Friday, September 21, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Shia LaBeouf meets the co-star he is going to have real sex with repeatedly over the next month. Hope he showers.
Shakira makes her first public appearance since announcing she is pregnant.
Salma Hayek says the secret to looking young is to never wash your face. Mine would smell like bacon then all the time.
The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills.
I love when a family waves together. Naomi Watts has her kids trained well.
Nicole Richie goes all military.
Derek Jeter's ex-girlfriend drags out her jeans from the 80's.
Miley Cyrus keeps trying to buy the passion of Liam Hemsworth. This time a $200K car.
Sharon Stone takes photos of bunnies while her boyfriend take photos of Sharon she can look at later or he can sell.


  1. So many reveals here! Miley for the tweener whose guy is getting tired of her. Wasn't there a blind about an actor not showering? Could it be Shia?

  2. Miley totally bought that car. Liam does not have that kind of $$$ yet.

    Did Salma really say that? I have only gone to bed once since I started wearing makeup without washing my face....I was too sick drunk to do it...but I am obsessive about that!

  3. Shhhh don't scare the Sharon. She is only seen in her wild habitat on rare occasion. Today is photographing her future prey.

    Sharia baby dad be fiiiiiine!

    1. Shakira's baby daddy be fine!!

      Damn phone.

    2. Anonymous2:20 PM

      And she calls him her sunshine!!! He is totally gorgeous!

  4. The real houswives shoot should have been outside in the hot sun so they could all melt away into the shallow plastic messes that they are. On another note I'm looking forward to seeing shia have sex on screen. It's going to be sexy.

  5. Shakira's boyfriend is cute.

    Naomi Watts' kids are cute.

    Nicole Richie is cute.

    And the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills are hideous.

  6. Who is Shia's new costar? Isn't that a blind in there somewhere?

  7. I've heard the "don't wash your face" thing many times. Those who say it usually have AMAZING skin. I wish I could do that, but I'd be way too squicked out.

    1. I have the happy medium about the face eash thingy. Instead of soap, 2/3 parts castor oil, 1/3 part olive oil, cap full of teatree oil. rub that onto your face. Then rinse with face rag and very warm water. Your skin will start to look amazing within a week. NO SOAP EVER! and it gets the makeup off as well. The Castor oil works the way soap does, the olive oil moisturizes, and the tea tree oil helps with pimples. If after a week you find your face is oily adjust adding more castor and less olive. If your face is dry after a week adjust to using more olive and less castor. JUST TRY IT! It is the happy medium to those that say don't wash your face and those of us that can not go without. It is natural and less taxing on the skin. Mr. Lite suffers from razore bumps after shaving and it damn near CURED him.

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      I never wash my face... But I do use a honey mask every few days, an apple cider vinegar w/witch hazel toner in the mornings but my fav thing is coconut oil all the time... Especially before bed! It's heaven

    3. liteNOTSObrite- THANK YOU!!!!!! I am so going to try that! :)

    4. Oh, and I do use coconut oil sometimes, too. I've also heard good things about apple cider vinegar. I'm compiling a shopping list right

    5. I've recently used Manuko (sp?) honey as a cleanser, and lip balm. Also, have started to add to my hair conditioner.

  8. It's supposed to be good to not wash your face every day, but I just can't do it. I need to wash mine, just to feel clean, if nothing else.

  9. As for the real sex thing, it's been done, fairly recently, too, in Michael Winterbottom's 9 Songs. It's been done other times, too, that's just the most recent one I can think of.

    1. The Jane March movie? Ah yes, I remember that one. It was pretty hot.

  10. Salma said to wash your face every night, but not to wash it in the morning as you wash away your natural oils...or something like that.

  11. Anonymous12:40 PM

    In the interview, Salma stresses to not wash your face in the morning and that your essential oils will be taken off. She says fash off your make up at night, but only use water on your face in the morning if you have too.

  12. I never wash my face in the morning. Just at night with a mild cleanser. I only break out during the dark days...:)

  13. OK. I'm going to try it. I'm going to wash my face at night as normal, but not soap it during my morning shower. Who knows, it might actually help my acne. I'vetried everything, why not this. Thanks, Salma. LOL

  14. not washing in the morning, I have heard before.....I use Cetaphil in the morning, and a stronger acne cleanser at skin has been great since I started doing that months ago...

  15. @pinch weasel - for acne try the Retin A. It's good stuff. When you first start using it, it might look worse because it's pulling out all the impurities. After really does work.

    1. Excellent, I will, thanks! I am 37 and STILL have acne all the time. Beyond annoying. Thanks for the recommendation :)

  16. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I am religious about washing my face at night. I have never, ever gone to bed without washing, toning, and moisturizing. In the morning, though, I only use water, no soap, and pat dry. Then it's moisturizer with SPF.

    I'm 43 with zero wrinkles and even skin tone. I rarely have a zit and I almost never wear makeup to work, beyond eyeliner and lip gloss. I may be fat and gray-haired when I don't keep my color up, but I am proud of my skin.

    In other news, Shia is gross and skeeves me out.

  17. actually, Salma has said in interviews that she used to have such bad skin she was ashamed to leave the house, and then ... Accutane.

    1. Why is salma dressed like ex- nun?

  18. Who's in the white dress in the RHoBH pic?

  19. Who's in the white dress in the RHoBH pic?

  20. I was going to ask the same thing Cancan. I thought Camille wasn't on anymore. It doesn't really look like her though. Anyone know who it is?

  21. Cetaphil is the shiz parissucksliterally!

  22. I'm on accurate right now! Amazing stuff...even with the side effects! Sorry for the OT

    1. Accutane...stupid iPhone! :)

  23. Is that Jocelyn Wildenstein in the middle of that RHoBH pic? Christ, Adrienne Maloof, stop with the awful plastic surgery!

  24. For acne put a clean towel over your pillow every night.

  25. I thought most Europeans don't use water-based face cleansers and don't do a lot of face washing like we do here because of stripping the face's natural oils and maybe causing the oil glands to go into overdrive to compensate. Or something like that. Just use a little oil-based cleanser to remove make-up and excess oil and that's that.

    SJP and Nicole need to learn to EAT. Oh and SJP - piling all that hair on yer head makes you look even MORE horsey than before, who knew that was possible?

    Anne looks sooo cute here, such a fabulous dress for her with her short hair.

  26. My old esthetician told me the same thing -- wash only at night -- only she stressed that it was for people with normal-to-dry skin. For me and my very oily skin, she advised me to wash at night TWICE and then lightly again in the morning, although if it still felt fresh, I could just rinse with water.

    The funny thing is that I haven't been able to afford a facial for over three years, I sometimes forget to even wash at night, and I have fewer problems now than I did then. Go figure.

  27. Remember when SNL did a spoof about the Real Housewives of Disney, and it was a bunch of Disney princesses? That's what I thought that RHOBH pic was. They all seem to be in Disney princess gowns.

  28. I don't wash my face at all (except in the shower every other day) and I have really good skin.

  29. I use Yes to Carrots nourishing facial cleanser ever night. It completely took care of the dry skin I got last winter. I'm a fan for life. The Yes to Tomatoes is the acne line, I've never used any of it though.

    Oh Shia, I liked you until you outed yourself as an angry, drunk, smelly douche.

    Shakira's bf is a hottie!

    Naomi's little boys are cuties.

    Can't imagine spending that much on a car, even if I had millions. I'd be vacationing all the time though.

  30. I use sensitive/unscented baby wipes to remove makeup (the rare times I wear it) and Pond's cold cream to "wash" at night (my grandmother used this and had beautiful skin). I use Alba pineapple scrub in the shower and then moisturize with L'occitane shea butter hand cream (yep...on my face). Three times a week, I use Retin A at night. I have always had great skin, if I do say so myself ;) (I was the one in reader photos that several of you were kind enough to comment on my skin). Someone else said European women don't use soap to wash (or something like that)...that's what my mom taught me (she has always used plain baby oil as a makeup remover and moisturizer). I use a dab of over the counter cortisone cream if I start to get a like a charm.

    Oh, and sunscreen. Preferably from a young age (although I do tan my body).

    Not that anyone asked....

  31. Forget Shia showering. I hope his co-star delouses. Hourly.

  32. All this skin advice, I'm jotting everything down. I thought I'd tried everything, but obviously not. I have NEVER had good skin; hopefully I'll have luck with some of these suggestions :)

  33. My head is going to explode with excitement from all these skincare tips !!

  34. Rose hip seed oil!!! It works wonders!

  35. How much is that poor girl being paid to engage in intimate relations with greasy Shia LeDouche? Cuz it can't be worth it, the only way I'd hit that would be with a sharp stick from a long distance away.
    Do very much believe that Saint Angie was engaged in not simulated S-E-X with then very hot Antonio Banderas on camera in craziest 2001film mess I have ever seen, "Original Sin". Best WTF part is when Antonio starts french kissing Thomas Jane.

  36. Also, Tea Tree Oil works wonders.

  37. Ah, beauty tips in the comments, one of the nicest things to come home to on a Friday night...thanks, gang, and happy last day of summer to all of us!

  38. @unknown
    Do you use the rose hip oil as a cleanser, or moisturizer, or ??? I have used coconut oil and jojoba oil, but I am curious about the rose hip now that you mention it :) BTW, I am the commenter who is obsessed with face creams (and linking to them on this site)

    @pinch weasel
    I have always had mild breakouts, but when my skin went nuts about 10 years ago I started doing egg yolk masks every few days and this really helped. My skin is more oily, so not sure how it would work if your skin is dry.

    Also, I'm not sure what your budget is, but I have had great luck with the Rodan and Fields Unblemish regimin, as well as the Peter Thomas Roth products. Both lines are pricey, but when you feel badly about your skin and can cut back elsewhere, they are well worth it :)

  39. Ha! You didn't disappoint me Sunny - I kinda suspected you'd be happy with all these tips.

  40. Surfer
    I was almost hoping you didn't see my posts tonight! You and Roman Holiday know what a freakazoid I am about this stuff (well, at least the ones that have been lovingly honest about it!)

  41. Don't worry Sunny - your secrets are safe with us, lol!

  42. Isn't it considered porn when the actors are actually having sex? Just because there is an actual plot, doesn't make it much different. I really don't see why they actually need to do the deed, rather than simulate it. It doesn't make it any more "artsy".

  43. I used to have severe acne to the point where I had a large purple swath of skin on the left side of my face that I used to bleach out with age-spot creams. I used the creams for seven years until that area finally faded on its own. I still have mild pitting on that temple. Still have oily skin too.

    Still have acne too, but finally got it under control in my late teens with a two month course of doxycycline antibiotic. Tetracycline is often used, but a lot of studies indicate its cousin, doxycycline, works better.

    I use Retin A cream once a week (used to use it every 3rd day), and tea tree oil for problem areas and on break-outs. But that seldom happens now. The Retin A keeps top layers of skin sloughed off, and helps prevent clogged oil glands. I switched to once a week Retin A because I wanted to use tea tree oil too and both are too harsh to use together. Love tea tree oil...

    My brother is out in the sun a lot and cannot tolerate Retin A, but found the tea tree oil worked like magic for him.

    I use Cetaphil as my cleanser morning & night too. It's awesome.
    It cleanses, but doesn't strip the skin. Stripping the skin aggravates acne, and increases oil production, unfortunately.

    And finally, egg masks (with the yolk) work because of the concentration of vitamin A (retin A) in it.

    So, after all of this, I'm 50 and my skin looks amazing. Thanks to avoiding the sun (due to taking sun-sensitive drugs (doxy & Retin A), and the beneficial effects of Retin A, I have no wrinkles. N O N E. The retin A certainly contributed to my skin retain elasticity.

    I look 35. My skin glows, though I attribute my eating lots of veggies and Greens+ to that.

    It's awesome to get the double-take when I give someone my birth date (medical folks etc). I have co-workers who are 10 years younger than me who lecture me on things to expect when I get older because they are absolutely convinced they are older than me. LOL. I never let on.

  44. Sorry about the typos.

    One other thing. I use Retin A on my entire body every two weeks. Not trying to be silly here, but the skin on my ass is gorgeous ;-)

    Have stretch marks? Scars? Retin A greatly reduces the appearance of them because it promotes collagen.

    I have stretch marks on my stomach and breasts, and Retin A greatly minimizes them.

  45. One final comment - if you use Retin A cream, stay out of the sun, and use the strongest sun screen you can find. Your skin will be very sensitive to sunlight.

  46. yeah, real sex scenes have been done before; its called porn.

    as for hollywood skin, they have work done. i have a frind that just had one of those lazer peels. $3k and it burns the crap out of your face. looks like a burn victim. by 2 months it will start to look better. at 6 months it will look great. with the money thoes people have, i doubt theur skin washing routine has much to do with how they look.

  47. @ me- part of how the laser peels work is that it promotes collagen production. Long term use of retin A does the same thing. With someone in their 30's starting now, the results won't be as dramatic, but it works.

    But yes, I agree with you. How you wash your face (generally) won't have a dramatic outcome with your looks.

  48. Everyone is talking about skin care and I'm thinking... Does Liam still have that awesome Muscle Car?

  49. She did buy him a McLaren. I guess the muscle car is like a Pinto by comparison.

    Liam, I would be glad to take the Teal Muscle Car off your hands. I am Making A Wish :)


  50. I think we are in agreement that Shia does not wash his face at night or in the morning :-)

  51. Adding to the facial cleanser comments - I use an over the counter face wash for oily skin on my face and ears each morning but during the summer I find that I need to exfoliate about once a week. I keep a plastic container of baking soda in the shower and add that to a squirt of my facial cleanser. The apricot scrubs and some of the other scrubs were too hard on my skin (including sugar scrubs) but the baking soda has a very fine consistency and does a nice job of exfoliating without making me feel like a layer of skin has been whipped off my face.

  52. These skin comments are DELICIOUS!!

    I only wish everyone would say what type of skin they have and also maybe their enviornment as these both play a large role in what "works" for someone.

  53. Porn is not sex. Nope.

    I don't use soap. Also, lots of greens (not just the eating kind, lol).

    I don't go out in the sun without SPF 5 zillion. I'm pale pale Irish, so I cannot tan. Only burn and get cancer. Night swimming is fun... even better if naked. :D
