Friday, September 07, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH former child star from a famous family shocked fans with her drastic plastic surgery during a taping of her new chat show? The TV personality’s body looks amazing, but she’s nipped, tucked and pulled her face so much that people in the audience thought they were there for a new show hosted by Joan Rivers’ daughter Melissa!


  1. Marie Osmond!!! I know this one was easy but its my first! Baby steps!

  2. I'm with you Glitter, Marie Osmond.

  3. Easy- peasey! Marie osmond. Btwn surgery and makeup applied with shovel, she's looking trannie.

  4. I bet y'all are right, but Marie's been a plastic surgery disaster for years now. I'm afraid to see how much worse it could be!

  5. Marie Osmond has a new show?

  6. Marie Osmond. This picture says it all:

  7. I understand why famous people go overboard with this, but I wish their doctors would tell them no. Look at Jocelyn Wildenstein - total freakshow. There should be some kind of "No Cut" list for people that are clearly addicted to it and really need mental help. Body dysmorphia is so sad.

  8. I can't do anything cool with my iPhone. Can't click bubbles' link, can't read up on debacle. Poo.

  9. @bubbles - that pic DOES say it all - egads!!

    Why, Marie, why? You were fabulous before!! So sad.

  10. I was shocked at her appearance in the latest NutriSystem commercial and the other night I saw the promo for the new talk show and, sad. Her top lip is scarey. Donnie needs to have a talk with her, but he's obviously had his own work done too.

  11. I just feel sorry for her. Her son committed suicide awhile back and man, being a mother myself, I don't understand how anyone gets through that without a one-way ticket to Crazytown. Maybe she's trying to turn back time. Who knows?

  12. The link doesn't seem to be clickable (at least not through Chrome on a desktop system). I had to copy the URL and paste it into a new window.

  13. @bubbles- thanks for the link, if her face gets pulled any tighter she will look like the crypt keeper in drag

  14. Marie...she had her face done a few years ago and looked awful for a while and then it settled and she was beautiful. Hopefully it's the same case here.

  15. Is there something wrong with me? Because she looks exactly like she's always looked in that picture to me. Maybe nipped and lifted a bit, but definitely not unrecognizeable. *shrug*

  16. Marie Osmond. Done.

  17. No matter how much surgery she has, she's going to continue to keep getting older whether she wants to or not. Plastic surgery can't fix that. Can't stop time.

  18. They need to ask Jane Fonda who HER surgeon was. I agree Marie and Donny have had poorly done facial surgeries for years.

  19. marie osmond

    new talk show on hallmark

    i think in that pic she looks better than normal.

    latoya could be also ,but,her new show is a reality show on own network

  20. I agree with G. Jane Fonda did it RIGHT, so has Michelle Pfeiffer. My God - talk about getting more beautiful with age - both those ladies are STUNNING. I know who Michelle's surgeon is, but not Jane's. Wonder if it's the same ...

  21. G, what about Susan Lucci's plastic surgeon?

    Oh wait, she told Oprah she's never had any work done.

    Never mind.

  22. @Snapdragon, on Chrome you need to highlight and right-click for the Go To prompt.

  23. PS - MUST MUST MUST find out who Michelle Pfeiffer's surgeon is - she has done it perfectly (only done a little.) Can you at least post a googleable hintie?

    Christie Brinkley looks pretty good after her second face lift; so does Big Bill Clinton from the looks of him the other night - EXCELLENT lift on him! Clooney and Chris Noth both got great eye work. John Cusak not so much. In my opinion, when a guy gets a bad lift, it's even worse than when a woman gets one. And of course Demi Moore's doc is Okay with me. Really would love to know who these folks are, but of course that damn doc-patient confidentiality thing gets in the way.

  24. Oh yeah, Susan Sarandon got a great one. She fought it for years but finally gave in and did it just right. She doesn't necessarily look "younger", but she looks better.

  25. Bubbles - in that photo, Marie Osmond looks more like Joan Rivers than Melissa does! Sculpted plastic face. About 2 steps away from looking like the cat lady.

  26. M.Os is a a very handsome man

  27. There's a bit in Simon Doonan's Gay Men Don't Get Fat (highly recommended, BTW, as are his other books) where he tries to figure out why men w/bad plastic surgery tend to look like lesbians; a female friend of his swears it's the eye lift that does it, and Simon decides that the eye lift, combined w/older men losing testosterone and getting softer in the middle/overall (the latter of which is seen as feminizing), is indeed what does it.

    (Interesting how fat can tweak one's gender presentation--heavier women are seen as looking "masculine", and heavier men as seeming too "feminine." I'm not the first person to notice that, trust me...)

  28. @Frufra and @BobNYC -- Actually, when I first saw that picture, I initially thought it was Melissa Rivers!!

    It's a shame; she looks great otherwise -- trim and fit -- and she has done so much and survived such devastating life events that I really want to root for her... and slap her plastic surgeon! :)

  29. Oh. Marie. The first concert I ever attended was Donnie and Marie at the Allentown Fair, 1976. A very polished, professional act.

  30. PLEASE @PS, just a hint about Michelle P's surgeon's identity?

    Or the Big Dog's if you know it? Bill looked "tanned, rested and ready" for the first time in a long while!

  31. She was a natural beauty...

  32. Back in the day she wasn't a very nice person. My hubby's co-worker's wife did PR for a certain children's hospital in a major metro area. Marie went there for some PR gig,and had to pose with some of the patients. She turned her nose up at the kids - "I have to TOUCH them?!" she said. Oh...and the ones of color, touching was definitely NOT an option. What a bitch. The coworker's wife said of all the celebrities she had worked with, Marie was the worst.

    Maybe time has tempered her, I dunno, but prejudices like that you learn somewhere. Just sayin' much for Mormon love, compassion, etc... :-P

  33. She's looking like a brunette Dolly Parton!
