Friday, September 21, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

AnnaLynne McCord looks really good here as she does a Jolie. On purpose.
Would you let Lindsay Lohan babysit your 3 year old?
Australia turns out in force for Kim Kardashian. Nothing better to do?
Kristin Cavallari says she has lost all her baby weight plus some in the month since she gave birth.
Jerry Seinfeld and his wife out on Broadway to see
Jake Gyllenhaal. Actually off-Broadway.
Jack Black takes his kid to Disneyland while Fez keeps the other guests away.
Sarah Jessica Parker with the orange one, Valentino.
Also at the same event was Anne Hathaway in a very floral, see thru dress and no bra.


  1. What the heck happened to jake??

  2. Who let LiLo around their child?!?!?!

  3. Crap, is Lindsay stealing kids now?

  4. I think the kid is babysitting lilo, lol. Kristen looks emaciated. Hope shes healthy. Jake looks hot- i love that scruffy look. Sjp looks pretty. Doesnt mr orange hv a mirror? Love ann hathaway. How much of a fun dad must jack black be ??

  5. Ha Valentino is stepping on SJP's Valentino.

  6. Who the fuck is stupid enough to let Blowhan NEAR their child, let alone HOLD him?

    Call CPS. NOW.

  7. i lost all my baby weight plus some in the hospital still with the first...wont happen with the 2nd :P

  8. Lohan's face is so fleshy. Her body is skinny but she has a fleshy face.

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      I believe the term is "jowls"

  9. It like every filler and plumper shifted in Lilo's face at the exact moment this photo was taken.

  10. I finally figured out what Lohan's lips are morphing into: The Creature from the Black Lagoon!

  11. Anne looks so skinny in that photo, moreso than usual.

  12. I would ravage Jake G. My bf has a big beard. It's sexy!

  13. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Wow, there is so much to snark on here! I'm in heaven!

    Anne's dress is hideous, as is SJP's. Jessica Seinfeld's is ugly and unflattering. And again, booties+dress=stumpification. The dropped hemline makes it even worse. Her legs look about 8 inches long.

    Won't someone do a tannervention for Valentino? He looks ridiculous.

    Shut up, Kristin. No one cares. P.S., your baby daddy is a whiny little bitch.

    Seriously, Australia? I don't get it. I wouldn't take one extra step to see a Kartrashian. I would, however, take MANY extra steps to AVOID seeing one.

    I don't know who let LiLo within 10 yards of their child, but they need to be reported to CPS for child endangerment immediately. I wouldn't trust that trick with a doll, let alone a real-life person!

    AnnaLynne, you look just as stupid as Angelina did, but you don't have her face to distract us from the dumb pose. And the fake hair looks like a horse's mane.

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      You are on fire today. It is hilarious

  14. Jake is rocking that 1970's keg party couture.

    I hate Anne Hathaway because she looks just like somebody in my life I feel like slapping the shit out of. Poor's not her fault, I guess.

  15. I wouldn't let Lilo look at a picture of my 3 year old, let alone touch him.

    SJP reminds me of the old pictures I've seen of the Duchess of Windsor - remember her?

  16. Anne Hathaway looks awful. That dress does not suit her in the least. She always seems like she is trying too hard.

  17. It was nice of Jessica Seinfeld to comb her hair before she left the house. o_O

  18. Oops, hit return too soon.

    Anne Hathaway looks like a giraffe. It would be hilarious if there was a tree next to her and her face was picking at the leaves.

  19. Jake G. looks like he could totally do a Springsteen bio-pic. Let's make this happen.

  20. argh, I totally put my comments on SJP and Anne on the wrong thread!

    Okay, I dislike Anne a lot but I actually like this dress on her with her short hair. She's tall and has a long neck and I dunno I like the flowing lines of it and the darkness with the colors and her wispy dark hair. I guess I'm sick of all the cocktail dress that barely cover the biscuits.

    Why does SJP constantly pile her hair on her head and make herself look even MORE horsey than she already does? Does she enjoy being a meme?

    Does Lilo stuff childrens in her chins like squirrels stuff nuts in their cheeks? Maybe Nicole Kidman should try this for her lips?

  21. Didn't Kim get in trouble the last time she was in Australia after the divorce announcement for lying about her reasons for being there (work or pleasure)? I guess they let her back in...they can keep her btw.

  22. I would blow up that pic of Valentino to put out as part of my Halloween decorations. Scary!

  23. Babysit? no. Let her around a child? Sure why not. She's not a molester or murderer. She has substance abuse issues, lighten up.

    Alarmist much?

  24. WTH is Jessica Seinfeld wearing? That is some ugly shit.

    And I wouldn't let Lindsey touch my kid with a 10 foot, antibiotic soaked, pole.

  25. Anne Hathaway's dress is fugly. BUT looking closely at the photo (very, very closely) it appears the pink shade on two of the flowers up top comes from beneath the fabric, if you knowhatimean. For this I am thankful to Entward, as the rest of this day has sucked ass.

  26. I was thinking the same thing, jax. I'm sure LOTS of us on here have family members with substance abuse issues. Do we not let them talk to, hug, play with our children at Christmas or whatever? Perhaps not, but still, you get my point.

    Come on...we don't know that she's even "babysitting" in that photo. Maybe the kid's mom is her friend and she's a few feet ahead. Wow.

  27. (Or friends. Doesn't just have to be family. Y'all get my drift, I'm sure...)

  28. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Unlike America Aussies don't know that kin is famous for being pissed on by a -----z list rapper and the general public only know very limited info about the family as they just aren't as big here. However, I'm disappointed that there was a turn out for her appearance and that the media outlets have been flooded by her. Aussies dont have any reality stars -minus a very few, maybe one.

    Melbournes CDB and shopping center always looks like this and they put her in a small places so it looks like a massive turnout. Half these people were probably just walking by and saw the crowd.

    Anyone else think that Kanye west's new sex tape is verrrrrry convenient? Doesn't look good that it's a married woman involved who happens to be 18. I'm sure they will go on shows together and say that they are victims blah blah blah.... I wonder is kris directed this one too?? It's just to ironic and contrived to be real - we'll see why they released it in a few days when they release a statement with the spin! Maybe he's selling condoms?

  29. In case any of you were doubting whether Dina was a POS:

  30. A "normal" person with substance abuse issues is one thing. LL is an entitled piece of shit who'd sue Isaac Newton's Estate if she dropped the kid.

  31. It's not the substance abuse problems that would make me keep my kid away from her (my dad has "issues" and he is allowed around my kiddo; supervised,, of course).

    She just seems so...unsanitary.

  32. So kristen is onthe postpardum(sp?) coke diet? I wish I had time to comment on the rest. Some real gems here!

  33. Jerry Seinfeld is still very cute. His wife though... ooof. What is with that get-up?

    1. Lol! You and others right! I meant to comment on jessica seinfeld. She never looks nice, and while shes not a knockout, she isnt hopeless. She sure never went hollywood!! I think shes strictly involved with her kids, gusband, and her charities, not the red carpet.

  34. Carla I feel bad for the folks in Melbourne, because I read Sydney papers and I didn't even know she was here.

  35. @Texshan..YOU are replacing Vicki Cupper as the funny girl..
    speaking of, where has she gone?

  36. Annalynne looks good? Really Enty, did you have too many drinks at an Endeavor party today?

  37. Yikes, worst outfit win,(yes, a lot of great contenders today!)goes hands down to noted sociopath Nina Jessica Sklar Nederlander Seinfeld. Changing her first name & marrying for $$$, deciding right after honeymoon to score more $$$ with guy at gym named Seinfeld, lying all the time about everything under the sun hasn't bought her any fashion sense. Ooh, that thing hurts my eyes. Bet Jerry is thinking wistfully back to the glory days when he was doing underage 17 year old Shoshanna Lonstein, who is still hotter than hell. Check out her style, clean lines, pure beauty.

    1. Shoshanna lonstein- the only woman who never aged in the 3 or 4 yrs of dating seinfeld, lol. Still referred to as "17 yr old"' lol

    2. And nederlaner is on 3 rd or 4th wife , and in and out of court fitr stalking and abuse and my fave, " anger issues". He's a bit of psycho it turns out. So mb she had good reason to get out. She comes from money, so i dont think thats a motivation.

  38. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Thanks, Sherry. Vicki and I got into it a few weeks ago in the epic "Republicans are all evil assholes" thread, and I haven't seen her around much since then. I don't think I had anything to do with it, since I'm sure my opinion means less than nothing to her, but she has definitely been playing least-in-sight lately.

    I guess I'm the asshole because I would not let a person carrying on a torrid love affair with alcohol and multiple illegal drugs hang out with my hypothetical children. (Shrugs shoulders.) But she also seems like a filthy coont, a raging bitch, and someone not even nominally acquainted with reality. Kids are easily influenced, and I wouldn't want her crazy rubbing off on my kid. Along with her various diseases.

  39. It's not even about the drugs, people shouldn't let cunty entitled assholes near their kids. Pretty simple.

    hey, isn't Seinfeld's wife the one that plagiarized a cookbook? he sure can pick 'em.

    1. Actually, altho it seems that way, the woman who sued lost in court.

  40. ooh, forgot to snark on how why the fuck is it that the top so-called experts on fashion are soooo unfashionable?

    Uhhhh, Valentino? YOU ARE FUCKING ORANGE! Kunty Karl is a freak box and one step from upstaging Nikki Minaj. I kinda don't get it. You shouldn't be a world-famous designer and look like Snookie's baby daddy.

  41. Hazeldazel, you be on fire today. Kunty Karl couldn't be Snookie's baby daddy though cuz he has zero interest in female parts. Other than criticizing them.

  42. I hope Blohan is not driving anywhere with that poor child.

    I would let Honey Boo Boo (with no supervision) babysit my child before I would let Blohan look after it / her.

  43. Anne: Why did you cut your hair? It doesn't work on you.

    Carla I hope you're right because I am disgusted seeing the words "Kim Sluttrashian" and "Australia turns out in force" in the same sentence

    Mrs. Seinfeld dumped her brand new husband, stole a cookbook someone else submitted to her for publication and is supposedly stepping out on Mr. Seinfeld with some executive. More trash

  44. PugsterMom: you & me be the secret girlfriends the Goopster doesn't have, despite her fab comfy $600 part cashmere leggings. Word up in Anne's hair, ALL OF YOU STOP THE HATE, not her fault. She is playing the role of Fantine in Les Miserables, her head was shaved for the part. Unlike some actresses, cough cough "Jodie Foster"-Anne decided not to fake having a bald head by wearing a flesh colored skull cap."With the release of the trailer for "Les Misérables," the change in actress Anne Hathaway is startling. As French peasant Fantine in the musical film adaptation of Victor Hugo's 1862 novel, we'll see Hathaway shorn; downtrodden; and, apparently, look as though she's actually starving. So how did the "Dark Knight Rises" actress take on this coveted role? In three words: authentically, scandalously, and simply.
    Though actresses with trademark looks often opt for wigs when roles call for short hair, Hathaway went for authenticity and chopped hers off. In April of 2012she was caught ducking into a nightclub with her new extremely cropped hairdo." It is growing out, that is all. She also starved herself down to be emaciated as Fantine. I think she is wearing wacky dresses trying to get peeps off the topic of her hair. She could just get a weave put in a la Blohan. See, that doesn't sound right, does it? Send her some love, girl was hungry & chopped off her hair for her craft.

    Though the photos show her looking somewhat self-conscious about her new look, Hathaway's commitment to her craft is clear. There would be nothing worse than seeing a wig line while watching the actress sing the iconic "I Dreamed a Dream," the song that plays throughout the trailer. With the scrutiny she's sure to receive undertaking this part, Hathaway was wise to start with realism.

  45. Understanding that Anne's hair is growing out, she goes for a similar look on the red carpet at times: hair severely pulled back and minimal make-up except some hard red lipstick.

    It's like someone once told her (and Maggie Gyllenhall) that they had great bones and that the look would be attractive on them. In reality you get a pale blob sticking out of a ball gown.

    I think this dress swallows her. I don't even want to think about being able to see her nipples. Gross.

  46. @Pugster, you don't know jack. Jessica Seinfeld was involved with, and married to, a guy who is a bit of a monster. Know anything about it? Well, go do yourself a favor and Google his name. Until I realized the long, abusive rap sheet he's accumulated in his life, I faulted her for dumping him. After I read up, however, my opinion changed - especially given the monied family she was dealing with (from which he comes). Jerry seems to have offered her a very safe haven for her, and in spite of the oddness of their initial pairing, they seem happy.

    Oh, and last point: The lawsuit against her regarding the cookbook was thrown out of court. Get. Over. It.

  47. Yay! Good for Jake. He's doing real actor-y things. Maybe he had forgoten why he wanted to become an actor in the first place, with all the crap that goes on in Hollywood.

  48. Thought Jake was in Hollywood for all the guys! snark*snark

  49. Dewie, auntliddie, lay off my PugsterMum. You be taken in by act of former Nina Sklar, that don't change the facts. The cookbook concept of sneaking in healthy food so kiddies think you cooked it all wholesome like:do you think former Nina Sklar now renamed Jessica Seinfeld cooks for her kiddies at all? See, the person who likes lawsuits is the one with the most money, that doesn't mean their cause is just. Wear other party down with unending amounts of lawyering, all sorts of results will ensue. Jessica didn't win in the public sense, cuz concept is such a howler. She doesn't cook for her kids, she don't clean, she can't even keep a nanny. On another site, many a tale be told re: married to someone very rich, has kids, no reputable agency will send anyone over as her behavior is so abusive that no sum of $$$ will buy the help Jerry's princess requires cuz she don't take care of the kids, cook, clean, drive them, etc. All she does is dress up & go to parties. Fine if you have the money, lot of rich live that way, point is no one will work for her. Ask yourself why? I remember an ad that was run on Craigslist looking for social secretary of Very Important Person, posted as blind..cuz that is not where you find Social Secretary...every answer was same, Nina Sklar does it again, no one will work for her. Look at fugly dress, maybe she burned her last bridge with decent stylist. No designer wants to freebie her anymore. As for the l'affair Nederlander, he turned into quite the nutball AFTER he spent 5 years with Nina/Jessica, put a lot of money into making her look the part she wanted to play, married her & got dumped right after she got back from honeymoon. Perhaps such betrayal pushed him over the edge? If he was always such a ragemonster, odd that poor little Nina waited 5 years to graft all she could until she was all fixed up & just back from Honeymoon to suddenly attach herself to the big step up. She gets nothing but disdain from me, even the Goopster has plenty of the French speaking nannies, gardeners,& chaffeurs, etc. Jerry always gets a free pass, something strange besides his big head in man who felt entitled to be engaging in statutory rape of beautiful Shoshanna who married quite a cutie & still looks very young & beautiful. Perhaps Jerry & Jessica are perfect for one another because they are 2 of a kind. I mean that as it sounds, not a complimentary remark.Their world, real world, different places.

  50. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Maybe LiLo's sugardaddy is ready to wife her and is letting her meet his son?

  51. kelgela, at last someone who realizes that Blohan doesn't steal babies.Yes, that little one is the son of one of her special friends & it is not the one in CA who said she didn't steal from me because everything I have is hers, too. This is the artsy super rich NYC guy named Domingo Zapata, who must have desired to up the ante by demonstrating his undying love with the performance art statement: everything I have is hers, too AND that includes my little boy. Real question is what does she do with these guys that make them want her so much?

  52. I've read enough about "Jessica" Seinfeld to agree with "M". Thanks for that detailed post, M!

  53. ureallyannoyme, bringing up Maggie Gyllenhall? Ugh, now, you have really annoyed me. Unlike her handsome brother of whatever sexual orientation, she combines fugly butterface with bizarre strut prancing jutting pelvis forward into something guys find sexy. Plus she has babies with the Peter who is a fine actor dude. Have always suspected there is a 3some kind of strange thing going on there. Can never figure out why anyone gets sexy vibe from her. Think she is in need of the sex due to odd situation, but sexy, not feeling it.

  54. Anne looks stunning in that dress. That might be my favorite look of hers ever. It all working for me.

  55. violet, thanks for the co-sign. The Craigslist ad for A Social Secretary For Busy VIP was a true marvel.

  56. Anne looks like an idiot with that hair. She's not Michelle Williams, and wearing Michelle's haircut isn't going to confuse us into thinking she is a better actress than she actually is. Plus, she doesn't have the face for it and looks like a demented Peter Pan
