Thursday, September 20, 2012

Paris Hilton Says Gay Men Are Disgusting - They All Have AIDS

While in a NYC taxi, Paris Hilton was recorded by a taxi driver who caught Paris Hilton making comments about gay men. She says they are disgusting and always horny and that most of them will die of AIDS. Aww, well, I am sure that all the gay men in the world will have a few things to say to you over the rest of your life. Is there a group of people that are not white and rich and straight that Paris Hilton likes? Well, I think she is ok with gay women, but only if they say they are not gay. Speaking of people who don't like Paris, what about her dogs? Has anyone seen any of her dogs? Are they alive? Did they all make a run for it? To listen to the NSFW audio, you can click here.


  1. Aren't most men always horny?

    1. No more horny than most women.That's why men are able to cheat.

  2. Wonky Valtrex is one to talk. That cesspool of congealed STD's.

  3. People that live in a glass house shouldn't throw stones. Stupid stupid bitch.

  4. There will always be some people skeeved out by buttsex. It's the poop chute.

  5. ^^ What Aly said. Jeez.

  6. Really rich, coming from the herp-infected one who is probably Patient Zero.

  7. ..and Zorbitor. Many gay men and women don't enjoy penetration. They leave that for John Mayer and his chain of fools.

    1. Thank you! I'm gay & when gay men get together, they're not gonna have actual sex unless someone's willing to take the bottom bunk. I always have to explain that to my straight friends

  8. On Dlisted MK has her rep's response to this... hahaha. She's trash.

  9. Thanks for the crying Paris face! That's my fav!!!

  10. I listened to the audio. She was saying that gay guys who use the app Grindr to meet up with strangers for sex are gross and that most people on Grindr probably have AIDS. I can't disagree.

    1. YES! I just read the long version on Yahoo and my first thought was that she's right about guys using an app for quick hookups probably are all diseased! And the article I read ended with "ironically Paris became famous for having a sex tape" lolllll
      But she was discouraging her friend from using Grindr which actually sounds smart and caring. (I can't stand her)

  11. If she didn't have to wear blue contacts, she'd be Hitler's dream girl. Is Jesse James still single?

  12. I can hear the final nail pounding into her coffin, and I love it. Paris can't exist without fame, and this is all just wonderful.

    Her rep can spin it any way she wants, Paris is a vicious cunt and deserves every bad thing she gets in life.

  13. Hmm, I really believe her comments were taken out of context. Radar & her publicist share more details into her rant. of course her idiocy lies in her blanket statements, but do we really expect more from this 'genius'?

  14. I hate to admit this, but I'd still rather have Paris back then deal with the Kardashians everyday. At least with Paris, she's upfront about being the trash she is. Kim tries to be so demure and classy. I would love it if a tape like this was leaked about Kim

  15. @Amber: One thing I've noticed is that at the top levels of the Nazi hierarchy, there were very few (if any) who embodied the blonde, blue-eyed Aryan ideal espoused in the party propaganda. Certainly not Hitler! Strange, isn't it?

  16. @Robert
    and Hitler had jewish he should have been on his own hit list..

  17. And how many unsuspecting partners did she give the Herp to...

  18. Sigh....

    She isn't worth my keystrokes...

    Happy Thursday CDANers.

  19. @ Robert & MISCH - It is strange! I actually knew that he had Jewish blood, too. Must've been his father's side, correct?

  20. Isn't her brother Barron Hilton gay?

  21. Talking about anyone like that who suffers with AIDS shows a basic lack of humanity and decency.

    She meets and parties with so many celebrities and musicians, at least some of them must be HIV positive.

    They are going to be very offended when they read her thoughtless remarks.

  22. Get the boat all ready. Time to send this trash and the other boat mates on their cruise.

  23. Has she looked at herself lately??

  24. I think this was also the key to Charles Manson's virulent racism; I've heard that he secretly thought his father (whom he apparently never met) was black. At least with Paris, her hypocrisy is in good company!

  25. Well, it's somewhat true. Back in the 90s there were "white parties". Not sure if they still happen, but it was basically a "have sex with random guys" party.

    Condoms? You must be kidding.

    As a gay friend once put it: guys want to have sex all the time. Put a bunch of gay guys together, and that's what happens. They don't have the hangups about sex that women do.

    That's how it is, I guess.

    1. It's all the testosterone that makes men want more sex. There IS a difference between how much sex men crave verses women but I don't see how it can be understood or explained well enough since a scientist can't feel both ways.

  26. ewwww! sluts are so gross! you know they all have herpes! (see what i did there?)

  27. Boy, I bet she wishes she could put that tape in a cigarette box and hide it in her vagina for a very long time. (that's for longtime CDAN readers). :)

    1. Wasn't that a blind about her? Lol

  28. It shouldn't be legal for cab drivers to record passengers without consent.

    1. They need to record the cab rides for safety. @robert

  29. Hahaha, I remember that one, FS! She really does have a lot of gall!

  30. @Amber
    that I don't know, but I do remember that little fact and it's always stuck with me.

  31. This coming from the woman who has herpes, and fucked Stavros Niarchos in a PORTA POTTY.


  32. @.robert - New York is what is called a one party state, meaning that only one person has to know about the tape recording. So the cab driver was legal. If he did it in say, California or Florida, which are two party states, he'd be in deep trouble.

  33. If cabs couldn't record passengers we would have never been exposed to taxi cab confessions!!!!

    Lol, I don't like Paris, but given the explanation behind it I also think these comments were out of context. Obviously, she has some sort of issue with people who are different because she's taken heat for racist remarks too, but ill let her slide this time.

  34. @SusanB, my point is the cab driver is being employed to drive and not hang out with the passengers. Is the back seat of a cab 'in public'? It just seems sketchy that he records passenger conversations.

    1. Probably only did it because he recognized her

  35. One of my favorite movies, Let it Ride, has Jake Johannsen recording customer conversations. He records some guys talking about a fixed horse race which is the premise of the movie. I'm not sure why I'm mentioning it other than the movie is way more interesting than this racist, homophobic, narcissistic, hypocritical trick.

  36. Can't stand Paris, but 100 percent agree with robert. The fact that the cab driver recorded her and that's being accepted as ok horrifies me. There really is no privacy in this world. Imagine all the shit cab drivers hear on their day-to-day. Isn't it part of their code to just keep their mouths shut?

  37. The person doing the recording has to be part of conversation. You cannot legally record someone else's conversation. The cab drive would have to have been participating in this conversation for the recording to be legal.

  38. There is no going lower than having sex in a portapotty. That is beyond skeevy, beyond description.

    /so grossed out right now

  39. I'm interested in what Perez has to say about this, if he still worships her, haven't been to that site in years.

  40. "Gay guys are the horniest people," she said, munching on a dick.

  41. I try not to use the word 'hate' against living things, but I haaaaaaaaaaaaaate Paris Hilton.

  42. LetLoveRule,
    glad I'm not the only one who remembers that. I swear every time I see a cigarette pack now I think of Paris, the drug smuggler.

  43. I'm just glad she's 99% off the radar. Irrelevance is the best revenge.

    There is nothing she could ever, ever do to make up for letting one or more of her dogs starve to death in a closet. Nothing.


  44. Anonymous1:54 PM

    says the std whore...

  45. Paris is a fucktard but I agree with Grace...I think she was referring to the guys who troll on Grindr (at least the AIDS part).

    @Amber, it was his mother, which may have been yet another source of his mommy issues.

  46. Oh, and did anyone else notice that in real life she doesn't have that shrill little girl voice she uses? Her voice is actually kind of deep.

  47. @katsm0711
    Yes, she let several dogs die all over her house. Ted C revealed that a couple of years ago.

    As for the men being horny, yes it is tied to higher levels of testosterone. There have been studies about monks having lower levels of it and professional sports players more.

  48. Cab drivers often talk with their passengers, that isn't the same as hanging out.

    Doesn't HBO have a whole show based on passengers being recorded?

  49. Regardless of whether is was legal to have recorded it, it was a bitchy, thoughtless mean thing to have said. I don't know how it could have been taken out of context.

    Whether people are meeting on Grindr or Christian Marriage websites, no one deserves to get an illness like AIDS.

  50. The message I hear is her great distain for gay men. My uncle died from AIDS related causes at the beginning of height of the crisis, before Grindr. He was my dearest relative and friend (close to my age). I don't, or rather try not to hate anyone, but I'm having a hard time not disliking her extremely. AIDS is still an enourmous problem that needs funding and drugs and especially in third worlds countries and most important, it needs education. Her statement was beypnd ignorant. Shame on any one of you who thought it was okay to condone her statement regarding Grindr.

  51. So Enty decided not to mention that the real topic of the conversation, the Grindr app. And all of you lining up to heap disdain on her for her slutty ways, I am reasonably sure your average Grindr user has more sex partners in a month than she in her whole life. And Tuxedo Cat, nowhere does she say that *anyone* deserves to get AIDS, if that's what you inferred, blame your own mind.

  52. Using Grindr or other hookup sites/apps doesnt mean that you are going to get HIV (you dont get develops, btw). Some people use condoms when they hookup, some protect themselves in other ways, like using risk reduction measures like :lots of lube (which protects from microtears and greatly reduces risk), only topping, going first (if more than one person is topping same bottom), not allowing people to ejactulate inside of them, or just participating in oral (which is much lower risk). Most of the people that I have seen who hookup have been HIV negative...actually, the largest percentage of positives have been people in relationships, who have had a cheating partner. I work in a clinic btw...

  53. @Tatyana Well, thanks for telling me what I'm thinking.

    You are just playing word games.

    Paris H. is connecting being gay with using Grindr, being horny, being disgusting and dying of AIDS.

    I don't care what she thinks - I think it was a crappy thing for her to have said, especially when she has received so much public support from the gay community over the years.
