure for her and she's not interested in writing for young adults again. So kudos to her! And she mentions the drug use in the interview.

    10 pages... that does not make a book.

  30. Recommendation: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

  31. Re: Pride and Prejudice & Zombies - I have been suckered into buying Jane Austen sequels more than I care to admit and they are all just awful. Death at Pemberley is the only readable one & it's pretty hack-like in the writing (the author is a fairly successful mystery writer). Jane Austen's genius was her wit & only the witless seem to want to write fan fiction. But Pride & Prejudice & Zombies took a different route. That book is 95% the language of the original book with another 5% added dealing with zombie attacks. Which makes it the rare Jane Austen spin-off that doesn't read like a junior high girl's diary.

  32. I loved the Harry Potter books. She probably still wants to write, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

    I'm with chopchop, Christian needs a restraining order. (I only read the first book, too).

    I saw the 50 shades books at my local Walmart yesterday, and I live in an ultra-conservative Oklahoma town. Made me laugh.

  33. @Momster - right? They're all reading it, right after Women's Biblestudy Fellowship lets out :-)!

  34. I really enjoyed the Harry Potter books. A friend introduced me to Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. They are wonderful. I found them worlds above Potter.

    I am an avid reader but won't be reading any more J.K. Rowling. Happy for her success. Really glad she got so many people to read.

  35. @ Frufra, LOL! It's the book-of-the-month club choice! :)

  36. I lovvvveeeeeeeee Harry Potter but I won't be buying her new book.

  37. you have to give her credit for getting lots of kids to read
    my 12 year old brother has read the 7 books SEVEN times ¬¬
